Lux's Farewell

653 [0645] Desolate South Shurima

653 [0645] Desolate South Shurima

Antahil is located in the south-central part of the Shurima Continent, at the southern foot of Mount Targon, on the verge of the Sea of ​​Mists, and is an important town in the southern part of the Shurima Continent.

However, even if it has a history that is not inferior to other famous cities in Shurima, no matter what era it is, Antahir is regarded as a "desolate place", and it is the bottom of the chain of regional discrimination and contempt within the Shurima Empire , which is better than Icacia.

There are many reasons for this phenomenon, the most important of which is that the southern part of the Shurima continent, especially the area south of the southern Ridge of Mount Targon, originally became the territory of the empire after the establishment of the Shurima Empire.

In a way, Southern Shurima was also conquered.

Then, why is the Ixtar region not at the bottom of this chain of contempt, since it was also joined after the establishment of the empire?
This involves the second bad natural factor of South Shurima - geographical isolation.

Although Ixtar is indeed far away from the political center of Shurima, at least the only obstacle between Shurima and Ixtar is the forest, even if there are some hills, as long as you follow the Shurima River all the way And going, arriving at Yixaoken is also smooth.

But between South Shurima and the center of Shurima, there lies the southern vein of Targon.

The South Ridge of Targon, which stretches for thousands of miles like a long snake, almost completely divides South Shurima and Shurima into two halves. Ordinary people want to cross the mountains, from the Pythia Market in the north of the mountain to Anta in the south. Hill, the journey of a few hundred miles is not enough for a month or two.

Although the height of the southern vein of Targon Peak is not 01:30 points shorter than the main peak, it is still an insurmountable moat for mortals under the extraordinary.

In addition, because the climate is relatively warm and there is a large area of ​​impact plains near the sea, although the South Shurima people also have a spontaneous civilization, but in terms of unity and hard work, they are not as good as Shurima who fought against the storm in the desert People, these factors combined directly caused the Shurima Empire to not encounter any decent obstacles when annexing Southern Shurima, but the Southern Shurima people have been blackened by the region.

In order to reduce such internal conflicts and take advantage of the geographical advantages of southern Shurima, Karya once planned to build a large tunnel project.

According to the plan, the Shurima Empire will build three tunnels on the east, middle, and west lines, running through the southern vein of Mount Targon, and opening up a road connecting South Shurima.

Once the tunnel is completed, South Shurima will be more closely connected with Shurima, and with the coast of South Shurima as an outlet to the sea, Shurima can completely avoid Keli, which is full of deserts and hills, and the traffic is extremely inconvenient. Sai, without building a new drinking water pipeline and magic circuit, establish a close political and economic relationship with Icacia.

But it is a pity that Kalya, who used to preside over large-scale projects without any disadvantages, was defeated here on the southern side of Mount Targon.

The hardness of the rocks inside the southern mountain range of Mount Targon far exceeded Carya's expectations, and the believers of the giant gods in the empire also tried their best to prevent this "blasphemy" behavior. Even if Carya tried his best, only one of the three tunnels barely penetrated in the end.

Karya's starting point is undoubtedly good, but it is undeniable that the success of a series of super projects before made him wrongly estimate the difficulty of the large tunnel project. The effect directly caused Karya, who forcibly advanced the project, to bear certain responsibilities.

Later, when reviewing this experience, Kalya also had to admit that perhaps this was the beginning of his gradual loss of control over Shurima.

And now, after thousands of years, Kalya once again walked into the only long tunnel that successfully penetrated the southern vein of Mount Targon, but also represented a personal failure.


Standing at the entrance of the dark tunnel, Nasus, who knew this history, said nothing, and he, who had also experienced a heartbreaking failure, knew very well what it was like to face his own scars.

Ryze, who has never liked to talk, also kept silent, just silently recording the location here, as if thinking about whether it is possible to build a permanent teleportation coordinate here.

