Lux's Farewell

642 News of the mad crow [0634]

642 News of the mad crow [0634]
Although she didn't know about LeBlanc and Vladimir's conspiracy, nor did she hear Jarvan IV's sigh when the night was dark, but in Fossbarrow, Lacus also faintly felt it.

After the farewell, I am afraid that the relationship between myself and Jarvan IV will never return to the past.

It's a pity, Jarvan IV is obviously a good person.

However, not many people know about the break between Lux and Jarvan IV—at least the trade between Fosbarrow and Xiongdu is still going strong.

No one has trouble with money.

As the main buyer of golden wheel stones, every time a Shurima trade ship arrives at the port, the Fossbarrow Chamber of Commerce will spend real money to buy most of the golden wheel stones. A large deposit will be placed to confirm that the next Shurima trade will buy the golden wheel.

In this way, the trading of golden wheel stone has almost become the most stable part of the Shurima trade, quickly filling the wallet of the royal family.

However, golden wheel stone is a relatively precious ore after all, and it is relatively difficult to excavate. After many acquisitions, the production capacity of golden wheel stone is also somewhat insufficient.

The residents of Jinlun Town can't handle so much rough ore.

When the caravan arrived again to buy Jinlun Stone, the elders of Jinlun Town simply took him to the mine.

"You want a golden wheel stone? Dig it yourself."

It is certainly impossible to dig by yourself.

Considering the limited shipping capacity, it is not realistic to directly purchase raw ore.

In desperation, Barrett could only negotiate with Sambol in person to limit the purchase of Golden Wheel Stone.

In this regard, Sambol is very good at speaking - he can continue to pay the deposit and extend the delivery period, but the trade of golden wheel stones cannot be stopped, and you can provide as much as you can.

The two parties happily reached an agreement.

Then, just when everything seemed perfectly normal, as if everything was going well, Karya shot himself.

As for Carya's personal action, it started with two noisy visitors from Forsbarrow.

In the early winter of the 13th year of the Forsbarrow calendar, when the first snow covered the city of Forsbarrow white, Lux was preparing for the winter speech in a few days.

While she was reciting the speech silently, someone suddenly knocked on her window.

You know, Lux lives on the second floor - the window on the second floor was knocked, which is somewhat weird.

So, when she looked up at the window, Lux's hand also shimmered at the same time.

Then, on the windowsill, Lux saw two bald crows.

"Quack quack, open your window!" One of the bald crows raised its head proudly, "Welcome to your respected brother Shabeka!"

"And your kind sister, Shabek." Another bald crow was not to be outdone, "It's you, yes, I like your reaction!"

Looking at the two crows who claimed to be her brother Shabekah and sister Shabek, Lacus almost thought that she was hallucinating—even if it was a shape changer, it would be difficult to appear in the appearance of a crow. Could it be that Whose pet?

Uh, wait, Sabek, Sabek... Why do these two names seem familiar?
Slightly squinting her eyes, Lax thought for a moment, and soon remembered some interesting stories Kalya once told herself when she was waiting for the night to become completely dark in the Dasai Desert.

In one of them, the protagonists are Shabekah and Shabek.

"So, you are the only two ascensioners who became crazy because they could not bear the power of ascension?" Lux silenced the two noisy crows with one mouth, "The baldness on your body is caused by each other's baldness. Was it caused by hair pulling?"

This is the biggest dark history of Shabek and Shabek.


As siblings who ascended at the same time, Shabek and Shabek were not known for their toughness among many ascenders.

Can it even be said that among all the ascenders, they should all be regarded as different.

Shabekah and Shabek are very rare people who really have a sense of [fate].

Of course, the "response to fate" mentioned here does not mean that Shabek and Shabek can predict the future.

The maximum application of this vague induction is only a conditional deduction.

In other words, when you have doubts and doubts, you can find Shabekah and Shabek and put forward your entangled choices, and then they will show you different and possible options according to the ripples of fate. future.

Although it is only a possible future, for those who are in confusion, this level of help is enough to guide the way.

However, being able to perceive the clues of fate does not mean that one is strong enough, and Karya's experience has proved that it will be quite troublesome for a person who is not strong enough to become an ascender.

Even if two people soared together, the huge ascension power still caused the siblings to fall into a short-term trance just like Karya who reluctantly accepted the ascension power at the beginning.

But Kalya's loss of consciousness is at most in a coma on the spot, and it took two days to wake up. Apart from worrying, there is no other problem; The aftermath of the Ascension Ceremony becomes the scene of the accident.

The uncontrolled body temporarily turned into a doll of fate, unscrupulously showing their research on fate.

According to eyewitnesses, when Shabekka and Shabek looked at whomever they looked at, they would start to imitate the actions of that person like puppets, and babbled about the possible fate of the other party.

Shabekah said a good possibility, Shabek said a bad one, and vice versa.

Unlike when they are consulted normally, this kind of deduction of fate is not subject to any conditions, so most of them are extremely absurd.

But because Shabekka and Shabek were indeed favored by fate, these absurd stories fell into the ears of everyone, but they were inexplicably so credible.

Confident rising stars in the political arena may choose to climb Mount Targon in order to prove themselves, but fall into a deep valley, be smashed to pieces, and be quickly forgotten; but they may also serve as messengers, complete tasks that ordinary people cannot persist, and obtain the qualification for ascension, becoming one of the ascensionists a member of

Old-fashioned fighters who want to save face may drown in the toilet unseemly, turning their carefully prepared funeral into a joke; His funeral became extraordinarily grand.

