Lux's Farewell

640 [0632] Anti-killing

640 [0632] Anti-killing
To lure Jarvan IV to the northern border without a trace, and let him see Lux's arrogance with his own eyes, which will arouse suspicion between the two parties. This is the new plan that LeBlanc and Vladimir have been busy in the recent period.

The previous failures have made them realize that Jarvan IV is not someone who can be manipulated at will. As a climber, Jarvan IV has a good character, is patient, and more importantly, has a strong will. Be firm, if you want this kind of person to go according to your plan, then you have to treat the other person as Swain and seize the only pain point!
And just like Swain's pain point was Noxus, Jarvan IV's pain point was Demacia.

That's why they hoped to make Jarvan IV realize that Lacus is the one who is not good for Demacia. Her indulgence in magic will destroy Demacia sooner or later.

But what LeBlanc never expected was that after she managed to lure Jarvan IV to the north, in Fossbarrow, so many mages seemed to evaporate overnight—even if the accompanying searcher The devil has been wandering around exaggeratedly, but still hasn't found any mage.

What about people?

Even if Fossbarrow got the news in advance and took the initiative to hide the mage, wouldn't everyone be so quiet, right?

Didn't it mean that "in Fossbarrow, there is no difference between a mage and a normal person"?

Thousands of normal people, can they all hide completely with one order?

If this is the case...then Miss Laxanna's control over Fossbarrow is a bit too strong, right?
In the end, after receiving the information from the magic seeker, it was confirmed that there was no trace of magic in Fossbarrow's market, so LeBlanc could only give an order to allow the magic seeker to go too far.

That's not what LeBlanc wants to see.

Jarvan IV is not stupid. After the change of the head of the Demon Seekers, if the Demon Seekers continue to do such things that are almost alone, then Lan Fu and Zwei may soon lose their trust—— The former head of the Demonseekers made troubles because of the awkward status of the Demonseekers at that time. This kind of tossing was in the collective interests of the Demonseekers, but now that Jarvan IV has made it clear that he wants to use the Demonseekers. It's big.

The previous loss of control was due to Zwei's new arrival on the one hand, and everyone's plan on the other hand. At most, it was due to the lack of flexibility in the follow-up. But this time, Jarvan IV came to the northern border with the goal of eliminating the dissatisfaction of the nobles. Yes, if the Demon Seekers still act rashly and offend Laxana at this time, there is no justifiable reason, and I am afraid Jarvan IV will have a hard time getting through.

So at the very beginning, LeBlanc hoped that the magic seekers could find traces of magic in public places. The magic seekers found that such traces were completely reasonable and would not arouse any suspicion of Jarvan IV, but would only make him feel bad for Laxana. Dissatisfaction—but even Jarvan IV would be dissatisfied with Fossbarrow if the demonseekers reported that they found demons in such-and-such a dwelling, and he would think afterwards why the demonseekers were there.

Unfortunately, what LeBlanc hoped to see did not happen.

Laxana controlled Fossbarrow very well, so she could only take risks.

Fortunately, the magic seekers are familiar with such things as "acting rashly". If other organizations receive such orders, most of the people under them will be able to paddle (like Fei Fu from the Xiongdu City Garrison Legion before) The same as the captain), but if it was a demon seeker who did such an over-the-top thing, and it was done in Fossbarrow, everyone's attitude was very enthusiastic.

Don't forget, it was thanks to Laksana that the Demon Seeker was knocked into the dust!
Although the Demon Seeker didn't have the guts to take action against the peak climber, the noble model, Her Excellency Count Laxana, but it is absolutely obligatory to deal with her subjects!

So, when Jarvan IV and Lacus happily reached a consensus, and decided that "everything before was a misunderstanding", a small number of demon seekers who came with the team quickly moved in the night.

The torches stained with the magic stone powder were lit, and these blue-robed hyenas carefully searched for all traces of magic-this kind of flame can clearly detect the presence of magic, but due to the particularity of the nobles, it should not be under normal circumstances. Used in the city of the noble fief.

What if something is found?

