Lux's Farewell

641 0633 Loneliness

People are influenced by their environment.

People who have stayed in Fossbarrow for a long time sometimes subconsciously forget that Demacia is actually a very traditional and conservative country.

Since the death of the kings of Oren and Sentu, many technologies of Demacia have gradually stagnated, just like the use of the magic stone-to this day, the demon seekers are still using the magic stone to The natural absorption of magic power to "restrain" magic.

Even a long time ago, the first Patriarch of the Durand family had already discovered the essence of the Sorcerer Stone, but for Demacia who is in charge of the Sorcerer's work, knowing that the Sorcerer's Stone can absorb magic enough.

"As long as it can be used" has led to the stagnation of technology, so that the magic searchers can't actually come up with any key evidence.

And after Beloba realized this, he bit the magic seeker firmly, and firmly refused to admit that he had ever used any magic.

"If I have used some magic, Your Majesty, why can't the demon seekers open the door of my house?" At the trial meeting hosted by Jarvan IV, Proba was full of confidence, "They used the magic stone to make The stick, but it only left a lot of clear marks on the door of my house, but the door was not opened, I think this is enough to prove my innocence.”

Facing the gate that was removed as evidence, and seeing the clearly visible traces of stick blows on it, Jarvan IV's expression sank like water.

"As for why the gate of my house is so strong, it's because my job at Fossbarrow is very special. Sometimes I have to bring some forbidden magic stones home for processing." Before the magic seeker could find an excuse, Bai Luoba continued to plead with himself with his chest up, "I have a lot of forbidden magic stones in my home, and their safety needs to be guaranteed, so I specially customized this door - all of which were approved by Count Laxana of!"

Lux nodded indiscernibly, and Jarvan IV's expression became even uglier.

"I need to be in charge of repairing the Colossus of Justice." Proba's self-statement continued, "For this, His Excellency the Colossus of Justice can even testify..."

Jarvan IV's face had already turned black—he once fought side by side with Galio in Tobyssia, and he knew very well that the colossus was conscious, but it was only asleep most of the time, and since this man named Peloba If someone dares to say that, then I am afraid that all of this is true.

He's really the one on Fossbarrow's side dedicated to maintaining the Colossus of Justice.

Jarvan IV, who was originally dissatisfied with the demon seekers' wanton provocation, would have even hoped that the demon seekers would shut up quickly if he hadn't been concerned that the trial process had already started.

Sure enough, when it was the turn of the magic hunters to speak, their descriptions became extremely confusing.

In the first place, they couldn't explain why it was so offensive and disrespectful to randomly light fires in the city of Fossbarrow to detect magic.

Even Fossbarrow "has a lot of traces of magic", but Lux also has a very sufficient explanation: many natural furs and minerals have magic power. As the most important trading city in the North, Fossbarrow will not only deal with All kinds of raw materials, and there are many items imported from foreign countries, such as Hex devices, these things will leave traces of magic under the detection of flames.

Taking a step back, even if the magic searchers search for magic in Fossbarrow, they can only point to uncontrolled demons or magic items that can be used by people. They are just traces of magic, which does not constitute their ignorance. , on the grounds of direct search of residential buildings.

Secondly, the demon seekers kept saying that they found "traces of undisguised magic" on the door of Poloba's house, and insisted that Poloba used magic to resist arrest, but in the process, they used targeted The forbidden magic stone with the best magic effect smashed the door for a long time.

If there is magic on the door of Poloba's house, then the magic should be broken, right?

On the one hand, the demon seeker said that Peloba used magic, but on the other hand, he said that the magic stone stick could not break the magic, and could not open the gate... This is a self-contradictory thing under the logic of Demacia.

In the end, the most inexplicable thing for the Demon Seekers is why they forced their way in instead of seeking help from the lord after Peloba explained his identity—don’t forget, Jarvan IV came here hoping to pass Laxana’s help. Earl, calm down the situation caused by the solo walk of the demon seekers this time. At this time, the demon seekers should tighten their tails instead of continuing to expand the incident!
The magic searcher is suffering and can't tell.

