Lux's Farewell

637 [0629] Mad dog Tswei

From the perspective of nobles, Zwei's behavior is almost unreasonable.

Demon prohibition is indeed a consistent national policy of Demacia, and the demon seekers are indeed professionals in charge of demon restraint. Zwei's newly appointed head of the demon seeker army does need three fires for the new official to take office - but this cannot It constituted the reason why he frantically ran directly to the noble's house to collect the magic items.

It should be noted that in Demacia, the anti-magic policy is mainly aimed at demon-infested people, not magic items.

According to the logic of Demacia's ban on magic, magicians are evil, and items contaminated with magic, as long as they are not used by magicians, are no different from commonly used items.

The main reason for the formation of this concept is not that nobles want to open the back door for themselves from the beginning, but mainly because if mages are regarded as a source of pollution, and all items that may be contaminated with magic must be destroyed, then a random person who is infected with magic will go around Xiongdu Run around a certain urban area, and Demacia will demolish this part of the urban area by itself.

Obviously, this kind of isolated magic prohibition is completely unrealistic, so from the very beginning, the idea of ​​​​Demacia's magic prohibition is very clear. Demons use magic", otherwise they would not be dealt with.

Undoubtedly, when this method of judgment was first proposed, it had very positive practical significance. It could not only ban magic, but also prevent the Demacians from restraining themselves or even destroying the city wall. It is a pretty good judgment.

However, magic items do not need to be eaten or drunk. It is much more difficult to track down magic items than to catch demons.

"Magic can be used by non-infested people" sounds very simple, and it seems that random people can try it out, but in fact it is not the case - there are many magic items that can be used by non-infected people, but the use requires Some individual methods and tricks, if you don't know how to use them, then they seem to be ordinary magic items that are not dangerous.

Thus, a very large back door appeared.

Unlike a demon-infested person who is almost impossible to escape and capture once they are discovered, even if a magic item is found to be infected with magic power, the demon-seeker has no right to deal with it.

Because the magic searchers can't prove that these items with magic aura "can make non-spelled people use magic".

It is precisely for this reason that even though Demacia has always maintained a posture of banning magic, noble families with inheritance have more or less hoarded some magic items.

Like the great sword in Galen's hand.

Galen is not a demon-infested person, but when he uses this sword, he can activate the enchantment effect on it, which fully meets the standard of "allowing non-enchanted people to use magic".

But apart from Galen, it was very difficult for others to activate the special effects of this great sword. Even if the demon seeker wanted to prove that it was a magical item that needed to be dealt with, there was no way to prove it.

This situation is not an exception among the nobles, and even many families have kept a certain magical item with great power, maybe a weapon, maybe an armor, maybe other things such as amulets, these things are related to Like Galen's great sword, it has extraordinary magic power, but it will not be confiscated by the magic seekers.

At the beginning, Silas insisted that the forbidden magic was the oppression of the common people by the nobles, and it was largely because of this reason. As a member of the demon seekers, he had seen it on many noble manors, weapons and even accessories. All kinds of magic, but even so, it is impossible for him to search for their magic items.

The nobles clearly knew the existence of magic, and even used it intentionally or unintentionally, but they did not receive any punishment; on the contrary, civilians who used magic unintentionally, were required to take anti-magic potions and were tortured because they were born with magic. To exile, even imprisoned in the Arcatraz...

Galen's ability to become the famous Demacia's power is indeed largely due to his hard training, but who can say clearly how much of his great sword occupies in it?
When the civilians of Demacia relied on the hard-earned savings of three or four generations, they bought a set of equipment and a war horse for their most promising child, and sent him to the battlefield, hoping that he would make great achievements. They didn't realize that those noble children who competed with their own children not only had advantages in nutrition, physical fitness, fighting skills, etc., but even had many magic items to "cheat" for them.

In this case, no matter how fair Demacia's military merit system is, it is destined that some people will be born in Rome and some will be born as mules.

The anti-magic system, which was once born to protect the civilians of Demacia, has gradually become a means for the nobles to suppress the civilians, quietly eroding the only way to rise to military merit.

