Lux's Farewell

658 Obsession [0650]

I have to admit that the power of demons does have its own unique features.

As long as the corresponding emotions are found, the devil is an omnipotent existence-for example, Lamer under the control of Kalya, it is simply different from the state of fighting alone.

Carya, who has experienced too much and gained too much insight, can often discover more secrets that are cleverly hidden, and as long as he grasps these secrets, Lamer can use the power of demons to the extreme.

Ino and Shivana are quite familiar with this situation, and Kalya can always use some weird things.

But from Ryze's point of view, he felt that Karya was very dangerous.

This kind of thinking of "regardless of the attribute of power, use it when it is easy to use" completely runs counter to Ryze's idea of ​​"restraining the use of magic and not using dangerous power".

From Ryze's point of view, Karya should be considered the easiest person to be controlled by the power of world runes.

Therefore, when Kalya controlled the mage named Zankara and successfully entered the largest mage tower, Ryze had secretly thought about how to deal with Kalya—in case he was attacked by the power of world runes If you are attracted, you will never be helpless.


Kalya was naturally ignorant of Ryze's precautions.

At this time, all his attention has been placed on stealth.

Because of the need to clear the small world, Lamer was handed over to Nasus again after controlling Zankara, so this unlucky guy will get out of control in a short time, and Kalya must hurry up and let him take him to A relatively safe place will do.

So, after entering the mage's tower in a daze, Zankara quickly took him to... the toilet according to Kalya's request.

Well, let’s not mention it, the toilet really meets Kalya’s requirements. It’s quiet here, no one comes, and you won’t be spied on. Unless Xerath is a pure pervert, the toilet should always be undisturbed.

So, Kalya first locked Zankara into his own small world, then changed into the unlucky guy's clothes, and started wandering around the inner space of the mage tower.

As the headquarters of Xerath, the area of ​​the subspace connected by the Great Mage Tower is larger than the previous ones, not at 01:30.

Moreover, Kalya can clearly feel that Xerath has put a lot of thought into this place. Not only is the space extremely stable, but the interior also has very perfect decorations. There are shadows of Shurima in many places—and New Shuri Ma City is different from the one-to-one replica of the gourd painting. Although the interior decoration here is not exactly the same as that of Shurima City, the style of many places is prominent enough for people to see it at a glance.

It can be regarded as godlike.

Here, quite a few mages of decent level are engaged in various works and researches. It is hard for Karya to observe carefully, but if Kalya is asked to guess, it is probably related to Azir's resurrection.

With all his strength to shrink his sense of existence, Kalya naturally walked around the places where he could go. After looking around, he didn't find any information related to the world runes.

In the entire subspace, most of the area is divided into places similar to laboratories. These laboratories perform their own duties. Although there are not small magic fluctuations, they are not as good as the specifications of world runes. few.

Moreover, after a quick glance, Karya did not find any magic power channels. It seemed that in every laboratory, mages were conducting magic experiments with their own magic power.

In the absence of an external source of magic power, it is entirely dependent on the experimenter's own magic power to supply the experimental needs. The experimenter is not only the controller of the experiment, but also the "magic power battery" of the experiment. The efficiency of the experiment must not be high. During the period of the Shurima Empire After the sun disc rose, the most important reform was to provide magic experiments with the magic power from the sun disc.

This is also the reason why Kalya is the teacher of almost all Ascendants—the Shurima Empire does not prohibit the people from conducting magic experiments in private, but the magic experiments that rely on their own energy supply, whether it is in terms of efficiency or controllability, are extremely difficult. It can’t be compared with the Imperial University that directly drains from the solar disc, so the initiative of technology is always in the hands of Shurima University.

Regarding this period of history, the Shurima Empire recorded it very clearly, Xerath had no reason not to know, so he did not use some of the power of world runes to help the mages under his command like Ryze helped the Silent Man. Because even Xerath is not very good at controlling the power of world runes.

And this can also be mutually confirmed with Xerath's combat performance in Shurima City before. He was able to mobilize the power of the world's runes to a certain extent, but it was only barely mobilized.

So... where is Xerath and his world runes?

Just when Karya had no idea, a guy who looked like the leader of a certain laboratory trotted towards a direction where no one was there.

Then, he activated a hidden imprint very skillfully, and then disappeared in place.

Seeing this scene, Karya was stunned for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.

The space ripples just now were not big, even insignificant to most people, but they were enough for Karya to grab his tail.

It turns out that this guy Xerath hid the space passage leading to his location!
As if just passing by, Kalya walked to the place where the last person disappeared, stretched out her slender fingers and tapped twice on the empty space.

Then, just when the hidden mark was about to light up, he waved his hand to dissipate the magic power, and quickly turned and left.

Back in the toilet, Kalya rang the golden wheel stone bell without hesitation.

Ryze, who received Carya's signal, did not hesitate at all, and immediately started the winding path.

Ino and Thalia quickly stood up, and with a burst of twisting and squeezing of the space, they and Ryze quickly arrived in a desert.

The winding path went smoothly, and they were successfully sent to Karya's small world.

Afterwards, after Ino and Thalia dispelled the discomfort caused by the teleportation, Kalya appeared behind them, patted the shoulders of the two little girls, and after carefully exhorting them, finally sent the three Everyone sent it out.

Dive into big success!
According to Karya's previous instructions, the three of Ryze remained silent after arriving, quietly stayed in the toilet cubicle, and began to wait.

After half a day, someone finally came to use the toilet.

