Lux's Farewell

651 [0643] Thalia was greatly shocked

651 [0643] Thalia was greatly shocked

Kalya's teaching is mainly based on actual combat experience. Although he specifically tested Thalia's theoretical knowledge level, he did not provide further guidance in this regard-theory is boring after all, and Kalya knows how to do it. Get Thalia's interest and keep her from resenting her.

After all... the little girl is not a student in her own name, so it's not good to make people tired of learning by talking too boringly.

Moreover, Thalia's own level of theoretical knowledge is quite good, and Azhi seems to have passed on many of Shurima's magical achievements.

Judging from the results of the written test, Thalia's magic learning is systematic. Although there are obvious shortcomings, at least it is not a shortcoming. Ya simply increased the amount of training in response to her lack of actual combat experience and weak on-the-spot response.

Even Thalia enjoyed a treatment that even Lux and even Nasus didn't have-Kalya's one-on-one combat training.

To tell you the truth, even Nasus wanted to go over to see Kalya when she started helping Thalia with one-on-one combat training.

After all, in Shurima, the rumors about "the regent is not good at fighting" can be said to have a long history and enduring, but almost no one has seen Kalya take action in person, which makes this legend more interesting on the one hand, and on the other On the one hand, many people vowed that "the regent must be very good at fighting. This legend is to deceive others and make people treat him lightly."

As the Mesozoic of the Shurima Empire, Nasus has never seen Kalya fight in person. Although Nasus is not a person with serious curiosity, he is more or less interested in the fighting power of Kalya himself.

The headmaster did it himself, who wouldn't want to see this kind of thing?

Soon, Nasus got his wish. In the one-on-one training with Thalia, he saw Kalya's shot.

And then...he still couldn't verify the veracity of the legend, because Thalia failed a little too quickly, and Kalya didn't seem to have any strength, and she fell down.

"You should learn to hide your spellcasting intentions." After easily restraining Thalia with yellow sand, Kalya shook her head helplessly, "Although it looks cool to manipulate the stone with both hands raised, but that will Your intentions are completely exposed to the enemy, and I can easily judge your next plan, prepare in advance, and easily counterattack."

Thalia, who was caught in two moves, was also a little confused.

In her memory, when she has the ability to weave stones as she likes, no one can defeat her so lightly, even her teacher wants to counter her spells and defeat herself in a frontal battle , also requires a lot of effort.

But Kalya just used a simple trick. It seems that he wants to control the gravel to resist the flying stones he is pushing, but in fact he is cunningly controlling the gravel close to him. When he focused his attention on manipulating the pumice stone, he directly let his feet slip.

At the moment Thalia staggered, a large amount of yellow sand completely controlled her calf like a gangrene, and as long as Kalya made another gesture, this section of leg could be torn off directly.

"Take out the state of fighting." Kalya looked at Thalia, who seemed to be a little bit unable to recover, and shook her head helplessly, "You haven't even displayed even a little real strength, so you are willing to admit defeat gone?"

Of course not reconciled.

After thinking for a while, Thalia soon started the second round of the battle.

This time, Thalia wisely prepared the pumice punch first, trying to cut off Kalya's way of directly attacking her own body in this way, and consciously reduced the range of her casting action.

Thalia, who was gliding on the stone mantle, seemed to have quickly grasped the initiative in the battle. The gravel controlled by Karya seemed to be no match for the boulder at all. Several defenses were defeated in a few breaths, and then Thalia Controlling a large number of pumice stones, he attacked Carya directly, and seemed to intend to quickly resolve the battle.

However, just when Thalia thought she was sure of winning, the stone slab under her feet suddenly sank. Before the pumice stone hit Karya, the stone slab under her feet fell into the sandpit.

Thalia's body became unbalanced again, and the yellow sand in the bunker unceremoniously scored twice.

"Put all your attention in the battle, but not in the same direction." Letting go of Thalia, Kalya continued, "Always pay attention to the enemy's movements, and have an advantage when you have an advantage." Guard."

Thalia nodded again ignorantly.

Seeing this scene, Nasus already felt a little sorry for Thalia.

Nasus could see very clearly that Kalya's own combat experience was absolutely astonishing. Many of his handling methods were similar to those of the Ascendants who Nasus was more familiar with who stayed on the front line all the year round. The difference between them is that Karya not only treats these details as instincts, but also understands the meaning of these instincts.

This combination of theory and practice combat skills can be very targeted at Thalia's shortcomings.

And judging from Thalia's current state... her shortcomings may be targeted by Karya for a long time.

Before these obvious problems are targeted and changed, I am afraid that Kalya does not need to spend too much effort and show too much power. As long as she has supernatural magic power, it is enough to suppress the young Thalia to death. .

Things played out almost exactly as Nasus predicted.

Kalya fights Thalia three times a day.

Three times against the three fighting habits, each time Karya could easily find Thalia's problem and quickly control her. The whole process can only be described as relaxed and freehand.

Since Kalya had never shown such strong strength, Thalia was naturally unconvinced by this failure.

So, after fighting every day, she would spend a long time adjusting herself, and then fight Carya again the next day.

During this process, Kalya was very particular. As long as Thalia corrected it consciously, even if she didn't completely correct it, and there were still flaws in this area, Kalya would not chase after a problem.

Anyway, in his eyes, Thalia has a lot of problems.

The spellcasting movement is too large, the direction of attention is single, the lack of awareness of the battlefield environment, the lack of awareness of changing the battlefield environment, the lack of judgment on the enemy's spells, the battle thinking is not clear enough, the body's response is too slow, and the method of combining spells is too rigid... …

It is obvious that Talia is an out-and-out young genius, whether it is her own magic power or the solidity of basic knowledge, it can be said to be remarkable, but in front of Karya, she seems to be a pure and incomparable Little sheep will always be found with various omissions and fall into various traps.

