Lux's Farewell

635 [0627] Germans in Shurima

Fossbarrow people are busy.

Drastic internal rectification has never been an easy task. Even with Lux's prestige, there are too many places where there are discord and filth.

When everyone is poor, the generous northerners are often willing to help each other; but as the conditions gradually improve, many Fossbarrow people are still habitually maintaining the habit of "helping each other" instead of According to the rules, this is also one of the main reasons for the internal problems in Forsbarrow.

In response to this situation, Lux spent a lot of effort to rectify. During this period, Fossbarrow hardly made any major moves in other areas except to continue to absorb immigrants. Sometimes, the Archon They all have to help with the monitoring work.

However, the effect of doing so is also very significant.

With one-fifth of the clerks cleared out of the team, Fossbarrow's budding unhealthy tendencies have been contained to a considerable extent.

Although on the surface, Fossbarrow seems to have fallen into a short-term stagnation, but Lux is very clear that the greatest significance of doing so is to lay a solid foundation for Fossbarrow. With this foundation, in the follow-up During the action, Fossbarrow can digest other places instead of being assimilated in reverse.


Fossbarrow is busy, and Xiongdu is even busier.

After finally gradually forming a new tacit understanding with the nobles, Jarvan IV's main work soon focused on Shurima trade.

It's not that he is impatient, but that he knows in his heart that the royal family's surplus food is running out.

The previous strategy of gathering people's hearts on the front line of Tobysia, and then absorbing the private army of the nobles for their own use, did give the nobles a hard time.

After losing their private army, facing Jarvan IV who had returned from a great victory, the nobles finally retreated steadily and gradually lost their resistance.

But at the same time, because of these private troops accepted as regular troops, the Royal Family of Light Shield also carried a heavy burden.

The private army supported by the lords in the past is now accepted by Jarvan IV with better treatment, raising tens of thousands more at one go. Even though the royal family has passed the tax reform and increased a lot of income, it is now gradually I can't afford it.

Although Jarvan IV has been working hard to dismantle the army and promote soldiers to change jobs to become missionaries, the royal family's finances quickly turned into a deficit.

In this case, a new open source project is a matter of urgency!

In order to speed up the trade in Shurima as much as possible, Jarvan IV directly sent Tarik and Barret, with a small amount of food, to form a temporary caravan in Uzeris, and tried to run for a while. A trip to Ning Wu Dao's trade.

The result is very gratifying.

The old grains carried by the caravan were sold out in Jinlun Town after passing through the tunnel, and they were exchanged for a lot of pan mutton jerky, as well as a large number of finely crushed Jinlun stones.

Barrett decided to sell some of the pan mutton jerky and golden wheel stones near Uzeris, and then brought the rest back to Demacia to try to sell them.

Regardless of whether it is in Uzeris or Demacia, pan mutton jerky and golden wheel stone have been accepted to a certain extent.

Pan mutton jerky is easy to understand, this stuff is really fragrant and nourishing.

Pan sheep bred with the supernatural creature Huiyang as the male parent are very suitable for mortals to use. Moreover, Jinlun Town has been making pan sheep jerky for some years. In a dry environment, the natural meat after pickling Aging gives pan mutton a different flavor. Although it is not as fresh and sweet as fresh pan mutton, when it is stewed in soup, the taste is simply amazing.

What is mellow but not greasy!
Although it is only a tentative and small-scale attempt, judging from the accounts, the net profit margin of the entire trip may exceed 200%...

This is an insane number.

Taking into account factors such as the limited production of Panyang and Jinlunshi in Jinlun Town, the possibility of pirate attacks and other accidents in the future, and the greater investment in building large caravans, if the scale of trade expands, its net profit margin may decline.

But even if there is a decline, it is still a business that makes people jealous!
After reaching this conclusion, Jarvan IV put almost all his energy on the Shurima trade. He presided over the selection of the most elite soldiers as caravan guards, and found the most reliable soldiers from among the royal servants. , the best manager and accountant, he even took the initiative to clean up and renovate Xiongdu's port and docks, everything must make way for Shurima trade!
In this way, under the intensive attention of Jarvan IV, the preparations for the large-scale Shurima trade have been accelerated again and again.