But the other three little girls were quite curious about this tunnel.

Because there is no record of this tunnel, whether it is in the narration of Carya or in the records of Shiman City.

You must know that super-engineering has always been a symbol of the glory of the Shurima Empire. These "spectacles" are not only majestic and magnificent, but also have practical value, so each of them has been recorded in detail in history, even Kalya, occasionally He will also mention his glory days.

But the super tunnel in front of him that "can pass through the southern vein of Mount Targon and reach Antasil" is obviously a large-scale spectacle, so why is it so unknown?
Driven by curiosity, Ino, Shivana, and Thalia all began to ask Karya about the past of this tunnel.

Kalya's mask looked calm, as if this was indeed a very ordinary place, patiently answering the doubts of the three little girls throughout the whole process, and it was not at all obvious that this was also his sad place.

"These big stones at the entrance of the tunnel? They are integrated. Although they are not pure elements, they have also been permanently solidified. You can take a closer look and see its magic field..."

"These lights that are still on are actually special magic power circuits. They are auxiliary lighting facilities and indicator devices for maintenance. You can see that they are not lit here. It should be that the magic power circuits are broken somewhere..."

"Walking in this tunnel, as long as there is light in front, it means everything is safe and you can move forward; otherwise, if the light is off, you have to stop and return, and there may be a partial collapse..."

"The tunnel is too long, and it was originally necessary to prepare a special ventilation system, but the climate at the southern and northern slopes of Mount Targon is completely different, so as long as a free wind field is created inside, a connector can be formed..."

"Most of the materials on the ground are solidified rock elements. Many of the parameters for making the monolithic fortress later came from the first-hand data of this tunnel, but now the road surface is still cracked..."

"In terms of design, this tunnel needs regular small-scale maintenance, mainly for the decoration facilities of the tunnel. The service life of the main body is 3000 years, and it is still early for the scrapping deadline..."



Karya answered every question, like a professional tour guide, leading the three little girls to understand this ancient tunnel.

Then, after their first day camped in the tunnel, Eno finally asked the question that made Nasus's heart sink.

"How come I never heard you mention the tunnel?"

"I didn't mention too much." Kalya just shook his head cheerfully, and changed the topic very naturally, "If you lived for thousands of years, then your experience will be better than most of the present. The history of the country is thicker and more exciting, and it is impossible to finish it.”

"Then tell me the story of the construction of this tunnel." Ino didn't seem to notice the problem at all, and continued chatting, "Did something interesting happen? It's like when Aatrox was taming the rock sheep." , like being pushed on the ass by a sheep..."

Hearing this, Nasus' expression became a little subtle.

In terms of seniority, Nasus is younger than Aatrox, and he himself is not a fan of gossip, so he is completely unaware of the fact that "Aatrox was once jacked up by a ram". .

Well, now I know.

"Interesting thing..."

Hearing this question, Kalya was also taken aback for a moment. He fixedly looked at the curious Ino, and for the first time showed a dumbfounding expression on the mask.

Although I know that Eno is very similar to me in many ways...

But this is too similar, right?
However, Carya doesn't mind sharing these interesting things.

After thinking for a moment, Kalya finally remembered a bad luck.

"Raast, I seem to have mentioned it to you before." The mask showed a nasty smile, "Our lovely Mr. Hamster, he once studied here."

"Raast, I remember this name." Ino blinked, and quickly recalled, "You said he is a 'cunning guy who likes to talk', and the Ascender form is a hamster?"

"That's right, this is Raast, he has the same incomprehensible collection habit as a hamster." Carya nodded, "When this tunnel was built, he was still an intern and was about to graduate That’s it—after graduation, students of Shurima University need to have special grades if they want to go further.”

Karya had said this before, so Ino nodded.

