Lux's Farewell

636 [0628] Everyone wins, who loses

636 [0628] Everyone wins, who loses

With Sambol taking the lead, and the lords from all over the world regarded this fair as a purely commercial activity, the merchants who were invited here quickly began to sell, trying to buy some Shurima specialties.

The goods from the first Shurima trade were sold out like this.

The success of the trade fair undoubtedly gave a good start to the Shurima trade, and Taric quickly took the second batch of grain and set off again, heading south to Shurima.

At the same time, Barrett is also paying close attention to the follow-up sales of various domestic Shurima products. From the results, among these Shurima products, golden wheel stone, jade stone and nasheramai silk are the most popular all over the world. The noble lords welcome.

Most of the golden wheel stones were bought by Fossbarrow, and Sambol even ordered a batch.

And Qiongxiangshi, a special spice first discovered by Carya, although the production method is somewhat clean and hygienic, but after dilution, it is indeed the source of the main fragrance notes of various perfumes and incense.

Since this fragrance was born in the hands of Kalya, it has special meaning to Kalya and Setaka, so even during the Shurima Empire, the production process of Jade Fragrance Stone has always been kept secret.

In Demacia, [Wilderland] perfume, which uses Qiongxiang Stone as the main raw material, has always been the favorite of many nobles. Now that they have the opportunity to buy Qiongxiang Stone, many nobles have chosen to donate generously to see if they can use Qiongxiang. Stone researched a kind of aromatherapy.

Therefore, the Qiongxiang stone purchased by the caravan in Uzeris is almost the second Shurima specialty that is quickly sold out besides the golden wheel stone.

Then there is Nasheramai silk.

The so-called "Nashlamai" is actually the ancient Shurima name for "Nashlamai".

Like the pan sheep of Nerima Jie, the Shurima Empire also spent a lot of effort in Naslama, specially cultivating the precious economic animal of Nasherama silkworm.

Although both Nasherama silkworms and Ionian silkworms can spin silk and cocoon, there is a huge gap between the two.

Silkworms in Ionia are the larvae of moths, and the ribbons they spit out have certain magical properties and are very high-grade materials. Now that the trade in Ionia has gradually expanded, the price of silk in Ionia can only be used at It's tongue-in-cheek to describe, in Vazuan, high-quality Ionian silk can be exchanged for ten times its weight in gold.

At Forsbarrow the figure was twenty times more astonishing, and demand exceeded supply.

The Nasheramai silkworm is the larva of the silk beetle, and if you want the larvae of the silk beetle to spit out continuous fibers that are enough to be reeled into threads, you need special feeding.

Generally speaking, the recipes for Nasheramai silkworms are compound recipes. Sericulture people need to prepare three kinds of leaves of oil silk seed, broad-leaved mulberry, and salt elm for them. Ratio for feeding to ensure the quality of the resulting silk.

It's a pity that even if you take good care of it, the quality and luster of the obtained Nasheramai silk is not more than 01:30 points worse than that of Ionian silk. It has no gorgeous but deep brilliance, and it is impossible to integrate it with magic. weaving and cutting.

But it's already great.

In a sense, the best-selling of Nasheramai silk is actually Fossbarrow's first step to open up the market-many northern nobles first saw the Ionian silk that shocked them. I was interested in Nasheramai silk which is of lower quality but cheaper.

If you can’t buy the top model, you can’t afford it, but the flagship model...seems pretty good too!

As for other Shurimat products, although they were bought by merchants in bits and pieces, they seem to be far from being widely recognized by Demacians.

This result was enough for Jarvan IV.

The next step is to see if Tariq makes a few more trips to see if such a trade is a one-off deal, or a business that can last for a long time!
Six months later, Tariq and the caravan returned smoothly, bringing back a lot of golden wheel stones, jade stones, and Nashelamai silk, as well as other Shurima goods of various colors.

These goods were sold out quickly, and the noble lords waving gold coins proved to Jarvan IV with their actions that Shurima trade was indeed profitable, and it was a huge profit!
Demacia's food was shipped from Xiongdu, and after it landed in Uzeris, it took the Ningwu Road to exchange it for golden wheel stones and pan mutton jerky.