Even in the face of Jarvan IV's darkened face, they couldn't point out Ms. Lanfu, so after the trial, the demon seeker involved was ordered to be deprived of his position, and would be taken back to Xiongdu and put into prison. In the magic prison.

After everything was over, Jarvan IV communicated with Lacus again. Lax said generously that she would block the news and continue to help Jarvan IV mediate. His professionalism needs to be improved, which made Jarvan IV even more embarrassed.

After such a thing happened, Jarvan IV finally couldn't stay in Fossbarrow any longer.

After briefly inspecting the Third Northern Army Corps, he canceled the follow-up itinerary and set off directly back to Xiongdu.


Jarvan IV, who left Fossbarrow, became more and more annoyed. He finally made up his mind this time and severely repaired the Demon Seeker.

In his view, this organization has been completely blinded by the desire for power, and can no longer see its own position!
And the current head of the Demon Seekers, Zwei, also disappointed Jarvan IV—maybe he is not suitable for this position, commanding these bad leaders, and maybe he should be sent to the army in the future go over there...

However, when Jarvan IV arrived in Xiongdu and was about to ask for his punishment, a file from a demon searcher made him almost unable to believe his eyes.

According to this file, the eloquent Poloba was once a prisoner in the Arcatraz, a demon-infested person!
"Your Majesty, in the past period of time, I have been sorting out the files of the demon seekers and clearing up the discipline of the demon seekers." Zwei explained sincerely and helplessly, "Because of the accident 12 years ago, the demon seekers Many files of people need to be re-established, many materials have been lost, and the manpower is extremely insufficient... This is not an excuse for my negligence, but the actions of the demon hunters this time are not deliberate provocations."

"Even if he was once a prisoner in the Arcatraz." Jarvan IV softened his tone a little, "That's not the reason why they acted rashly in Fossbarrow—if I remember correctly, the Demon Seekers should do the same. Choose people from among those infected with demons, right?"

"It used to be." Zwei nodded slightly, "But since Silas broke the confinement of the Arcatraz 12 years ago, the Demon Seeker has banned this matter, because later investigations proved that Silas His escape may have something to do with the fact that he once worked for a demon seeker and understood the environment of the Arcatraz."

Jarvan IV couldn't help rubbing his forehead.

What happened 12 years ago was still fresh in Jarvan IV's memory, but because the damage was too severe, the follow-up report of the Arcatraz was also very vague.

Regarding this matter, Jarvan IV actually didn't take it very seriously, because according to the news of the previous Battle of Miril City, Silas betrayed Demacia and appeared in the barbarian army. There is a great possibility of dying on the battlefield, people are gone, and paying attention to what happened before is not as important as rebuilding.

In addition, Jarvan IV has been busy with work since he succeeded to the throne, and he has never been able to focus on the demon hunters, so before that, he did not think about the problem of dealing with the demon hunters—not I didn't think about it. More than two years ago, the Demon Seeker had packed a batch of demon-infected people and sent them to Fossbarrow. At that time, Jarvan IV felt that there was no problem, so he signed and agreed.

And now, according to Zwei, it seems that Laxana is wantonly using those demon-infested people?
In theory, there is nothing wrong with this kind of behavior. After all, when Lacus was awarded the title of Fossbarrow, those who were infected with demons were handled by her.

But that moment, this moment.

At that time, Fossbarrow was poor and had nothing, and the Freljord people in the north would sometimes launch aggression, and it was considered to be the best use of everything for the demons to go to the north to fight for the country.

Realizing this, Jarvan IV felt somewhat uncomfortable.

Arcane power is the power of the king of Demacia.

He is still trying to use the power of prohibition of magic to cover the power of law and order, and strengthen the control at the grassroots level. Has Fossbarrow quietly controlled the power of prohibition of magic in his own hands?
But 12 years later, many things have changed.

After the Battle of Mihril City, the northern barbarians who liked to plunder southward were defeated; the remaining barbarians feared the merits of Earl Laksanna and chose to trade with the northern border, selling fur and special products at low prices.

