Lux's Farewell

629 [0621] Sun Fook Kong Reunion

No one in Xiongdu paid much attention to the increase in trade tax, but when the news spread to the northern border and spread with embellishment under the guidance of the intelligence team, many northern lords became subtly dissatisfied.

If we increase taxes on grain exports today, will we also increase taxes on fur imports tomorrow?

Relying on the fact that the nobles in the northern border cannot stay in Xiongdu, and directly promulgate the policy of attacking the northern border through the noble council, it is clear that they are bullying no one in the northern border court!

We are kingdom barriers!

The products in the northern border were poor, and finally got some income, so the royal family jumped out to pick peaches...

We northern nobles never got involved in the affairs of the noble council before. Instead, we were the first to respond to the king's call after the Noxus invaded!
Of course, it's just dissatisfaction.

To make an example to the monkeys——Count Laxanna was the one who was beaten. Although everyone felt a little bit hurt by others, it was not enough to stand out for Fossbarrow.

Rather than worrying about Earl Laxana, these nobles are more concerned about whether Fosbarrow, who has to pay heavy taxes, will take back the right to use Xinfu Port.

If you judge others by yourself... If there is a big discount on income, Earl Laxanna is likely to seek compensation elsewhere!

This is not what they want to see!
Then, in the midst of all this wild speculation, Forsbarrow issued an invitation to a party.

As we all know, every time Earl Laxana held a banquet, he had his own clear purpose—so, after receiving the invitation to the banquet, the nobles in the northern border rushed to Forsbarrow in person without any hesitation to participate in the banquet .

After all, at the last banquet, Laxana shared part of the profits of Sun Fook Kong with the "United Northerners". The nobles who have tasted the sweetness will definitely not give up this opportunity!
As a result, Sun Fook Kong is about to welcome a lot of big shots like it was a year ago!

This year's Xinfugang is a bit more prosperous than last year's - or, this port city, now has a rare fireworks.

If last year's Sun Fook Kong looked more like a well-designed real estate model from a height, then this year's Sun Fook Kong, when viewed from a height, is sensual.

Immigrants from all over the northern border work and live in this port city in their own way. They have brought different northern customs, and these customs can only be jerky and simple in a short period of time. The dialects of the two accents are average, and they can barely understand each other.

As soon as it was daylight, the workers on the dock got up early, ate something, and started their day's work.

On the pier, cheese and oat bread is a very popular combination. The oat bread without bran is cheap and quite hungry to eat; , Sprinkle some spices, but quite meet the needs of these workers.

For these heavy physical workers, heavy oil and heavy salt is the diet that best suits their needs!
And the best match for these two foods is the salt tea from Forsbarrow.

The so-called salt tea is not a special kind of tea, but the tea that is not of good quality due to storms, accidents or other reasons during long-distance transportation.

Because a considerable part of these tea leaves are soaked in seawater, after the tea bricks are barely dried, there are often salt grains in the middle, and the taste of the brewed tea is somewhat "flavor of the sea", hence the name salt tea.

As a defective product, the price of salt tea is quite cheap - it will cost extra freight to transport it elsewhere, so it is better to sell it on the spot in Xinfugang, or simply deliver it to the porters in Xinfugang, Serve as part of the salary!

And the dock workers also need these teas very much. Although the tea soaked in seawater has a subtle taste, they don't care. Anyway, this thing has a lot of food, and it can help digestion...

You know, the price of Forsbarrow vegetables is not cheap. For the workers, even salt tea can make them go to the toilet more happily, feel better, and work better at night!
No, before the sun rose, they were already lining up under the lighthouse.

Sun Fook Port has limited berths, so the berthing fee is quite high, and because the berthing fee is billed by section, it is the most expensive during the day and cheaper in the morning and evening, so these porters can often earn more when they work on the morning and evening shifts. some more.

Not long after, a strong man at sea held a flag and shouted loudly in Demacian with a strong Shurima accent.

The wages are good, and there are salt and tea subsidies—this unlucky ship encountered a storm and was sucked into the whirlpool. If it wasn't for the blessing of the snake mother, it might have been buried in the sea.

In this misfortune and a little bit of luck, the shipwreck made his face wet by nearly a quarter of the tea, but even so, he still made a profit, and he made a lot of money, so the ship just fell into the At the berth, he greeted the porters in his half-baked Demacian.

The flag he was waving in his hand represented that he had registered the employment conditions with the port management clerk of Xinfu Port. If he did not pay, his ship would be directly seized for auction.

This kind of management is quite rare for people in the north, but if Tariq is here, he will be quite surprised, because in Shurima, many port cities have similar management models.

Under the loud yelling of the Shurima merchant, the dock workers lined up to his berth, stepped on the pedals, and carried out the goods in the cabin one by one, and sent them to the dock warehouse rented by the other party.

After confirming that the goods had been moved out and that there was no problem with the quantity, the Shurima trader returned to his ship after paying the porter's wages and locking the warehouse door—now he wants to Drive the ship out of the port, and under the guidance of the clerk, go to a place near the sea that does not block the channel and anchor.

The berth fee at the terminal is really expensive, but fortunately, Xinfugang has a good efficiency, otherwise, the berth fee alone would be enough for him to drink a pot!

Fortunately, the clerk in charge of piloting said that Xinfu Port is expanding the port and will open a passenger terminal in the south. Although it is not on the canal waterway, it is not convenient for the transportation of bulk commodities, but it is relatively close to the residential area of ​​Xinfu Port. Unloaded ships can anchor there.

Moreover, if the clerk is not bragging, a large ship repair shop will be built at the passenger terminal over there. He also specifically told the businessman that if he knows a reliable shipbuilder, he can introduce him to Forsbarrow, new The salary in Fugang is very high...

