Lux's Farewell

Chapter 659 [0651] Unlimited firepower?

Xerath, who was playing at home, completely refreshed Thalia's perception of him.

In the previous battle, although Xerath's spells were also powerful, and even the aftermath of the spells easily destroyed the towers of Shurima City, Xerath at that time was obviously able to counteract it. ——When he was preparing the spell, Thalia could manipulate the boulder dug out of the ground by himself, and counter it with the cooperation of Nasus.

Whether it's taking the initiative to erect a stone curtain to defend, or launching pumice stones to harass, Thalia can always fight against it.

but now……

Spells do not need to be prepared, and the magic power seems to be continuous, and it can be suspended in the air and move freely.

The simple three enhancements are enough to make Thalia, who has been trained by Karya, almost completely lose the ability to fight against it.

There is nothing wrong with Karya's request. In a battle of this level, all Thalia can do is protect herself.

The ground flow met the bombardment in the sky who didn't talk about martial arts. She really didn't have much to do—in this subspace, there were no stones for her to dig underground, and all Thalia could do was to dig under her feet. Barely put together a piece of pumice for myself, drifting all the way.

However, although she was only being beaten passively, Thalia achieved Kalya's strategic goal very well.

Bring Thalia, Kalya's main purpose is to make her attract firepower.

Before Kalya took the initiative to reveal her identity and Nasus did not come, Xerath's target could only be Thalia. After all, this little girl who was killed halfway was the one who was killed in Shurima before. The main reason, no matter what the purpose is, he will not let it go easily.

As for the others, although Xerath will not let them go, they always come first, first come first, and his first target is naturally Thalia.

Even if it doesn't take long, Xerath will realize that Ryze is difficult to deal with and change the focus of firepower. At least the initiative of the battle has been in the hands of Karya.

And the development of things is just as Karya expected.

After Thalia received the "life-saving" task, she was immediately targeted by Xerath as the leader of the invaders.

The furious Xerath bombarded Thalia with all kinds of spells, while also roaring and asking her where Nasus was.

"Where is Nasus? Where is that kobold hiding?" The arcane meteorite rumbled into the rune tree and splashed a large amount of soil. Even if there was a rune tree to absorb the aftermath of the arcane, the subspace was bombarded by the spell. Continuing to tremble, "Don't hide, tell him to come out and see me!"

Thalia really wanted to be like Kalya, harassing the opponent with words in battle, but unfortunately, under the high-pressure state of spell bombardment, it was a luxury for the exhausted Thalia to take a breath. Russ retorted, it was completely impossible.

Thalia didn't answer, and Xerath's spells followed one after another. Seeing that Thalia had no strength to resist, a thick ice wall finally rose in front of her, blocking the arcane impact ball.

"Who is Nasus?" Ino, who has the essence of Kalya, started talking nonsense, "Why, what you were afraid of was the vastya with the dog's head?"

The donkey's lips did not match the horse's mouth, causing Xerath's hand movements to appear slightly sluggish. Taking advantage of this unstoppable opportunity, a large piece of ice thorns sprang up from the ground, interspersed with and holding up the rune tree, A barrier that blocks vision and resists spells has been built.

Ino, who has lived in Vazuan for more than three years, is quite familiar with these rune trees, so when she built this defensive barrier, she used Fengyu fir as the support, salty oak as the protection, and salamander as the main body, using local materials. , making Xerath a little surprised for a while.

"Ice spells, silver hair, so it's a barbarian from the north!" Xerath's tone was a bit dissatisfied, "When has Shurima declined to the point where outsiders need to intervene?"

In Xerath's view, no matter how much Shurima declines, outsiders can't tolerate it. He has been using various means to kidnap and assassinate the blood of the Shurima royal family, largely because these people are willing to degenerate , Leading outsiders into Shurima.

In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that the people of Nashilami and Uzeris turned back quickly enough, I am afraid that the governors of the harbors of these two cities would not be able to escape the murderous hands of Xerath.

