Lux's Farewell

631 【0623】

Miss Sivana, an elemental dragon, doesn't understand human love, so in her view, all actions of Jarvan IV are temptations—and in order to deal with the temptations and avoid the other party's suspicion, she accepted the other party's invitation.

Jarvan IV, who received positive feedback, was very excited.

He obviously didn't know Shyvana's thoughts. In his opinion, the other party accepted his invitation and had lunch with him. This was a very wonderful start, which meant that the relationship between the two parties had the possibility of further development.

Although Miss Shivana looks a little colder, she is not hard-hearted after all!

In this way, in an extremely delicate atmosphere, Jarvan IV and Shyvana had lunch together at Dawn Castle, and after the meal, Jarvan IV personally guided them to visit this masterpiece of Demacian architectural art made.

Holding the attitude of "pursuing victory" and being able to be alone with both sides, Jarvan IV was very active today. He excitedly shared his experiences and thoughts with Shyvana, hoping to have a spiritual connection with her. resonance.

Unfortunately, in Shivana's view, His Majesty Jarvan IV is just a "beautiful collection of the old nobles of Demacia". In Karya's words, the other party is actually good, but the order he represents should be eliminated .

Under the circumstances, Shyvana unconsciously showed some subtle compassion.

Such pity was an emotion that Jarvan IV had never seen before - Jarvan IV was both curious and ignorant of such an emotion.

In a sense, this kind of incomprehension is more fascinating.

In the end, when the two of them walked through most of Dawn Castle and Jarvan IV invited Shyvana to dinner again, Shyvana, who had found the opportunity, finally refused him.

This sudden refusal caught Jarvan IV by surprise for a while, but Shivana's reason was very clear. She "had learned something from the architecture of Dawn Castle, and planned to go back and think about it", so that Jarvan IV wanted to keep For no good reason.

Seeing Shivana turning around to leave, Jarvan IV became a little anxious - he had already realized that once Shivana left this time, he would never know when he wanted to see her again.

Seeing that the guards were all ten steps away, Jarvan IV gritted his teeth and chose the most direct way to express his emotions.

"Miss Shivana." He said in a lingua franca that he was not fluent in, "I like you."

Shyvana finally opened her eyes wide.

No matter what, she never thought that Jarvan IV would actually say such a sentence, and it seems that this was specially prepared...

Will the king of Demacia still express his love in this way?

A smile bloomed on Shyvana's face, but just when Jarvan IV thought he was about to reap love, Shyvana shook her head resolutely.

"Thank you very much for your wrong love." She looked at Jarvan IV with unwavering eyes, "But we... are not the same kind of people."

After finishing speaking, without the slightest hesitation, she strode out of the garden.

Looking at Sylvana's tall back, Jarvan IV's mind went blank for a moment.

Since becoming king, Jarvan IV has not experienced such a big setback - he has no idea why Shyvana would go so decisively, is this really just his own wishful thinking?
Jarvan IV frowned, leaned back slightly, and leaned against the wall, recalling the first time he and Shivana met.

It seems that at that time, she was more lively and happier than now?

It seems that every time I communicate with her this time, she is a little restrained?
And what caused all of this... I'm afraid it's my identity as the king of Demacia, right?

Shaking his head lightly, Jarvan IV's mouth finally overflowed with a bit of bitterness.

This can be regarded as a ten-hearted rejection, and you are broken in love?
At this moment, Jarvan IV suddenly envied Lan Fu - she had her own lover, even though she and her lover came from different families, and even had rifts with each other, they were inseparable.

But my first love was smashed into the sand, and ended without a problem...

What a pity, Miss Shyvana.


The dejected Jarvan IV didn't know that the couple he secretly envied wasn't having a good time either.

The script was torn up.

Although LeBlanc also caused a lot of trouble for Fossbarrow, Lux's response was very sophisticated and he was easily blocked.

In this case, LeBlanc and Wladimir needed a new, more solid script.

"The feelings of mortals are doomed to be unreliable." Vladimir shook his head, although his face looked pity, but the smile on the corner of his mouth revealed his mood, "Maybe a chicken is not ashamed, don't take it to heart .”

"The climber is really extraordinary." LeBlanc seemed completely indifferent to Vladimir's eccentricity, but judging from her gritted teeth, she might not be reconciled to being forced to tear up the script this time, "But at least I Having fully gained his trust, Barrett's focus is on Shurima, and we still have a chance."

"If you want to provoke, there are plenty of opportunities." Vladimir nodded, and then asked curiously, "The little king really wants to do business with the Shurima?"

"Judging from this posture, it should be impossible to fake it." LeBlanc nodded, "You and I both know how much it takes to maintain a huge army. According to the accounts I have access to, I am afraid that the royal family The foundation is also being hollowed out little by little.”

"It's really interesting." Hearing what LeBlanc said, Vladimir seemed to think of something, "Noxus is finished, and the little king made Demacia the new Noxus for his own power. !"

"He has some vision." LeBlanc snorted, "He's not like those stupid pigs who dare to let the army be self-sufficient."

"That is to say, Tarek and Barrett will go to Shurima for a while?" Vladimir touched his chin, "Is there a lack of reliable manpower for our little king? ah?"

"A little bit." LeBlanc nodded, "He is gathering power, and he dare not hand over too much power to those big lords... If it is not because he has confidence in his influence in the army, I am afraid that the crown prince That stupid son of the Wei family can only be a guard."

"In other words, I should be able to take this opportunity to show myself?" Vladimir smiled, "Zwei Godin, from the Godin family, for the sake of his loyal Shurima, he did not hesitate to break with the family With this kind of background, the little king should be able to use it with confidence, right?"

"Are you going to have a breakup scene?" LeBlanc narrowed her eyes, "Cut off your past completely?"

