Lux's Farewell

Chapter 645 [0637]

Chapter 645 [0637]
After entering the city of New Shurima, the key to the next step is to inquire about the news about the previous battle outside the city.

Ino and Shivana originally thought that this would be a difficult task. From their understanding, collecting information was not an easy task.

But surprisingly, it went so well from the start—because when you walk into a restaurant or pub, the main talking point among diners and drinkers alike is the fight.

It seemed that more than half of the people in the entire Shurima city ran to watch the battle after hearing the movement.

Not to mention, even Shurima City has many quick-witted and quick-spoken bards or storytellers, who simply adapted that battle into a literary work, performed it grandly, and received bursts of applause from time to time , although many of the contents obviously contain subjective conjectures and entertainment routines, most of the contents are what they have seen with their own eyes.

What's even more outrageous is that in a special theater club, Ino and Shivana even watched a puppet show of "Heroes of War". The one-style battle, and the scene of the rolling yellow sand and the boiling earth at the end, it really looks like that on the stage!
It seems that in Shurima City, the battle between the "two ascenders" has become a completely top-notch event, and there is even a faint tendency to be entertained, which can be said to be quite outrageous.

"Don't these people know what to be afraid of?" After leaving the drama club, Ino was really confused, "Why do these Shurima people seem to take them as nothing at all?"

"Either they are stupid, or they have their own reliance." Kalya shrugged, "According to my observation, it should be the latter."

"Is there a powerful person in Shurima City?" Ino blinked, "Or is there a very powerful weapon here?"

"Maybe it's because it's called Shurima City?" Kalya chuckled, "Let's go, we'll be here today, have a good rest at night, and visit the Regency Council of Elders tomorrow."

"Huh?" x2
Hearing what Kalya said, both Ino and Shivana were a little surprised.

Could it be that it is necessary to directly reveal his identity and bring a wave of return of the king?
"What are you thinking?" From the astonished expressions of the two, Kalya easily guessed their thoughts, "Naturally, they are Vazuan explorers, and they are worried about the safety around Shurima City. "

"But this shouldn't be enough for the regent elders to come forward in person, right?"

"Yes, yes." Kalya was quite confident about this. "When I go back later, I will prepare a document and stamp it with my personal seal. They will definitely not refuse to meet."

"Your private seal?" Ino was a little puzzled, "I've never heard you mention it?"

"Here, this is it." Kalya stretched out her right hand, and a seal made of pure yellow sand was floating in her palm, "Isn't the seal I made myself a personal seal?"

Ino picked up the small seal curiously, and found that there was no word on the seal, only a small feather pattern.

"Prince Lingyu?"

"Correct answer." Kalya nodded, and the seal turned into fine sand and returned to him. "It's a pity that there is no reward—let's go."

Although they said they would have a good rest tonight, Shivana and Ino didn't wash up and go to bed early.

Ino has experienced the trials of climbing the peak, and Shivana is a giant dragon. Their concepts of fatigue and rest are somewhat different from ordinary people.

So, after preparing the paperwork, one person and one dragon simply left the hotel and went to the night market in Shurima City.

Kalya didn't really want to go, but under Ino's strong request, he could only wear a mask with a smiling face in the end, and followed the footsteps of the two little girls.

It seems that because of a bad mood, Ino and Shivana ate and had a good time at the night market, but Karya made sharp comments throughout the whole process. In his mouth, most of the food stalls at the night market were " That's the thing", either "the cooking technique is almost meaningless", or "the freshness of the ingredients is not good", anyway, there is always something wrong.

During the period, many stall owners expressed their dissatisfaction, but Karya insisted on trying if they were not convinced, and taught them a lesson quickly.

When Ino and Shivana came out of the night market, they had already caught up with many stall owners who "hoped to get advice from experts" and insisted on asking Karya to comment on their works.

"Are you trying to build momentum?" After returning to the hotel, Shyvana asked Karya with some doubts, "For tomorrow's meeting?"

