Lux's Farewell

Chapter 632 [0624]

Both Lacus and Karya couldn't figure out what gave Jarvan IV the confidence to make money selling food across the desert in Shurima.

After this kind of long-distance loss, it is good luck to have one tenth of it left!

Jarvan IV doesn't seem like the kind of person who loses his mind when his head gets hot. Judging from his performance over the years, he can be called a wise king. How could he make such a bad decision rashly?
But in fact, what Lacus and Karya didn't know was that Jarvan IV made such a decision without any fear.

The desert is terrible, but under the desert, the underground waterways that once formed the blood vessels of the Shurima Empire, although most of them have dried up now, in Tarek's eyes, they are the most perfect channels for transporting goods.

Why did Tariq's expedition take so much time and completely exceed expectations?

To a large extent, it was because Tariq, who "always felt that there was something hidden underground in Shurima", after many searches, finally found the entrance of an underground waterway, and roughly figured out the flow direction of this waterway .

It is very difficult to transport food in the desert. The huge temperature difference, the sandstorms that may appear at any time, and the elusive sand robbers are all huge difficulties that the transportation team will face. If you want the team to maintain supplies, you must go along Walking along the oasis one by one, such a journey is just to sell food, and I am afraid that it will lose money [-]%.

However, if the food transport team does not walk in the desert, but walks underground...

That would make a whole difference!

Tariq, who brought enough food and water, personally inspected the dust-sealed waterway discovered by himself, and then he was pleasantly surprised to find that this ancient waterway was almost entirely made of materials similar to the magic stone. Although the bottom is not flat and has a slight arc, it is enough to carry more than three large carriages side by side!

The interior of the passage was very dark, and the air was extremely turbid due to the long-term closure. But when Tariq walked along one section of the passage and came out from the other end after ten days of walking, he forcefully opened the sealed passage with all his strength. Behind the gate, the wind spontaneously rushed in at the exit of this long passage, as if this passage was a natural ventilation pipe.

Unbeknownst to Tariq, this was the wind field formed by the residual magic circuit on the wall of the underground waterway.

In the past, this magic power circuit could guide water flow and mobilize water resources, but now because it is incomplete and its energy is almost exhausted, what it can cause is only a small gust of wind.

However, even if Tariq didn't know the reason, it didn't stop him from being ecstatic about it—no matter how long the passage was, as long as it was well ventilated, it could be used by large-scale caravans!

After walking out of the passage and closing the gate of the passage again, it took Tariq five days to find a small village around. hundred miles.

And that underground passage is a [-]-mile commercial road!
This [-]-mile trade route can fully support a large-scale grain trade even if people eat horse chews and need to carry extra drinking water!

At the entrance of the underground waterway discovered by Tariq, about [-] miles southwest of Uzeris, is a rocky hill submerged in sand dunes.

The exit of this waterway is located on the west side of the Dasai Desert, the cross-section area at the east foot of the Giant God Peak Mountain Range, which is a natural gap.

In the era of the Shurima Empire, this underground waterway had a nice name: Ning Wu Dao.

The so-called Ningwu refers to the underground waterway from Naining to Wuze.

Among them, Nainen refers to the Nainin Reservoir, the place where Tariq came out of the underground waterway.

The door he opened with all his strength was actually the entrance valve of this underground waterway.

Here, the melted water from the snow-capped mountains stored in the Naining Reservoir will be drawn out through the magic circuit, transported northeastward, and finally arrive at Lianze outside Wuze City.

It's a pity that with the passage of time, due to lack of maintenance and geological changes, the former reservoir has now become a canyon. When Tariq opened the inlet valve of this waterway again after a thousand years, he was not there. At the bottom of the reservoir, but at the bottom of the canyon.

There is no water here, only the slight residual magic power flowing, and if Tariq is willing to dig down, he will find that there are countless freshwater fish bones buried under the gravel of this canyon.

