Lux's Farewell

630 [0622] The road to love is not smooth

630 [0622] The road to love is not smooth

For Jarvan IV's enthusiasm, Shivana felt... very uncomfortable.

Although in the eyes of Jarvan IV, the main reason for this situation is that he just divorced once, and it seems that Miss Shivana has some misunderstandings about herself, but in fact, Shivana's discomfort mainly comes from She wasn't human in the first place.

As a long-lived elemental dragon, although Shivana has overcome her wild nature and possessed a considerable degree of logical thinking ability under Kalya's teaching, but don't forget that her age is Vilax Much smaller—in other words, Shyvana was still a baby dragon.

The bloodthirsty elemental dragons maintain the characteristics of beasts in many aspects, such as the estrus period after adulthood.

And Shyvana... It is conservatively estimated that there are still five or six years before entering the estrus.

Even though Shivana is no different from a human girl in many aspects, but in terms of the concept of love, she only has gender consciousness, and if there are too many, she will lose it at all.

Jarvan IV looks like a complete bum to LeBlanc, and that's because he hasn't met the right person.

But Shyvana...sorry, she's a real lump now.

It's a pity that Jarvan IV doesn't know anything about it—seeing that the turmoil in the northern border is gradually subsiding and the Shurima trade is about to start, he is planning to take advantage of this opportunity to deal with his personal problems properly!


Jarvan IV, who had finished his breakfast, stood in front of the mirror, rarely worrying about his dressing.

In the past, he never thought about these issues, and even in his opinion, the various combinations prepared by the court etiquette teachers were already perfect.

But now, after trying three outfits, he still doesn't feel satisfied.

"Is there a more trendy outfit?" Jarvan IV took off the gem-studded crown of ordinary clothes on his head, "Trendy, that's the word, right? Trendy, and everyday, not too gorgeous, I am Not planning to go to the noble council, it's just going out for a walk."

Behind Jarvan IV, his court etiquette teacher showed quite mixed emotions on the face.

As the etiquette teacher of the Light Shield family, he also grew up watching Jarvan IV grow up. In his impression, His Majesty the King has never cared about his appearance as much as he does today.

According to the aesthetics of Demacia and even the mainstream aesthetics of Runeterra, Jarvan IV is a handsome man. He is tall, with tough facial lines, and his eyes are piercing, as if shining like stars.

Coupled with the nobility of being a king and the confidence of returning from the peak, the whole person looks even more imposing and full of personal charm.

With a perfect score of 90, Jarvan IV's personal charm value should be [-]+.

However, in the past half a month, he has been crushed in front of that Miss Shivana more than once—if His Majesty Jarvan IV is not a climber, I am afraid that some people have already begun to doubt that Shiva What an evil wizard Miss Na is.

"Vazuan's style is very... frivolous." The etiquette teacher who was forced to spend time studying Vazuan's aesthetics could only bite the bullet and replied, "If it is more lively, even if it is just a daily informal activity, it will be fine. Something doesn't fit your identity."

When Jarvan IV heard this, he blinked his eyes in doubt.

"Vazuan people like tattoos and body transformation." The prepared etiquette teacher took out a picture album, "This is a Vazuan aesthetic book I bought, and it records some of Vazuan's It's a popular trend, and someone has already translated it."

Jarvan IV took the book.

In fact, this is a magazine—published by Piltover Daily Publishing House, the name is "Trend", but there is no such thing as a magazine in Demacia, so according to the understanding of the Demacia people, this should be regarded as a magazine. Aesthetic classics.

Opening the magazine, Jarvan IV's eyes quickly fell on the photos taken by the Hex camera.

Just like what the etiquette teacher said, the models above all have various body modifications and large tattoos, and a few of them look more formal, which is also incompatible with Demacia's style.

Demacia admires blue, arms, and a style that can make people stronger. Therefore, among the choices of ordinary clothes for nobles, light armor tailored to the body is never a wrong choice.

But these are obviously not feasible in Vazuan.

