Lux's Farewell

654 [0646] Who is the real fisherman

654 [0646] Who is the real fisherman

"Unbelievable." Hearing Kalya's slightly mocking words, Ino murmured subconsciously, "Can this be considered remote?"

Standing on the high slope at the exit of the large tunnel, Yinuo could clearly see the ten thousand hectares of fertile fields below the mountain—as far as he could see, there was not even half a mound at the foot of the mountain, and the south vein of Mount Targon, which ran from east to west, seemed to be an uplift. On the back of Shurima Continent, although it is towering, the terrain at the foot of the mountain is flat.

"For the former Shurima, this is a backcountry." Kalya shrugged lively, with a bit of subtle joy in his tone, "Southern Shurima is the largest granary of the empire, far away from the political and economic center, Feeds and drinks the entire empire, but it is for this reason that Southern Shurima are often seen as country bumpkins."

Nasus remained silent, but Ino, Shivana, and Thalia were all very puzzled by the situation.

"Don't they hold the food of the empire?" Thalia couldn't help asking, "How can people who hold the food be looked down upon?"

In Thalia's view, even in Stone Mantle City, which advocates knowledge and large-scale projects, people who can farm and herd are quite prestigious, while people like South Shurima have a lot of food and can produce a lot of food. No matter where you put it, you will be a master, right?

"It's because the empire is too powerful." Kalya's eyes were narrowed into slits on the mask, "No matter how hard you try, how much money can you make by planing food in the ground?"

Thalia was still a little confused, but Ino suddenly thought of some changes in Fossbarrow in recent years, so he couldn't help but nodded slightly.

"I always hoped that the people of South Shurima would come out and let more people join other industries, but unfortunately, they prefer to stay here." Speaking of this, Kalya couldn't help but sigh, " This is also understandable, who would want to go to the desert if they can stay here? Even an oasis in the desert is not as prosperous as this place!"

Nasus sighed.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's go." Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit subtle, Kalya simply waved his hand, "Let's go down together, I haven't been to South Shurima for a long time, and I don't know how many years have changed here. What did it look like..."


For South Shurima, Kalya actually has a lot of things that he didn't elaborate on.

It's not that he doesn't want to talk about it, but that there are so many problems here that he won't be able to explain clearly for a while, and he can only wave his hands when he wants to talk.

As the first area to be "conquered" by the Shurima Empire, this land once had a period of glory. At that time, it was the "honeymoon period" between the Shurima Empire and the Titan. insurmountable.

Through countless roads between the mountains, the Shurima Empire obtained the surplus grain support of Southern Shurima, and these grains became the first milk to nourish the Shurima Empire, allowing the empire to mobilize frequently with amazing mobilization efficiency. Wage wars of conquest across the land, planting the imperial flag on oasis after oasis.

However, with the gradual expansion of the empire, taking full control of the Shurima River Basin, and even going deep into the rainforest, whipping Icacia, and building ships to try to cross the ocean, the importance of southern Shurima to the empire finally began to decline.

With more food producing areas and easier desert transportation, food grown from the Shurima River Basin can be transported to various places in Shurima at a cheaper price.

When a ton of wheat produced from Faljela (a city along the Shurima River) was carried by a Doman monster trailer, it crossed the Farajsai desert and arrived at Zerima (the northern foot of the southern mountain of Targon). , the cost price is lower than the wheat transported to Zerima from the Selba Plain in southern Shurima!

You know, the straight-line distance from the Selba Plains to Zrimar is less than two hundred miles, but the straight-line distance from Faljela to Zrimar is nearly a thousand miles!

The reason for this is very simple, that is, with the help of large pack beasts, the cost of desert transportation is very low, and it is completely crushed and leaned on the back of people across mountains and mountains.

No matter how fertile the land in Southern Shurima, the heart of the Shurima Empire was destined to be the area along the Shurima River.