"For loyalty and love." Vladimir spread his hands, showing a familiar and greasy smile, "There is nothing difficult to understand, isn't it?"

"That's just right." LeBlanc nodded. "Anyway, you have to meet the little guy from the Darville family. Make arrangements. I should be able to send you to the little king."

The "little guy of the Darville family" in LeBlanc's mouth refers to Lan Fu's father, the Earl of Darville. To her, the Earl is indeed a little guy.

"No problem." Vladimir nodded, "Ah, young talent, I haven't performed this kind of role for a long time."

"So put away your damn greasy."

"Don't worry, no matter how bad the situation is, it won't be worse than if you didn't win the little king."



Soon, a small piece of gossip spread throughout the streets and alleys of the Xiongdu of Demacia.

Tswee Godin, the leader of the younger generation of the Godin family, has actually made a private decision with Miss Lanf Darwell for life. At the beginning, Miss Lanfe's marriage contract was just a cover for His Majesty to sympathize with the couple. Now His Majesty decides, will Marry them.

But the Godin family didn't know good from bad, and didn't allow him to marry the daughter of the Davier family, let alone a woman who had been engaged to someone before.

In the end, Zwei, who was finally accepted by Earl Davill, completely fell out with his family, and was finally deprived of Godin's surname!
Boy, this is exciting!
How many years had it been since Miss Fiona Laurent repented of her marriage and sparked that duel?

In the streets and alleys, common people and nobles, everyone's eyes were attracted by this wonderful gossip.

It was also in this situation that Lan Fu introduced her fiancé, who had become a commoner, to Jarvan IV.

Zwei's identity is very interesting.

He is a son of a nobleman, but not only does he not have a title, but he has also been deprived of his surname. In theory, he is already a commoner.

However, it is impossible for most people to really regard him as a commoner. This status just gave Jarvan IV a chance to promote and reuse him.

Since Zwei is patriotic and loyal, let him work in the garrison army!
As mentioned earlier, as the defenders of order, the status of the garrison in Xiongdu is somewhat delicate. The place is full of nobles, and they are always worried about what to do. Fei Fu has also become an old fritters.

Under such circumstances, if Zwei, who has lost his noble status, can still maintain a stern and selfless face, then Jarvan IV will be very happy to reuse him. People are really getting tighter.

And Zwei, who joined the garrison, did not disappoint Jiawen IV's trust in the slightest.

At the gate of the city, the grand square, outside the Hall of Valor, outside the Temple of the Lightbringer, etc., he set up special wooden shelves, and placed black sticks on the shelves.

At the very beginning, the people in Xiongdu didn’t know what this thing was for, but soon, as a foreign nobleman took a horse-drawn carriage to drift, almost all the people in Xiongdu temporarily reviewed a piece of Demacian law :
Riding a horse in a city shall be punished with ten lashes or a rod.

This law to maintain order in the city has been around for a long time, but in practice it has hardly been used.

No decent aristocrat would ride a horse in the city, it would be shameful; commoners dare not and have no chance to ride a horse and drive around in the city.

But now it's all right, with the thought of standing up, Zwei directly enforced the law in front of all the onlookers, and gave this ignorant nobleman ten strong blows with the stick he had prepared.

Amidst the wailing of this nobleman, all the onlookers in Xiongdu began to applaud loudly. Overnight, the name of Zwei Ziwei, who was selfless and selfless, spread throughout the entire Xiongdu of Demacia, and even King Jarvan IV heard about it. this matter.

This kind of behavior that violated the dignity of the nobility almost completely drew a line between Zwei and the nobility.

Therefore, Zwei, who was born in the restless Godin family, finally completely switched camps and became a loyal royal party.


Although this series of events satiated the melon-eaters in Xiongdu, for Lux in Forsbarrow, the incidents in Xiongdu were still too far away.

In comparison, she cared more about Jarvan IV's attitude towards Fossbarrow and the northern border.

When Shyvana returned, she asked in detail what had happened in Xondu.

However, regarding the delicate situation of confession, Shivana only mentioned something to Kalya cryptically, and didn't directly say it to Lacus, so Lacus was a little suspicious at first.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Sona to hear the news—her adoptive father Barrett would set off for Shurima himself and asked her what gift she wanted.

And after receiving this news, combined with the information passed by the bird group before, Lax finally figured out the purpose of Jarvan IV, he wants to do business with the Shurima people and start Shurima trade!

Lux was stunned when she came to this conclusion.

"What did he think?" Almost unable to believe her deduction, Lux sat on the chair blankly, her eyes full of disbelief, "Going to Shurima for business...what kind of business?"

"Food." Kalya quickly concluded, "The previous tax increase should be a disaster."

"Selling Demacia's grain to Shurima is really a great idea..." Lux couldn't help shaking her head, "Even if there are large livestock, the Freljord's trade loss is as high as [-]% or more. And if you want to transport food to the depths of the desert, I can't imagine how much it will cost."

Don't look at the time when they crossed the Dasai Desert, Lux and Ino seemed to be working hard, but don't forget, it was built on the basis that Ino could make ice, and the two of them and a Scarash didn't need to think about drinking water at all. under the premise of the problem.

Demacia doesn't have an auxiliary mage group!
"If a Scarash caravan is formed, the loss is within an acceptable range." Kalya silently estimated in his heart, "But the problem is, I don't think they can pass through the territories of various forces smoothly. "

"So, what gave him this confidence?"

Carya's Small Classroom Noble Nobility:
In Demacia, there is an unspoken rule that is not a law: nobles are not disgraced.That is, no matter what the nobles did, they would not be humiliated in front of the common people.

And Zwei played by Vladimir broke this rule, so he completely drew a line with the nobles.

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