Lux's Farewell

646 [0638] Black market of pith printing

Although they had just arrived in Shurima City for two days and the two sides only met once, Kalya had almost figured out the thoughts of these regent elders.

These people have good control over the city of Shurima. At least the prophecies that Shabekah and Shabek said and that were discussed in the streets and alleys have completely disappeared now, replaced by ridicule about the previous battle.

It seems that the regent elders will use this method to stabilize people's hearts, and they have placed themselves in a very high position extremely smoothly-they don't have any respect for the ascended, and they let the people ridicule and interpret them, and put everything together This battle was completely entertaining, and they took advantage of this opportunity to amass a lot of money.

However, if the damage to the city wall is taken into account, this high profile may have the meaning of slapping a swollen face to make a fat man.

If the status of Shurima City is indeed so special, and if the Regent Council of Elders is indeed so confident, how could they allow this battle to take place below the city, and even damage part of the city wall?
In the final analysis, what these regent elders rely on is probably only the name "Shurima City"!
This can also be seen from the conversation between them and Shyvana. If Shurima City really puts itself in the position of a high-ranking arbiter, then when Shyvana expresses Vazuan to them according to Kalya's plan, attitude, and expressed the intention to form an alliance, they should be angry and insulted.

Instead of being as calm as he is now, as if he doesn't care, and doesn't talk at all.

Perhaps the elders of the Regent Council of Elders still have some ambitions in their hearts, but the reality no longer supports their ideas. In this case, all they can do is to guard the city of Shurima and maintain their own posture. That's all.

After reaching this conclusion, in Kalya's eyes, there is no need to stay in Shurima City.

So, on the third day, Kalya, two of them, bought a camel, left Shurima City, and continued on their way.


The poor camel turned into a roasted camel on the third day after leaving Shurima.

After eating and drinking enough, Shivana turned into a tool dragon again, took off with Ino and Karya, and headed southeast to Antasil.

And in front of them, there is another vast desert that needs to be leaped—Khalise.

However, although the area of ​​Harise is only less than one-sixth of the Dasai Desert, it is narrow and long, and the number of oases is much smaller than that of the Dasai Desert. In most areas, the number and diversity of organisms are lower than Not on the Dasai Desert.

However, since the Khalisai is located between the Shurima River and the southern mountain range of the Targon Mountains, the melted water from the snow-capped mountains converged into a large river that crossed the Khalisai from southwest to northeast, giving this dead desert It brought a rare livelihood.

The name of the river is the Kohari River, and it is the second largest tributary of the Shurima River.

After three days of difficult flight, Shivana finally crossed the long and narrow Kehalise and arrived at the birthplace of the Khali River.

Here lies the largest trading market in the entire southern Shurima region, the Pythia Bazaar.

Seen from the sky, the marrow seal market seems to be a sleeping beast straddling the earth, and when Shivana landed on the ground and walked into the market slowly with Kalya and Ino Only then did they realize that the pulp seal market didn't just "look" like a giant god.

In fact, it is a huge city built and expanded bit by bit based on the corpse of a giant beast.

"It's unbelievable, there are such big creatures in this world." After approaching the marrow seal market, Shivana looked up at the skeleton of the giant beast with its neck held high, and murmured in disbelief, "I thought how many Full of giant beasts is already the limit..."

"The multiman giant beast is indeed close to the limit of land creatures." Hearing Shivana's exclamation, Kalya smiled, "But the skeleton of this giant beast in the marrow seal market does not belong to land. biology."

"Not a land creature?" Shyvana froze for a moment, "Could it be a fish?"

"It's a sea beast." Carya didn't give a shit, "The empire had studied the skeleton of this giant beast. Judging from its body structure, it should be some kind of beast that lived in the sea. Such a huge body , and only sea water can support it.”

"Maybe it's magic?" Shyvana still couldn't believe it, "If we speculate from the shape of a bird, a dragon shouldn't be able to fly either."

"No, there is no trace of magic left on the skeleton." Kalya shook his head lightly, "It just relied on the flesh to grow itself to this point—by the way, from the perspective of the shape and structure, the sand submerged beast is very Possibly a descendant of it."

"This is really amazing." Shivana couldn't help but clicked her tongue, "A giant beast that should live in the ocean, but its corpse appeared in this vast desert... It's simply a spectacle! "

"That's right." Carya nodded and said, "It is indeed a spectacle. Even in the age of empires, the marrow seal was the most popular tourist destination."

While talking, the two of them finally arrived under the huge monster, and came to the periphery of the marrow seal market.

"Here, in what capacity are we going to act?" Before entering the marrow seal market, Ino asked Karya curiously, "Or explorers from Vazuan?"

"No, no, no, it doesn't need to be so troublesome." Kalya shook his head lightly when he heard the words, "We don't need any identity, because we don't need to show our identity in the pulp printing market itself. Here, the only thing we need to pay attention to is The problem is, no matter what the vendors in the bazaar say, don’t pay lightly.”


"In the past, the pulp printing market had a well-known nickname." Kalya showed a smile on his face. "The biggest black market in Shurima——the pulp printing black market is so black to the bone."


After assuring Kalya that they would never buy things randomly, the two of them finally walked into the huge city built on the basis of the corpses of ancient sea beasts.

Here, the ribs twisted like towering ancient trees pointing to the sky are the best signboards. Under the ribs, colorful silks, satins and fabrics are fluttering in the wind, and colorful sheds are packed shoulder to shoulder, row upon row, and businessmen of all colors are fucking Accents from all over the country are trying their best to sell their own "special products".

From silk to wool, from jerky to strange eggs, from gems to minerals, from parchment scrolls to giant kite shields...