And Wu Ze is the old name of Uzeris. The "Wu" in it is because this is the place where the Shurima tribe first demonstrated their martial virtues, and Ze refers to the fact that there is a large area of ​​seasonal floods here. swamp.

Part of the reason why Ningwu Road was built later was to maintain the seasonally flooded swamp outside Wuze City into a perennial swamp. At that time, Wuze City was a very famous tourist scenic spot in the northwestern part of Shurima. The mountains and swamps here are connected, and the climate is relatively relatively Mild and close to the sea, it is a vacation and retirement resort in the hearts of countless Shurima people.

For the once-prosperous Shurima Empire, the purpose of building a [-]-mile-long underground waterway was to maintain a commemorative and beautiful landscape.

It was a prosperous and beautiful era.


After walking Ning Wudao, Tariq also explored some other underground waterways.

But those underground waterways are different from Ningwu Road, most of them are built for city water supply and magic power guidance - compared with Ningwu Road, those underground waterways are mostly in the water network, the structure is complex but lacks maintenance, and some places collapse Yes, some entrances and exits were completely blocked, and some became the residences of locals...

So after running around for the past few years, there is only Ningwu Road that Tariq can confirm that can be used as a commercial route.

But that's enough.

After analyzing the price levels at both ends of Ningwu Road, Barrett judged that the profit of this trade route is quite considerable.

The food from Demacia was shipped from Xiongdu and sent to Uzeris, even considering the risk of transportation, the consumption was not high.

In Uzeris, these grains from afar will be professionally packaged and carried by a large camel caravan. After traveling [-] miles in the desert, they will enter the underground passage.

In the underground passage, the caravan can advance at full speed, trying to complete the [-] miles within ten days, minimizing consumption.

Afterwards, these grains can be sold in the Jinlun Town that Tariq found nearby. According to Tariq's information, Jinlun Town is a believer of the Sun Sect. gain its approval.

According to the records in Tariq's diary, Jinlun Town's products are not rich, and the most famous local specialty is the Jinlun Stone, which is enshrined to the religious order. According to the local people, this gleaming stone is "the sun's Essence", while in other places, golden wheel stone is a relatively rare gemstone, which is widely used in clothing industry, jewelry industry, construction industry and so on.

In addition, the goats raised by the Rakol people in Jinlun Town are very delicious, and the dried mutton is also memorable. Tariq bought a lot when he left, and after bringing it to Uzeris, he found that it was very popular.

To the west of Jinlun Town, there is a small natural lake, and to the west is the Giant God Peak Mountain Range. The area that can be cultivated is extremely limited, and the local residents are very short of staple food.

Therefore, after the caravan brings food to Jinlun Town for sale, they can buy Jinlun stones and dried mutton on the return journey, and fully replenish their drinking water. Compared with food, these brought back on the return trip are the bulk of the profit. Even if the purchase price of Uzeris is lowered, it is enough for Jarvan IV to take a little risk!
Judging from the logs and descriptions provided by Tariq, this Jinze trade seems to be very suitable in all aspects. Food is shipped in, mutton and gems are shipped out, and the profits are astonishingly large!
That's why Jarvan IV agreed to Barrett's request and asked him to walk with Tarik himself.

After all, as an extraordinary person, Tariq's tolerance for the environment is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Maybe there is something he didn't notice that actually doesn't allow caravans to pass through?

In this case, it is very important for Barrett to make a trip in person - if the kingdom's money bag, who has completely left the army in recent years and put all his energy on industrial management, makes a trip in person, I also think that Jinze trade is feasible, so Jiawen IV will start to form a caravan!

It was for this reason that Barrett wrote to Sona asking if she would like a souvenir from Shurima.


Five months later, Sona, who was planning the first Northern Art Exchange Conference in Fossbarrow, received a gift from her adoptive father.

A necklace of golden gemstones, and over two hundred pounds of dried mutton.

Sona happily shared her joy with Lux.