Regarding this situation, Thalia herself is quite unconvinced. She insists that as long as she can be more experienced, it will not be difficult to defeat Karya and gain the other party's recognition.

But in the eyes of Nasus, all this made the Grand Maester of Shurima even more puzzled.

Are the Prince Regent's fighting methods so...insidious?

Even if it wasn't because Kalya was his teacher, Nasus would have even wanted to use "despicable" to describe this kind of fighting method!
Seeing Thalia being bound by the yellow sand again and looking at Kalya angrily, Nasus even remembered a sentence Kalya once said to him when he was in school.

"Soldiers who, deception also."

Now that I think about it, maybe the two legends are true.

Kalya's own magic power is not outstanding.

But he shouldn't be considered a weak chicken.


When Karya worked hard to train Thalia and let her gradually adapt to the high-end game, Shivana, who was flying at full strength, finally brought Ino back to Demacia.

Regardless of returning to Fossbarrow, Ino just left a letter to Lux through the intelligence system, and hastily activated the secret channel of the Reticent Man, and started to contact Ryze.

And Ryze's response speed far exceeded Ino's expectations—the evening after she activated the rune, Ryze was teleported to the new residence of the Reticent Man.

"It's you?" Ryze was a little surprised when he saw Ino, "You activated the rune?"

"I found a world rune." Ino said no nonsense, "Someone is using it."

Ryze's eyes widened in surprise.

"Where is it?" The rune guardian obviously couldn't believe it, "There should be no world runes in Demacia..."

"Not Demacia, but Shurima." Ino shook his head, "Have you heard of the Ascended?"

Hearing the word Ascendant, Ryze finally couldn't help frowning.

"You mean those man-made demigods from the Shurima Empire?" He looked at Ino seriously, "Those proud beings probably don't appreciate the power of the world's runes."

"Maybe most of them are, but there are always exceptions." Ino shook his head, "It's Xerath, the traitor in the population of Shurima."

Then, Ino briefly told Ryze about Xerath's problems-she skipped the part about Shurima's grievances, and just told Nasus and Thalia's description of Xerath.

"A typical world rune user." After listening to Ino's description, Ryze nodded slightly, "But... the authenticity has yet to be verified."

"There is no doubt about the authenticity." Ino didn't care about Ryze's directness, "Don't worry, we are not interested in using you. We found you this time mainly for the follow-up processing of that world rune—except for you." Besides, I'm afraid no one knows where to get these dangerous things."

"I am duty-bound to deal with the runes of the world." Ryze nodded slightly, "But if you want to use me to achieve certain goals, then I'm afraid you are doomed to miscalculate."

"This is not taking advantage." Eno emphasized again, "We are just on the same side."

"It's best." Ryze nodded, "Let's go, before it's too late."


Before Ino finished her next sentence, various runes lit up around her. The next moment, under the leadership of Ruiz, Ino experienced the feeling of spinning the world again.

Even for her, teleportation is quite uncomfortable. She just felt that she was completely crushed and distorted by a powerful force, and she crossed thousands of mountains and rivers abruptly in an instant.

"Why can't you wait for a while?" When Yinuo recovered from the discomfort caused by the teleportation, she looked at the surrounding situation with a teary expression on her face, "If I'm not wrong, here should be Kalamanda?"

"It seems that you have been here before." Ryze nodded slightly, "What? I just heard you call to stop?"

"Yes, we have another passenger!"

"Didn't you say that the person who wants to defeat Xerath is already waiting on the other side of the desert?"

"But at least we have to go through the desert, right?" Ino sighed helplessly, "Or, are you going to take me all the time and teleport there?"

"Why not?"

"Don't fool me, the teleportation spell has clear requirements for the destination!" Yinuo shook his head, "Maybe you have located many places, but our destination is definitely not within your positioning range."

"Don't worry about this." Ryze shook his head, "From here to the pulp printing market, just make a few more turns."

"You also have an anchor point in the marrow seal market?"

"Don't underestimate a mage who is used to traveling."

In this way, Ino's painful teleportation journey began.

In order to stabilize the transmission and save magic power as much as possible, the process of Ryze's transmission from Kalamanda to the pulp printing market is carried out in stages.

Kalamanda, Cook's Theron, Nerimaja, Garden City, Zrima, and the Marrow Market.

After going through four transfers, it took Ryze less than a day to send himself and Ino from Kalamanda to the Pulp Seal Market, which can be called amazing speed.

As a price, from the third teleportation, the Yinuo people were paralyzed.

The strong sense of compression brought about by the movement of space made her feel unreal about her surroundings. This feeling mixed with imbalance and dizziness is not comparable to motion sickness or seasickness. , Ino couldn't even stand still.

As the host of the teleportation, Ryze's state is not much better than hers. Although the magic tattoos obscured his face, judging from the dimness of those symbols, Ryze's state is not good.

"I need to take a break." After taking a long breath, Ryze sat on the ground in a corner on the edge of the marrow printing market, "You are the same—I don't suggest you go to other people, it's about us fragile trust between

"Thank you for your frankness." Enuo heard the words, with a wry smile on his face, "But unfortunately, we may need to act as soon as possible. The market managers here may not be friendly..."

"It's okay." Ruiz shook his head lightly, "I'm also a big customer here, and they shouldn't mind if I take a rest here."

Then, under Yinuo's astonished gaze, the market managers took the initiative to find Ruiz, handed him free food and water, and invited Ruiz to go to the hotel to rest.

 The episode is in the second half of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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