Even at the two apparently newly-opened sheds, Ino saw the forbidden magic stone armor produced by Vazuan!

Judging from the richness of commodities, this market is not inferior to the city of New Forsbarrow!
And if you consider the location of this market... being able to buy so many products from various places in Runeterra in the depths of the desert is simply a business miracle!
With a curious mind, Ino tentatively asked a stall owner the price of the Ionia spirit tea he was selling.

"Two hundred!" The other party's face showed a look of your knowledge, "Affordable price, two hundred!"

"Two hundred what?" Ino was a little surprised, "Golden Hex?"

"No, no, two hundred times the weight of gold." The other party grinned, showing his gleaming golden teeth, "One price, two hundred times the weight of gold—gold hex pays the bill, it depends on the quality."

Even if he was mentally prepared, Ino was still dumbfounded by this price - two hundred times the weight of gold, and it was pure gold, even gold coins had to be melted.

Even for the top-notch Ionian spirit tea available on the market, the price can only be described as insane.

"Do you know why this place is called the Pulp Print Black Market?" When Ino shook his head and left the colorful shed in a daze, Kalya finally couldn't help laughing, "There is no most expensive, only more expensive."

"During the time of the Shurima Empire...were the prices in the marrow seal market also so exaggerated?" Ino was a little unbelievable, "You don't even care?"

"The seal bazaar in the empire era is quite special." Carya heard this and spread his hands. "At that time, these ordinary things were not sold here."

"What do you mean?"

"After the empire took over the marrow seal market, it became the largest luxury center in Shurima." On Kalya's mask, a big smiling face showed his happy mood, "Even the royal family will put some of the collections in the For this sale, the price of goods in the pulp seal market at that time was much exaggerated than it is now."

"That's too extravagant, it's not something you can allow at all." Eno still shook his head, "Would you allow such a luxurious market to exist?"

"Why not?" Kalya asked back, "The Seal Market is a big taxpayer in South Shurima, where the transaction tax rate is as high as 68%. I have no reason to close the Seal Market. This kind of market only traps the rich. There are not many good places.”

Hearing this, Ino was greatly shocked.


As shocked as Ino was, there was Thalia who was wandering around the marrow printing market with Nasus.

As the most famous genius of the younger generation of the Keharise weaver tribe, when Thalia left Stone Mantle City and accepted the experience of Weaver Mother, although she already had a premonition that her journey would be wonderful, she never thought of it. Surprisingly, this journey was so exciting.

After leaving Stone Mantle City, Thalia saw a wider world——compared with the turbulent Shurima River, the Stone River was just a brook;

And I heard that there is an even wider Dasai Desert in the north!

However, compared to the folks in Shiman City, it seems that people outside have a lot more complicated thoughts. For Thalia, who has a simple sense of justice, it will take longer for her to adapt to this colorful world—if there is no accident. .

Just when Thalia was traveling to Vikola City, intending to take a good tour of the ancient city recorded as a "model" in classics, a very unexpected kidnapping case happened in front of Thalia.

Fourteen years ago, there was a vigorous anti-counterfeiting incident here. At that time, someone pretended to be a descendant of the royal family to accumulate strength, but was smashed by a passing ascended person and was hanged and beaten.

And 14 years later, a person who claimed to be a descendant of the royal family appeared, and then, as fate would have it, someone was ordered by "the last ascendant of Shurima" to invite this descendant of the royal family to talk.

However, judging from the results, it seems that the two sides did not reach an agreement, so the talks quickly turned into a battle.

Seeing the injustice, Thalia chose to draw her sword to help, demolished half of the temple, and beat off those who tried to kidnap the descendants of the royal family.

Then, when she turned back to ask if the royal descendant was injured, the other party knelt down for her with a plop.

"Wuuuuuuu, respected Ascendant, I am not a descendant of the royal family, I just have a little bit of blood of the shape-changer." He snorted and burst into tears, which made Talia feel at a loss for a while, " I chose to impersonate because I had no other choice... woo woo woo—"

Looking at the guy in front of her, Thalia was dumbfounded. This was the first time she had the feeling of "deep urban routine".

But at this point, Talia still asked the other party about the whole incident in detail with the attitude of sending the Buddha to the west, and then accidentally learned that a guy who claimed to be the last ascendant was collecting royal blood, and it seemed that he was going to achieve What ulterior purpose.

Although this bastard is a fake, I am afraid that many real descendants of the royal family will be in danger.

Under such circumstances, Thalia resolutely decided to chase those people from behind, and if any descendants of the royal family were caught by them, they would save them!

In this way, Thalia traveled upstream along the Shurima River, picking up many minions loyal to Xerath during the period, until when she arrived in Shurima City, she saw Nasus and Zelas who were fighting. Russ.

At first, Thalia didn't know what to do.

But because Xerath had been persuading Nasus not to meddle in his own business and not to shelter the city of Shurima, Thalia knew that the guy who didn't look very human was the instigator of all the kidnappings.

Thus, Thalia, who was full of justice, joined the battle without hesitation—and then, as the earth swelled and sand and rocks flew, Nasus, who was originally at a disadvantage, counterattacked in one fell swoop.

Under such circumstances, Xerath could only run away with hatred in the end. Before leaving, he still said harshly: "Sooner or later, you will understand that my choice is correct!"

Then Thalia had another traveling companion—Nasus recognized her identity and invited her to go with her.

After Nasus introduced himself, Thalia also realized that the other party was the Grand Maester of Shurima recorded in the classics. After thinking about it, she chose to go with Nasus.

In this way, the two left the city of Shurima, crossed the Khalisai again to the south, and arrived at the Marrow Seal Market almost in tandem with Kalya.

There is also a prequel chapter in the evening.

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