Lux's Farewell

Chapter 650 [0642]

Chapter 650 [0642]
People's memory is limited, not because they can't remember everything, but because proper forgetting itself is a kind of self-protection.

This is exactly the same for the ascender.

The road traveled is not history, it becomes history only when you stop and look back.

When Kalya's words became a key to unlock Nasus' dusty memory, the Grand Maester of Shurima finally could no longer deceive himself.

Looking at the tearful Nasus in front of him, Kalya only had a wry smile on his face.

At this moment, what can he say?

For Nasus, consolation was meaningless, and it was better to quietly wait for him to adjust himself than to say some innocuous words of comfort.

Thalia, who was gradually becoming a little transparent beside her, had already begun to doubt the authenticity of the historical books in the library of Stone Mantle City in her heart.

Originally, after meeting Nasus and introducing themselves, Thalia still had a subtle sense of "the combination of theory and practice". Nasus' various performances were consistent with those recorded in some books she had read. Same, he is tall and steady, not much talk but very thoughtful.

But Nasus's performance today was completely beyond Thalia's cognition, and Kalya's appearance made her feel that her brain was down...

Looking at Nasus, who was out of control, Talia felt a subtle sense of collapse in her heart.

However, apart from the collapse, Nasus also gave her a subtle sense of intimacy.

A weeping giant is closer to a man than a silent obsidian statue.

So, in addition to being stunned, Thalia also diverged her thoughts in her heart, thinking about the reason why Nasus was crying.

I remember that it was written in the book that the Grand Maester was the second principal of Shurima University. As for more things, Thalia hadn't read them.

She is not very interested in history. Reading history is like reading a story. The history of the collapse of the Shurima Empire is not a very readable story, even though many people in Stone Mantle City have expressed their opinions on this history , but Thalia didn't read any of it.

...Maybe he didn't do a good job and was reprimanded by the former principal, just like he was criticized by the teacher after he made a mistake in weaving stones?
But Karya didn't seem to say anything critical?

Didn't he just say that he is old and needs to live by demons?
Um, wait, demon? !

Thalia suddenly realized that it seemed that the other party had just mentioned the power of demons?

It's not a good person to use demon power, but Karya doesn't look like a fallen person either!

Listening to the conversation between the two, Thalia only felt that the world was too big, and she really didn't know many things...

"Talia, right?" At this moment, Kalya turned his head and looked at Thalia, who was thinking wildly, "Did your teacher tell you that you really look like a human being?" ?”

"Great Weaver?" Talia responded quickly, "Many people say that I am very similar to Great Weaver, but I... I should be far inferior to her."

"But in fact, you are not like A Zhi." Kalya's words made Thalia's eyes widen instantly, "Your talent is very similar, but you are not human."


Thalia was a little confused.

Although Thalia has always said "I am not as good as Weaver Mother", it is undeniable that in this little girl's heart, it is actually a great honor to be similar to the legendary characters.

But now, the former teacher of the Great Weaver Mother actually said "human beings are not like", which undoubtedly made Thalia a little frustrated.

"No one stipulates who must look like who." Carya continued to say to Thalia, "When I first met Azhi, she was also considered to be like many people... But in the end, Azhi is Azhi , the unique Azhi."

Thalia blinked, with a little confusion in her eyes.

Is this praising yourself, or denying yourself?
They all look alike, but they don't look alike...

"Successors don't have to follow the old path completely." Carya continued, "Everyone is an independent person, just like every day is a new day, laugh when you should, and don't have to pretend to be mature at all."

Hearing what Kalya said, Thalia almost subconsciously curled the corners of her mouth.

Not a forced smile.

Rather, the pent-up joyful nature is released.

As the "Heir of the Great Weaver" in the hearts of the people in Shiman City, Thalia often needs to face the eyes of other people with a mature attitude. She herself does not fully understand the necessity and significance of this "maturity". Take it as a parody out of reverence.

However, just as the smile was about to burst into bloom, Thalia pursed her lips again—although Kalya's status was indeed very special, she was still more used to being mature and serious.

Seeing this situation, Kalya was not in a hurry.

"Well." He looked at Thalia, "It seems that, compared to being Thalia, you might prefer to be the second Azhi in everyone's eyes?"

Thalia didn't answer.

"I'm A Zhi's teacher." Kalya finally tried to see him, "So, do you want to consider being my student?"

"I, I have my own teacher." Thalia responded stutteringly, "I respect her very much, and I don't need another teacher."

"Don't be so nervous." Kalya shook her head gently, "You can think about this question slowly, maybe she won't mind?"


"Besides, going out to experience is learning." Kalya continued, "Isn't learning from whom?"


While Kalya and Thalia were talking, Nasus' mood had gradually recovered.

He took a deep look at Thalia, who was gradually getting into trouble, but didn't say anything to give any suggestions.

From Nasus's point of view, Kalya's words just now are partly because he has committed the problem of being a teacher again, and partly because he is talking about himself.

The successor doesn't have to follow the old path completely?
Could it be that the founder of the Shurima Empire also chose to abandon Shurima?

Or in other words, Kalya's state can no longer persist until the revival of Shurima?

Nasus was full of doubts, but he didn't ask.

"Let's go." Nasus shook off his robe and the gravel on it, and stood up, "I'm afraid we have to go back to the marrow printing market again, and wait for the professionalism that Teacher Kalya said. person."

"Take advantage of this opportunity, maybe we should also have a good communication." Kalya nodded and put on the mask again, "Past, present, and future."