Now that I can go too far, I don't have to worry about anything anymore!

Then, as the flames ignited, all the mageseekers who were expecting Fossbarrow to fall were stunned.

All over Forsbarrow, there are traces of magic everywhere.

Under the illumination of the flames, the colorful magical aura almost blinded people's eyes, and everywhere they saw, whether it was buildings or streets, shone with frightening brilliance.

Under such circumstances, even the most seasoned demon hunters will inevitably feel a little uneasy in their hearts.

Fossbarrow... the Devil's Den?
In addition to the charming eyes, the various traces of magic also made the magic hunter lose the direction to continue to pursue. In the past, the traces of magic were all a line. As long as you chased the remnants of magic power, you could find it. mage.

But the question now is, with magic everywhere, where to go next?

To where the magic aura shines brightest?
That's right, that's Miss Laxana's castle - if you really go there to knock on the door and search for demons, then it's not something that can be described as "a little bit too much"!
This kind of behavior is no different from what they did when they attacked the little nobles and directly caused the dissatisfaction of the noble council.

But Earl Laxana is not a small nobleman who is easy to deal with!
Even the Demon Seeker, who was full of anticipation before, is like a bucket of cold water being poured on him at this time, completely chilling his heart.

But things have come to such a point, you can't just extinguish the torch and leave right away?
After much deliberation, the demon seekers simply decided to find a soft persimmon and find a house with the most dazzling magic aura!

Holding burning torches, this small group of demon seekers began to wander in the night.


Due to the relatively high latitude and relatively cold climate, Fossbarrow has no nightlife.

So, when there were footsteps and fire flashing outside, Paloba, who heard the noise, came to his window and glanced downstairs.

But just seeing this one, almost made his blood coagulate.

Boluoba will never forget that 20 years ago, such a group of people took him away from his hometown and sent him to the dark and dark prison of the Arcatraz.

The memory of the past was like a waking nightmare, making Paroba almost breathless, completely subconsciously, his body began to weaken, and his breathing began to intensify.

At this moment, his daughter's voice came from the bedroom.

"Daddy, Daddy, it's time to tell a story!" The little girl urged very dissatisfied, "Don't tell those stories that I told today!"

The voice of his daughter brought Paloba to life quickly.

I am no longer that demon-infected person!

This is Fossbarrow, those blue hyenas have no right to run wild!
And...Poloba's daughter has also inherited his talent, no matter it is for himself or for his daughter, he must not sit still!
Thinking of this, he immediately found his wife.

"Daughter wants you to tell a story, don't push it to me." Seeing Peloba, his wife's first reaction was that he couldn't tell a story, "It's you who brags to her, saying that you know a lot of stories about Her Excellency Laxana I have to go to work tomorrow morning!"

"The demon hunters are coming outside." Proba said with a serious expression, "These blue-robed hyenas don't know what they're going to do, but we have to be prepared!"

"Demon Seeker?" Hearing what Peloba said, his wife hadn't immediately realized the seriousness of the problem. "You are a law-enforcer, with certificates and establishment."

"But the magic seekers may not approve, so we have to be prepared." Proba shook his head lightly, "You and Neil stay in the bedroom...take this."

While talking, Paloba took out a forbidden magic stone, transformed it into a doll, and gave it to his wife.

"This is the forbidden magic stone?" His wife's eyes widened in surprise when she saw what Peloba handed her, "Neil is still young, so it might be very dangerous for her to touch this, and it's not good for her future." good……"

"Don't worry." Proba shook his head, "It will be fine in a while, it's okay, so as not to cause accidents."

Seeing her husband's insistence, she finally had no choice but to take the forbidden magic stone, quickly entered her daughter's bedroom, and gently closed the door.

There were footsteps in the corridor.

Under such circumstances, Proba finally opened the window on the other side, took a deep breath, and snapped his fingers viciously with all his strength.

A firework exploded in mid-air.

Dusty fireworks exploded, and Proba closed the windows.

At the same time, there was a knock on Peloba's door.

"Who?" There seemed to be a lot of anger in his tone, and Proba shouted loudly, "It's late at night, don't you sleep?"

