Lux's Farewell

639 A glass of wine [0631]

In order to welcome Jarvan IV, Fossbarrow offered the highest standard of courtesy.

All the walkers in the north were mobilized, and the clerks also quickly started special work-all the streets that His Majesty the King might walk through were blocked to avoid all possible and unpleasant things.

To be on the safe side, the imperial courts are temporarily requesting not to engage in activities in the open, and collectively enforce a vacation.

Except for a few Archons who maintain necessary jobs, the other Archons are idle and are asked not to walk around at will to avoid trouble.

For this order, the imperial courts understand it very well.

Although many years have passed and most of the Archons have even married and established businesses, those days in the Arcatraz are still the moments they least want to recall.

At that time, their talents were regarded as disasters, their magical powers were regarded as evil spirits, they were deprived of everything, and sent to the magic prison, but the content that everyone was instilled from childhood to adulthood was "" Magic is evil", and after they awakened their magic power, they also more or less experienced the troubles caused by the out-of-control magic...

Therefore, when locked in the Arcatraz, these demon-infected people will more or less fall into self-doubt, as if magic is their original sin.

Like Silas, he can see the magic power and realize that magic is not only possessed by the demon-infested, after all, it is only a minority.

Only after being led by Her Excellency Laxanna to the northern border, did these demon-infested people clearly realize that demon-infected—oh, it should be possessing magical power—is a precious talent.

No longer known as the Demonic, but formed as the Archons.

Learn to keep the magic from getting out of hand, and use it to build.

Use facts to prove the meaning of magic to the Fossbarrow people, from being reluctantly accepted to being respected.

The news of Jarvan IV's visit made the archons seem to have returned to the distant afternoon when they were ordered to follow the large army northward, and they were anxious about the unknown future fate.

No one could have imagined that more than ten years later, they would settle down and take root in the remote northern region in their eyes, and no one could have imagined that they would become the number one in the marriage and love market because of magic...

Time had dispelled their fear of the Demonseeker, and the arrival of Jarvan IV seemed to be a key, gently opening the door to their memories.

Many of these law-enforcement practitioners who were forced to take leave had similar thoughts in their hearts.

"Perhaps, if Her Excellency Laxana is the king of Demacia, everything will be different?"


This is not the first time Jarvan IV has come to Forsbarrow.

When he was still a prince, he traveled with the army in Demacia. At that time, the old king consciously let him get in touch with more local customs, so when he decided to go to the northern border, Jarvan IV even Be prepared to "have a hard time".

However, what Jarvan IV did not expect was that when he arrived in Fossbarrow City, everything seemed to have changed except for the ancient city walls.

The city is still between this steep mountain pass, and it still looks like a fortress from a distance.

But after walking up a hundred steps and entering the city of Forsbarrow, what he saw before his eyes was completely different from the past.

In Jarvan IV's impression, Fossbarrow was a dilapidated city with a sparse and concentrated population, and the living conditions of the local residents were not very good. In many ways, it was quite similar to the barbarians of the Freljord further north.

When he came here last time, King Jarvan IV didn't have a clear understanding of the economy, but even so, Fossbarrow had no arable land and could only rely on gathering and hunting for a living, which still left a deep impression on him. impression.

But today's Fossbarrow is completely different from the last time he came here.

When Jarvan IV was personally greeted by Lacus, like a triumphant warrior, he passed through the arch made of flowers and entered Fossbarrow City. What he saw was a completely different Fossbarrow City from the past.

The streets are very wide, but the whole city is quite crowded with the naked eye, and each area seems to have been specially planned, messy but not chaotic.

And this kind of highly urbanized congestion, looking at the entire Demacia, can only be found in a few cities such as Xiongdu, Tobyssia, Jandel, and Mihril City.

Most of the aristocratic fiefdoms are only so crowded near the castles belonging to the aristocrats.

The residents on both sides of the street look good. Although most of them have rough skin and thick calluses on their hands, they are quite energetic.

It was early autumn, and the climate in Forsbarrow was getting a little chilly.

Most of these people who welcome themselves on both sides of the street have good warm clothes.

In addition to the most common fur coats and furs in the north, there are also many more three-dimensional woolen coats.

Jarvan IV also has a few woolen coats. Compared with leather and fur coats, this kind of coat with the northern style is more stylish. Although it is less effective in keeping warm, considering that most parts of Demacia are not very cold in winter , so it is also somewhat popular.

And the wool...seems to be the most popular of Forsbarrow's output too?
Seeing all this, Jarvan IV's first reaction was joy.

As the king of Demacia, he is very happy to see the prosperity of his country and the prosperity of the people.

If it wasn't for his reserve as a king, he might not be able to resist asking these people, right?

Just like that, Jarvan IV rode on his horse, waving his arms to the residents of Forsbarrow who welcomed him, with a sincere smile on his face.

Lux... really has a hand, she is indeed a model of nobility!

Look at the people below her, how eager their attitude is, only those who are fed and clothed can feel the glory of Demacia!

After walking like a victor through the refurbished Victory Drive in Fossbarrow, Jarvan IV was taken to the Fossbarrow Grand Theatre.

This theater will be the residence of Jarvan IV in Fossbarrow for the next period of time—no way, the lord's mansion in Fossbarrow has been transformed into a school and a dormitory, although the Archon now Many of them have already settled down elsewhere and started their own small families, but it is still the main office space for clerks.

Even if Jarvan IV came, it was impossible for him to be vacated there as a place to fall.

Fortunately, the ostentation of the Fossbarrow Theater is enough. This is the most representative building newly built by Fossbarrow, and it is one of the very few comprehensive buildings that Carya personally proposed for reference.

After the main stage is emptied, it can be used as a banquet hall; the rehearsal hall and dressing room at the back have undergone a simple transformation, and it is not a problem to receive the accommodation of Jarvan IV.

