Lux's Farewell

644 [0636] Advanced cosplay

644 [0636] Advanced cosplay
Although the wall material of New Shurima City is not high-grade, and the magic power circuit drawn on it is relatively rough in the eyes of Kalya, and the magic power flowing in it is not full, but at least the city wall itself is high and thick enough, and it is not damaged from damage. It can also be seen that it is a triple structure of brick-wrapped whole cast rammed earth.

A city wall with this structure can be destroyed in a large area like this...

The Transcendent did it, and it was most likely an Ascendant or a Darkborn.

When Kalya looked at the damage of the city wall and pondered the possible situation, Ino and Shivana also realized what had happened here, and they looked at Kalya together, waiting for the next instruction.

"Bring Vazuan's flag." After thinking for a moment, Kalya made a relatively safe choice, "Let's find out what happened here first."

"it is good."

Ino nodded, and quickly rummaged through the package—in order to be able to move smoothly in Shurima, Kalya specially prepared the flags and identity certificates of many city-states and regions, including but not limited to Vazu Ann, Uzeris, Nashilami, Nerima Jie, Ixtal, etc.

Different identities can give Carya different angles of entry, and there is always one that can adapt to specific situations.

Judging from the current tense situation in Shurima City, the traditional identity of the Shurima region is likely to cause some extreme reactions, so Kalya simply entered the city as a Vazuan explorer.

No matter who fought here, it has nothing to do with Vazuan, right?
In this way, the three of Kalya raised the banner of Vazuan and swaggered towards the gate of Shurima City.

When the three of Carya came to the city gate and asked for supplies to enter the city, the soldiers on the city did not show too nervous.

It seemed that the war in Shurima City had passed for some time. When the three of them came under the city wall, a small group of soldiers on the city leaned against the edge of the city wall with some reluctance and asked them about their identity and purpose.

"We are Vazuan!" Shyvana unfurled the Vazuan banner. "Vazuan explorers!"

"You say you are Vazuan, do you have any evidence?" The soldier on the city wall narrowed his eyes and looked at Shivana and unfolded the flag, "Is it true?"

"I have a certificate from the Explorers' Association!"

Upon hearing this, Shivana quickly took out a prepared false certificate from her bosom—this thing was actually intended to fool Jarvan IV, but it was useless, so she simply brought it together this time.

"Send it up and have a look!"

As he spoke, a small basket tied with a rope passed through the pulley block and slowly dropped from the city.

Shivana directly put the false certificate into the basket, and when she was about to signal the soldiers in the city to pull up the basket, Karya took out a gold hex and put it in the false certificate, And signaled Shivana to put the few Hex gadgets in the package into the basket.

The basket was pulled up to the top of the city.

"Will this work?" Shyvana was a little puzzled, "Won't it be self-defeating?"

However, before Shyvana could finish her sentence, a large hanging platform, even big enough to carry a camel, hung down from the city.

"Come up." The soldiers on the city urged, "You are lucky, there is no enemy situation today, let you come in as an exception, hurry up!"

In this way, the three of them successfully entered the city of Shurima as Vazuan explorers.


"There was a battle just now, and the guards are still so lax." After a few words with the soldiers and leaving the city smoothly, Shyvana finally couldn't help but said, "That puts us in ?”

"In a sense, the identity of the Vazuan can also represent a neutral person." Kalya shook his head lightly, "And judging from the situation on the city wall just now, the previous battle... I am afraid Shurima What happened to the city was also an indiscriminate disaster.”

"An indiscriminate disaster?"

"Because the defensive facilities on the city have never been used." Kalya chuckled, and said in a firm tone, "If someone really attacks the city, no matter how powerful the enemy is, I am afraid that the soldiers defending the city will not resist at all?"

"No wonder there is martial law outside, but the inside of the city seems to be very peaceful." Yinuo realized something, "It seems that the two sides in the battle did not target Shurima City, and the city's martial law is entirely to avoid additional casualties?"