"The magic searcher is on business." Outside the door, the magic searcher with torches was waiting in full force, ready to break the door, "Open the door and check the magic."

"Demon Seeker? Forsbarrow has the Reticent, don't care about the Demon Seeker!" Proba snorted, "If you want me to open the door, you need the order of Count Laxana - I don't know anything. Demonseekers..."

However, before Poloba finished speaking, the demon seekers outside the door had already started to move, the crowbar was hooked into the crack of the door, and the door lock of Poloba's house squeaked unbearably. Voice.

Inside the house, Proba narrowed his eyes slightly. Seeing that the magic seekers seemed to be determined to fight hard, he simply put his hands on the door.

And following his movements, a layer of khaki-yellow light covered the door, and the door was highly strengthened, like a golden stone, no matter how hard the demon seekers outside the door tried, they could no longer be shaken a bit.

"This is an evil mage!"

Noticing that something was wrong, the demon seekers outside the door were also angry—Earl Laxana and the others couldn't afford it, but you, a commoner, still want to violently resist the law?

Must hit hard!

So, after the crowbar, the magic seeker began to use heavy weapons.

Since the crowbar doesn't work... then use the forbidden magic stone to break the door!
Taking out the magic stone stick that he carried with him, the magic seeker began to smash towards the door with all his strength.

Fortify the gate with magic?
The magic stone sticks in our hands are not vegetarians!

However, what the magic seekers didn't expect was that a few people swung the thick forbidden magic stone sticks at the door that was obviously strengthened by magic, but the door was still intact. It moved—even the magical aura on the door didn't wear out at all.

What's happening here?
When the magic seeker was astonished, Paloba inside the door only felt like laughing.

Use the forbidden magic stone to deal with yourself?

This is really tricky - you know, when Laxana was led by Galio, when the magic soldiers descended from the sky, Boloba was the accompanying magician, and at that time, he was in charge of "using the forbidden magic Stone Maintenance Galio" quest.

It can be said bluntly, looking at the entire Forsbarrow, the number of people who can surpass Peloba's understanding and mastery of the Temperament Stone is probably less than two palms!

These demon seekers still hold the idea that "using the magic stone can solve all magic", and even want to use it to deal with Boluoba?

This is simply a pure joke!
If he had known that the magic searcher still had only such a little ability, he would not have let his daughter touch the magic stone at this time!
However, on the surface, Paloba still looked angry and terrified. He didn't respond to the accusations of the "evil mage" who was outside the door, and just shouted and asked him to leave.

In the middle of the night, the ping-pong-pong movement quickly attracted the clerk in charge of security, and a team of northern travelers arrived at the scene together with the clerk—the fireworks released by Bo Luoba earlier had obvious The signal for help, coupled with the fact that the magic fireworks inevitably carry my own magical familiarity, after seeing the northern walker team closest to here, the whole team immediately set off and came quickly.

In this way, until they were surrounded by clerks and northern walkers, the magic searcher failed to pry open the door of Poloba's house.

Facing the clerk and the Northwalker, the Demon Seeker team wanted to show toughness, but the North Walker was not used to them at all, without any hesitation, these soldiers directly disarmed all the Demon Seekers and tied them up .

At the Fossbarrow Theater, the banquet had just ended, and Jarvan IV and Lacus were still enjoying themselves, when the news that "Northwalker has captured a group of spies" spread.

Then, Jarvan IV, who was discussing with Lux to learn more about trade in the north and provide some experience for Shurima trade, was astonished to get "A magic seeker ran outside the house of the magic stone craftsman in Fossbarrow." , Knocking on the door in the middle of the night to blackmail" news.

That's right, as the magic engineer of Forsbarrow's magic stone project, Proba is the top magic stone craftsman in Forsbarrow. After confirming his safety, he decisively chose to bite back.

 Kalya's Little Classroom Peroba:
  Archon, rock mage, senior magic engineer in Fossbarrow's Tabernacle field, see chapter 518 for the story.

(End of this chapter)

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