Lux's Farewell

Chapter 628 [0620] 1 tear up the script

Although I don't know what Jarvan IV is doing, LeBlanc can confirm that the script carefully designed by himself and Vladimir can already be thrown into the trash at this time.

The second male lead in the love triangle has not waited for a chance to appear on the stage for four years, and the first female lead is about to join the leadership team. What's more, the first male lead suddenly said, "I have the ability to fulfill you, it's time to set off the show." The table is up!"

What the hell, how did everything get to this point?

Obviously the relationship between Jarvan IV and himself is getting better and better, what made him make up his mind and suddenly turned the table over?
Could it be that he noticed something?
Is it because my actions against Fossbarrow this time are a bit too obvious?
No, it shouldn't be like this, the cause of all this was caused by the Silent Man, and that dragon belonged to Fossbarrow—although I don't know why the whereabouts of the giant dragon could not be found afterwards, but this incident Why can't you get in touch with yourself, right?
Faced with the change of Jarvan IV's attitude, LeBlanc was surprised and happy on the surface, but in his heart he turned back and forth. Seeing Jarvan IV's insistence, he even invited his "father" , the only thing she can do is tear up the script and adapt accordingly.

Fortunately, LeBlanc, a Noxus veteran, is very good at adapting to the situation-as a professional actor, LeBlanc is actually very good at doing small things.

After all, she'd been doing it long before she betrayed Mordekaiser.

However, the premise of being low and small is to have complete control of the situation. Only when the situation is completely under control can LeBlanc feel the pure joy of acting and deceit.

There is no shame in pretending to be a fool and lying to a real fool.

But this time was different, Jarvan IV's sudden attack made her a real fool!
This drama shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this!

Although facing "father", LeBlanc vividly showed the stubbornness, persistence and sentiment of a girl who cared about her lover and motherland, but deep down in her heart, LeBlanc was about to explode.

You bastards who don't follow the script, forced me to tear up the script, forced me to add such a useless scene, I will definitely get revenge later, I swear!
The raging anger in his heart did not affect LeBlanc's perfect performance at all. In the end, the rivalry between the father and daughter ended with a very touching mutual complaint, father and daughter relieved, and hugged and cried.

The father finally forgave his daughter's recklessness, and was reluctantly willing to face this somewhat distorted love objectively.

The daughter also expressed her understanding for her father and her deep love for Demacia.

Seeing this scene, even Jarvan IV, who was silent beside him, had slightly reddened eyes—such a scene of deep love between father and daughter, forbearance for the country, reminded him of his own father .

I remembered when my father asked me to embark on a journey to the peak, and when my father took my hand and carefully reminded me.

Finally, Count Davill, who silently wiped away his tears, accepted the fact that his daughter would not become Queen of Demacia.

However, he still seems quite dissatisfied with the lover that his daughter said was "deeply fettered by the family and unable to show loyalty".

This time it may not be due to family enmity, but it seems to have a taste of personal grievances.

It is foreseeable that Vladimir will also face an acting test in the near future.

And it's the father-in-law who is extremely difficult to perform.

Hey - thinking about it makes my teeth ache.


LeBlanc and Vladimir tore up the script.

On the other hand, in Fossbarrow, when Lux received the news, she was fully prepared to tear up the script.

The news was brought back by the Dragon Bird Knight——after [Carrier Pigeon] was killed and Shyvana was reported, Haguire simply activated the official channel to deliver a plain letter to Fossbarrow through the Dragon Bird Knight.

Since the letter was in plain text, there was no mention of the death of the pigeon, but an objective description of the tax increase and the dispute that took place outside the warehouse that night.

Even if this letter falls into the hands of someone with a heart, it is worthless.

After reading the letter, Lux quickly stood up.

Although according to Haguier, Shyvana is fine, it seems that everything is just a misunderstanding, but this is enough to make Lux completely nervous.

What is Jarvan IV going to do?
Did he discover something?