Vazuan has two districts.

Piltover maintains a style of free individuality. In the past, their fashion was influenced by Noxus, but it has been almost cleaned up now. Therefore, in the "Trend" magazine, the styles of the models have been vaguely It's kind of cyberpunk.

Because of Lux, the Zaan area highly advocates the collective, pragmatism, and red and gray. After combining alchemy and rune magic, the art style has moved towards transistor punk very interestingly.

Whether it is a cyberpunk style or a transistor punk style, it is absolutely impossible for Demacia, who advocates conservatism, to accept it.

With the current prestige and status of Jarvan IV, everyone can still accept a queen from a foreign country, but if His Majesty the King also goes in a strange direction because of this, I am afraid that the nobles will not be able to bear it again. .

Looking at these photos and reading the translated translations next to him, Jarvan IV finally had no choice but to choose a set of more close-fitting regular clothes, and then reluctantly gave up wearing a mask, and honestly put on a more low-key one. crown.

"Let's go." Looking at himself in the mirror, who was clearly more lively, Jarvan IV finally nodded with satisfaction, "Go to the Temple of the Lightbringer today."


Walking inside the Lightbringer Temple, Shivana just felt a little bored.

After all, the two commemorated by this temple are still "guests" at Fossbarrow, and Shyvana herself is not very interested in these buildings—compared to the Temple of Lightbringer, she is actually interested in Demacia's dragon bird perches are more interesting, because those high-rise buildings inhabited by dragon birds can be used as a reference for their own dragon nests.

It is a pity that due to the personal label of "love architecture", she had to get up early on the rare open day of this temple, and followed the crowd to visit this large building that she was not interested in at all.

Moreover, he had to put on a very interested look on his face, and even pretended to write and draw in the notebook he carried with him.

Fortunately, there was news from Fossbarrow yesterday. If it goes well, I shouldn’t be able to stay in Xiongdu for too long—the mission from the northern border will arrive in Xiongdu soon, and I will almost transfer to Xiongdu. Finished the landmark buildings of Xiongdu except Dawn Castle.

As an architecture lover, after walking through these places, I already have reasons to leave.

Although I'm afraid I'll have to go out to sea by boat in the future, and go around in circles outside, but that's better than wandering around in Xiongdu all day long.

It was almost three months since she had flown in the sky to enjoy the howling wind, even though Shivana had completely suppressed her animal nature, now she was a little eager to have fun.

Wait, wait!

Then, when Shyvana was secretly thinking about when she could move freely and leave Xiongdu, she met His Majesty the King of Demacia again.

Even though Jarvan IV set out with light clothes and didn't have the battle of front and back, Shivana still felt a headache when she saw him.

This His Majesty the King was another reason why she was uncomfortable during her time in Xiongdu.

Shyvana really wanted to know why Jarvan IV, as the majestic king of a country, was always staring at herself!

Did he reveal any flaws?
Should not be!

Unfortunately, no matter how helpless Shyvana was, when she met Jarvan IV, she had to maintain etiquette and perfectly answer the other's temptations—thanks to the fact that Shyvana had indeed lived in Piltover Otherwise, she might not be able to cope with Jarvan IV's problems for many years.

Sure enough, after seeing him, Jarvan IV came over again "inadvertently" and took the initiative to greet him.

Unlike the past few times, this time the topic of Jarvan IV fell on the trend of Piltover.

"Is it the latest trend in Piltover?" Facing this topic, Shyvana had an alarm in her heart, "It's been a while since I left Vazuan, and I remember when I left, the magazine Still promoting new tattoo pigments."

"Yes, tattoos are really very popular in Piltover." Jarvan IV nodded, "I wonder what Miss Shivana thinks about tattoos?"

"The large-scale Hex body modification basically bid farewell to tattoos." Shivana thought for a moment, and gave a safe answer, "So I haven't paid attention to it...but it's about tattoo dyes or something, I've heard of some occasionally."

