Lux's Farewell

652 [0644] World Rune Collection Group

652 World Rune Recovery Team [0644]
Not long ago, I heard Carya talk about Ino at the Marrow Seal Bazaar, but I never expected that Ruiz was actually a VIP customer here.

How much did Ruiz spend to become a VIP here?
And considering the outrageous prices in the marrow printing market... that's probably even more scary!
"Don't look at me like that." Ino's gaze made Ryze a little uncomfortable. "You always have to eat and drink when you're out in the field. The merchants in the marrow printing market have the most complete range of goods, and their mouths are also strict."

"I know all about it." Ino nodded lightly, "But their prices are really outrageous."

"Money is not an important resource." Ruiz shook his head, "You will understand this soon."

Ino didn't say much about Ryze's "you're too young" appearance, but what she thought in her heart was "Mr. Kalya is much older than you, but he still values ​​the meaning of money."

The experience of the marrow printing market is just a small episode.

After Ryze rested for a while and almost felt that he had recovered enough magic power, he finally got up and signaled Ino to leave.

So, Ino took him to the outside of the marrow seal market, and found the place where he and Shivana had left before.

Karya is not here.

Just when Ino was wondering, she saw Nasus.

"This way." Although Nasus was wearing a large robe and a hood, making his face invisible, his tall figure made Ino recognize him immediately, "He is waiting for you."

Ino nodded.

Then Nasus turned to look at Ryze.

"Is that him?" Nasus looked up and down at this man who was also wearing a mage robe and didn't want to show his face, "Is he very good at sealing?"

"I understand." Under the hood, Ryze was also looking at Nasus, "If Ino is not lying, then this is indeed my field of expertise."

"That would be the best." Nasus nodded, and withdrew his scrutiny, "Let's go."


When Nasus returned to the temporary camp with Ino and Ryze, Kalya had just completed a round of combat training with Talia and was telling her about her negligence in the battle.

Then, when he raised his head and saw Ino, Karya was obviously taken aback.

"Where's Shyvana?"

"Ryze sent me here, Shivana is not here." Ino shook his head, "He still has some mistrust of us."

"Ha, are you afraid that we also have the idea of ​​​​making world runes?" Kalya looked indifferent, and a big smile appeared on the mask, "Don't worry, I have no interest in power that I can't control."

"What if you can control it?" Ruiz didn't relax in the slightest because of Karya's statement, "Or, do you think you can control it?"

Ryze's appearance looked a little unreasonable.

"You look very nervous." The smile on Kalya's mask did not diminish at all, "It seems that the previous Rune Wars left a very deep impression on you."

"The danger of runes is a problem that must be looked at directly." Ryze's expression was very serious, "I have seen countless people who thought they could master the world's runes, but without exception, they were all addicted to this power. In the end, he drowned in the vortex and became a walking dead dominated by power..."

"Well said, these are all painful lessons." Kalya nodded seriously, "Unfortunately, the only lesson people have learned in history is that they will not learn any lessons. Do you think that protecting this power Get up, so that mortals can't touch it, is it safe?"

"So, you don't intend to hand over this world rune to me and seal it safely?" On Ryze's skin, the azure blue rune began to flash with arcane aura, "You covet it? "

"Put away your barbs, Ryze." Kalya ignored the surging magic power of the opponent, "If you really realized the danger of world runes because of the historical lessons of Rune Wars, then you should Read the history to understand the meaning of the name Karya."

"So, you want to say that the out-of-control ascendant is Karya?"

"No." Kalya shook his head lightly, and took off the mask on his face, "I mean, I am Kalya, and the world runes are not enough to seduce me."

Ryze was dumbfounded.

As a learned mage, although Ryze is always on the way to find and protect world runes, he is also very accustomed to reading in his spare time.

For Ruiz, who is afraid to make friends, reading is the best way to pass the time.

And as long as you read more books and understand history, Kalya is destined to be a name that cannot be bypassed. Even in historical classics and various novels, he is often not the protagonist, but at least he is also a common background board. .

Now, a man made of grit said to himself, he was Kalya, and even if Ryze had seen it all, he had never seen such a situation.

"It seems that you have heard my story." A satisfied smile appeared on Kalya's face, "Since this is the case, you should understand that my goal will not be that world rune."

"I don't know Karya." Ryze shook his head stiffly, "It's not enough for me to fully trust you."

"That's really troublesome." Kalya shrugged, "Let's put it another way—listen to Ino, you chose to use the rune tree to absorb and store those world runes?"

After saying a word, Ryze finally widened his eyes.

Arcane light lit up in his palm, and he was also getting ready for teleportation. Regardless of whether the person in front of him was Kalya, the other party already knew the possible location of the world rune, so it would be very dangerous!
"I planted those trees. Are you hiding something in my forest garden? Do you still want to hide it from me?"

Ryze was dumbfounded.

"Do you want me to report the location where the rune tree is planted?" Kalya continued, "You don't think those hidden laboratories are pure natural?"

Ryze was lost in thought.

Karya is not wrong about this point. Although the places he found that can store world runes have been abandoned for a long time, they are not natural, and there are very obvious artificial traces in them, but those places were found in Ryze At that time, there were no traces of human activities in it, only some garbage that had decayed under the erosion of time remained.

Ryze doesn't understand archaeology, but after observing for a long time, he determined that these places have been abandoned, so he used them as a hidden place to hide world runes, and added several seals to mess up the space coordinates .

"To be honest, I don't know what those former forest gardens look like now." Kalya shook his head lightly, "But for the forest where you hide the world runes, the characteristics of the trees in it may be better than anyone else's." I understand."