Returning from Ningwu Road, the dried pan mutton obtained was exchanged for Qiongxiang stone and Nashelamai silk in Uzeris, and the caravan returned to Demacia.

After the cargo ship returns to Xiongdu smoothly, the Golden Wheel Stone, Qiongxiang Stone and Nasheramai Silk will be sold together at a high price to the noble lord.

Perfect, very perfect.

At this point, Jarvan IV's hanging heart finally completely fell down.

In this complete trade route, every link has amazing benefits. The royal family who has monopolized this trade route can completely obtain a hundred times the income of the food tax it collects, let alone feed the existing army...even the expansion of the army is more than enough !

Tariq's premonition was completely right at the beginning. Under the yellow sand of Shurima, there is indeed a strong vitality.

Thanks Shurima!

Shurima trade is the monopoly trade of the royal family, and the most critical link is the underground transportation of Ning Wudao.

This ancient waterway was once a testament to the splendor of the Shurima Empire. After the empire declined, it quietly fell silent in a corner of history until it was discovered by Tariq and became a golden trade route.

In order to protect the secrets of the Shurima trade, here in Ning Wudao, those who participate in the caravan transport are the most loyal and reliable people, and it is absolutely impossible for them to be leaked-even LeBlanc has not figured out the key.

However, all of this is not a secret in Kalya's eyes.

In other words, in the royal family's Shurima trade, most of the commodities are more or less related to Kalya. From the origin of these commodities, Kalya can easily judge what the royal family is making a lot of money, and even Know the profit margins in it.

Kalya knew it well, and Lacus knew it too.

However, even though the royal family made a lot of money from the Shurima trade and reversed the financial deficit in one fell swoop, and saw that they were about to launch drastic new actions, Lux was not in a hurry.

The royal family is making money, but Fossbarrow... isn't making money?

With the increasing trade volume, the number of gold coins involved in each trade has also grown from a few hundred to a few thousand to tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands. In this case, it seems a bit inconvenient to use cash .

In Demacia, lords everywhere have the right to mint coins. As long as the coins minted meet the specifications of Demacia gold coins, they can be used as gold coins—but minting coins is hardly profitable. The value of a gold coin is actually not much more than the cost.

Except for a few aristocrats with mints who make a living exclusively on this, other aristocrats are rarely involved.

However, unlike Demacia gold coins, the cost of Fossbarrow's ice gold coins is much lower than the face value.

This kind of gold coin, which cannot be imitated or counterfeited, has become the main currency used in the northern border commodity trade with the development of the northern border trade and the capture of the northern border of Demacia.

Lux has been carefully maintaining the value of the ice gold coin, making it accepted by more people little by little.

The Shurima trade is an important opportunity for the ice gold coins to go south.

Now if Lux directly buys the golden wheel stone with ice gold coins, Jarvan IV will definitely not accept it.

However, if at the Shurima Commodity Fair, Sambol used ice gold coins as chips to settle the accounts with the merchants inside the fair for convenience, and finally settled the bill with gold coins, this would be different.

Merchants in the northern border are very accustomed to using ice gold coins. Although this thing is not accepted in Xiongdu, it is an out-and-out hard currency in the northern border, so it is not a problem at all to use it.

Therefore, merchants in the north used ice gold coins very naturally at the Shurima Commodity Fair.

Due to the unforgeable properties and firm price of ice gold coins, it has been gradually accepted by southern merchants since the third Shurima Commodity Fair.

Unlike the northern border, this is the home of the royal family, so the spread of ice gold coins is not fast, and it can even be described as slow.

But for Lux, it was enough.


In the 12 years of Fossbarrow's calendar, it seems that Demacia is still immersed in amazing prosperity.

The Noxians are still licking their wounds carefully. The largest tribe in the Freljord is the peaceful alien Avarosa. The north and east of Demacia have ushered in a rare peace.

