Lux's Farewell

647 Nasus' confusion [0639]

647 Nasus' confusion [0639]
Shuttle between the crowded roads of the marrow printing market, Thalia only felt that everything was new.

Although calculating the distance, Thalia has traveled thousands of miles away from home, but until today, she has really seen the scenery of the "big city" of Shurima - before arriving in Vikola, she has not waited for a long time. Turning around, she encountered a kidnapping incident; and then she followed in the footsteps of Xerath's thugs, chasing all the way to Shurima City. After a battle outside the city, she didn't even enter the city, so she followed Nasus Turned and left.

It wasn't until today that she arrived at the Suiyin Market that she saw a scenery completely different from her own Shiman City for the first time.

Crowded streets, hustle and bustle of the crowd, one after another shouting...

All of this is completely different from the orderliness of Stone Mantle City.

For Thalia, all of this is so new—even if Nasus hadn’t known where the black market for pulp printing is, I’m afraid that the little gold in Thalia’s pocket would only need to walk a hundred or eighty steps. Will be cheated clean.

"Stay away from these merchants." Nasus once again stopped Talia from taking out the money, completely ignoring the salesman's eyes as if looking at the man who killed his father, "I said, this is not a good place, the people here Everything is deceptive."

"You are slandering the reputation of the marrow seal market!" The merchant who tried to sell a staff to Talia jumped three feet high like a trampled cat, "I will call the supervisor, Kicked you bastard out—”

"Since the decline of the empire, there have been no supervisors in the Marrow Seal Market." Nasus's voice was neither happy nor sad. "The supervisors are not the ones like you profiteers who get together and get counted with just one name."

"Nonsense!" After being exposed by Nasus so directly, the businessman finally became a little bit annoyed, "Slandering the marrow seal market... Overseer! Overseer!"

Soon, several people in bright yellow robes and wide-brimmed hats rushed over.

"That's the guy!" the businessman shouted angrily, "this guy is trying to disrupt the order of the market..."

Several monitors nodded slightly, then formed a faint circle and surrounded Nasus.

Thalia, who watched the whole process from the sidelines, only felt that she was greatly shocked - when she asked Nasus before if she wanted to enter Shurima City, Nasus said "keep a low profile, there is no need".

Now I just met a profiteer, it looks like he is going to fight?
As for?
Several watchers made gestures to grab Nasus and carry him out, but after they held the target, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't move Nasus even a single step.

Furious and furious, someone simply grabbed Nasus's robe, and then yanked it violently.

Nasus remained motionless, but his robes were ripped apart by the tugging.

Under the robe, the obsidian-like body made everyone pause.

This is completely different from the skin of ordinary people...

Something seems wrong.

"Go on, 'Overseers'." The anger that Nasus suppressed for many days finally burst out today, "I never knew that there are overseers in Shurima today? "

Thalia didn't know what ignited Nasus's anger at all, and could only watch blankly as he swung his cane and knocked out the guys in yellow robes one by one—somewhat unaware The overwhelmed Thalia thought for a moment, and finally made a handprint quietly, lifted up a few decorative stone slabs on the ground, and rescued these unlucky ones.

Karya, Ino and Shivana also heard the sound of fighting.

Then, the three people who turned their heads saw several trapeze people.

Both Ino and Shivana were very curious, and only Kalya paid attention to the stone slab that stood up very quickly and firmly caught these trapeze people.

"Let's go, go and have a look." Kalya helped the mask on his face, "Something seems to have happened over there."


When the three of Kalya squeezed through the crowd and came to the front line of the onlookers, Nasus had already shown his ascension body without any scruples—although he did not change into the posture of an ascensionist, but when the sharp-edged obsidian When their bodies were exposed in front of everyone, these fellows named as supervisors still desperately put out their thoughts of regaining their place, and ran away with their tails between their legs.

"Mr. Nasus, you seem very angry." When Nasus possessed himself and picked up his robe, Thalia said strangely, "Is there anything special about the Overseer?"

"That's the only organization in the empire that can check and balance the Ascended." Before Nasus could speak, a masked man came out from the crowd, "To become a supervisor, you need flawless qualities. These and The use of this name by the scum colluded with businessmen is the greatest blasphemy against those predecessors."

"Who are you?" Talia opened her eyes wide in surprise, and looked at the masked stranger suspiciously, "Do I know you?"

"Of course you don't know me." Kalya shook her head lightly, "But maybe I know who you are."

"You know me?" Thalia stretched out her index finger in a strange way, pointing at herself, "Why does it seem that many people know who I am?"

"You are the descendant of Azhi." Kalya ignored Talia's doubts, "I just don't know what you call her? Weaver? Weaver? Or Weaver?"

"You know Weaver Mother?" Thalia was a little happy, "Obviously the elders said that very few people would know Weaver Mother's name..."

Then, just when Thalia was about to clap her hands, beside her, Nasus put on an air of readiness.

"Who are you?" Nasus tensed all his muscles, "Where did you get your mask?"

"Me? I am me." Kalya chuckled, and under the astonished eyes of Ino and Shivana, he took off the mask on his face for the first time, "It's me, Kalya."

Although there is no difference in color, when Ino and Shivana looked at this face, they only felt a burst of unbelievable absurdity.

It was a face made of pure yellow sand with a smile on the corner of its mouth.

There is no difference in color on the yellow face, which should be extremely monotonous.

But at first glance, it only makes people feel that everything is just right.

The bridge of the nose is straight and the lines are tough, but there is no sense of aloofness.

The eyes are gentle, the corners of the mouth are smiling, and there is indeed a sense of intimacy.

Even when you look closely, this look seems more like an Ionian?
The next moment, under the astonished gazes of everyone, Nasus's body suddenly swelled, and with lightning speed, he lifted Kalya up and strode away from the marrow seal market.