The northern border, which used to be nothing to shit on, has gradually become prosperous now. After opening a number of trade routes, although Fossbarrow is not as prosperous as Xiong, it can be called very rich.

On Jarvan IV's side, the royal family has completely suppressed the noble council and is working hard to take back the power in the king's hands. It is no longer the time when Jarvan III was in power and everything needed to be compromised.

In the past, the frontier was dangerous, the northern border was poor, and the royal family had limited power. In order to stabilize the situation, Lux obtained the right to ban magic in the northern border. This is no problem.

But now that the frontier is no longer dangerous, the northern border is getting richer, and the power of the royal family is increasing. At this time, Fossbarrow still holds the power to ban magic...

Under such circumstances, no matter how wise Jarvan IV was, his attitude towards Fossbarrow and Laxana would inevitably change.

Before this trip to Fossbarrow, due to the relationship between Jarvan IV and Lacus who grew up together, and the fact that Xiongdu is too far away from the northern border, distance created beauty.

From Jarvan IV's visit to the northern border this time, it can be seen from the proactive attitude of the meeting that he has always regarded Lacus as his own. She is different from other insect nobles and is a model of nobility.

However, when the Demon Seeker's oolong clearly demonstrated Lax's power to prohibit magic in front of Jarvan IV, in the heart of His Majesty the king, Laxana's status finally changed subtly. .

A model of nobility...

That is also noble!

In the follow-up, Zwei did not make further excuses, but emphasized that he would definitely take care of the Demon Seekers, and asked Jiawen IV if he could fire a group of old fritters and recruit some fresh blood.

Jarvan IV, who originally planned to transfer Zwei to the army, agreed to his request after thinking about it for a while.

Then, after Zwei Deling left, Jarvan IV suddenly felt a sense of loneliness from the bottom of his heart—he seemed to be clearly aware for the first time that the tomboy who used to follow behind himself and Galen Little Lacus is no longer my friend.


What Jarvan IV didn't know was that after Zwei left Dawn Castle, the "loyal" leader of the Demon Seeker Legion did not go straight to work as he thought, but found his "fiancée" , showing off happily.

"Oh." When facing LeBlanc, Vladimir showed a very real side, "Isn't this our pale lady who has no plans, why do you need me, an ignorant guy, to wipe your ass? ?”

Facing Vladimir's ridicule, although LeBlanc was very upset, she couldn't find any reason to refute.

This trip to the northern border was indeed a stretch on my side.

"Isn't this better?" With a sneer, LeBlanc quickly changed the topic, "There is a possibility of reconciliation in the face-to-face fierce confrontation, but the secret suspicion can only make the rift bigger... ..."

"Don't change the subject." Unfortunately, Vladimir was still relentless, "Didn't you say before that if you want the little king to turn against that noble model in the northern border? Why did you change your mind now?"

"One moment and another moment." LeBlanc still maintained a pale dead face, "Now that my role is over, it's you, have you thought about who to send to the demon seekers?"

"It's been ready for a long time." Vladimir's mouth turned up, revealing a confident and greasy smile, "I am really grateful to that noble model lady. If she hadn't supported the art vigorously in the past, I am afraid those little guys would have wanted to be killed by Germany." It is not easy for the Marcia people to accept it!"

"You have to be careful, don't let your feet show." LeBlanc pointedly warned, "Don't get carried away, and expose your original artistic aesthetic!"

"Is there something wrong with my artistic aesthetics?" Vladimir snorted dissatisfiedly, "Scarlet is the color of elegance—it's just that these country bumpkins in Demacia don't understand, they are just obsessed with their extremely stupid blue That's all..."

Carya's Little Classroom · Black Rose's Lurking:

Even Karya would not have imagined that the Art Support Association he helped Lax to set up would become a way for Black Rose members to lurk into Demacia and be accepted by the aristocratic circle of Demacia many years later.

Demacia's art circle... It seems that the atmosphere is not very good!

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