"Be prepared." Kalya put on a look that you noticed, "Also, seeing a lot of things lost, I can't help it."

"You were not like this before." Ino was a little puzzled, "Last time you were afraid of extra trouble..."

"People will always change." Kalya shook her head lightly, "At that time, you still had Miss Laxana-"

Ino frowned.

She could clearly feel that Kalya was just changing the subject, but with her current face, she still couldn't be exposed by Kalya without any fluctuations - in desperation, she could only keep her mouth shut.


Silent all night.

On the second day, Shivana, who handed in the official document, indeed obtained the qualification for an audience very smoothly.

Led by the guards, the three of them passed through the front hall with carved beams and painted columns, walked through the garden that was obviously constructed by drawing water from the Shurima River, and finally entered the inner court of the Regency Council of Elders.

Then, Ino and Shyvana were surprised to find that they were about to meet not just one senator, but all the regent senators.

A total of thirteen regent elders in pale golden robes and various ancient decorations sat around a long crescent-shaped table, sitting in danger.

After the three of them entered the inner court, the regent elder sitting in the middle cleared his throat, and then spoke in a very dignified tone.

"Explorers of... Vazuan." He seemed to dislike the word explorer, "or an emissary of the Prince Regent."

Both Ino and Shivana were expressionless.

"I saw your documents and confirmed the power of the bloodline above." The regent elder continued, "Is there any royal bloodline still circulating in the world that needs help?"

"The prince has never asked the people of Shurima to support his blood." According to Kalya's request, Shyvana responded, "There is no need for extra temptation."

The elder regent nodded slightly when he heard the words—this was indeed a temptation. Although in the hearts of Shurima, the royal family is indeed very special, Kalya has always been the one who attacked the royal family the hardest. If Shyvana Following the words of the regent elder, she could almost be judged as a liar.

"Then, tell your true purpose." The regent elder continued to speak slowly, "In troubled times, everything needs to be cautious. Even Vazuan, who has a prince's plume, should not act rashly at this time."

"That's why we came here." Shyvana nodded lightly. "Shurima seems to be on the verge of war again. The ancient existence is awakened in the yellow sand, and the glorious and corrupt followers are about to move."

Shyvana's words made the faces of the regent elders change somewhat.

Although most of these thirteen people maintained a calm face, when they looked closely, some were worried, some were calm, and so on.

"Glory or depravity is the past of the empire." The regent elder in the middle still looked indifferent, "Shurima City has always participated in these disturbances, and disturbances have never invaded Shurima City."

"Even if there are rumors about Shurima City?"

"That's just the lies of ordinary people, and it's not worth laughing at."

"Even if the traitor is trying to resurrect the last emperor and rebuild Shurima?"

"It's just nonsense." The regent elder shook his head lightly, "And the reason why the traitor is a traitor is because he failed the trust of His Majesty the Emperor. Even if he used evil witchcraft to create a similar puppet, how could someone Do you believe it is His Majesty the Emperor?"

"But before that, the traitor once fought with the grand maester outside the city, and the whole city saw it." Shivana continued, "If you ignore it, the flames of war will eventually reignite."

"This is Shurima City, the land of all glory and brilliance." Even though Shyvana's words were a little heavy, the regent elder remained unmoved, "No one can harass Shurima City .”

According to Kalya's request, Shyvana pressed hard to see the attitude of the Regent Council of Elders, but no matter what she said, the Regent Council of Elders refused to answer directly, but vowed that "Shurima City will not be affected." .

The exchanges between the two sides do not seem to have any effective results.

However, after Shivana left, both sides subtly reached some conclusions they wanted to see.

On the side of the Regent Council of Elders, the thirteen regent elders held a closed-door meeting after Shivana, Ino, and Kalya left.

After some discussion, they agreed that "the Vazuan had the ambition and desire to fight for hegemony in Shurima, and hoped to drag the city of Shurima into the water and become horns with each other."