In April of the 11th year of the Fossbarrow calendar, the first large-scale Shurima trade caravan, which Jarvan IV placed high hopes on, left Shurima after renting a large cargo ship and loading nearly 30 pounds of various grains. Both docks.

When the ship set off, Jarvan IV personally held Tariq's hand and saw him off at Xiongdu Pier. He didn't turn back until the ship completely disappeared below the sea level.

Waiting is anxious, even for Jarvan IV.

Although the Valoran Strait is not wide, dragon and bird knights cannot leap easily, so there is often a considerable delay when the news of Tarik is transmitted back to Xiongdu, but even if Jarvan IV knows this well, after he receives When it was time for the new letterhead, I couldn't help but wonder where Tariq is now, where the caravan is...

This wait is a full seven months.

In the past, I went away, and the willows were Yiyi; now I come to think about it, it is raining and snowing.

When the caravan left, it was the most beautiful spring day in Xiongdu; when Tariq returned, there was a rare heavy snowfall in Xiongdu.

However, even though it was snowing all over Xiongdu, Jarvan IV's heart was full of fire—the Shurima trade this time could only be described as a success.

Although Tariq did not bring back many gold coins, the ship he returned was loaded with various Shurima-produced goods.

With the expansion of the scale of trade, the popularity of Pan Yang in Uzeris has far exceeded estimates and expectations.

When Lux was climbing the peak before, she stopped here and visited the black market. Because of a certain sand sculpture, there is a certain degree of food tonic in this city.

When pan mutton jerky began to flow into the market on a large scale, it soon became enthusiastically sought after by Uzeris.

Ordinary extraordinary biological products, mortals need to be careful when eating them. If one is not processed well or eaten too much, there may be troubles in the future.

But pan mutton has almost no such worries—this kind of mutton that has been specially bred for large-scale breeding is naturally suitable for ordinary people to eat, and there is nothing wrong with it except that it is easy to eat and the price is a bit outrageous.

In other words, it is easy to eat and the price is outrageous. This should not be regarded as a problem with pan mutton.

As a result, the pan mutton jerky brought by the caravan from Ningwu Road was almost sold out after arriving in Uzeris!
Under such circumstances, Tariq made a decisive decision and used his identity as a supplier of pan mutton jerky to quickly break into the internal black market of Uzeris, and bought a large number of Shurima specialty products that were difficult to buy elsewhere, and sent It was carefully transported back to Xiongdu.

If any of these commodities are very popular in Demacia...then the profit margin of this trade can go up to another level!
Jarvan IV, who got this result, was overjoyed!

Although the time has come to November, he still resisted all opinions and held a special commodity fair in Xiongdu, inviting businessmen from all over the world to come to Xiongdu to participate in the grand event.

Even if he didn't know any business theory, Jarvan IV at least knew that one more link of buying and selling would bring more profits.

Now the royal family is really short of money!


Compared with the Xiongdu Trade Fair held in Xiongdu in summer, the scale of this temporary special commodity fair is not too large.

But those who can receive news, get invitations, and come here are all wealthy businessmen from Demacia without exception—of course, considering the nature of Demacia’s country, these seemingly five-person and six-person businessmen are actually Most of them are the white gloves of the aristocrats, and those who are not white gloves are eager to find a backer to make themselves white gloves.

As a businessman in Demacia, you have no aristocratic background. Believe it or not, the tolls charged in various places make you vomit blood?

After all the merchants, Mr. Sambor of Fossbarrow was undoubtedly the most respected group.

This respect comes from the Fossbarrow market and the commercial order in the North represented by Sambol on the one hand, and also from the noble model behind him, the Earl of Laxana.

As the former president of the Fossbarrow Chamber of Commerce and now the honorary chairman of the Fossbarrow Regional Chamber of Commerce, Sambol, in the eyes of most Demacian merchants, has already reached his limit as a merchant.