"This necklace is really nice." Lux praised with a smile, "It really matches your hair color, and it looks very warm."

"There's still a lot of dried mutton!" Sona stroked the strings. "Father's letter said that the locals like to use it to cook soup. We can try it at dinner!"

So, at dinner, Lux cooked the kitchen herself, and cooked the dried lamb soup according to the method Barrett said.

Then, as the color of the soup turned white little by little, Lacus was surprised to find that the taste of this mutton... seemed a little familiar to him?
Taking out the small spoon, Lux scooped up a spoonful and delivered it to her mouth regardless of the hot soup.

The familiar umami permeates the mouth again, and the air-dried processing makes the original sweet mutton a little more subtle and thick, which is reflected in the soup, which is a refreshing mellow aroma.

"This is the smell of pan sheep." Lacus said with a firm tone, "It's the kind of mutton that I told you about in Nerima Jie."

"Father's letter said that it is a fierce sheep." Sona blinked her eyes in confusion, "The local people said that this is a gift from the Sun sect, and it is a blessing from the gods. This kind of sheep should be raised in the Around the temple, it is absolutely forbidden to interbreed with other sheep, and the slaughter must be handed over to the elders, which sounds very sacred."

"It's Pan sheep, which is a specially bred breed of the extraordinary Hui sheep on Mount Targon." Speaking of this topic, Lux couldn't help but narrow her eyes, "The reason why they can't crossbreed is because they can't introduce Hui sheep again, So it will degenerate if it is hybridized again, and it needs to be slaughtered specially because Pan sheep has good fighting power, and ordinary butchers may not be able to beat it."

Sona's eyes widened in disbelief upon hearing this.

"Besides, the teacher personally presided over the cultivation of pan sheep." Lux sighed, and couldn't help but add, "Do you still remember the senior brother who easily passed the level with a big sword when we just started the simulation training? ?”

Sona hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly.

"During that training session, he was even pushed in the ass by Huiyang."

Although after listening to Lux about what she saw and heard in Shurima, she didn't have a very good impression of the Sun Sect, but when Lux changed the angle and told the origin of this "Fire Sheep", she felt For the first time, I felt the disgust of the other party very closely.

Instead of helping believers improve their lives, they take others' and boast of their own achievements, and then cover everything with the skin of the Sun Sect, counting it as their own greatness...

How could this be?
Although a pot of mutton soup was delicious, Sona felt extremely complicated after dinner.

Shaking her head, Sona simply decided to go out and have some fun.

Walking on the windy street at night, looking at the bustling crowd, Sona's mood finally gradually improved.

Then, just as she was going to go around the empty school, at the corner of the street, she met Ah Sang who came out for a walk with the statue of the Winged Sisters.

Originally, the two sides just met each other, nodded and were about to leave, but in Ah Sang's basket, Kyle suddenly spoke up with some excitement.

"Sona, right, I remember you."

Sona's footsteps stopped.

She glanced at the dancing little figure suspiciously, but because she was completely uninterested in what Kyle said, she quickly took another step.

"You are different from those heretics, I have already seen that you have a pious heart!" Kyle seemed to be in a good mood, "You took the initiative to wear a golden wheel stone collar, isn't it just to listen to God's teaching? "

Feeling the strange voice that seemed to reach her head, Sona finally widened her eyes in surprise.

Why is this feeling similar to Yu Hua's communication?
Could it be that golden wheel stone is not only an ornament, but can also be used as a medium of some kind to transmit information?

Thinking of this, Sona couldn't help speeding up her pace, she couldn't wait to share the news with Lux!

So, Kyle, who was halfway through the conversation, stared blankly at Sona, the "reserve believer", carrying his violin case on his back, taking three steps in parallel, and disappeared into the corner of the street in a short breath.

Carya's Small Classroom·Golden Wheel Stone:

Golden wheel stone is very sensitive to magic power, and can be used as a receiver of magic power in a specific way-the Rakkor people like to use it to make idols and decorate temples.

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