Nasus narrowed his eyes.

Teacher Kalya who suddenly became a riddleman, this is really uncomfortable!
The stone mantle was dug out from under the gravel, and Thalia's pumice carried Kalya and Nasus in a circle, and soon returned to the pulp seal market.

Then, Karya came forward in person and started a jaw-dropping bargain with local profiteers.

Seeing Kalya cut the price of clear water from [-]% of gold to [-]/[-] of gold, Thalia only felt that her eyes were wide open.

This is not finished.

Camp tents, pack animals, dried meat, vegetables and even fruits, Karya seems to be an old businessman who bought enough materials to build a small camp outside the city with less than [-]% of the price tag.

It is no exaggeration to say that after seeing this situation, Thalia somewhat wanted to learn from Karya.

This ability to bargain is an extremely valuable skill for Thalia who is traveling abroad!
Thinking about the time when she came here for the first time and almost took out a large sum of gold under the tricks of the merchants, Thalia only felt that the gap between people was so huge!
With sufficient supplies, when the three of Kalya led six camels and left the marrow printing market, they had already become a group of merchants.

"Let's go." Stretching out his hand and scratching the chin of his camel, Kalya signaled Nasus and Thalia to follow, "The price of accommodation in the marrow printing market cannot be negotiated. Let's go out and camp."

Are you really going to camp?
Nasus didn't say anything, but Thalia was a little excited.

Although Thalia, who can control rocks, only needs to find a rock in the ground to spend some time building a shelter for herself, that kind of simple stone house can only be used as a temporary shelter, not a campground at all.

But now, seeing the various equipment on the camel's back, Thalia's heart is full of anticipation.

"When I came out before, I saw a very suitable place to camp in the south." Thalia summoned the pumice stone, and offered to be the guide, "There is a water source there, and it is a good camp. When I passed by Saw the people who were there before just leave."

"Don't go there." Kalya shook his head, "Next, besides waiting, we also need to conduct some cooperative training. A place with people coming and going is not a good training ground."

"Training?" Thalia was a little surprised, "Training what?"

"Magic and coordination." Kalya's tone was taken for granted, "If you want to face Xerath, it is not enough to rely on your blood."

Thalia nodded in confusion.

"And." Carya added, "Before that, you need to understand what kind of enemy you might face."

"I fought him once."

"But the other party didn't try their best." Unknowingly, Kalya had completely taken the lead, "Let's go, set up camp first."


Led by Kalya, Thalia and Nasus finally arrived at a hilly area, which seemed to be the foot of the southern mountain range of Mount Targon. Thalia could clearly feel the surging force of the earth.

"This is it." Kalya finally nodded after stopping and observing the surroundings for a long time, "Thalia, erect a stone wall in this direction—yes, that's it."

"Here, prepare a stone enclosure, but it should be higher. This is a place for camels to move around..."

"Okay, stabilize the stones under the gravel, we are going to start camping."

"This kind of tent is actually very easy to use, and it doesn't take much effort to set it up..."

"There is almost no wind here, so you don't need to erect stone curtains in multiple directions, just prepare a stone curtain for shading light on the north side..."

"Have you ever learned how to build a stove in the desert?"

"The flame doesn't have to be completely extinguished, it only takes a little skill to keep it smoldering..."

Karya shared her knowledge of wild life with Talia very naturally, and Talia was completely unaware that she seemed to be treating each other as her teacher little by little.

Nasus, who watched the whole process with cold eyes, only felt that it was very delicate.

He knows what Kalya said, and he used many of them when he was with Thalia before.

But he obviously can't tell it in such a detailed and natural way as Kalya. He is truly the source of wisdom in Shurima, and he is always willing to share all the knowledge he knows.

In this way, amidst the busy work of Kalya and Thalia, a large-scale camp was quickly set up.

In the built kitchen, Kalya happily showed off her cooking skills, which aroused another round of admiration from Thalia.

Then, when he was full of wine and food, Kalya began to ask Talia about her study progress, and successfully fooled the little girl to show her magic.

And then, the next morning, Kalya came up with a clearly targeted study plan, purposefully helping Thalia make up for "the shortcomings that may arise when facing Xerath" .

Then, Thalia began to learn magic from Karya.

Nasus, who watched the whole process from the sidelines, could only describe his expression as dumbfounded.

He is very aware of Azhi's weight in Karya's heart - although it seems that Azhi and Karya are completely different types of social terror, there is a very consistent resonance in their bones, and they prefer to use their own hands To change the world, do some labor that does not seem to fit their identities.

It is no exaggeration to say that A Zhi is the most "self-like" and most important student in Karya's heart.

Even during the Shurima Empire, there was always a rumor that the Prince Regent didn’t like his status very much. He would rather be a teacher or preside over magic projects. It’s a pity that the person who chose to study with him at Shurima University , Most of them are not for knowledge; those who do magic projects with him are often for better promotion...

Therefore, when Kalya saw Thalia, who was very similar to Azhi in the past, many of his thoughts and practices were not difficult to understand.

Of course, understanding is understanding, but watching an old guy who does not know how many years old, trying his best to lure Thalia, a young girl who has no experience in the world, to learn from him, Nasus still has a very subtle feeling .

Looking at Thalia who was writing furiously, Nasus couldn't help curling up the corners of his mouth slightly.

 Woohoo, I haven't finished writing the extra episode, and the extra episode will be updated tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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