When the empire needs food from South Shurima, South Shurima is considered by most people in the empire to be a rich man in the south, and the development of the empire cannot be separated from their food supply.

Then, there were enough grain-producing areas in the empire, and the transportation cost of crossing the southern side of Mount Targon became unacceptably heavy, and the rich buddies also became local rich men.

Then, as the empire began to promote relatively high-yield crops, the price of food dropped further, and the former rich man became a country bumpkin from the south.

During this process, everything in South Shurima was completely bound to the Shurima Empire. They could not do without the Shurima Empire, and they also yearned to become "true Shurima people", but the differences between regions Contradictions gradually became apparent.

In fact, at the beginning, Kalya presided over the construction of the large tunnel in order to alleviate this contradiction as much as possible, strengthen the cooperation between South Shurima and Shurima through transportation links, and maximize the use of South Shurima's geography and manpower resource.

Unfortunately, the construction of the big tunnel fell short, and only one of the expected three tunnels was completed. Although this tunnel also effectively alleviated many problems in South Shurima, South Shurima did not stand on its own until the collapse of the empire, but Karl Ya's strategy of using South Shurima and Icacia as a springboard for Shurima's expansion to the sea was still aborted like the other two large tunnels.

It was also at this time that the utilization of the sun disk finally reached its limit.

In the eyes of Nasus, the Shurima Empire at that time was at the time when the fire was cooking and the flowers were blooming.

But in Kalya's eyes, the empire has reached a dead end, and the ship is in trouble to turn around.

Even if Kalya is the founder of the empire and Shurima's "Master of All Industries", he has no way to make the entire Shurima give up the already mature sun disc and study the newly discovered rune power with him.

As a result, Kalya finally gradually left the center of power. As a scholar, he started research on rune magic and rune trees with those students who were still willing to support him, hoping to find a new way out for the empire—— As long as there is a breakthrough in the rune magic, Kalya will bring newcomers and reshape all the order in Shurima!
Unfortunately, Karya did not get this opportunity.

Even though he had been on guard, even if he had been vaccinated beforehand, a war broke out in Icacia.

No one knew that the strong Karya really had the idea of ​​"tired, let's be destroyed".

But... no matter what, Kalya still couldn't let go of the Shurima Empire.

In other words, in his eyes, the Shurima royal family, whose roots are young, is not his own child, but this huge empire.

Even if the empire has gone another way, even if it has gradually become hard to return, Kalya is unwilling to have her child fall in front of her.

So, he stood on the monolithic fortress, and finally healed the cracks in the earth. Even if he was eroded, he barely survived the collapsed empire with the last few connections.

Time has changed, the world has changed, and the sea has changed.

The newly-built Shurima City did not make Kalya feel a little bit redundant, but after walking through this large tunnel and looking at the southern Shurima Plains in front of him, some subtle emotions surged in his heart. taste.

Obviously, he has decided to start anew, but when he comes to the old place again, Kalya still can't help thinking about the past, thinking about his past gains and losses.

Where no one else could see, Kalya shook her head slightly.

Maybe this time, I am really old.


After coming down from the mountain, the group walked through the farmland for almost two hours before seeing a village in the distance.

The village is not big, and it looks like there are only a few hundred households.

When a group of people came to the entrance of the village on their own initiative, before Yinuo, who was walking in the front, could speak, there was a rush of gongs in the village. Amidst the gongs, the gate made of long wooden strips was quickly locked up.

Then, several heads with iron pans protruded from the wall that was as tall as a person.

"who are you?"

The words with a strong southern Shurima accent fell on the ears of the three young girls. It was a foreign language they had never heard before. Thalia, Ino, and Shivana looked at me and I looked at you, and couldn’t help feeling All had the same idea.

"Is this also Shurima?"

Of course it is.

Even without Karya's action, Ryze could answer them fluently.

Soon, the people behind the wall showed their upper bodies, and then more people poked their heads out.

