Lux's Farewell

643 [0635] Carya's old place revisited

643 [0635] Carya's old place revisited
Shabekka and Shabek are worthy of being crazy crows. After being eroded by the void, they seem to be crazier than before.

Although the narration of one song and one harmony is not so confusing, the details are completely inappropriate, so that Lacus only listened to the general idea in the end.

It seems that these two guys were caught by Xerath, and they were going to pull out their fur stickers and give them to Azir to complete a certain resurrection ceremony?

Lux's magic theory is very solid, but there is no resurrection part in it, so she is still a little confused about Shabekah and Shabek's narration.

However, Karya, who was also listening at ease, seemed to understand.

In this case, he directly stated that he would go to Shurima with Ino.

"Are you going in person?" Sabekah seemed pleasantly surprised, "Excellent, excellent——"

"You are the source of the blood!" Shabek was also full of expectations, "Pluck all the hairs of those bastards!"

"They are defying fate!"

"Even at the expense of blasphemy!"

"You must punch yourself hard!"

"There must be no hesitation!"

"Okay, okay." Seeing that the two crazy crows seemed to be in the cross talk mode again, Kalya quickly stopped, "Tell me first, where did you meet Xerath?"

"The news we heard in Zrimar."

"I saw that orthodox Shurima in Antasil!"

"Not only did the locals not greet us."

"Even set a trap!"

The two crows spoke to each other, and quickly explained what happened to them.

After leaving the Undead Land, Shabek and Shabeka chose to go to Shurima City. Although they looked a little crazy and their speech was not normal, their brains were not broken. If they want to find Kalya, the best choice Just go to Shurima City to have a look.

Shurima, however, had nothing.

Shabekha and Shabek, who had nothing to gain, simply wandered around Shurima City - after they took refuge in Aatrox, they were completely regarded as tool people. Now they finally have the opportunity to fish, so naturally they should be cherished.

Although the reconstructed city of Shurima is no longer the place in their hearts, it still retains a somewhat similar appearance. In addition, they haven't been back for a long time, so they simply take a vacation here.

(As for their past work in the Undead, Swain was pretty much in charge... poor Swain.)
This stay lasted for several years, until the news of "the return of the king" began to spread in the city of Shurima. Back to ancient glory".

After hearing the news, Shabekah and Shabek finally remembered the main goal of their trip, finally put away their fishing attitude, and began to trace the source of the news.

And this chase led to Antahir.

Could it be that Carya was revived in Antasia?
Curious Shabekah and Shabek crossed the Titan Mountains and arrived at Antahir—then they were captured by Xerath.

Xerath seems to be fishing for law enforcement. He specially prepared a trap for Ascenders. Even if Shabek and Shabek can fly, after triggering the trap, there is no room for escape, and it directly falls into Xerath's hands inside.

Facing the two crows he had caught, Xerath even acted rather displeased. In his own words, the trap he carefully prepared was originally designed to catch a jackal, but it turned out to be a mistake caught two half-dead crows...

However, after catching them all, Xerath did not let Shabek and Shabek go. He took the blood of two crazy crows, and plucked a lot of their feathers, and used them to study Azir's resurrection project. It wasn't until he found out that the two crows were really useless, and they weren't the main body, that he let them go.

When Shabekah and Shabek were let go, Xerath told them proudly that if they saw Nasus, he must come to Antasil to meet his Majesty the King—but, considering Shabek The encounter between Bekaa and Shabek, I am afraid that once Nasus steps into the land of Antahir, he will face the danger of being extracted by Xerath to revive Azir.

"I've never heard of resurrection spells." Regarding Xerath's behavior, Kalya just shook his head, "Besides, what Shurima needs now is not an old king—do you want to join us? "


"Need not!"

It seems that Xerath left a very deep impression on Shabekka and Shabek. Both crows said, "I want to take a look at Fossbarrow, I have seen enough of the sand in Shurima." simply.

In this way, Kalya's itinerary was quickly finalized. He will go to Shurima City first with Ino and Shivana.

What is different from before is that this time, Karya will always be active in a physical form-not a stick that can run and jump, but in the form of a sand-cast body, wearing a mask and wearing a robe.

This surprised Ino.

"After all, it's to deal with some problems left by me." Facing Ino's doubts, Kalya just spread his hands, and his mask showed an exaggerated helpless expression, "It's better to deal with it by yourself."

As he spoke, he directly took the Broken Sword and put it on his waist.

"Although I haven't been to New Shurima City, this is more or less like revisiting the old place. I don't have to walk around, I always feel that it will be almost interesting."


From Fossbarrow to the city of Shurima, one must first arrive at Uzeris or Kalamanda by boat, and then cross the Great Sai Desert.

Fortunately, with Shyvana around, the journey was much easier—you can just fly.

Under the guidance of Kalya, Shivana set off directly towards the south-east direction, flying through Tobysia, Trivel, and Uzeris, and after some resupply in Uzeris, began a new journey. A flight across the Dasai Desert.

During the previous journey, there were many supply places on the way, and Shivana still felt very relaxed, but after entering the Dasai Desert, even as a giant dragon, she felt the extraordinary enthusiasm of this desert.

The scorching sun shone on Shivana's back, making her scales look like a red-hot iron pan, wishing she could fry an egg.

In this case, Kalya and Ino prepared a gondola in a very tasteless way. When Shivana flew, they hung the gondola under Shivana, using her huge dragon body to cover the sky. Vicious sun.

"This is a rare trial!" Regarding his behavior, Karya said eloquently, "From an elemental dragon to an ancient dragon, absorbing the power of the heavens is a very important part. The Great Sai Desert in Shurima It is the second most suitable place to bathe in the glory of the heavens besides the Targon Peak."