As the king of Demacia, Jarvan IV knew the truth of it.

Therefore, with his support, Zwei, known as a mad dog, did not hesitate to light the first fire for the new official to take office.

After making preparations, he returned to the Godin family's fief for the first time in many years, and as the head of the Demon Seeker Army, he confiscated almost all the magic items in the family.

Others don't know how to use these magic items... Zwei knows!

After demonstrating how these spears, greatswords, amulets, and armor "enable magic to be used by non-enchanted people," he almost emptied the Godin family's treasury without hesitation, causing his father to faint on the spot. The scene can only be described as fatherly kindness and son filial piety.

However, the nobles who were supposed to be happy to eat melons couldn't laugh anymore.

Because anyone with a discerning eye could already see that, after such a toss by Zwei, the Godin family was almost finished from then on.

Losing their family heritage, the Godin family can only be a local rich man. When their descendants set foot on the battlefield again, they will almost stand on the same starting line as the common people.

Undoubtedly, Zwei's behavior can be described as more than just a "mad dog". This kind of behavior of the magic seeker touched the root of nobility - the inheritance of status.

The nobles can be masters from generation to generation, mainly relying on the huge branch supported by the fiefdom, and in addition, bonus items such as family heirlooms should not be underestimated.

If the demon seekers focus on the inherited items of various families in the future, don't use any magic to appraise them like this time... I am afraid that few nobles can resist this kind of harassment.

It has only been quiet for a few years, is His Majesty going to provoke the dispute between the nobles and the royal family again?

The aristocratic council, which had been reduced to a face-saving project, once again had a rare scene of excitement. When it comes to the fundamental issues of the aristocracy, even if Jarvan IV is in power, the nobles still have to work hard. Mad dogs are absolutely not allowed. Will Wei go crazy again!

Under such circumstances, it was rare for Jarvan IV, who had not personally attended the meeting before, to attend in formal attire.

Facing the request of other nobles, "Although the Godin family is bastards, but the magic seekers who go to other people's houses to search the noble's treasure house without saying a word must be prohibited", Jarvan IV first expressed his heartache, It seems to be really sighing for the depravity of the Godin family.

Then, he took out the familiar reconciliation method and said, "The Godin family is an accident after all. The decency and honor of the nobles is the decency and honor of Demacia. If it is not a last resort, the demon seeker will not choose using such drastic means".

Speaks better than sings.

Even if they knew that Jarvan IV was breaking the roof, the nobles present could only nod their heads in agreement, and then asked insincerely what was a "last resort".

Satisfied with the aristocratic attitude of the nobles, Jarvan IV happily said, "If the nobles can't control the order in their fief, and if there is any trouble caused by the demon-infested, then the demon hunters can only investigate to the end." Yun Yun, and Then he added, "Of course, we all know that mages are always a group of cunning people, so I think that in order to avoid similar tragedies from happening, demon seekers should participate more in the daily patrols of various places, so as to prevent problems from happening... "

Good guy!
Hearing this, the nobles and noble representatives present at the meeting quickly reacted.

After Jiawen IV confiscated the military power of the nobles, he was going to attack the power of law and order!

But after reacting, even after understanding Jarvan IV's purpose, the nobles and noble representatives present were still full of doubts.

Why law and order?
In the eyes of most nobles, the power of law and order is a thankless power - maintaining law and order in the territory also costs a lot of money. Is the royal family full of food?
However, after a little thought, many people who responded quickly understood the subtleties.

Although the power of public security will not bring the most direct benefits, it is the most direct way of contact between the lord and the people. In other words, the power of public security is the most direct help that the lord can provide for the common people. .

The common people have to pay taxes, do hard labor, and abide by the rules set by the local lords. During this process, almost the only positive feedback they get is the guarantee of personal safety.

It is no exaggeration to say that maintaining local law and order is almost the only responsibility and positive connection that the noble lords of Demacia have with the civilians under their rule.

