Lux's Farewell

Chapter 655 [0647]

Chapter 655 [0647]
The course of the fight was lackluster.

Although there is a group of young men in the village wearing variegated armor and acting with restraint, but in front of Kalya and the others, all of this is meaningless.

Less than 3 minutes later, the guys with weapons were all finished, and the rest were either bound by yellow sand, or frozen by solid ice, or trapped in an arcane cage, or died because of the withering deep in their souls. Fatigued to the ground.

In mid-air, a dragon spread its wings and circled. Several guys who wanted to sneak away ran into the wall of flames.

The fish does not realize that it is a fish until it is pulled out of the water.

And from the performance, it can be seen that five of the six people (dragons) in the group had expected the reaction of the village, and only Thalia was stunned by the accident.

Karya, Nasus, and Ryze have traveled a lot and lived a long time, and they have seen a lot of things like this kind of peasant who takes up a weapon and becomes a thief; Eno also led the team to walk tens of thousands of miles People, even ordinary means can't hide it from her; Shivana was once chased by Ivar and almost crossed the Valoran continent, and she saw many people of all colors.

Only Thalia, who had left Stone Mantle City to practice, had never seen this before. When all the people with weapons were finished and the whole village lost their resistance, she realized the cause and effect of the incident.

This is not the first time Thalia has encountered a battle, but it is the first time Thalia has such a clear understanding of human nature.

The villagers who had never met before changed from pretending to be timid to genuinely afraid. Thalia was shocked to find that she seemed a little unable to keep up with the speed of this change.

However, after all, she is the most outstanding young generation in Stone Mantle City, and in the previous training, Karya also subtly taught her some things, so, after a moment of unacceptable, Thalia still acted quickly stand up.

Under Thalia's mobilization, the stone houses "lived" and transformed into small cells, trapping most of the people here separately—except for a few old people and children, everyone else lived in A single room for interrogation.

The effect of the separate interrogation was very good. It didn't take much effort for Karya and Ruiz to find out the details of the village.

Generally speaking, this is a village mainly engaged in farming, but because it is relatively close to the big tunnel, occasionally people will go down the mountain, and these people will also occasionally act as robbers.

Being a robber is obviously not a good thing, but in this backcountry where there is no order and law, this is also a two-way choice. More than one person has mentioned that people from the north will sometimes rob them. The ambush is not only a plunder, but also self-protection.

As judges, neither Carya nor Ryze cared much about this.

Along the way, Carya knows better than anyone else the virtues of a disorderly society. He is clear about the behavior, purpose and means of these people; while Ryze doesn't care much about the society of mortals, he only cares about the symbols of the world. Wen's safety.

Therefore, after simply figuring out the purpose of these people, they began to ask about the surrounding situation: where is the market, whether there is a ruler, whether there is a spellcaster, etc. For them, this is the next step key.

It's a pity that these remote people don't know much. They just said that there is a market in the south, where grain can be exchanged for handicrafts, and the looted proceeds can be sold for other supplies.

Not at all.


This is even more unheard of. Shouldn't the extra money be used to strengthen the walls of the village and build weapons to guard against foreign looters?

That's a great big shot. Any village with Faye can quickly expand their property.

After some interrogation, Kalya finally confirmed that at least the place where he was located had become a completely lawless place. The villages followed the law of the jungle and became safe "small oases".

Every village is a combination of soldiers and farmers. They work together in normal farming and when they want to rob the fields of water. It can be said that they are full of vitality.

In addition, this village has never heard of the name Xerath, and it doesn't know anything about the Shurima royal family. Under the alienation, the South Shurima people almost completely falsified the history, and what they said was An ancient legend that is very different from the history of Shurima...

After getting this information, Ryze was in a good mood, because it sounded like Xerath had no minions, so it might be easier to deal with him.

But Kalya couldn't help sighing——Different from the "orthodox Shurima" situation in the Shurima continent, the current South Shurima people no longer recognize their Shurima identity, except The crops in the field look familiar, but it seems that there is no connection with the former Shurima Empire.

After getting the desired information, Karya and the others quickly left the village.

Although the villagers were released, Thalia did not restore the cage to its original state—there was no need for a trial, nor the desire to kill, these guys who did not die in the battle, let them fend for themselves!

For the next step, Karya plans to go to the market in the south. After all, it is a place for communication and the information is relatively smooth, so maybe there may be some gains.

With this thought in mind, the group quickened their pace and arrived at the market before the evening of that day.

Under everyone's astonished eyes, Kalya played the role of a wandering mage like a fish in water, helping people with fortune-telling with half-truths and half-truths, and soon came up with a lot of interesting information.

First of all, South Shurima is very large, and many places don't seem to be as chaotic and disordered as here. I heard that the south is close to the sea, and the customs and customs are quite different from here.

Secondly, although the people in this market had never heard of Xerath, they had heard of the emperor, and here, Kalya heard more legends of South Shurima. Among these legends, Azir has become the source of civilization, and many things in the history of Shurima have been transferred to him.

Finally, more and more new faces have appeared in this market recently. Many of them are from the south, and all of them spend a lot of money. They seem to be very interested in the outsiders from the north.

The above news is the version after Carya’s summary. In fact, the first-hand information provided by those people is mostly vague and mixed with many invalid subjective judgments. Even if Carya wanted to sort out the news, it took almost three hours. While gesticulating, thinking silently.

"So, Xerath is determined to build a new Shurima?" After listening to Kalya's story, Nasus couldn't help frowning. far, and now Xerath has done this..."

"Yeah, his ambition is not as simple as resurrecting Azir." Kalya nodded lightly, "So, although he hasn't encountered any trouble yet, it must have been shown to Xerath by Xerath in Antasil." Ka and Shabek's is just the tip of the iceberg."