When it comes to pride, Xerath is serious.

"The brilliance is long gone. The old guy who refuses to see the reality clearly can only show his power with his mouth!" Seeing that Xerath took the initiative to start the literary battle, Ino, Kalya's proud disciple, naturally did not hesitate. He clearly showed his three years of study in Vazuan, "Escape from reality and hide in a corner, your Shurima is only as big as the mage tower!"

I have to say that Yinuo has really learned the essence of poking people's lung tubes. Usually, when she is in front of others, she always looks cold and silent, but when she is really asked to speak, her every move A word can be regarded as real damage.

If it is not impossible, Xerath will definitely not be willing to be trapped in a corner, but just cultivate silently in the remote place in the traditional sense of South Shurima!

If it is not impossible, Xerath will definitely not be willing to use the achievements left over from the Shurima Empire, and use these rune trees to stabilize the subspace!
He knows better than Ino what kind of virtue the former Shurima Empire is now. The more proud a person is, the more he can't see it!
[Zeras] received [Provocation], and the [Provocation] was judged to be successful, and [Zeras]'s first attack target was locked on [Northern Barbarian Ino].

In Xerath's eyes, although these intruders had some tricks, they did not pose any threat to him at all, and it was only a matter of time before they were caught, so he naturally set his main target on the eloquent teeth, who could kill everyone with a single mouth. It was Ino who was really hurt.

Thus, Yinuo became the one under great pressure.

After being locked by Xerath, not only did she have to face the arcane bombardment with a sudden increase in firepower, but what was worse, she could clearly feel that the frost magic she was using was weakening at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This feeling is somewhat similar to when she was in the Shadow Realm, that is, the Shadow Realm is rejecting her and her magic!

Xerath has used the authority of the space manager and is trying to weaken and block frost magic!

For Eno, this is out-and-out bad news.

However, for Kalya and Ryze, who had been fleeing in the same panic, the news was not bad at all.

Ryze also uses arcane magic. When Xerath changes the nature of subspace, suppresses frost magic, and enhances arcane magic, Ryze also gets the BUFF of field enhancement.

As for Karya, he has been silent, just dodging defenses and not taking the initiative to attack. The biggest reason is that he has not fully understood the attributes of this subspace.

Although in previous observations, he already has a certain understanding of the subspace connected to the Mage Tower, but Karya still has no understanding of the control methods of the subspace—even if Xerath built this subspace The method of space is indeed an extension of Karya's theory, but this extension is really too far, so that Karya couldn't understand many things for a while.

However, as Xerath changed the attributes of the subspace, Kalya soon had a new understanding.

Even if it is not enough to master the control authority of the subspace, and it is not enough to change some attributes of the subspace, but this is still very much needed by Karya.

For Kalya, who has lost her immortality, head-to-head combat is definitely not his strong point.

There is only one chance for him to really affect the situation of the battle. For this precious chance, he must be fully prepared!

Under the suppression of the subspace, the provocative Ino soon showed signs of being unable to hold on.

The effect of her frost magic is getting worse and worse. It is completely impossible to clap her hands together and shout whatever she wants like before, and the consumption of each magic is astonishing. As a last resort, she can only fight with the tower Like Leah, summon a piece of ice floe under her feet, use her mobility to barely avoid the targeted heavy firepower, and then go all out to deal with the covering firepower.

The rune tree forest had been bombarded by Xerath a long time ago, and it was gradually unable to be used as a cover. The rune trees all over the ground even became obstacles to Ino's spellcasting. After many years, she felt the weakening effect of rune trees on magic again.

And at this time, under the cover of Karya, Ryze, who had been preparing for a long time after unfolding the scroll behind, finally completed his first spell.

Under the aftermath of the battle, his disguised mage robes had long been torn to pieces, and as the preparations for the spell were gradually completed, the sigils on his skin were even brighter than stars, making it impossible to look directly at. If Kalya hadn't taken the initiative Covering it with yellow sand, I'm afraid Xerath had already realized that something was wrong and switched the firepower.