After running for a few miles, he put down Karya and returned to his normal height. Then he lowered his head and knelt down on one knee, half-kneeling in front of Karya.

"Your Majesty." Nasus' voice trembled slightly, and his emotions seemed extremely complicated, "You are back!"

"I am not some majesty."

Kalya tried hard to pull Nasus up, but it was a pity that no matter how hard he tried, Nasus was unwilling to get up.

No matter what Kalya said, he always said "Your Majesty, Shurima needs you", as if if Kalya didn't make any promises, he would definitely not get up.

"Don't make me sound like a scumbag who abandoned Shurima." The helpless Kalya could only shake his head slightly, "Besides, I'm no longer a prince..."

"You are indeed not the prince anymore." Nasus raised his head for the first time, "You should seize the time to ascend the throne!"

As soon as this remark came out, Carya was stunned.

Although Nasus' Ascendant form is indeed a jackal...

But that doesn't mean you have to be a licking dog!
Lux wasn't even adorned by the yellow robe, so why was she asked to be enthroned first?

"Get up, Nasus." Kalya could only emphasize his tone, "Get up and speak!"

After saying this, Kalya also shut up, as if Nasus couldn't get up, so he didn't speak.

The helpless Nasus could only stand up, but he still insisted on his proposition: "His Majesty Kalya should ascend the throne immediately, so that Shurima can be revived."

"What happened?" Kalya could only sigh helplessly, "You were not like this in the past, Nasus."

"I have read a lot, traveled to many places, and met a lot of people." Nasus's tone was a little subtle. "At the beginning, I hoped to find the descendants of the Eagle King and help him rebuild Shurima."

Kara nodded, expressing her understanding.

Nasus has always had a good relationship with the royal family. In his impression, this guy is a proper royalist who cares about dignity very much.

Whether as a student or as a subordinate, Nasus can always fulfill Kalya's orders well, but this is not because he agrees with Kalya's thoughts or has the same purpose as Kalya, but because in his eyes, Karya is the Prince Regent, and Karya's orders are those of the Prince Regent.

It is precisely for this reason that Nasus has never been Kalya's "own person".

"However, after ten years of walking, I finally realized that the descendants of the royal family have long lost their original glory." Nasus continued, "There are many descendants of His Majesty Azir, and many of them have the status of the royal family. blood, but they have long since lost their sense of responsibility as emperors, and I have gained nothing in the past ten years."

Carya continued to nod.

This situation is also understandable. How many years have passed since Azir, the former royal blood, is now just an ordinary person, and naturally cannot be compared with the heirs of the Shurima royal family who were carefully cultivated.

"I almost fell into despair." Nasus continued, "Time buried everything like yellow sand. With the division and decline of the empire, many things that used to be natural have become out of reach."

Karya nodded slightly.

"I don't know where the future of Shurima is." Having said that, Nasus looked at Kalya again, "But I am familiar with history, Your Majesty, you are the one who shaped Shurima, the people who shaped Shurima everything!"

Karya couldn't help frowning at such fanatical words.

"The prosperity of Shurima is not due to me alone." He couldn't help shaking his head, "You should know that among the many ascenders, I am a very special one..."

"The emperor doesn't need to be powerful." Nasus seemed to be a little too excited. "And, if His Majesty does not take the throne, the presumptuous person will support the dead... That will lead to the most terrible disaster!"

"Xerath is trying to revive Azir, isn't he?"

"That's right." Nasus nodded, "That usurper is trying to break the taboo of life and death, at the cost of killing the living, reshape the bloodline, and guide His Majesty Azir back."

"So, you want me to ascend the throne to end this farce?" Kalya finally understood Nasus's train of thought, "I also know about this, and I am going to stop him."

"Your Majesty, with all due respect." Nasus shook his head, "With His Majesty's current state, Xerath cannot be stopped."

"What?" Kalya raised his brows in surprise, "I heard that he is a traitor who stole the power of ascension. I know better than anyone else what will happen to the incomplete ascension ceremony."

"No, that's just a lie from those usurpers who claim to be the regent elders." Nasus shook his head, "Xerath has indeed been approved by His Majesty Azir, and is a true Ascendant."

This time Carya was really surprised.

If this is the case, then why did the ascension ceremony fail and Azir still die?

So, as a witness to the event, Nasus simply told Kalya what happened to the ceremony.

"Since Xerath has remained loyal." After hearing all this, Kalya finally nodded, "Then he really intends to revive Azir?"

"Yes." Nasus nodded, "but...his sanity is not clear, and his current state seems to be closer to Bakay."


Since according to what Nasus said, Xerath is already an official Ascendant, so why is he closer to Bakay?
"Xerath used the forbidden power." Seeing Kalya's doubts, Nasus explained helplessly, "I once fought against him briefly outside Shurima, and at that time he seemed to be Using a power called world rune, even an ascendant cannot completely control this power..."

Karya was finally stunned when she heard the words.

The Ascendant manipulates world runes... What kind of arcane wizard is Xerath?
What kind of weird development direction is this?

However, if an ascendant really possesses the power to use world runes, I am afraid that Kalya's previous plan will be completely abolished at this time...

Then, just as Kalya began to ask Nasus about the battle process in detail, on a sand dune not far away, a piece of pumice carried three people galloping towards Kalya and Nasus.

"Mr. Nasus!" Thalia yelled from the pumice stone. "Misunderstanding, these are misunderstandings!"

Now, it was Nasus' turn to be confused.


What misunderstanding?
 Karya's Little Classroom: Overseer:
  The Overseers of Shurima are "the most just people in the empire". They are the only people in Shurima who have the right to directly manage the Ascended—and their power is only to supervise the Ascended.

(End of this chapter)

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