For the clerk, this businessman is quite convinced. Although Xinfu Port is a new port, and the northern trade is also a new route, the management here is quite formal, and it is different from the Xiongdu route and Dornhold route he has been to in the past. It's not the same thing at all.

Although the management fee of Sun Fook Port is very high, and the berth fee is shocking, they are really professional, even if they are not as good as Picheng Wharf, at least they are managed by professionals.

But Xiongdu Port, Dornhold Port...

He didn't understand at all why those guys who knew nothing about business could become administrators of the docks, such a good deep-water port!


After Lux opened up the trade quota and Xinfu Port welcomed immigrants, the throughput of this port has increased sevenfold in the past year.

Although most of the goods were stored in the warehouse for a short period of time, they were transported along the canal to other places in the north through smaller cargo ships or to the Freljord through Fossbarrow. , but even if only a little stay in Sun Fook Kong and Sun Fook City, it is enough to bring about earth-shaking changes in these two cities.

Many products with luxury attributes will choose to open a store in Xinfucheng after some inspections - this is the most important trade node in the entire northern border of Demacia, even if Lord Laksanna himself doesn't like to buy it very much Buying, but opening a shop here is far better than accepting inexplicable exploitation elsewhere.

Earl Laxana is a big man who abides by the rules of trade, but the nobles elsewhere are not necessarily.

Therefore, in the DC area of ​​Xinfu City, there is a commercial area dedicated to selling high-end goods and undertaking high-end customization, and Lux's "New Castle" was also built in this area.

This white castle has a very strong Demacian style, whether it is the tough lines or the tall building body, it is very obvious "white and big".

When the northern nobles who were invited here saw the castle for the first time, they could hardly restrain their admiration.

No wonder Earl Laxana has always looked very frugal in the past, so all the money was spent here!
You know, for normal nobles, building such a high-standard large castle is quite expensive.

The main body of the castle can require the civilians under its rule to serve hard labor, but at least you have to take care of the food.

The design of a large castle also requires the hiring of famous experts at high prices, and they will be the supervisors throughout the process.

Inside the castle, all the decorations must be matched. If there is any incongruity, it means that the owner of the castle is swollen and fat. It is the same as wearing fake goods. It is a shameful thing up.

In addition, when building many castles in the northern region, military use should also be considered (such as the castle in Miriam City), and supporting gardens, rockeries, small artificial lakes and rivers should be prepared...

To build a castle, it often takes not three to five years, but ten or eight years!

It has not been so long since Xinfucheng was completed, so the construction of this castle is still intensified, and the cost will be even higher!

Therefore, in the eyes of other northern nobles, most of the money Earl Laxana earned from trading in the northern border was probably spent in this castle!

And after entering the castle, these northern nobles became even more determined.

Look at this thick one-piece gate, how big a tree is!

Look at this heavy carpet, woven with a newly designed pattern!

Look at this exotic decoration, it is a treasure at first glance!
Look at the luminous pearls on the dome, one must cost a lot of money!

Look at the paintings on this wall, the paint and colors are so vibrant!



For these northern nobles, Earl Laxana's new castle is a castle piled up with gold, a great building that can represent the heritage of nobility!

It's just that what they don't know is that the cost of this castle is actually much lower than they imagined.

The main body of construction was in charge of the Archon, and it took about two months.

The material of the carpet is Ernyuk wool, which is woven on a handloom.

The night pearl is actually just a pebble, which has been enchanted.

The paintings are the work of senior students, carefully selected by Sona.

The foreign decorations are cheap and a little embellishment.

Generally speaking, this castle is not a "noble building with historical background", but a new-style building that incorporates magic, but the nobles in the northern border can't think of it-normal Demacians see tall There are round glowing stones inlaid on the dome, why don't you think about the enchanted pebbles!
However, although the castle is a vanity project, it is still quite meaningful for this banquet.

Because it once again emphasized to the northern nobles that Earl Laxana is one of his own.

So much so that at the end of the ball, when Lux said that she would continue to "unite the North" and was willing to share part of the Freljord's fur trade, no one realized the hidden purpose behind it.

Then, when Lacus cryptically stated that "Xiongdu does not respect the nobles of the northern border", and hoped to form a joint mission to directly participate in the decision-making of the noble council, the nobles present thought for a moment, all They all expressed their approval.

This is not only because of the short hand of taking people, but more importantly, it is also beneficial to themselves-they don't expect the aristocratic council of Xiongdu to share any benefits with them, but at least they must ensure that the other party will not be the same as this time, Cut flesh from yourself.

In the second month after the banquet ended, the [Northern Delegation], which consisted of a large number of direct descendants of northern nobles, was formally established and arrived in Xiongdu.

This delegation did not meet the status requirements for joining the noble council, but when they arrived in Xiongdu and expressed their wishes, under the circumstances that Jarvan IV hoped to appease the northern border and other nobles hoped to strengthen their own power, they Still successfully entered the noble council and became a representative of the northern border.

It seems that a turmoil is about to disappear under the efforts of many parties. The royal family has increased taxes, Lux has consolidated the status of the speaker in the northern border, and the nobles in the northern border have their own channels of voice and additional income. Others The momentum of the nobles in the noble council has also increased a lot...

All seem to have a satisfactory result.

Except Shivana who has been stranded in Xiongdu.

In the eyes of this giant humanoid dragon, His Majesty Jarvan IV seemed a little too enthusiastic about him.

Carya's Small Classroom Sun Fook Kong Expansion Plan:

Since the establishment of Xinfu Port, it has been slowly expanding, but the main force of the expansion is no longer the imperial court, so the expansion speed is not fast.

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