With Kalya's gesture, the unlucky guy who was happily releasing water was completely frozen before he realized what was going on-then he was stripped of his coat and thrown into Kalya's small world , Eating a mouth full of sand.

Ryze's costume get.

Using the same method, Ino and Thalia soon had a brand new outfit. After finishing everything, a group of four walked out of the toilet separately, and under the leadership of Karya, they quickly came to the hidden mark. place.

After confirming that everyone was present, Kalya activated the mark.


Compared with the zigzagging and zigzagging like being squashed, twisted and thrown away, the process of passing through this hidden passage is undoubtedly much easier.

As if sliding down a long slide, the four of them arrived at the end of the passage very smoothly.

This is a hall of astonishing size, and even the walls are filled with terrifying magic power.

When the four of Kalya arrived, a few guys who looked like guards realized something was wrong almost immediately. They quickly picked up their weapons and approached them proactively.

"Why are you here together?" The headed guard looked worried, "Go to the back and line up, no matter how urgent it is, you have to come one by one—"

Before he finished speaking, Ryze had already made a move.

The leaping magic power was woven into a cage, completely restraining the guard in place. At the same time, Ryze took the initiative to untie the scroll behind him and spread it on the ground.

"There is a lot of magic power surging here!" While activating a large number of imprints on the scroll, Ryze reminded loudly, "Control your magic power and be careful not to collapse!"

Thalia, who was belatedly aware, nodded and gave up the idea of ​​making a boulder, while Kalya and Ino immediately used control spells to temporarily suppress the other guards.

"There are traces of world runes here?" After finishing the guard, Kalya looked at Ryze, who was still gesturing at the scroll, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

"The situation is even worse than expected." Ryze seemed to have finally lit up the last mark with an extremely serious expression, "The power of the runes here is about to overflow, and Xerath can't control this power!"

The eight blue-purple magic lines spread out in all directions centered on Ryze. These magic lines are cumbersome and complicated, and even Karya couldn't understand them at first glance.

"Wait a minute." Ryze took a deep breath, "Let me look for—"

Soon, one of the eight magic lines suddenly lit up, and the light was extremely dazzling. After seeing this scene, Ryze directly extinguished all the marks on the scroll and began to pack the scroll without the slightest hesitation.

"Can you find the specific location of the world rune?" Kalya nodded, indicating that he understands the seriousness of the problem, "Where are we going now?"

"Follow me!" Ryze put away the scroll and carried it behind his back, "Come up, I've locked the position!"

With that said, Ryze put his hands on the ground, and under his feet, a magic circle shining with arcane light quickly formed.

Karya, Ino, and Talia stood on the circle without hesitation.

Once again dizzy.

After the teleportation, the four of Carya were already in a jungle!

Why is there a jungle here?
And is it a jungle where trees and shrubs grow together?

Thalia, who saw this situation for the first time, was a little dazed.

Even Ryze was a little confused.

But after carefully observing the surrounding situation, Kalya and Ino showed expressions of "I see" at the same time.

Although the plants appearing here seem very abrupt, for those who know these plants, everything is so clear!
Sand radish, salty oak, Fengyu fir...

These are the rune tree species cultivated by Karya in Shurima!
After Xerath obtained the world rune, he planted a large number of rune trees and isolated the space, using this method to forcibly stabilize the world rune!
"Go find the world runes." There was no time to explain the types of these trees to Ryze. "Xerath must have hidden the world runes here. These are rune trees—the same as the trees where you hide the world runes!"

When Ryze heard the words, he understood immediately. He unfolded the scroll again, lit up the mark, and six magic patterns appeared on the ground again.

However, this time, almost at the moment when the magic pattern was formed, the six magic patterns lit up in unison.

"This place is full of rune power." Ryze unfolded the scroll longer, "I need a little time—"

However, at this moment, a deep voice sounded from behind everyone.

"No, it's no longer necessary, despicable thief, I'm back!"

Hearing this voice, Ruiz immediately raised his head, following the direction of the voice, he finally saw the owner of this space.

Like a cluster of starlight suspended in mid-air, Xerath hurried to the scene in the form of an arcane life-since he had not been sealed by the coffin board, his body was completely arcaneized, except for the blurred Except for the head and limbs, it has almost completely lost its human features.

Although he couldn't see his face, both his levitating posture and the tone of his voice showed Xerath's pride.

There is no doubt that Xerath has this proud capital, because at the heart of his arcane body, a blue, slowly rotating world rune is beating like a heart .

"Is it the same when you saw him before?" Kalya asked Thalia in a low voice, "Have you got this heart too?"

"No." Thalia shook her head decisively, "How do I feel, he seems to be stronger?"

"You feel right." Kalya narrowed his eyes. "It's a crazy and genius idea. Using world runes as a source of power...Using the rules and rune trees of the subspace to suppress its power."

"So, next, we're going to get rid of him, and then take out that world rune from his chest?" Thalia eagerly asked, "Are you going to test the learning results?"

"No, the situation has changed." Kalya shook his head, "In this battle, your main task is... to stay alive."


Thalia obviously didn't understand why her mission changed from cleaning up Xerath together as agreed, to staying alive.

However, she understood the next moment.

Xerath, who had locked on to the intruder, summoned a series of meteorites without any spell-casting action, and smashed them hard at Karya and the others.

When Thalia fought him last time, this spell required at least three to five breaths of time to prepare.

Carya's Little Classroom Rune Tree:

Sand radish, salty oak, and wind-whispering fir are all rune trees. See Chapter 104 for specific characteristics.

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