Lux's Farewell

656 [0648] Antahir, the city of mages

Antahir is very different from what it used to be.

Even through Shabeka and Shabek's narration, Kalya had already expected what the city would look like, but when he saw the towering Mage Tower with his own eyes, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

In the era of the Shurima Empire, Antahir was the political and economic center of South Shurima. It has the best deep-water port in South Shurima. The spices and raw ore of the Icathian trade used to be in Antares one by one. Tahir unloaded and landed, then walked through the big tunnel, and sold them at sky-high prices in the marrow printing market.

But now, although the port of Antasil is still there, it has been completely sealed off and has become an out-and-out military port. The once prosperous city has changed its appearance now, and it no longer has the hustle and bustle of the past. ——The situation in the Mage Tower is still unknown, but outside the Mage Tower, there are very few pedestrians in Antahil.

There are no guards in the city, but every mage tower is heavily guarded. Carya and his party wandered around the city a few times, and then they were shocked to find that the people living here are servants and ordinary people. , all living in the mage tower.

In addition, there is not even a decent market in the huge Antasil. If the locals want to buy vegetables, they have to go to the market outside the city. The main reason for this situation is that Antasil Tahir is a "city of mages", everything should serve mages, and irrelevant content should not exist.

It seems that in Xerath's eyes, it is already a favor for him to allow ordinary people to settle in the city.

Want to further build living facilities?
If you don't want to live here, you can get lost.

But no matter how inhumane Xerath's orders are, the mages of South Shurima will still come here in an endless stream, contributing their power to Xerath in exchange for valuable magical knowledge.

These things are not considered confidential information, so without much effort, Kalya and the others roughly inquired about the current state of the city. After multiple verifications and confirmation that this is indeed the truth, Ino is still a little unbelievable.

"It's understandable to monopolize knowledge." She smacked her lips, and her eyes fell on the tall towers of various mage towers. "But can this be achieved only by monopolizing knowledge? Knowledge will always be passed down!"

"Yes, knowledge will always be passed on." Thalia also nodded, "Can't you pass on the knowledge you learned in Antahil to others after you leave? Is it not even possible to pass on knowledge to others here? no?"

"Knowledge is difficult to monopolize, but a mage can." Carlyal thought for a while, and soon had a rough guess, "Just get a certification, as long as you want to do it, there is always a way."

"If you get certified, you're a magician, but if you don't, you're a devil?" Yinuo gave an unreasonable example, "And then prepare a magic hunter?"

"This is just the most direct method." Carya shook his head and said, "Isn't it better to issue a protection order to the certified mage to protect his gathering place from being directly attacked."

"Using the bloodline concept of the South Shurima people." Ino nodded, "This seems to be more clever."

"It's a pity that the people outside the mage tower don't understand many things clearly enough. Even though many of them even work in the tower, they are people from two worlds with the mage inside the tower..."

"Yes." Regarding this, Ino deeply agreed, "There are no slaves in South Shurima, but I always feel that there are slaves here except for mages."

There are not many places to explore in Antahir City - the essence of the entire city is in the few standing mage towers, including Xerath and Azir.

However, it is not a simple matter to enter the mage tower.

According to Shabeka and Shabek, although there are windows on the mage tower, it is just a deceptive trap. If you really enter through the skylight rashly, you can only fall into the trap.

In addition, after many observations, Ryze also perceived the undisguised spatial characteristics of the Mage Tower itself.

"The building area in the tower is astonishing." Ryze looked worried when he mentioned this topic, "or it is simply a subplane—it is most likely related to the power of runes."

This is the last thing Ryze wants to see.

Being able to use world runes to tear apart space and create subplanes not only shows the power of the world runes in Xerath's hands, but also shows that he has considerable experience in using world runes.

Even the previous unfavorable battle against Nasus + Thalia may have some objective reasons.