In China, after years of management, Jarvan IV completed the first wave of centralization. The once important noble council can no longer disobey the king's will. It has opened up the Shurima trade channel and has the financial resources to support the army. , Jarvan IV was confidently preparing to sharpen his sword again to attack the nobles.

This time, he is going to try to take back part of the law and order power from the nobles!
Before recovering military power from the nobles, Jarvan IV relied on the Tobysia War and his own prestige; he recovered the limited financial and taxation power from the nobles by relying on his identity as a climber and the same light. This time, Jarvan IV's eyes fell on a department that had been neglected for many years in order to take back part of the security power.

Demon seeker.

Since the incident in the Arcatraz in Xiongdu, the Demon Seekers have been silent for 12 full years.

In the past 12 years, their power has been dispelled and divided little by little, falling into the hands of the Illuminati, falling into the hands of the northern border, and falling into the hands of the lords everywhere. The once proud blue-robed hyena finally Turned into a wild dog.

But now, as the royal family's finances gradually improved, and Jarvan IV had the money to support more manpower, His Majesty's eyes finally fell on the demon hunter again.

Objectively speaking, Jarvan IV doesn’t like the Demon Seekers—although he still insists on the anti-magic system, and believes that it is impossible for Demacia to open up magic, but considering what the Demon Seekers have done in the past, he still has a lot of respect for this organization. I can't like it.

Originally, in Jarvan IV's plan, the Demon Seeker was just a "tool man dealing with magic-related matters". However, due to the incitement and constant hints of a certain Miss Lanfu who did not want to be named, Jarvan IV gradually realized that , if he wants to take back the power of law and order from the lord, then the magic seeker seems to be the best tool.

After all, in the past, the responsibilities of the magic seekers had conflicted with the local sheriffs many times, and the management scopes of the two sides overlapped quite a bit.

So, after thinking about it a bit, considering that the demon seekers had been wagging their tails at him for so many years, he finally decided to give the demon seekers a chance.

Then, just when the leader of the Demonseeker Army thought that he had come back to the center of power and made a big splash after all the hard work, he was suddenly dismissed from his post and sent to the Gate of Sorrow by Jarvan IV to serve as the local military officer. The officer has gone.

The stunned legion leader didn't even think about it when he left Xiongdu, why His Majesty would choose to transfer him far away at this time, obviously his loyalty can be learned from the sun and the moon, and the royal family needs to bite anyone, and he has no Without the slightest hesitation, he just opened his mouth and bit it!

It wasn't until he was packing his bags that he learned that the person who succeeded him was Zwei Godin, that he suddenly realized.

It turned out that Miss Lanfu had always had her own purpose, and she had been tirelessly showing her loyalty before, but in the end she was picked by that noble traitor Zwei!
Hell, really hell!

It's a pity, no matter how much anger and dissatisfaction he has in his heart, he can only choose to pack his bags and run to the door of sorrow. That result can only be regarded as the incompetent bark of the loser.

After all... In the past, Miss Lanfu indeed asked him a lot of favors—although he did so many things that needed to beg for mercy, most of them came from Miss Lanfu's hints.

In this way, Zwei Godin, a nobleman who had lost his noble status, took office and became the new head of the Demon Seeker Army.

The Demacian nobles who got the news felt very uncomfortable.

Zwei, the traitor of the nobles, was the first bastard to break the honor of the nobles. If the former head of the Demon Seekers was just a dog's leg, then Godin can only be described as crazy and without a bottom line.

However, the appointment of the head of the Demon Seeker Legion is something that the nobles have absolutely no control over. No matter how dissatisfied they are, there seems to be no channel for expressing their dissatisfaction...

Then, just when they thought Godin was just a disgusting mess and planned to ignore him, Zwei, who had just taken office, quickly gave everyone a big job.

Without any prior notice, he directly "visited" a noble whose fief was not far from Xiong, and confiscated a lot of magic items from him.

This time, the mad dog Zwei maintained a bit of aristocratic dignity, and did not make the case public, "just" confiscated all the magic items.

 Carya's Small Classroom Qiongxiang Stone:
  For details, please refer to Chapter 285 and the prequel of the extra chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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