Lux's Farewell

Chapter 648 [0640]

Chapter 648 [0640]
Some misunderstandings did occur.

But it was Thalia, not Nasus, who had misunderstood.

When Thalia heard from Nasus, "This is Kalya, the former Prince Regent of the Shurima Empire and the teacher of the Weaver Mother", the little girl obviously experienced symptoms of brain overload and shutdown.

Obviously, she couldn't imagine that this handsome-looking big brother was actually a living ancestor.

The kind without double quotes.

Obviously Zhimu has passed away for so long, why does Zhimu's teacher look so young?
Kalya did not further stimulate Thalia, whose brain was down, but began to ask Nasus carefully about Xerath's situation.

In front of Thalia, Ino, and Shivana, Nasus wanted to be the Riddler at first.

But after seeing what he meant, Kalya directly asked Ino and Shivana to call Nasus "senior brother", directly leaving the grand maester speechless.

Obviously, Kalya means "they are all their own people who can be trusted", but for Nasus who has experienced the collapse of Shurima, even his own people may not be so reliable...

"Are you still thinking of taking down an ascendant with a world rune by yourself?" Facing Nasus who faltered, Kalya directly showed the style of a strict teacher, and scolded his head and face, " Or, do you think it is a very honorable thing to be rescued by A Zhi's heir?"

Although he was criticized, for some reason, Nasus subtly felt "comfortable".

Compared with the way he just smiled before, it is the current Kalya who has made him more used to it - thinking about it carefully, this should be Kalya's normal state.

In Nasus's impression, only when the Monolith Fortress was being built would Mr. Kalya talk to everyone in a soft voice.

"However, world runes are too dangerous." Although comfortable, Nasus still thinks that these things should not be said to these young people, "Xerath is a very talented person, but even he is about to become Bakai ..."

"If you're talking about world runes." Ino said proactively, "I still know a little about it."

Nasus looked at Ino in surprise.

"I've seen it before, and I know how tempting its power is to people." Ino continued, "So, I also know how dangerous this power is."

"So, talk to us." Carya spread his hands, "This matter may not even be easy for us to solve - if necessary, we also need someone who is good at sealing spells and can seal world runes."

"That's why I brought Thalia with me." Nasus looked at Thalia, who was gradually recovering. "Her basic knowledge is very solid. With her help, the problem of sealing is not a big problem..."

"Then have you asked her?" Kalya narrowed her eyes, "Tell her about the world runes?"


Nasus shook his head silently.

"So, you tricked this little girl over like this?" Carya's voice rose, "When she doesn't know the identity of her enemy?"

"She knows." Nasus shook his head, "I told her about Xerath's identity."

"Then did you mention Xerath's Bakay identity?"

Nasus was speechless.

"I know Bakay!" Although Talia was also in awe of Kalya's identity, but seeing him training Nasus like a grandson, the little girl took the initiative to stand up, "Bakay blindly pursued power and lost himself. people!"

"So, do you know that Xerath is Bakay?" Kalya changed his face for a second, and looked at Thalia very kindly, "Son, have you heard of world runes?"

"World Rune?" Thalia blinked, "What is that?"

The next moment, Kalya turned her head and looked at Nasus as if she was looking at garbage.

"Is this how you told her?" Kalya's tone gradually sank. "It's just plausible that you want to fight a villain, but you don't say how dangerous this villain is, what information he has, or how dangerous this trip is."

Nasus was rather embarrassed.

In fact, this can't be regarded as him deliberately deceiving Thalia—the news about the world runes is too dangerous. If you explain everything to Thalia as soon as you meet, the news will also leak out.

Therefore, Nasus intends to constantly and dynamically evaluate Thalia's state along the way. If her ability and character can fully meet the requirements when she is about to arrive in Antahir, then Nasus will put everything in order. All confessed.

It's just that at this moment, Thalia really doesn't know anything about the situation she is about to face.

"Actually, you must be sure that she will participate, right?" Carya continued, "Because she is the descendant of A Zhi, if A Zhi is here, she will definitely follow up silently, right?"

Nasus had nothing to say.

"Forget it, you are not the same kind of person as A Zhi." Kalya shook his head, "Look at you, Nasus, you are obviously not corrupted, but why do you look older than me?" Still embarrassed, even thinking about pushing me to the throne for a Bakay?"


"What exactly happened to make Shurima, who is always confident, who dares to contradict the teacher for the truth he believes, and who everyone praises for justice, has become what he is now!"

"Nasus is ashamed of Shurima." Nasus finally bowed his head after being criticized, "but now, Xerath's problem is imminent—"

"Since we know it's imminent, can we just rely on the two of you to solve it?" Kalya snorted, "Tell me the specific situation, you have learned the history of Shurima into the dog's belly, We rise in unity!"


Nasus lowered his head - he didn't know for a moment whether Kalya was simply criticizing himself, or whether he was mocking his own Ascendant form in a weird way.


Although it was terrible to be scolded by his teacher, Nasus finally adjusted his mentality and told Karya about his judgment on Xerath's state.

It turned out that Nasus had been paying attention to Xerath for a while when they met outside Shurima.

At first, it was because of some stories that Nasus heard when he was looking for a royal bloodline and a "Mingjun" who could support him-many of the more famous royal bloodlines he had heard of were in the past few decades. Li died unexpectedly due to various reasons.

At the very beginning, Nasus just thought that God was jealous of talents, and didn't find any problems.

But gradually, he began to see that things were not right.

Behind these accidents, there seem to be some subtleties!

This made Nasus immediately nervous. When he finally found a city lord who was said to have royal blood and good governance skills, he did not show up directly, but observed secretly for a while.