"By the way, I can also make some extra money." Kalya added, "This city completely copied my design, and did not let the river flow directly through the city-those who used to graze and plant by the river now have to Bought water through the municipality of the city."

Hearing what Kalya said, Shivana and Ino's expressions were a little subtle.

"By the way, what is the Sand Whisperer you just introduced yourself?" After a pause, Shivana continued to ask, "Obviously they said they wanted to see your face under the mask."

"An ancient profession." Kalya didn't hide it, "Sand Whisperers are people who can talk to sand seas and swim in sand seas—you can understand them as special guides with magic power."

"Sand Whisperers must wear masks?"

"Because Sand Whisperers have to walk through the gravel, but not all Sand Whisperers have magic powers strong enough to completely protect themselves." Kalya shrugged, "So many Sand Whisperers have a lot of worn scars on their bodies. "

According to Karya, Ino and Shivana thought about it for a while, and soon felt a little hairy.

"During the empire, Sand Whisperers were very respected people." Carya continued, "They are explorers of the Sand Sea, but there should be very few Sand Whisperers now, and they have become scavengers— It's a sad story of pioneers becoming scavengers."

"So what we saw in the black market in the Sand Whisperer?" Yinuo suddenly said, "I remember that there are quite a few people who spend a lot of money and don't want to show their faces!"

"It should be." Carya nodded, "They sold a lot of antiques from the Empire period, and they probably found them by diving deep into the gravel."



While speaking, the three of them had already left the city wall area.

Then, Ino and Shivana's eyes widened almost simultaneously.

"What is that?" Yinuo's voice was full of disbelief, "That made of gold?"

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be gold-plated." Kalya shook his head, "The Wall of Thousand Gods, Shurima City even copied this."

"Is this the one you said?" Ino strode close to the Wall of Thousand Gods, carefully sizing up the gilded wall through the fence, "The wall where all the Ascended are carved? Let me find-- "

"The ascenders above are all in the form of ascenders." Kalya fully guessed Ino's thoughts, "The one on top, the one with wings spread is me, the one without a face."

Following Kalya's hand, both Ino and Shivana saw the sand sculpture with spread wings at the top of the Wall of Thousand Gods.

"Che—" Yinuo couldn't help prolonging his tone, "It's so mysterious, it doesn't show its face."

"Is it interesting to be visited by many people as a scenic spot?" Kalya snorted, "If you think so, I will personally do it when I go back to Fossbarrow and carve a one-to-one statue for you, just put it At the gate—"

"I was wrong." Ino resolutely admitted, because she knew that Kalya could really do this kind of thing, "It's really not good, you're right!"

"Except for some extremely narcissistic guys, most Ascenders will not choose to use their daily form to make statues." Seeing that Ino did not continue to insist, Kalya seemed to smack his lips in disappointment, "Ascended Form represents glory, but the everyday form of the non-ascended is the most convenient."

"Then who is this guy who shows his face?"

"Look carefully."

"Looks like... Aatrox?"


"What about this one?" Ino pointed to the other one, "He looks so abrupt!"


When Karya's eyes fell on the image that Ino was pointing to, she was surprised to find that she didn't seem to know this ascendant.

What makes Karya even more unbelievable is that this person... looks at least seven points like himself!

Could it be that this is Azir?


Karya guessed right, he was Azir.

In the post-Shurima Empire era, he is known as "the most likely to become the next King of Ascension".

It seems that the regent elders of New Shurima City also knew that with their status, they could not inherit the most glorious Shurima Empire anyway, so they simply chose to inherit the post-Shurima Empire—that is, during the Icathian War After the split, the Shurima Empire lost many areas of slavery.

Then, in order to show legitimacy, they engraved Azir on the replica Wall of the Thousand Gods—although they found the top sculptor, it was somewhat abrupt because it destroyed the overall design.

After realizing that this person might be Azir, Karya looked carefully at the wall from top to bottom, and then he finally confirmed that there was only one more Azir on it, and there was no Xerath.