Is this tax increase unintentional, or intentional?

Is the inspection of Shyvana a coincidence and misunderstanding, or a temptation and limitation?
Now the reliable information transmission channel between Fossbarrow and Xiongdu has failed. Although the chamber of commerce should have set off with Haguire's information letter, if this information wants to be sent back to Fossbarrow, I am afraid that at least Another ten days.

Will there be any changes in these ten days?
Everything is unknown.

In the absence of information, Lacus became more impatient as she thought about it, so that when she picked up her saber, the first thing she said was "Does Fossbarrow prepare to mobilize?"

"Mobilization?" Kalya froze for a moment, "Why mobilize?"

Only then did Lacus realize that Kalya didn't know what happened, so she took out Haguire's letterhead again, and told her worries and speculations, and then eagerly waited for Kalya's answer.

However, unlike the somewhat anxious Lacus, Kalya remained calm after reading the letter.

"Oh, it's not a big deal." He spoke at a leisurely pace, as if he just heard that there was mushroom soup for dinner, "Xiongdu only thinks about the northern border at this time, and he is already very slow."


"There has been such a big battle in the northern border, and it is normal for Xiongdu to react." Carya said in a cheerful tone, "This is just the beginning. Later, the northern border will become more and more integrated as a whole." Appear, His Majesty the King will soon be restless!"


When Lux heard this, she was stunned for a moment, and then a helpless smile finally appeared on her face: "I am concerned about it, and I am confused—yes, this kind of targeting will happen sooner or later."

"It's not about caring, it's about chaos, it's about not being calm enough." Kalya corrected, "It's a good thing to be motivated, but don't be too impulsive, think twice before acting!"

Facing the teacher's criticism, Lacus could only nod in agreement.

"Let's talk about it." Seemingly satisfied with Lux's attitude, Kalya continued to test the school, "Next, how should we deal with it?"

"As for the warehouse being inspected and framed, we should show a tough attitude." After thinking for a moment, Lux gave the answer, "We have a reason for this matter, so we must not let it go easily."

"What about the transaction tax?"

"The transaction tax has been approved by the noble council..." When it came to the transaction tax, Lux also felt a little headache, "Isn't it impossible for us to ignore the resolution of the noble council?"

"This seems like a lot of trouble." Carya continued to guide, "But is there no solution to this trouble?"

"There should be." Lux blinked, and her eyes fell on the map of Demacia hanging on the wall, "Well, let me think about it..."

"Do you need a hint?"

"No, no need." Lux shook her head decisively, "I already have an idea!"

"Quite fast—tell me!"

"In terms of procedure, there is no problem with the resolution passed by the noble council." Under Kalya's years of teaching, Lacus has gradually become comfortable with these issues, "However, not all noble councils pass the resolution." All resolutions can be implemented smoothly.”

"Well said." Carya said happily, "Continue!"

"This resolution was passed easily, mainly because the participating nobles had no relevant interests." Lacus analyzed in detail, "For the members of the noble council, this resolution is insignificant, so it can be passed easily-only Foss Bad luck for Barrow."

"So, how can we make this resolution impossible to implement?"

"Let more people lose their interests because of this resolution." Lacus narrowed his eyes. "Perhaps, we can give a certain share of the northern border trade like the opening of Xinfu Port?"

"The idea is good." Kalya praised, "However, now that this resolution has been passed, if you allocate a part of the trade share at this time, it is clear that others are tied to your own chariot. I am afraid that some people will not Wouldn't be very happy!"

"But the profits from trade in the northern border are real." Lux looked at the Freljord on the northern edge of the map, "No noble will refuse this extra income, and if all the nobles of the northern border resist Tax increases, even if it is a resolution passed by the noble council, can be quickly overturned."

"It's a good idea to lure people with profits, but what do you plan to do with the assurance of profits?"

"This...haven't thought about it yet."