As a result, this guy was quickly plotted against, and a few sneaky people seemed to be planning to kidnap him, and then create a brand new accident.

Seeing this situation, Nasus did not hesitate to take action and saved the hapless guy (it turned out that he had no royal blood at all).

Originally, Nasus thought that these sneaky guys should have something to do with the Void. After all, in Shurima, there are always some Void believers left among the people. They are also the sworn enemies of the Shurima royal family. .

However, after a simple interrogation, Nasus was shocked to find that these people had nothing to do with the Void!
Just when Nasus was wondering, it didn't take long for the news of the emperor's resurrection to spread in Shurima City.

(Actually, this is a trap actively laid by Xerath after learning of the news of Nasus' recovery.)
Then, when Nasus arrived at the city of Shurima, planning to go south to Antahir, two unlucky crows shot him.

Realizing that this matter might be more dangerous than he expected, Nasus simply stayed in Shurima City. He finally figured it out. If someone really targets the blood of the royal family, then the regents of Shurima City Elders, perhaps they are the brightest targets!

As expected, Xerath, who had failed many times in a row, came to Shurima City himself, intending to seize these royal blood.

In this way, Nasus and Xerath fought a battle outside the city of Shurima. If it wasn't for Talia's timely support and Xerath's own power tended to lose control, Nasus would have died at the hands of Xerath. inside!
"Then why do you judge Xerath to use the power of world runes?" After Nasus finished speaking, Kalya asked with some doubts, "Have you studied the power of world runes?"

"No." Nasus shook his head, "But his spells showed abilities very similar to those of the war magic during the Rune Wars period. The comet that fell from the sky almost drowned me on the spot. If Thalia hadn't appeared in time, Help me, I'm afraid I'm done for now."

"Then for Xerath, what is your plan with Thalia?" Kalya continued to ask, "Fight head-on, or do you have any other means?"

"If possible, I hope to start with His Majesty Azir." Nasus said with some embarrassment, "Xerath is almost crazy, but he cares about His Majesty Azir very much..."

Hell, what is Dongfang Bubai and Yang Lianting? !

Kalya couldn't help shaking her head, not even thinking of continuing to criticize Nasus.

Why haven't I seen you for so many years, why is this grand scholar out of his mind?

In the past, Nasus was not an impatient person. Unless Renekton got into trouble again, he would not lose his composure even if the fire was imminent—wait, Renekton?
"How long has Renekton been caught by him?" Kalya sighed. "I should have thought of it long ago. It must be that unlucky kid Renekton who caused you to get into trouble again."

Nasus' eyes widened, and a moment later, a helpless wry smile appeared on the Jackal's head.

"Renekton should have been captured." His voice was full of exhaustion, "After His Majesty's ascension failed, Renekton fell into a madness. I tried to enlighten him, but he finally chose Self-imposed exile, wandering among those once fertile oases, I thought it was a relief for him, but I didn't expect Xerath to hit him with his mind."

In fact, ever since Nasus learned from Xerath that his brother had been captured and was about to be drawn from the power of ascension outside the city of Shurima, he quickly became extremely anxious and anxious. Got irritable.

Now that Karya has seen through it, it is also a relief for Nasus to tell everything.

Now, he turned his attention to his teacher.

In the anticipation of Nasus, Kalya blinked and said "the problem is not big" that Nasus most wanted to hear.

"Since Xerath has not yet been able to truly grasp the power of world runes, then we still have a great chance." Kalya quickly entered the state, "However, only a few of us are not enough. Sealing world runes Things need to be done by professionals.”

As he spoke, Karya looked at Ino.

"She can seal world runes?" Nasus was very pleasantly surprised, "As expected of Junior Sister—"

"She won't." Kalya shook her head, interrupting Nasus' blunt praise, "but she can find someone who will, can't she?"

"You mean, Ryze?" Ino thought for a moment, and quickly understood Kalya's meaning, "This... I'm afraid it's too late, right?"

"How could it be too late?" Kalya smiled again, "Let Shivana take you back and find Ryze through the channel of the Reticent Man. You will be back in half a month at most."

Ino froze for a moment, and then quickly remembered the teleportation spell that Ryze had shown.

"We only need to fly one way. If we fly at full speed, half a month may be enough!"

"Can Shivana hold on?" Kalya looked at the dragon girl, "It's not an easy thing to fly continuously for half a month."

"No problem." Shyvana nodded with a smile, "When I was chased by Ivar before, I flew longer—it was just that I flew slower then."

"That's good." Kalya snapped his fingers, "Now, Ino and Shivana go back quickly and invite the professionals over."

The next moment, under the astonished gazes of Nasus and Thalia, Shivana turned into a dragon, carrying Ino to take off at full speed and straight into the sky.

When Shyvana and Ino disappeared into the clouds, Thalia was still looking at the sky longingly, but Nasus averted his gaze first.

"Teacher Kalya." He whispered, "You take the initiative to send them away, do you have anything to tell me?"

"Have IQ returned to the high ground?" Kalya first teased, and then finally recovered his calm look. "Before the professionals arrive, maybe we can talk about Shurima."

"Your condition is very bad." Nasus expressed delicately, "Before I was irritable and my mind was in a mess, but if I look carefully now... your breath is very unstable, and there are even some things that I have not come into contact with. this the power that can resist the erosion of the void? You have found a way to cure the darkborn?"

"No, there is no such good thing." Carya smiled and shook his head, "I gave up immortality, and now I am just a bad old man who hangs his life by the power of demons."

 Carya's Small Classroom·Special Contact:

  The Silent Man has a special channel to contact Ryze, but it's not activated very often—considering that Ino is also a member of the Silent Man, as long as she returns to Demacia, it is not too difficult to find Ryze.

(End of this chapter)

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