Considering the stories of Xerath being the Betrayer that are now widely circulated in Shurima, it seems that Azir is repeating the same mistakes?

Kalya didn't know that Azir hadn't repeated the same mistakes, and now the dirty water on Xerath's body was exactly what the regent elders would pour.

The reason is also very simple. If the failure of Azir's ascension was caused by someone's petty tricks, then as the successor of the empire, should the Regent Council of Elders continue to follow Azir's thinking, preside over the ascension ceremony and free the slaves?
But do these regent elders have the ability?


Since you can't become Azir's real successor, but you still want to occupy the title of Azir's successor, and gather your forces immediately to deal with Azir's scattered heirs, the best way is to give Azir Will Seoul's abolition of slavery policy pour dirty water on Feisheng?

Thus, a story of "the despicable slave betrayed the great emperor and stole the power of ascension" was freshly released, and it quickly spread.

All mouths are full of gold.

Therefore, although Azir maintained most of his wisdom, all the destruction in the end came from his "ignorance of people", so whether he abolished slaves or continued to ascend, it should be denied.

But what they didn't expect was that they completely underestimated Azir's significance to the empire-as the news spread, the post-Shurima Empire also fell apart.

When the regent elders who thought they could inherit power built New Shurima and wanted to order the princes, they found that no one paid attention to him at all, and the governors of city-states and port governors everywhere were busy. Descendant of Azir, and marrying his own heir to claim the Shurima Empire...

Azir, who died in his prime and died in the middle, left a large number of descendants. Most of these children were raised in various parts of Shurima. According to Azir's plan, these children will become the defenders of the empire in the future. Join with me in making Shurima great again.

But what he never dreamed of was that before these children grew up, he himself was finished.

As a result, the real power factions in various places acted quickly, taking advantage of the orphans, widows and mothers who had no one to rely on, they simply used these children as human stamps.

The Regent Elders thought that with the city of Shurima, they could represent the Shurima Empire, but the city governors and port governors from all over the country chose to support and inherit the royal blood in a different way—you regent elders are offshoots of the royal family, and the emperor Your Majesty can't beat you, but I am His Majesty's son and daughter, and I am much more orthodox than you!
In this way, the post-Shurima Empire, which still had some centripetal force in the core area, was completely divided.

Everyone claims to be the orthodox Shurima Empire.

It's just that they are neither Shurima, nor Empire, nor orthodox.

And the Regent Council of Elders, who spent a lot of effort to build the new Shurima City, has become a pure joke. In the end, they can only rely on a good geographical location and extremely meager face to collect money and maintain their rule. up.


Carya didn't know much about this period of history.

But this did not prevent him from walking on the streets of New Shurima City, looking at everything around him, only feeling full of disobedience in his heart.

Ino and Shyvana, on the other hand, were completely unaware of the antique style of the city, and instead thought that it "much like the Shurima that Kalya told about."

After all... In any case, the main body of this city has been standing for thousands of years. Although it has been repaired many times, its own style has never changed. For those who have not seen the magnificent Shurima in the era of the Shurima Empire For people in the city, this is already very similar.

Only Kalya, the chief designer of Shurima City, knows that although this city looks like Shurima City, in the final analysis, it is just a high-level cosplay.

There are no slaves with branded and tattooed faces in Shurima, let alone scavengers openly selling real and fake antiques.

The magic of Shurima City has really penetrated into thousands of households, and it is not just superficially applied in the military field.

Walking on the streets of New Shurima, Kalya felt for the first time that she seemed old.

It seems... the era that belonged to him has passed.

 Kalya's Little Classroom History of the Post-Shurima Empire:
  For those who have doubts about the history of the post-Shurima Empire, you can look forward to chapters 344 and 345.

  In addition, about the fact that Azir has many heirs, it was also mentioned, but it did not say it directly, but appeared in the epilogue of the second volume. Elise read a book: "Azir's Amorous History" .

  Finally, vote for the monthly ticket, it's the end of the month!
  There will be a prequel episode on the 31st!

(End of this chapter)

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