In the eyes of most civilians, paying taxes and performing labor labor after working hard is not because of how noble the nobles are, but because they are lords who control the future promotion channels of their descendants (joining the army) and can protect their own. Safety.

Once the power of law and order is deprived by the royal family, and the law and order in all parts of Demacia will be in charge of organizations directly under the royal family, will the common people everywhere respect the lord?

Even if the civilians still have to maintain respect for the lord under the order framework of Demacia, once the royal family continues to put pressure on the lord, and the orders of the royal family and the lord conflict, which side will the civilians everywhere stand on? Woolen cloth?

Is it the royal family that controls force (army), promotion channels (joining the army and being knighted), and security responsibility (law and order power)?
Or do nothing, just know the lord who collects taxes?
This problem can also be understood with the knees.

Although he did not wish to be kind to the people from the bottom of his heart, but seeing that Jarvan IV made up his mind to strengthen the direct relationship between the royal family and the common people, it seemed that he wanted to completely abandon the nobles and do things on his own. Finally, they all realized that they must not retreat any further here.

After a brief adjournment, the representatives of the nobles quickly reached a consensus, resolutely opposing the blue-robed hyena running around-the reason is also ready-made, after all, Demacia is a glorious kingdom.

Glory was smeared, face was thrown to the ground, and the family involved was indeed doomed to collapse, but wouldn't this be a blow to the entire Demacia?

The glorious aristocrats were smashed into mud amidst the ridicule of the common people, was it only the worth of the dilapidated nobles that was lost?

And the royal face!

The nobles rule over the common people, this is the fundamental order of Demacia. Is the royal family going to take back everything that the nobles of Demacia have in their fiefdoms and hand them over to the royal family for their own management?

If so, is Demacia still Demacia?

At the time of life and death, the nobles who had been arguing with each other before finally regained some unity. They resolutely resisted the demon seekers from entering their territory. Their determination was beyond Jarvan IV's expectations.

Shouldn't it be like this?

Facing the raging public opinion, Jarvan IV couldn't help squinting his eyes.

According to the consistent virtues of the nobles from all over the place, they have never cared about or cared about the power of security, which has no direct benefits.

What's going on today, why do these people seem to be enlightened?
If they are so determined...then I'm afraid I need to temporarily stop and think about my next move.

Jarvan IV really only wanted to further weaken the authority of the nobles, so that the nobles could become custodians instead of little kings in their own fiefdoms.

Demacians must not be allowed to "know only the lord, not the king".

It never occurred to him to turn nobility into a figurehead title, after all... Demacia does need nobility to rule.

In the end, the meeting broke up unhappy, and the two sides did not reach any unified opinion on the issue of security rights.

Then, just when Jarvan IV was about to summon Zwei and tell him to slow down a bit, Zwei showed amazing efficiency.

As soon as the meeting ended, Zwei ignited a second fire over there.

This time, he personally led a team to hunt down a demon-infested person and entered the noble fief, and when the magistrate stopped him, he shot directly and took down the magistrate and the demon-infected person together.

This is not finished.

What's more terrible is that Zwei repeated what he had done in the Godin family. The treasury of this unlucky noble lord was forcibly opened in the name of investigating the case, and most of the treasures were proved by Godin Dangerous magic items, all confiscated.

The second noble lord fell under Zwei's bite.

Mad Dog appears to be completely insane.

Under such a situation, the aristocratic council finally responded—under the connection of interested people, they quickly found a reason to resist the mad dog.

"12 years ago, when the Demon Seeker exposed her unprofessionalism, Her Excellency Earl Laxana had already proved her ability with her actions. Your Excellency Na is undoubtedly more professional in dealing with the issue of demon-infected people. We can contact Her Excellency Laxana for more flexible and decent handling of problems related to demon-infected people. It is best for the royal family to chain the mad dog. It’s called unpredictable.”

Karya's Little Classroom · Use of Magic Items:

Although Demacia prohibits magic, it actually has a lot of magic—it's just that most people don't know about it, and it's just that they don't know it.

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