Now, Ryze finally finished his lengthy prelude to casting spells.

I saw the astonishing arcane ability gathering in his palm, the azure blue radiance almost turned into incandescence that people couldn't look directly at, when another arcane ball was about to hit Ryze, the bright arcane radiance in his hand He took the initiative to meet Xerath's spell, and after the two sides came into contact, the dangerous arcane magic ball seemed to turn into a harmless balloon, and he easily grabbed it in his hand.

Then, this arcane ball was thrown by him casually, as if it was just a projectile ejected by an urchin, and flew towards Xerath, but this "projectile" is really a bit special. All the arcane balls were absorbed and controlled, turned around and attacked Xerath itself.

At the same time, Ryze held his hands empty, and at the boundary of the subspace, two arcane barriers came out of his body, turning into a huge cage, covering Xerath!

The change in the nature of the subspace has greatly enhanced the power of arcane magic, which has also greatly strengthened Ryze who uses arcane magic, so under normal circumstances, Ryze will never be able to use spells!
Xerath was taken aback when he saw the spell.

However, he soon realized the problem, and understood that the other party's ability to use this kind of spell was largely due to his own fault.

Therefore, in the face of Ryze's rune imprisonment, Xerath did not panic at all, but also mobilized the astonishing arcane power, and continuously bombarded the weak points of the arcane barrier.

With the continuous collision of spells, Ryze soon became unable to hold on.

Xerath's heart is a world rune!

Even Ryze has stored a lot of magic power for himself through sigils and scrolls, but as Xerath directly chose the spell collision and focused the battle on the contest of magic power, Ryze still fell in unsurprisingly. downwind.

Can't compare.

Really can't compare.

In this subspace, Xerath can use the power of the world rune wantonly to a certain extent, no one can fight against the world rune in a war of attrition!
At the very beginning, Ryze's arcane barrier was nothing more than ripples under the bombardment of spells, but in the blink of an eye, the ripples turned into cracks. Although the technique is full of blue, the cracks are still getting bigger and bigger.

Finally, in front of Xerath, who was fully fired, Xerath broke one side of Ryze's arcane barrier before it could be closed into a runic imprisonment.

With room to maneuver, Xerath broke the other side at a faster speed——as the two arcane barriers were broken, the bright light in Ryze's hand finally turned dim, and the bright blue skin also faintly glowed. A little red.

Even this rune guardian used such amazing magic power to release the spell. After the spell was destroyed, he also ushered in a lot of backlash, and the whole person almost entered a state of overload.

Xerath, who really felt a sense of crisis because of the previous spell, finally gave up on Ino and Thalia, who were just annoying but had no major impact, and focused entirely on Ryze.

Moreover, because of the previous "changing ridicules", he also noticed Karya.

Even though Kalya seemed to be doing nothing all the time, just mobilizing Huang Sha to help others defend, Xerath no longer had any contempt for him.

Maybe this guy who has never made a shot is the core of these four people!

Xerath guessed right, but not quite right.

Just when he was planning to take down Ryze in one fell swoop while taking advantage of Ryze's overload, the "masked man" whom he secretly guarded against stood in front of Ryze very actively and generously.

"Is this the descendant of Shurima?" Facing the arcane magic balls that came all over the sky, Kalya just smiled and waved his hand, "I finally saw some capable little guys."

The next moment, in Xerath's astonishment, the arcane balls that filled the sky disappeared with Kalya's wave.

It wasn't destroyed, it wasn't detonated in advance because of the spell hedging, it wasn't destroyed because of control failure, but it disappeared suddenly under the control of Xerath.

"Come on, junior with some ability." Kalya took off his mask, revealing a face quite similar to Azir, "Tell me, what are you going to do."

After the battle plot is over tomorrow, there will be an extra episode!

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