Originally, Shivana had no objection to being a tool man, but for some reason, after hearing Teacher Kalya's self-deprecating explanation, she felt an inexplicable itching in the roots of her teeth, and she wanted to chew on something. .

In this way, with the efforts of the tool dragon, Kalya and Inuo passed through the Dasai Desert very smoothly-on the fifth day, they saw a touch of green condescendingly.

"That's it." Kalya's tone was rarely excited, "Great River Oasis!"

Looking in the direction Kalya pointed, Ino finally saw the roaring Shurima River.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, it's really hard to imagine that there is such a long and narrow oasis among the vast yellow sand.

And in the middle of this long, east-west oasis is the mighty, turbid emptied Shurima River.

In Narimajie, Lux and Ino had also seen this big river go around the city, and saw countless Shurima people transporting goods on the river in boats, but maybe it was because of the Narimajie water conservancy project, Or it may be because the water in the upper reaches is not at its peak. Although the Shurima River there is also fascinating, it is a little less shocking.

The big river that appeared in front of Yinuo was even more than two miles wide by visual estimation!
But such a wide river still looks quite turbulent. When Shivana landed on the bank of the oasis river according to Kalya's request, the roaring water even covered up the sound of the giant dragon landing.

"Every time I see the Shurima River, I can't help feeling a little heroic in my heart." Standing on the bank of the big river, Kalya watched the tumbling water, "Looking at the water momentum, Ixtar should still maintain Do you want to dredge the waterway?"

"The land here seems to be very fertile?" Ino looked away from the river, couldn't help but bent down and grabbed the soil under his feet, "The land here doesn't seem to be covered by gravel?"

"Because there is almost no wind here." Before Kalya could speak, Shivana gave the answer first, "All the way to the south, the wind is getting weaker and weaker. Although there is a lot of water vapor here, there is no wind at all... ...maybe that's why the oasis was saved?"

"The main reason is the same." Kalya was still staring at the river, "The Shurima River is located in the windless desert, with almost no north-south wind, and very little east-west wind. There is no gravel carried by sandstorms. The Shurima River It is only along the coast that this state can be maintained—aside from that, there is another main reason that although the Shurima River is very deep, the two banks are the roofs of the Shurima continent, and the gravel will not gather."

"It's really amazing."

"Yeah, it's amazing. If it weren't for this magical windless belt and the magical folded terrain here, I'm afraid Shurima is destined to become a dead place." Kalya nodded, "Without this river , there would be no Shurima, she is the mother of everyone in Shurima, the real mother river."

"So, we can reach Shurima City as long as we follow the river?" Ino couldn't help but looked around, "It seems that we are still far away from Shurima City, and there are no people here."

"It's not far from Shurima City—if Shurima City didn't change its location." Kalya heard this and shook his head slightly, "However, it does look a bit too desolate here... really Strange, didn't Shabeka say that Shurima City is still prosperous?"

Under the guidance of Kalya, the two went down the river together, and finally arrived at Shurima City the next day.

When he came to the city of Shurima, Kalya finally figured out why he came all the way. There were few pedestrians along the banks of the Shurima River.

Shurima City is under martial law!

The current Shurima City is not the Shurima City that Kalya originally built—that Shurima City had already connected the entire Shurima Empire when Azir failed to ascend. Together with the facilities that could function, they sank into the ground.

Today's Shurima City is a new city built not far from the original Shurima City.

Although the last emperor of Shurima is gone, the royal blood of Shurima has not been cut off. After the establishment of the new city, some offshoots of the royal family formed the Regent Council of Elders, which raised the banner of Shurima’s orthodoxy and became the king of Shurima. Ruler of New Shurima.

But it is a pity that, except for the residents of New Shurima, few people buy their account.

It is true that the ruler of Shurima's empire is the emperor, but relying on some crooked royal offshoots and claiming to be orthodox in Shurima, who would believe it?

The empire is finished, and everyone now claims to be orthodox. How many Ascenders will your regent elders have?
The Regent Council has no Ascenders.

Since there are no Ascenders, they naturally have no right to speak, let alone the ability to reproduce the glory of Shurima. Even after a long time of hard work, the new Shurima City will at most build itself into a city located in the middle of the Shurima River. The commercial city in the city barely maintains its dignity by providing supplies to caravans going from east to west.

Although I have known for a long time that the new Shurima city is not the same as the former Shurima city, but when Kalya really stood under the Shurima city, watching this "plain and simple" city tightly shut its gates At that time, he was still disappointed.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if the Shurima Empire is over, the Shurima River is the main artery of the Shurima Continent, and there are still an endless stream of merchants on the river. Replenishment, collection of business tax, it's not like this, right?
Look at this poor city wall, low city tower... Wait, why do these city walls and towers look as if they were just knocked down?
Squinting his eyes, Kalya carefully looked at the traces on the city wall, and quickly made a judgment—yes, the tower was indeed blown down, and the city wall was repaired just now!
Who came down to Shurima to fight?
Logically speaking, for this kind of city that has little room for development and has inherited the name of the ancient city of Shurima, other forces will give some face, right?

Someone really traveled through the long yellow sand and came here to attack the city?
No wonder the gates of New Shurima City are locked tightly, with a look of martial law. It turns out that some people don't pay attention to martial arts!
Thinking of Shabek and Shabeka's experience, Karya couldn't help but have a subtle guess.

Could this also be related to Xerath?
 Karya's Little Classroom Shurima City:

  The old Shurima city was designed and built by Kalya himself, and it was highly bound to the sun disc. After Azir failed to ascend, it was almost finished.

(End of this chapter)

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