A beautiful woman may be reduced to a confidant, swallowed by her own desires in the vortex, and desperately kills herself when she is old and fading; but it is also possible to use beauty as a small label for herself, and after the arrival of the old age , easily tore it away with incomparable magnanimity.

The diligent little official may be unknown all his life, and he can only comb his few hairs in front of the mirror to cover his bald head as much as possible. The hairy animal on the head is the image of ascension.



Shabekah and Shabek unscrupulously performed the mockery of fate, and some of the people named were furious and thoughtful.

But the most unlucky ones are Shabekah and Shabek himself. After they put themselves into the acting state, they imitated not only the movements, but also the images——when they woke up, their bodies were covered with strange oil paint , wearing all kinds of clothes, most of his hair was ripped off, and his ascension body even had multiple injuries.

Later, although most of the people who were named by Shabekah and Shabek did not take the path of their interpretation, but if you observe carefully, perhaps in many cases, people will find that fate exists in some trivial details. considerable similarity.

When she was in the Dasai Desert, Lux once asked Kalya what fate is.

At that time, Karya did not directly give an answer, but told the stories of Shabekah and Shabek, focusing on those who were played by them and their subsequent choices.

The rising star in the political arena did not run to climb Mount Targon, nor did he become an Ascendant. He has always maintained the self-confidence that ordinary people cannot match. self-destruction.

The death of an old-school soldier is not glorious, nor has it become a joke, but even at the last moment of his life, he still insisted on the past habits, even though it was very difficult to breathe, but he insisted on buttoning the first button, Organize all pockets.

The beautiful woman chose to be ordinary in the end. When she was getting old and spoiling her grandson, her grandson dug out an old painting in the storage room and asked her who the beautiful sister on it was, with a smile on his old face. The face is blooming, just like the style of youth.

The diligent little official persisted all his life. Even though he was indeed bald later, he was still very respected. He didn't become a big man until he died of illness. After leaving his job, he raised two highland dogs to accompany him. Every day is also very fulfilling.

This story left a deep impression on Lux, it was the first time she had a vague understanding of fate and choice.

Therefore, when Shabeka and Shabek reported their names, she quickly remembered it, and then subconsciously followed Karya's tone, and talked about the topic of alopecia areata.


To Lux's surprise, even though she had already mentioned the dark history of Shabek and Shabek, the two crows were only quiet for a few minutes, and then quacked again.

"That's right!"

"It's her, it's her!"

"That's the energy!"

"One mouth will reveal the short!"

"I was afraid of finding the wrong person."

"It seems to be you now."

"Being able to learn like this."

"You must have seen him."

"Tell the truth, Laxana."

"Tell us, where's Karya?"

After singing together, the two crows no longer asked Lax to open the window, but directly stated their purpose. They believed that Lax had seen Karya, so they asked Lax to tell them where Karya was.

This time, without waiting for Lux to answer, a burst of fine sand shaped Kalya's form.

At the same time, the window was opened, and a mask was put on Karya's face made of fine sand.

"Aha, Shabek, Shabek, long time no see." Kalya's voice was very gentle, "I heard Aatrox mention you... It seems that your condition is much better than what he said."

"We are not him." Shabeka flapped her wings and landed on Karya's left shoulder, "We didn't go deep into the front line, we can cut off the wrists of a strong man."

"We haven't been hit by a sheep." Shabek landed on Karya's right shoulder, "Although the ascended body cannot leave, the pure part has freedom to use!"

"Is this peeling off erosion?" Kalya looked at the two crows carefully, "However, to be honest, it's a bit rough, this bald hair, it's like someone who lost the Ascendant—wait, something seems wrong !"

"It must be wrong, it must be wrong!" Shabeka yelled, "We felt the call of fate and wanted to find you, but in Shurima, we met some bastards!"

"Not just a few, but a group," Shabek added. "They were trying to undo the fate of the past and make Shurima great again, and we almost got caught and drained!"

"Actually, it won't be drained, at most it will be plucked." Shabeka corrected, "The fool gave up his body, hoping to cover the sleeper with the feathers of the ascender."

This kind of chorus and vague expression made Lux, who was ignored by the side, confused. She couldn't understand what Shabek and Shabek were talking about at all.

But Karya seemed to understand what they said, and the mask narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Even in the fate we have seen, it is crazy!" Shabekah and Shabek sang together, "Playing with the power of ascension with one's own power, wanting to reverse the immortality of life and death, Karya, Kara Ya, you should take care of your unworthy descendants!"

Hearing this, Lux finally understood a little.


"You know Azir?" Shabeka tilted her head in doubt, "You know all of this?"

"Kalya told you all this?" Shabek's tone went up to a higher level, "He hates to mention the Shurima royal family's crap—"

"Shut up and be quiet for a while." Before Lacus could answer, Kalya spoke first, "Let me think about it."

Shabek and Shabek simultaneously raised their bald wings and covered their beaks.

Lux didn't speak anymore.

The room became quiet, only the whistling wind was blowing the snowflakes, mixed with the yellow sand.

"Maybe, I should go to Shurima." After a while, when Lux was already thinking about whether to say something, Kalya finally said, "Call Ino, let her come with me, By the way, it also dealt with the troubles in Jinlun Town."

 Carya's Small Classroom Highland Dog:
  A long-haired dog of Shurima, with particularly profuse hair on the head.

(End of this chapter)

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