"The Sand Whisperer thought he could fool me without speaking." The elder who presided over the meeting before finally no longer looked like an old god. "He must be the heir of a certain royal family. The news from Wei has been confirmed, last night at the night market, he pointed out a lot of people."

"Could he be from Uzeris?" A female elder at the edge of the long table frowned. "Is it a personal act, or did Uzeris and Vazuan reach some tacit agreement?"

"It's hard to say." Another elder who looked very strong shook his head, "Although most of the Sand Whisperers are in Uzeris, Shurima is so big. Back then, the descendants of the royal family were scattered all over the place. The smaller the oasis, The inheritance of the bloodline will be purer, maybe Wazun has found a descendant of the royal family, and wants to pull the tiger's skin and pull the banner!"

"That's right, those Vazuan country bumpkins have a criminal record in this respect." Speaking of this, a seemingly feminine and gentle senior seemed a little upset, "They dug around in the desert, and they didn't know what to do. What, just made a prince feather..."

"Didn't there be news that an ancient tomb was robbed in the east of Naslami?" The youngest regent senator frowned, "Listening to the news from Nasramai, it might be Lord Horlock resting place."

"Could it be the daring Vazuans who did it?"

"The time is a little bit wrong, but it is very close. Maybe there is a possibility."

"They lack respect for the empire." The soft and gentle elder snorted, "Those country bumpkins have not inherited the glory and greatness of Shurima at all, but are only obsessed with money and interests, unable to extricate themselves, and even rely on the prince's golden feather to do business ..."

No one answered his words, because everyone here knows that what this guy said was a little bit jealous inside and out—his family is the only purely commercial family among all the regent elders, and Vazuan used the prince's gold He has long been envious of the matter of Yukai road connecting the business road.

It's a pity that although Shurima City also has an orthodox status, its commercial influence can only be maintained on the Shurima River. Vazuan merchants can take boats to all parts of northern Shurima, but Shurima Merchants in Macheng could not easily cross the Dasai Desert, they could only trade along the river.

So this guy has been full of dissatisfaction with those "hillies" since he heard about the Vazuan people.

"Don't forget, the Vazuans even collude with Icacia's rebellion." The only masked regent elder added, "The Icacias are fighting with the Vazuans under the banner of the prince. Doing's not a good thing."

When you said something and I said something, several regent elders expressed their opinions one after another. A few elders were quite critical of Vazuan, while most believed that they should wait and see what happened.

"Wazuan is indeed not safe." After everyone finished speaking, the elder in the middle finally concluded, "But it's not the time for us to act... The golden feather is too heavy, and there must be someone with weight to try it." Let's try it out, for this, we just need to wait with peace of mind."

On the other side, Karya also got a lot of interesting information about the content of the conversation just now.

"These regent elders are really sitting still." Although theoretically speaking, these people are his descendants, but Kalya commented very bluntly, "They really don't know what they are about to face Is it?"

"Perhaps because they are confident." Ino curled his lips, "At least they already have a share of name and power—and, judging from the results of our investigation yesterday, even the battle between Xerath and Nasus will Subconsciously avoiding Shurima City, and there is an unknown person interfering."

"That person is not from Shurima City." Speaking of this mysterious person, Kalya had some guesses, "If the people in Shurima City were not collectively deceived by the illusion, the person who solved the fight might be the same as A Zhi There are relationships."

A weaving?

Hearing this name, both Ino and Shivana thought of the child from another family who had appeared in Karya's mouth many times.

"And Azhi's inheritors are definitely not the same as these guys." Kalya's mask showed a bright and gratified smile, "These regent elders think they have nothing to fear, but in my opinion...they are It's just messed up."

 Carya's Small Classroom Miscellaneous:
  In addition to Shurima's regent prince, university president, archetype of death, writer, linguist, and art theorist, Kalya is also the founder and worship object of practitioners in many industries.

  In Shurima, many herdsmen maintain their worship of Karya, and chefs also consider themselves the "disciples" of His Majesty the Prince. The field of health care products is also trying to establish a connection between health care products and immortality through Karya...

(End of this chapter)

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