In this case, the difficulty of the next battle may increase a lot!
"It seems that Xerath is not completely useless to the power of the world rune." Unlike Ryze, Kalya didn't seem nervous when he realized this, but praised, "The world rune Wen's power is huge and hard to use, and if you don't pay attention, you will lose control, so I opened up a sub-plane and hid it... This idea is really interesting!"

"Now is not the time to praise the opponent." Ryze shook his head. "Next, we must determine the situation inside these mage towers—if each mage tower exists independently, then the trouble will be really big."

"Very likely." Carya still looked extremely relaxed, "Didn't you find out which city center has the largest mage tower and the strongest spatial resonance?"

Karya's attitude, as if watching the excitement is not a big deal, finally made Ruiz shake his head and stopped talking.


In fact, it is not difficult to enter the mage tower to investigate.

Theoretically speaking, these mage towers welcome any outside mages to enter and communicate. Xerath even generously posted a notice to recruit outside mages, explaining in detail the preferential treatment for outsiders.

But the problem is that everyone knows with their knees that an inspection must be carried out to enter the Mage Tower through "regular channels". Even the Ascenders who ran had no room to resist.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with entering the mage tower.

Regarding this embarrassing situation, Nasus simply suggested that he should stand up and be a bait.

"I stand up and show my identity, Xerath will not sit idly by!"

"Yeah, he won't sit idly by, he just needs to control the mage tower to fire." Kalya nodded, with approval written all over his mask, "You have been hiding and reading for so many years, have you been reading novels? I haven't read it, open your dog eyes and see, what are the magic power circuits on the outer walls of these mage towers!"

Nasus took a deep breath, trying not to look at the [Agree] and [Support] floating like bullets on Kalya's mask.

"Talia!" Seeing Nasus turn his head away, Kalya finally snorted and turned off the special effects of his mask, "Tell me, what is the function of the magic power circuit on the outer wall of this mage group?"

"Is it extraction, compression, stabilization, oscillation, release?" Squinting her eyes, she walked around the mage group in front of her twice, and Thalia quickly gave the answer, "There are still some general circuits that cannot be seen. "

"What is the function of the release circuit?"

"Release magic power, cause damage or shape because of the different release channels."

"Did you hear that, Nasus?" Kalya snorted, "Think with your dog's head, are these mage towers engineering towers or defense towers!"

Nasus wisely kept silent, and secretly slandered in his heart that Mr. Kalya must have suffered from dementia, always forgetting that his Ascender form is a jackal, not a dog's head.

Seeing that Nasus finally gave up his stupid idea, Kalya spoke his mind.

"Whether you enter or not, the Mage Tower is not safe."

"Going in is to take the initiative to send it to the door. The opponent can mobilize enough people to besiege and activate the internal defense. If necessary, they can even take the initiative to destroy the mage tower."

"If you don't go in, the mage tower can rely on the power of the world runes to launch continuous bombardment against us. We can't bear this kind of consumption anyway."

Speaking of this, Kalya paused slightly.

"Then what should we do?" Ryze asked in a timely manner, "This can't just sit idly by."

"According to the enemy's rules, it is impossible for us to play against each other." Satisfied with Ryze's flattery, Kalya nodded happily, "So, we may find another way, regardless of these mage towers, go directly to the sub-plane! "

As soon as the words were spoken, the others' eyes widened in disbelief.

Bypass the mage tower and go directly to the next plane?

How can this be?

Although entering the sub-plane is sometimes as simple as passing through a door in space and entering a house, the premise is that there is such a door.

If there is no entrance to the sub-plane, then the only way to enter this house is to chisel the wall—and due to the special space, outsiders don’t know where the inside of the house is, and they don’t even know where to chisel the wall, aimlessly If you act, the result can only be to destroy the stability of the space, cause the space to collapse, and then be shattered by the turbulent flow of the space.

Therefore, it is impossible to go around the mage tower to the sub-plane.

"Under normal circumstances, it is really impossible to bypass the entrance of the sub-plane and enter the sub-plane." Kalya seemed satisfied with everyone's expressions, "But coincidentally, our team is really satisfied with bypassing the entrance. All the conditions—Ryze, if I give you a safe location, can you send everyone in?"