In addition, it was not too far from the central dining hall in Fossbarrow, and there was no problem with the supply of food, which was completely sufficient as a place for King Jarvan IV to stay.

Facts have proved that Jarvan IV is also very satisfied with this place.

Then, on the evening of Jarvan IV's arrival at Fossbarrow, a grand banquet took place in the main stage hall of the Fossbarrow Theatre.

The nobles who got the news and were closer to Fossbarrow came here in person; while the nobles who were farther away from Fossbarrow, their representatives and children in Xinfu City also arrived at the first time.

When the heroic hymn played by Sona herself sounded, a grand ball kicked off.


Jarvan IV and Lux, who hadn't danced in person for many years, danced an opening dance together.

Then, the two left the dance floor tacitly, and talked about business for the first time amidst the sound of music.

"20 years ago, I came to Forsbarrow." Jarvan IV picked up two glasses of wine from the waiter, and handed one of them to Lacus. "At that time, Forsbarrow was still desolate."

"Now Fossbarrow is finally getting a little popular." Lacus took the wine and took a sip, "Your Majesty, you have deceived me so badly..."

Jarvan IV blinked.

"Miss Lanfu." Lacus showed a very subtle expression, "Because of this incident, neither father nor mother can urge brother to get married anymore."

Jarvan IV is embarrassing.

But despite the embarrassment, he was slightly relaxed.

In fact, this divorce event has almost become a taboo event in Xiongdu, and no one dares to mention it in front of Jarvan IV.

But Jarvan IV knew very well in his heart that although many people didn't say anything on the surface, they probably said a lot in secret.

In comparison, it was Lacus who pointed out frankly that it was easier for Jarvan IV to accept—just like at the engagement banquet, Lacus was as friendly as ever, and she was a model of nobility when facing other nobles. The way of doing things is completely different.

If this kind of subtle intimacy is placed on other nobles, it is called ignorance without a sense of distance.

But in the eyes of Jarvan IV, it was just right on Lux's body.

"There's nothing you can do about it, the Council of Nobles." Jarvan IV also took a sip of the wine in his glass, "So, this glass of wine is regarded as an apology. This is a good thing I captured from Tobyssia Fortress. Nothing else from the Texan, but the wine is pretty good."

"The spoils, then I have to taste it." Lux showed a smile on her face, "But... a glass of wine is not enough!"


"Fossbarrow was affected badly by His Majesty's Shurima trade!" Lak said directly without any hesitation, "My respected Majesty, your move is really direct, and now I think about it, I still feel pain." Woolen cloth!"

"The warehouse of the royal family is about to be empty." Speaking of this topic, Jarvan IV's tone was a little more emotional, and his face turned to Sona who had just finished a song and left the performance area, "In the tortoise When I was in Bicia, I once told Miss Sona about the situation at that time... Some nobles in the country are really lawless."

What Jarvan IV was talking about was his appeasement to Sona after he won the full command of the noble coalition. At that time, because he was worried that Lacus would feel sad, he deliberately found Sona, the representative of the Northern Territory, and expressed to her that the Northern Territory Unlike other nobles, he has no intention of targeting the northern border.

"Their fiefdoms are inherited from their ancestors. The land under their rule is rich and affluent, and they don't need to face threats from foreign enemies. They always have some inexplicable sense of superiority." Lux continued along with the words. "Perhaps send them to the wilderness outside Fossbarrow City for a period of time, and they will understand the hardships of their ancestors..."

"That's right." For this point, Jarvan IV nodded in agreement, "It's hard to truly understand what the glory of a nobleman is without going through honing, and the meritorious deeds inherited from their ancestors will always make them a little allergic and a little troublesome. I thought the royal family was going to do something again."

"Just like this time." The corners of Lux's mouth twitched slightly, "Although I often say that this is an accident, many people have expressed their concerns to me recently, including nobles from the northern border. This is really too bad. gone."

"This worry is completely nonsense." Jarvan IV drank the wine in his glass, "It was just a small accident-the leader of the Demon Seekers changed, and some or more people would naturally appear. Or less, if someone tells you about this again, you must explain it clearly!"

"Of course." Lux nodded lightly, and drank the wine in the glass, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, everyone in the northern border is a person who knows well."

"This is not just the northern border." Jarvan IV handed the cup to the waiter, "You are not only a model of nobility in the northern border."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your compliment." Lacus also returned the cup to the waiter, with a look of flattery on her face, "However, after leaving Xiongdu for many years, the old friends who were in Xiongdu have gradually become estranged now."

"How could it be?" Jarvan IV smiled and waved his hands, "At the trade fair in Shurima, your Fossbarrow merchants stole the limelight, but this time the caravan came back, but bought a lot of money on purpose. There are few gold wheel stones."

"Thank you, Your Majesty..."



At the banquet, Jarvan IV and Lacus spoke to each other as if they were friends, and reached a tacit understanding through a simple two glasses of wine.

And this is also the way most nobles communicate - in comparison, it is not elegant enough to slap the table and stare at the noble council.

Judging from the results, Jarvan IV and Lacus reached a tacit agreement, and Lax would be responsible for intervening, and as a price, Jarvan IV promised to give low-priced golden wheel stone resources.

Considering that the Moseeker seems to be a lot more honest, this is completely a matter of going downhill. This transaction is very fair and reasonable, and it can also be called a win-win situation.

However, although Jarvan IV and Lacus were both satisfied with this result, among the accompanying personnel, some people were not satisfied.

And this dissatisfied person is Miss Lan Fu who didn't catch the magician's tricks and didn't find the time to make trouble.

Carya's Small Classroom·Wine:

Noxus wines are of excellent quality, which seems to have something to do with Noxus' climate.

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