"Raast is very talented, but his talent direction is magic power conversion, which belongs to the category of advanced magic power application." Carya took advantage of the fire to cook, and talked, "Although the university will also provide students with research I definitely support it, but the consumables for the experiment need to be solved by myself, but the consumables for the magic conversion experiment are extremely expensive and consume a lot of money."

Ino didn't understand this topic very well. Although Lux had learned the introduction to advanced elements, Ino hadn't, or because of the ice blood, her theoretical study had been stagnant for a long time.

"In short, this is a subject that requires the support of rich and noble families to achieve results." Kalya explained in the simplest language, "Shurima University cannot provide high subsidies to all students, and the price is too high."

Ino nodded, and Shivana and Thalia also approached with great interest.

"So, Raast, who was doing an internship in this tunnel project, turned his idea to building materials."

Speaking of this, Nasus seemed to have remembered something, and a smile appeared on Jackal's face.

"Because building materials need to be disposed of uniformly even if they are waste materials." Carya grinned and continued his story, "The price of waste materials is not expensive, but Raast cannot afford to recycle them."

"So as an intern, Raast had no chance at first, but this guy's brain is very flexible. After losing with the person in charge of building materials management, he quickly found a way-he said he had connections , can recycle waste building materials, and even provide transportation services.”

"It is not a small project to transport the building material waste accumulated in the middle of such a long tunnel, so the building material manager told him that if the recycled building materials can be transported away by hand, then it can be cheaper. sell."

"For this situation, Raast told people very loyally that if the recycling price is too low, the audit will not pass, and it will easily cause trouble at that time, so one yard is one yard, and the money for recycling building materials and The money for transporting the waste can be counted on its own.”

"Then, he turned around and found someone who pretended to be a person who recycled building materials, and signed two contracts with the building materials management, one was a recycling contract, and the other was a waste transportation contract."

"The building materials manager, he originally wanted to use the transportation fee as a discount to easily dispose of these construction wastes, so when he calculated the price, he based it on the final settlement quotation. First, he gave a base price, and then Pay for shipping."

"There is no problem with the two contracts, but this bastard, Raast, took advantage of his position to mislead the building materials manager and let him misjudge the transportation distance."

"The result is that the building material manager thought that the construction waste was recycled at half price, but according to the signed contract, the waste was completely given to Raast..."

"I've been doing engineering for so many years, and I've seen all kinds of methods to squeeze wool, but it's the first time that Raaste has such a clear and unique thinking."

"Then what's the result?" Ino was quite curious, "Did Raast get the materials he needed? In the end, he researched the results and became an ascender?"

"No, he forged the recycling qualification of construction waste, violated the relevant laws of engineering management, and was severely punished." Carya shook his head, "His thinking is also considered meticulous, and he bypassed the building materials administrator after everything was settled. , directly clearing the accounts with the property, playing the idea of ​​​​the building materials administrator suffering from dumbness, but it is a pity that it was found out by the audit."

"So, how was he punished?"

"The student status was not expelled, but he was dispatched to the wild land in the north. He did voluntary work for a full three years. This kid can be regarded as a hero. He managed to achieve results in three years, ended the assignment, and later became a new generation. The Ascendant, it can be regarded as a good result..."



In this way, during the chatting along the way, the group passed through the long and large tunnel and arrived at the southern foot of the southern vein of Mount Targon.

When they walked out of the tunnel, what appeared in front of everyone was an endless plain. On the plain, there were traffic, chickens and dogs.

Seeing the lush greenery in front of her, Eno couldn't believe her eyes—she had only seen such a large-scale farmland in Demacia's Demacia Plain generation, and there was only such a large area of ​​flat land around Gendale. !
"Let's go!" Kalya was the first to take a step forward, "Welcome to...'desolate' southern Shurima."

 Kalya's Little Classroom: Deserted South Shurima:
  Black in Shurima, South Shurima is remote, Ixtar is a monkey, Icacia is rude, Nerima is old-fashioned... These are the inherent impressions of black in Shurima.

(End of this chapter)

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