"Yes." Ruiz looked at Carya, "but it must be absolutely safe and the space is stable."

"Don't worry, it's absolutely safe, and the space is stable." Kalya nodded, "I don't know if you've heard of the space nesting theory?"

"Are you planning to send the space container in?" Ryze obviously has a lot of research on space magic, and immediately understood what Carya meant. "Place a positioning beacon in the space container, and then send us in together!"

"That's right!" Kalya snapped her fingers happily, "As long as the positioning coordinates are set, the subplane is actually the same—Ryze, your theory is very solid, it seems that even if you have been busy protecting World runes, and did not give up theoretical study, much better than a certain dog head..."

"Where is the space container?" Ryze ignored Kalya's sarcasm of Nasus, "The winding path requires a considerable degree of space stability, this is not a simple matter, I must check the stability of the space container in advance. "

"follow me."


Leaving Antahir quickly, Karya finally stopped in a deserted place outside the city.

"Okay, here is the perfect starting point for teleportation." After looking at the surrounding environment, Kalya showed a big smile on his mask, "Nasus, look at these guys!"

Just when Nasus was wondering who to look at, three figures suddenly appeared beside Kalya.

Everyone took a closer look, and even Ryze, who was used to seeing strong winds and waves, couldn't help but be dumbfounded at this moment.

These three guys... are clearly demons!

Carya carries three demons with her? !
"Evelynn, the demon of pain." Kalya ignored Ryze's astonishment, and introduced the identities of the three demons to Nasus, "There is also Nocturne, the demon of nightmares, and Lamer, the hidden demon—you Remember how to fight demons?"

"Pay attention to your emotions, don't resonate with the devil." Nasus nodded and said, "If the heart doesn't move, the devil won't move."

"Just remember." Kalya nodded, "Next you have to go out of the city, keep an eye on these demons, and leave us a way out."


"This is a duel between mages, there is no room for you to play." Kalya interrupted Nasus, "Keep an eye on these demons and save Ryze's spatial positioning coordinates. This is the most important task!"

Kara's tone became serious.

In this situation, although Nasus was rather unwilling, he straightened his upper body and nodded in agreement—after speaking, his withering hung on the three demons.

"That's it." Kalya nodded, "Sylvana, you are here with Nasus, you must keep an eye on them!"

Shyvana nodded silently.

"It's much easier." Karya twisted his neck, "Now, Ryze can see if this space container is stable enough."

With that said, Kalya put one hand on Ryze's shoulder.

"Don't resist!"

Turn around.

When Ryze regained consciousness, he was already in a piece of yellow sand.

"This is your space container?" Ryze looked at everything around him, "What kind of spell is this? Can I test the stability?"

"Of course." Kalya suddenly appeared beside him, "Despite the test, if it is beyond my tolerance, I will tell you directly."

"it is good!"

As soon as he said it, Ryze's skin quickly lit up with arcane brilliance, and a qualitative and invisible space ripple centered on him, rippling towards the surroundings.

"Continue." Beside Ryze, Kalya leaned back, and a recliner under him firmly caught him. "This level of spatial oscillation is not a problem at all."

"it is good."

Ryze nodded, increasing the strength of the space oscillation.

The space is still not fluctuating.

Even Ryze tried to make a wave of zigzagging inside the space, and Kalya still didn't feel any pressure.

"How did you do it?" After the teleportation, Ryze felt the stable space around him, and finally there was some disbelief in his tone, "Such a stable internal space, and it's not a subplane..."

"Want to learn?" Kalya put away the recliner and stood in front of Ryze, "I'll teach you!"

Carya's Small Classroom·Small World:

Karya's small world is a very special space spell. It was only a place for Karya to simulate magic experiments at the beginning. Later, Karya compiled and constructed it based on the principles of magic, and finally changed little by little. It became what it is now.

PS. I haven't finished writing the extra episode, and it may take another day or two, which is embarrassing.

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