"I have a good idea." Although Lacus only has a general idea now and has no perfect plan, Kalya is already very satisfied with her reaction, "We can open up the right to purchase fur."

"The right to purchase fur?" Lux was stunned for a moment, "Isn't the tax increase on food?"

"That's right, the tax increase is food." Kalya chuckled, "You are a model nobleman, how could you shift the responsibility to other nobles when facing tax increases?"

"However, if other nobles are also eligible to buy furs, but we need to bear the extra tax for selling grain, wouldn't we have suffered all the losses ourselves?"

"It's a model of nobility, it's certain to suffer." Kalya continued with a smile, "But don't forget, the Freljord doesn't recognize Demacia gold coins!"

If you don't admit it, don't admit it, they will definitely trade with ice gold coins-wait a minute, ice gold coins?
"Have you thought about it?" Seeing the suddenly enlightened expression on Lacus's face, Kalya no longer kept it secret, "It's too obvious to directly pull the nobles of the northern border into the northern border trade and let them resist Xiongdu together. It is also too easy to fall into the trap of telling the truth and leave a story behind."

"So we have to be more tactful?"

"It's not tactful, it's honesty!" Kalya corrected, "We took the share of the tax increase, and even took the initiative to share some of the fur purchase rights with other northern nobles. This is what a model nobleman should have. demeanor!"

"You don't need to bear the cost of tax increases, and you can also join the northern trade system. They will definitely prepare ice gold coins to buy high-quality furs." Lux has fully understood what Kalya meant, "And we are ice gold coins. As the sole issuer, relying on the profits from minting coins, we can not only make up for the loss of paying additional taxes, but even make a lot of money, while further strengthening the circulation of ice gold coins.”

"A trivial economic means." Carya concluded calmly, "But for these country bumpkins in the north, it is enough-even if they notice something is wrong, we can turn around and push the problem to the public. Go to Xiongdu, after all, we have faithfully paid a huge amount of taxes!"

"...Mr. Kalya, I like your plan very much, but please don't use such high-sounding adjectives?" Lacus sighed helplessly, "I'm a little disgusted."

"It's more disgusting, you get used to it." Kalya snorted, "As for Xiongdu, you don't have to worry too much, just let Haguiel be careful."

"But what if Xiongdu continues to make trouble?" Lux narrowed his eyes, "If they continue to restrict us through the noble council..."

"That's what I want." Carya's tone was slightly expectant, "If Jarvan IV still has a little sense, he won't make an inch—and if he really makes an inch out of his wits, then the nobles Will be on your side soon."

"The nobles are also our enemies."

"That's right, but they currently control the main order of Demacia." Carya continued, "If the nobles have to unite around you to deal with the king's pressure, then their order will soon be destroyed. into the shape of Fossbarrow."


"After completing the basic transformation of the grassroots order, you can kick them away without any psychological burden." Carya also gave an example by the way, "During the Battle of Tobyssia, Jarvan IV In this way, the military power of the coalition was collected—believe me, as long as Fossbarrow manages properly, any political force that moves closer to us will be stained with our colors in terms of economic order and grassroots organizations.”

"To be honest, reason tells me that this is feasible." Lux finally shrugged, "But as a Demacian, I sometimes feel that this kind of change comes a little too quickly, and it is easy for people to be caught off guard."

"This is just the beginning." Carya said softly, "Affecting the economy of the northern border, grasping the lifeline of the northern border, influencing customs and habits, uniting the front of the northern border, completely replacing other lords in the northern border - you have just finished halfway, This is the safest way with the least impact, and it's already slow enough, when I was young... tsk tsk tsk!"

Minting profit of Carya's Little Classroom Ice Gold Coin:
Although the raw materials of ice gold coins are valuable, but because they are usually used as the trading currency of bulk commodities, the value of the currency is even more amazing-currently, the seigniorage of Fossbarrow ice gold coins is about 73%, just to consider economic reasons, plus There should be limited scenarios, so the number of releases is not much.

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