"Dye?" Jarvan IV, who was just learning and selling the trend in Piltover, decisively changed the topic, "You just mentioned the new tattoo dye—I heard that the trade in the northern border has been booming in recent years, could it be? Mrs Piltover used blue ochre in her tattoos?"

Why did you suddenly mention the northern border?
Is this testing his relationship with Fossbarrow?

Shyvana's heart was beating alarm bells, but her mouth reacted very quickly.

"Blue ochre... I heard that the large blue statues of Demacia are dyed with it, right?" Shyvana continued to maintain her own personality as if she didn't understand the northern border at all, "It can also be used for Tattoos? I really don’t know about that.”

"Ah, so it's not blue ochre." Jarvan IV seemed a little disappointed, "I thought blue would also set off a wave in Vazuan."

"It's not blue ochre." Shyvana shook her head lightly, "It's some dyes from Ionia—all plant-based, as if these dyes won't cause harm to the body or anything."

Well, it's true, but it's mainly based on Ino's knowledge, Shivana will use it now.

"Miss Shyvana has been to Ionia?"

"The architecture of Ionia also has its own very unique style." Shyvana seemed to be recalling her own experience, but in fact she was recalling Ino's travel notes, "It's a completely different style from Valoran's. More respect for nature..."

"Advocating nature?" Jarvan IV seemed very interested. "Can you tell me more about it?"

"It is to use magic to transform the trees into the desired appearance." Shyvana spread her hands, "This may not conform to the customs of Demacia, but with all due respect, it does have its unique features."


Jarvan IV never expected that the other party could chat with ghosts to such an extent, and he just talked about fashion and architecture with her, and he could directly relate to magic, which made him completely unable to go along with the praise.

"It sounds really special." Pausing for a moment, Jarvan IV could only respond dryly, and then changed the subject bluntly, "Miss Shivana is really well-informed. It’s been so long in Xiongdu, most of the buildings should be visited, right?”

"Of course." Shivana nodded, and then counted her visit itinerary one by one, "The Hall of Heroes, the Temple of the Lightbringer, the Grand Square, the Great Market, the Ancient City Wall, the Dueling Hall... In terms of architecture, this is A great city, these tall buildings seem to tell me the history."

"I am very glad that Miss Shivana likes the architectural style of Demacia." Jarvan IV finally showed a smile on his face, "I grew up in this city, and I have been accustomed to them for many times. I really can't do it. As dear as Miss Shyvana."

"Demacia's magnificent architecture with a classical style is the most shocking." Shivana tried hard to recall the few words of Karya's evaluation of Demacia's art in her spare time, "With the power of mortals, To produce an almost miraculous building of greatness, fully in keeping with the values ​​of the unity of this country...”

As if she was really an architecture lover, Shivana started her narration eloquently.

And Jarvan IV seemed to be a person who was very curious about architectural styles, patiently listening to Shivana explaining those artistic terms that he didn't understand at all. Although he didn't understand what the other party said, he would still nod from time to time. Yes, there is often an expression of sudden realization on his face.

In this way, the two walked side by side in the Temple of the Lightbringer for most of the day. It was not until lunch time that Jarvan IV finally tried to see him.

"In Xiongdu, there is actually a unique building that you haven't visited yet!"

"Oh?" Shyvana, who thought she had exposed something, was startled, and forced a smile on her face, "It shouldn't be, I have already visited all the landmark buildings in my notes..."

"It's Dawn Castle." Jarvan IV answered with a smile, "Miss Shivana, do I have the honor to invite you to Dawn Castle and have lunch with me?"

Looking at Jarvan IV who was smiling and posing in what she thought was a great pose, at this moment, Shyvana only felt that her head was getting dizzy.

 Karya's Little Classroom Tattoo Dye:

  With the gradual development of Ionian trade, many unique things in Ionia have gradually been widely accepted by more people-Vazuan and Ionian both like tattoos, so Ionian Vegetable dyes native to Nia have gradually become common tattoo dyes in Vazuan.

(End of this chapter)

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