Starting from a remote corner, he once personally escorted the carts and goods, and later seized the opportunity of Earl Laxanna's granting the Northern Territory to ride the wind, and now he has even become one of the founders of the new trade order in the Northern Territory... Although he does not have the name of a nobleman head, but as a businessman, this is almost the limit.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Sambol wants to visit, more than [-]% of the lords in the entire northern territory will be willing to hold a banquet specially for him!
And Sambol's identity is still a commoner!
But from Sambol's own point of view, he sincerely thinks that he has nothing to do with it.

Maybe outsiders will think that Sambol is a very capable businessman who can seize opportunities.

But Sambol knows better than anyone else that he is the white glove with the whitest glove...

Other white gloves have to rely on their own business talent and sense of smell, at least in terms of business operations, but even in terms of business operations, Sambol is almost completely in accordance with Laxana's requirements.

Of course, Earl Laxana is a reasonable person. For issues related to business operations, she usually holds an internal meeting to discuss them, but there is no doubt that she is the absolute leader in every meeting.

Even though Fossbarrow's trade is booming now, there are actually very few people who have the ability to put forward their own opinions and get them accepted at internal business meetings—and these people have gone through experience Since then, he has gradually become the leader and talker of many emerging industries in Forsbarrow.

It is no exaggeration to say that in Sambol's view, contacting and working with Earl Laxana is a very mental exercise, because people with a bad mentality are prone to inferiority complex.

Your Excellency Laxana knows everything!
In private, many people even referred to Earl Laxana as the Light of the North, or even the Sun of the North, but in Sambor's view, there was actually no problem with this title.

Just like this male trade fair, His Excellency Earl Laxana had lunch with Sambol.

During the lunch, she clearly explained to Sambol the main purpose of this trade fair, and set up transaction requirements for him individually. With a clear purpose and buying plan...

This kind of confidence makes Sambol look extremely calm, and there is a huge gap between him and other businessmen in terms of temperament.

As for the compliments from his peers, Sambol accepted them all; for their insinuations, Sambol exchanged them with reservations.


Although small and rushed, the specs of this special trade fair were high.

Due to his status, it was impossible for Jarvan IV to attend and host this trade fair in person, so Barrett, as the kingdom's pocketbook, specially gave a short speech at the opening of the trade fair.

Such specifications shocked the businessmen who came here, and many people began to think of the same question: Will there be some political factors behind the commodity trade?

But... when they set out, the lords all said that they came here to save face for the royal family...

Obviously, although Jarvan IV attached great importance to this trade fair, his preparations seemed to be a bit overdone, so that the merchants did not dare to make a rash move at first, but wrote letters to ask.

Only a small number of businessmen who have not followed have the courage to choose the products they think have potential, buy them and start trying to sell them.

And after many businessmen, Sambol quickly became the more prominent one.

Because he visited the trade fair for five days and experienced most of the products in person, and spent a huge sum of money to buy almost all of the golden wheel stones.

This is a big deal!

You know, golden wheel stones are the most numerous commodities at this trade fair—no way, all the dried pan mutton bought by the Ningwudao caravan is sold, but there is a serious backlog of golden wheel stones. It has a certain reputation, but it is still too niche after all. In addition, Tariq does not know marketing, so it is sold very little, and most of them are brought back to Xiongdu with the ship.

But now, without the slightest hesitation, Sambol directly purchased all the golden wheel stones, which directly attracted Barrett's attention.

Soon, though, Barrett stopped paying attention to Sambol.

The reason is simple, Sona's letter has arrived.

In the letter, Sona said, "After receiving the materials for the necklace and some golden wheel stones, I gave the materials to the artisans of Forsbarrow to see if I could process something. As a result, by coincidence, the artisans found It seems that golden wheel stone and blue ochre can be processed and fused to make a special kind of pigment, the color is extremely gorgeous, so Fossbarrow is now asking where golden wheel stone can be sold..."

Barrett, who was completely unaware that his cotton-padded jacket had leaked air, only thought that Sambol had eaten so many goods because he recognized the golden stone, so when Sambol further hoped to buy more golden stone, or even When he was willing to pay the deposit, he didn't realize anything was wrong.

Carya's little classroom Uzzelis' desire for food supplements:

You can review chapters 352 and 353 for the specific reasons why pan mutton jerky is best-selling in Uzeris.

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