After carefully observing Carya's group, they shrank back again and began to communicate in a low voice, asking Ryze some questions through the wall from time to time.

For these questions, Ryze's answers are also very smooth.

Finally, when Ino got a little impatient, the door opened.

"Let's go." Ryze nodded, "They welcome us now."

"It's unbelievable, you still have this kind of ability." Eno seemed to be seeing Ruiz for the first time, "I'm afraid this language is not spoken by local people, so you probably don't understand it?"

"As long as you live a long time, travel far, and see a lot, you will understand a little bit." Ruiz is very calm, "And, Mr. Carya should also understand this language."

"I understand a little, but I can't really hear it." Kalya shook his head lightly. "The language is always changing. I may barely be able to communicate with them, but it's definitely not easy like you."

"If I hadn't been to Selbach more than ten years ago, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to communicate." Ruiz also shook his head, "Mr. Carya's achievements in language are indeed amazing, and I have read many of your works. ..."

"Just a joke..."



The communication between Kalya and Ryze is like this, there is always some very subtle politeness, Eno looked at these two old guys who were exchanging business with each other expressionlessly, and suddenly felt that in a sense, Ryze and Karl Ya is really quite similar.

But for some reason, based on Ino's understanding of Karya, she always felt that there seemed to be no good intentions behind Karya's politeness.

If Kalya knew what Ino was thinking, he would definitely yell at him—is your teacher like that?

Soon, the business exchange ended, and looking at the confused eyes of the three little girls, Kalya finally returned to the topic of the village in front of him.

"This village seems to be old, but I remember that there should be a grain distribution market nearby." Carya looked at everything in the village carefully, and explained to others, "Although the three tunnels only Although there were a few collapses in the tunnel, it was still generally intact... However, this village has no trace of outsiders at all. Seth, what do you know?"


Nasus, who had been silent before, was suddenly called by his name, and couldn't help standing up subconsciously. Then, amidst the subtle laughter of Ino and Shivana, he shook his head helplessly.

"After the collapse of the post-Shurima Empire, Nan Shurima finally chose to leave the empire. When Xerath left with Azir's remains, he also took away a lot of court mages, but at that time Nan Shurima Shurima and Shurima still communicate."

"So, you also don't know why the Great Tunnel was abandoned and there is no communication between Southern Shurima and Shurima?"

"There are some guesses." Nasus blinked, "Should it be related to the new order after the collapse of the empire?"

"Be specific."

"Those people just now seemed very wary of us." Nasus walked into the gate of the village as he spoke, "Perhaps after the collapse of the empire, sand bandits will come here to plunder?"

"A good guess." Carya nodded. "Without reliable protection, the long and large tunnel is indeed prone to ambushes. The trade route also needs maintenance. Without maintenance, the trade route will be cut off."

"And it also involves the issue of trade goods." Ino also took the initiative to say, "Maybe the people of South Shurima have nothing to buy from the outside world? It was the same in Demacia in the past. Although there are many good ports, there are hardly many. foreign trade."

"The thinking is clear." Carya continued to nod, "But it's not enough."

"These people have problems." Shivana, who had been looking around before, finally said, "They seem to be Sand Bandits!"

Before the words were finished, the door behind Kalya and the others slammed shut—and as the door closed, this door, which looked extremely fragile from the front, finally revealed its back wrapped in heavy cast iron.

There are so many defenses in this village, not for self-protection, but as a trap for speculators who accidentally discover this long tunnel!

When someone discovers this ancient tunnel, walks through the tunnel and finally reaches South Shurima, these honest-looking farmers will teach them a lesson and teach them the rules of South Shurima survival.

The fishing proved to be very successful.

There is only one small problem.

What they caught was a shark.

 Extra episodes will be added tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

  Today I went out for a walk, and the spring breeze blew, and my condition has recovered a lot-I still have to take a vacation!
(End of this chapter)

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