Ryze looked at Karya silently, as if waiting for the other party to give a description.

"In the current Demacia area, the Northwest Laboratory grows Kara poplar, which is a kind of tree that can grow almost infinitely, but it doesn't grow fast at a high speed, and it grows thick at an amazing speed. They are resistant to drought and are afraid of humidity. With the current climate of Demacia, when you see them, maybe it will be a piece of waxy thick rotten wood."

Ryze said nothing.

"In addition to Karayang, the Northwest Laboratory is also an important magic power channel circuit." Carya continued, "Under the Karayang Forest Garden, there should be a complex underground magic power circuit, maybe that will be able to hide world runes Natural labyrinth?"

Ryze still didn't speak.

"As one of the designers of the laboratory, my memory is not bad. I remember that there are six magic power storage pools in the magic power circuit, and there should be a lot of gems in them. When you find that laboratory, those gems are still there. ?"

"It's gone." This time, Ryze finally whispered, "The warehouse of gems is the most complete, but all the gems in it have been emptied."

"I don't know if there is a breakthrough in the experiment, or they gave up everything." Kalya shrugged, "Now, do you think I will covet the world rune?"

"You...maybe not." Ruiz's tone was cautious but relaxed, "If you really have an idea, maybe you can hide it from me and get it yourself."

"So, you should believe it now, my target is really that stupid Bakay." Kalya spread his hands, "We need professionals to deal with the problem of world runes."

"As long as you buy me a little time, I can seal it." Ryze finally nodded, "But no matter what, I can't give you those dangerous runes."

"I don't plan to touch it now." Carya didn't care about Ryze's undisguised defensive attitude at all, "If one day, I really find a way to effectively control this power, I hope Mr. Ryze will not Refuse, help me check it out."

Facing Kalya's "voluntary appointment", Ruiz changed the topic noncommittally.

"So, what is the state of the ascendant controlled by the world rune?"

"About this point, you can ask Nasus in detail." Kalya pointed to Nasus who had not spoken as if he had completed his task, "Quickly ask, remember to ask Shivana Take it back—in this battle, air superiority is very important!"


Ryze and Nasus had a long chat.

Surprisingly, Ryze and Nasus hit it off.

After inquiring many details about Xerath in detail, Ryze finally fully confirmed the identity of the user of Xerath's world rune, and he was obliged to join the sequence against Xerath.

After joining the battle sequence, Ryze's first task was to bring Shivana back.

Obviously, he was about to teleport again.

While Ryze was picking up people, Kalya continued to train Thalia.

After discovering that Kalya left the field in person, Ino, who was just watching the battle, suddenly became eager to try—after watching a few battles, she felt that she could go on the field and touch Kalya.

Don't look at Kalya taking care of Thalia very easily, but that's obviously because the junior sister is not good at fighting. In terms of combat experience, even Jinx can't compare, so she can only be bullied against Kalya, an old fritter.

If you change yourself...

No student could resist the temptation to beat his teacher head-on one-on-one, and when Kalya started training with Thalia again, Ino volunteered to join the fight.

Karya refused at first.

Thalia lacks combat experience, special training can improve quickly at this time, and you Ino have enough, why come here to join in the fun?
Ino, who had been prepared for a long time, said plausibly that he and Thalia should practice cooperation. The next battle against Xerath cannot be solved by fighting alone. It must be sooner rather than later to cooperate and train. !
The words are nice, but Karya knows very well that she is clearly Pi!
This brat must have no good intentions.

Kalya pretended to refuse at first, but in the end, "I really couldn't stand Yinuo's soft and hard talk", so she asked her to try it together.

Try and die.

Ino originally thought that in a two-on-one situation, he had a great advantage, but he didn't expect Kalya to be so old, but he still didn't talk about martial arts-he continued to guide Thalia's combat experience, and on the other hand He directly used the power of the devil to fight himself.

What the hell!
Ino is not Lux. Her magic itself is weakened in the desert environment, and there is no damage bonus when facing demons. Even if Kalya is only doing two things at once, she still cannot grasp the initiative of the battle at all!

"World runes have the ability to affect people's hearts." Not only cheating with the power of demons, Kalya also plausibly said, "The power of demons also has a similar ability, which can hone your mind very well and let you face world runes. When Wen is in danger, I won't let myself lose my mind..."

The words are better than the songs, this is obviously because you are afraid of losing face to your students, so you use the cheat of the power of the devil!

Use your sand as much as you can!

It's a pity that when the battle doesn't gain the upper hand, no matter how much you protest, it's just like the howling of a defeated dog. In the end, Ino has to admit that with his current ability, it's okay to take Karya, who is controlling the three demons, for the time being. Method.

The sinister old thing!
I really don't want to eat at all!
During Karya's "special training", three days flew by.

Ryze, who had spent a lot of mana, finally managed to send Shivana here—during the process, he once doubted himself, why did it take such an astonishing amount of mana to teleport this little girl?

And all the doubts were answered when Shivana showed the dragon posture, and Ryze realized that he had transported a humanoid dragon from Demacia to the Marrow Seal Market. !
So far, the World Rune Recovery Team has finally arrived.

In the next step, they will set off for Antasil to stop Xerath's attempt to revive Azir, and recover the dangerous world rune from his hand!

 Carya's Small Classroom Teleportation Consumption:
  The consumption of teleportation is related to a series of factors such as the mana, mana control, weight, and volume of the person being teleported. In order to teleport Shyvana over, Ryze made six "stops" in Shurimador.

(End of this chapter)

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