Lux's Farewell

657 [0649] Carya style infiltration

Ryze knew that Carya was a good teacher.

But when Kalya's good manners were used on him, he was still shaken for a moment.

The reason is also very simple - Carya's technique is really good.

Based on Ryze's understanding of space magic, if he can master Carya's technology, then he may be able to create a world that can carry world runes. Compared with the current place where Ryze stores world runes, A small world made entirely by oneself is undoubtedly safer and more reliable.

Don't worry about being discovered by others, no one else can enter unless you are dead, and the characteristics of the small world are confirmed by yourself...

Just a little thought reveals a whole host of benefits to learning this spell.

It is not an exaggeration to say that after hearing Kalya's words "I will teach you", Ryze almost nodded in agreement.

Fortunately, Ryze is a person who can resist the temptation of world runes after all. Under the urging of reason, he still shook his head slightly.

"talk later."

Now is not the time.

Moreover, Ryze, who had two painful mentoring experiences, naturally resisted this kind of relationship.

The key now is to deal with Xerath, learn something... let's talk about it later.

For Ryze's refusal, Kalya seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and was not disappointed at all, just nodded slightly.

"it is good."

Although the matter of accepting apprentices did not go well, Kalya's small world still passed the test of Ryze - Ryze fully approved Kalya's plan after leaving the coordinates of his winding path.

"As long as you can enter the Mage Tower, I can take everyone there." Ryze, who left the small world, affirmed and raised a new question, "But, how do I know when you have reached a safe location? "

"Hold this." Kalya handed a small golden bell to Ryze, "Be ready at any time, as long as it rings, you are ready to teleport."

Ruiz looked at the bell in his hand, turning it over and over again.

The magic power circuit above is very complicated, but if you look carefully, Ryze should be able to understand most of it—but even so, he still doesn't quite understand how Kalya can send messages to himself through this thing.

While he was observing the bell carefully, Carya took out another bell that looked the same, and shook it in his hand.

As if sensing something, the bell in Ryze's hand jingled crisply.

"That's it." Carya nodded with satisfaction, "As long as they can be connected, they can sense each other."

Ruiz nodded, indicating that he understood the function of the pair of bells, but in his heart, he was very puzzled about the reason why the pair of bells could achieve this function.

As a mage, who is not curious?
However, Ryze, who has been tempted by world runes all year round, is obviously able to restrain this curiosity. He just nodded and didn't ask any more questions-this made Carl, who was ready for the second round of "I'll teach you", Ya was quite disappointed, and even smacked her lips undisguisedly.

Now that there is a way to enter the inside of the mage tower, and a way to transmit news, the most critical part comes next.

How does Karya itself enter the mage tower.

For this problem, Ryze and Thalia both thought it was very difficult, and at one time they proposed a lot of somewhat reluctant plans.

And Nasus, Ino, and Shivana smiled without saying a word, just looking at Kalya.

"You don't have to worry about this problem." Kalya shook his head lightly, "Mages can't stop eating and drinking. Every day, the mage group will transport fresh vegetables and fruits in. Just bring me in by the way."

"Even if we can bribe the people responsible for transporting vegetables and fruits, it's impossible to get a big living person in?" Thalia's face was full of disbelief, "If the inspection is really that lax, we might as well just go in alright."

"Your body has been elementalized?" Ruiz thought of another direction, "However, things like adding sand to fresh vegetables and fruits can't be done too much..."

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome." Karya shook his head, "Just throw a stick in when transporting."

Facts have proved that what Kalya said is right. It is very simple for him to enter the mage tower with a stick. It is as simple as finding a cart for transporting vegetables and throwing a stick on it.

Thalia, who had done all this, still couldn't believe that her new teacher was actually a stick!
"That's a darkborn." Ino could only correct Thalia's misunderstanding, "With his will and body eroded, he can only give up everything he owns and live in a certain weapon—— Staffs, books, daggers, swords... are all possible."

"I've heard the name of the Darkin, but I've never heard that the Darkin can be a weapon." Thalia tried hard to digest the news, and then remembered an important thing, "Is the Great Weaver Mother also……"

For this question, no one can answer her.

In the room waiting for the teleportation, everyone finally shut their mouths.


The process of entering the mage tower was very smooth.

Since he gave up the immortality of the Ascendant, Kalya now has no strong demand for the source of mana from the outside world, which allows him to further conceal his existence, completely like an inconspicuous stick, avoiding entering the mage Tower review.

Then, together with fresh vegetables, he was sent to the warehouse on the lower floor of the mage tower.

It seems that Xerath was very serious when he built the mage tower, at least to achieve isolation between the inside and the outside - the servants serving the mages all act outside the subspace at the bottom of the mage tower, and only mages can enter the upper layer and enter the world. The subspace maintained by the text.

However, this obviously couldn't stop Carya.

As long as you find a mage, you can go to the upper floor with him. Is it difficult?

Don't forget, Kalya is a darkin who confuses people's hearts!
After some observation, Kalya locked on a trainee mage who was eating on the lower floor.

It was a young mage who was not very gregarious, and he sat away from the crowd when eating, obviously not in the same way as others.

Moreover, judging from his application of magic, this is a complete rookie, and the relationship with his colleagues is obviously not good.

This is obviously the best target to start with.

Soon, this "lucky guy" received a big gift package from the sky. When he sat down and practiced magic silently after eating, Kalya came to his side and patted him on the shoulder .

The rookie shrank back suddenly as if he had been stimulated by something, then turned his head and looked in the direction of the person who patted himself on the shoulder.

Nothing at all.

Maybe... another prank by some boring guy?