Continuing to go south, the place name Antasil finally began to gradually appear, and the lawless land gradually took on a somewhat civilized atmosphere.

However, unlike most nation-based civilizations outside of South Shurima, clan villages still seem to be the basic structure of society here—although the weather conditions are not so good at 01:30, South Shurima's Many places gave Ino a sense of Freljord déjà vu.

And this sense of déjà vu reached its peak when she heard that "mages are going to be promoted in Antahir".

In Southern Shurima, spellcasters travel to Antasia to further their studies at the expense of serving Xerath.

In the Freljord, many icebloods will also go to the Frostguard Fortress to pledge their allegiance to the witches and become Frostguard Warriors.

In South Shurima, Azir became the origin of everything after the history was tampered with. The real history of the past was artificially erased and grafted elsewhere.

In the Freljord, although the legend of the three sisters is still being sung, those who really want to pursue the secrets of the three sisters will be attacked by the priests of the frostguard.

In Southern Shurima, the village is the most basic organization, each village has its own territory, and different villages will frequently fight for the territory.

In the Freljord, the tribe is the most basic organization, and different tribes also have their own spheres of influence, and they will fight each other under the leadership of the war mother.



"This Xerath, his every word and deed seems to be a copy of Lissandra of the Freljord." As he continued to move forward, Ino couldn't help but said to Kalya, "He wants to be the Frost Witch Is it?"

"To put it bluntly, at least in terms of governance, Xerath is much better than that Frost Witch." Carya nodded slightly to Ino's statement, and then gave her own evaluation, "Han The power of the ice blood may be beyond the control of the Frost Witch, but in Southern Shurima, maybe Xerath is the only one who has mastered the mage education."

Ino blinked. Although he didn't say anything, he obviously didn't agree with Karya's words.

Xerath did "better" than Lissandra?
Where does this come from?

"It's not easy for a mage without knowledge inheritance to live to adulthood." Sensing Ino's doubts, Kalya sighed softly, "You are already considered amazingly talented, but after seeing Before getting to Lux, didn't there still be spells out of control?"

Ino no longer spoke, but nodded thoughtfully.

"Monopolizing the ascending channel by monopolizing knowledge is a very advanced method." Kalya continued, "And, have you noticed, these Shurima people are very concerned about their blood."

"People here are so obsessed with bloodlines." When it came to this topic, Thalia, who was listening but still couldn't get in the way, finally couldn't help but say, "It seems that every family has a throne to inherit. Anyone who is not of the same family Everyone is a potential enemy... Isn't this too deformed?"

"The grouping of the same clan may have been in the beginning to deal with the chaos after the collapse of the empire." Kalya explained softly, "But it has developed to the current point, and I am afraid it will inevitably contribute to the flames."

"That Xerath did it too?"

"Very likely." Carya nodded. "Blood can divide people and avoid the birth of large organizations. In addition, the admiration of blood may also be a foreshadowing."


Thalia could barely understand the first half of the sentence, but even Ino was at a loss for the second half.

"You can't notice it." Speaking of this topic, Kalya's expression was quite helpless, "Actually, quite a few of the villages we passed by and the people we met had the royal blood of Shurima."

Thalia was very curious about how Kalya knew.

But Ino, who had experienced Sivir's incident, couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard the words.

She thought of an amazing possibility.

"I also have such a guess." Seeing Ino's expression, Kalya smiled wryly, "If Azir is resurrected and truly shows his royal blood, you can say that with the current atmosphere in Southern Shurima, he What should it be like?"

No one has an answer.

"Perhaps, you can try?" After a moment of silence, Yinuo whispered, "You are the Prince Regent—"

"Don't even think about it, Azir is closer to them." Kalya shook his head, "Besides, stripping off the bloodline is not a simple matter. Xerath has quite a brain. Now it seems that the villages we first met , may be the extrajudicial place he left on purpose to confuse people, and under the cover of this deserted area, he has quietly prepared to connect the whole of South Shurima."

Hearing what Karya said, even Ryze, who didn't care much about mortals before, couldn't help frowning at this time.

He didn't quite understand Karya's speculation process, but he was very concerned about this conclusion.

If Xerath does change from "Ascended" to "Ascended who rules Southern Shurima", the chances of him destroying civilization with world runes will increase again!
"Use Azir's bloodline as the source of leadership for all South Shurima, and control the casters of South Shurima by controlling knowledge." Carya concluded, "As long as Azir is resurrected, the entire South Shurima will be destroyed." It will become a place for him to raise his troops, and if he rushes out of the tunnel with the orthodox banner of Shurima, it may not be impossible to fight for hegemony in Shurima."

"But he got stuck at the most critical step." Nasus said in a low voice, "People cannot be resurrected after death, even His Majesty Azir - I saw him fall into the glory of ascension with my own eyes .”

"Azir is very important, but there is always a way without Azir." Kalya sighed, "In short, we have to move faster, if Xerath is more generous, share the power of runes with the A mage promoted by Tahir, even if Azir is just a corpse, Xerath has completely mastered South Shurima."

"No one knows the war potential of Southern Shurima better than I do."

Speaking of this, Kalya finally shook his head lightly and said no more.

The others also quickened their pace and stopped talking.

Two days later, Karya and his party arrived in Antahir.

 Carya's Small Classroom·Blood Vein Stripping:
  Bloodline stripping allows the source of bloodlines to strip off the power inherited from the younger generation, but it is not difficult to understand that the bloodlines that father can strip off must be more than grandpa.

  In addition, this ritual spell is not simple, at least it needs the subject to have no room to resist, so even if Kalya is the source of blood, he can't easily handle everything.

  What's more... After losing Immortality, Kalya is also a little different from before.

  PS. The episode will be updated tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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