Shaking his head slightly, he simply stood up, took his own package, turned and headed towards the upper floor of the mage tower - the teacher will not care about everything outside, it is safer to go back.

In this way, Karya stayed in his package, successfully entered the upper floor of the mage tower, passed through the barrier of the plane, and entered the subspace inside the mage tower.

After letting the little guy who brought him here fall into a deep sleep, Karya was finally able to look at this subspace.


Without too much probing, Karya could tell at a glance that the structure of this subspace was quite similar to his own small world.

In other words, Xerath's method of opening up these subspaces is probably derived from the records Kalya left in the Great Library!

"It seems that Xerath is also a person who likes to learn!"

This evaluation is not because Xerath used his own spells, but because of Kalya's sincere praise. In the Shurima Empire, space magic—especially the magic about subplanes and subspaces, has always been favored. It's not a very popular direction.

For the vast and sparsely populated Shurima Empire, opening up additional space is often superfluous.

There are plenty of places in the desert, and the difficulty and troublesomeness of building a subspace is much greater than that of transforming a desert.

Moreover, transforming the desert can connect to the power of the solar disk, and the construction of the subspace can only be supported by itself. No matter how you look at it, the former has more application prospects!

In this case, in terms of space magic, the mainstream research of the Shurima Empire is space teleportation, and the zigzagging path that Ryze is good at is based on this basic research.

And because the heavy-duty transport industry in the Shurima Empire is extremely developed, even the more promising space teleportation is still a minority among the many research directions.

Therefore, those who can inherit and use the subspace development technology are either very unpopular in their own research direction, or they are truly erudite—considering that Nasus said that Xerath's main research direction is arcane, then he has nothing to say. It is undoubtedly the latter.

From the perspective of a professional, Kalya spoke highly of this subspace.

Even considering that Xerath uses world runes, so the supply of magic power is sufficient, and the methods used are all "stacking materials", which cannot be called exquisite at all, but at least in terms of the construction of the subspace, he still does a good job Very solid.

Not bad not bad, worthy of praise.

Reverting to the masked form, Kalya borrowed the sleeping rookie's clothes, put on a hood, and began to wander around in the subspace.

Soon, he discovered the essence of this mage tower: this is a school.

A school full of rookie mages.

Those who are active here are all young rookie mages, and occasionally there are a few adult mages, who seem to be either ten thousand year repeaters or teachers.

From the conversations of the students, we can know that among the seven mage towers, three are such schools.

Moreover, in different mage towers, the subspaces are not connected.

Considering that it would be impossible for Xeras to come to the "Elementary School" for an inspection in the near future, Kalya finally had no choice but to smack his lips, then found a safe place, and rang the bell made of golden wheel stone.


Five minutes later, Ryze took Karya and teleported back to the place where everyone was waiting.

"How?" Nasus took the initiative to ask, "Can you move in the mage tower?"

"Of course." Kalya briefly talked about his experience, and then concluded, "We chose a good target, and the other party should not be aware of our actions at all."

"So, the next step is to go to the largest mage tower in the center of the city?"

"No, don't be so anxious." Karya shook his head, "We're going to come one by one. The construction of the subspace inside these mage towers is very interesting. We need to study it carefully. When fighting in other people's home fields, we must be careful enough , Get ready!"

Nasus could only nod in agreement with Kalya's statement.

So, in the next few days, Karya investigated the six mage towers one after another. After finding out the rules, he even found the place where these mage towers hid the world runes.

This is undoubtedly a very important discovery. Only when the hiding place of the world rune is found, can the initiative in the battle be guaranteed.

After figuring out the structure of the six mage towers, on the tenth day after arriving in Antahil, Karya was finally ready to enter the last mage tower.

However, when entering the last mage tower, Kalya encountered a little trouble.

No outsiders can enter this mage tower that belongs exclusively to Xerath—although it looks the largest, Xerath is the only resident in it.

Shipping vegetables and fruit?

Sorry, Xerath has long stopped eating and drinking.

Moreover, those who can enter this mage tower are all very prestigious people, and it is almost impossible to deal with them like the students before.

No matter how you look at it, it is not a simple matter to control a person who is qualified to enter this mage tower and let him take Karya in...?

Just when Ryze and Nasus were scratching their heads, Karya temporarily released Lamer's seal.

Although the Three-Eyed Crow almost completely abandoned the dignity of the devil after being tricked by Karya, and became Karya's pet without any additional seals, Lamer was still very fierce when facing others.

Under Karya's order, Lamer quickly locked a person who was qualified to enter the mage's tower, and then quietly mastered his little deadly secret.

Therefore, when the Antasir upstart left the Mage Tower where Xerath was located and returned to the Mage Tower where he lived, a crow landed on his shoulder halfway.

a crow?
Realizing that something was wrong, he turned his head and looked at this strange crow, and the brilliance of arcane magic lit up in his hand.

And at this moment, the crow opened its mouth.

"Mr. Zankara, you don't want your teacher to know that his precious actually in your blood?"

Zankara's pupils constricted, his heartbeat stopped for a beat, and a sense of exposure that was hidden and had nothing to hide made his brain go blank for a moment.

It was at this moment that the corners of the Three-Eyed Crow's mouth evoked a humanized arc. When the three eyes and the two eyes looked at each other, it seemed to have completely mastered the other party and everything about the other party.

Zankara paused, and then returned to normal again, but if you look carefully, his eyes have completely changed into the shape of Lamer.

Carya's Small Classroom: Overcrowded Magic Research:
During the Shurima Empire, there were many promising research directions, such as space, astral magic, etc., but they failed to make much progress. This was largely due to their unclear application prospects and the limited resources of the solar disk. , people prefer to focus on those "obviously effective" areas.

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