Lux's Farewell

660 What is Shurima [0652]

Xerath recognized Kalya's face at first glance—even though it was the first time they had met.

It's not that Xerath knows the history of the Shurima Empire like the back of his hand, and knows the appearance of every historical figure very well, but because Kalya is the idol of his best friend Azir.

That's right, few people know that Azir is a fanatical admirer of Karya.

Although he usually wouldn't speak to outsiders, when he got along with Xerath in private, Azir never concealed his admiration for the ancestor Kalya.

This admiration originally came from the similarities between the two of them in many ways.

Azir was weak when he was a child, and Kalya was not a powerful Ascendant in the historical records.

Azir had the ambition to revive the empire since he was a child, and Kalya was the main founder of the Shurima Empire.

Azir didn't like the slavery practiced by the empire at that time, and Kalya even outspokenly opposed slavery.

Except in his private life, Kalya seemed to be everything Azir wanted him to be.

In Azir's room, the background wall is a huge Carya relief, which was a gift he asked his father for when he was ten years old, and it was the most precious thing in the room before he took the throne.

And as Azir's best friend and confidant, Xerath also saw the relief every day, and Kalya's face couldn't be more familiar.

"No, you are not Kalya." After a moment of astonishment, Xerath shook his head firmly, created densely packed arcane balls again, and attacked Kalya directly, "His Majesty Kalya has fallen into the catastrophe Among them! Those who pretend to be gods and ghosts, suffer death!"

"How do you know I'm not?" Kalya smiled and shook his head, just waved his hand lightly, and then eliminated Xerath's spells without warning, "In Shurima, there shouldn't be any One goes out of his way to imitate an old fellow, doesn't he?"

Xerath paused when he heard that.

However, after a while, his tone became a little subtle.

"You're not, you don't have the aura of immortality—and, you're too powerful."

After saying a word, everyone froze for a moment.

"Among the Legion of the Thousand Gods, His Majesty Kalya has never been known for being powerful. His wisdom is the main factor leading Shurima to glory—and you, you can easily deal with my attacks in my world, This is definitely not the power Karya has!"

Thalia was a little puzzled, Ryze didn't care much, only Ino's eyes towards Kalya became subtle.

Although he was a little embarrassed by Xerath's indiscriminate bombardment, Ino's eyes were particularly agile at this time, as if to say, "This is the impression you gave when you were in the Shurima Empire."

And Karya, who has always been eloquent, couldn't laugh or cry when she heard Xerath's words.

"Is this considered a compliment?" He sighed softly, "Come on, take me to see Azir, the blood connection can prove everything."

These words irritated Xerath.

"What are you going to do?" Xerath suddenly raised his tone, and dense arcane magic balls floated around him again, "Blood stripping?"

"People cannot be resurrected after death." Kalya shook his head slightly, "Even if the blood is enriched."

"Azir is not dead." Xerath urged the magic ball, "Shurima also needs the return of the emperor!"

"Then let him come to see me!" Carya finally raised his tone, "Since he is not dead, let him come!"

While speaking, Xerath's arcane ball disappeared for the third time. However, Xerath couldn't help laughing as if he had discovered something.

"I kind of believe that you are Her Majesty Karya." He didn't make any more arcane magic balls, but put his hands into the void, "You have stolen the authority of the subspace - there are unofficial records that His Majesty Karya used space magic Very accomplished, it seems that what he said is true!"

While speaking, the arcane barriers in all directions condensed and formed, and began to gather and squeeze around Karya.

"If you look at the author column more when you are reading, you will find that the author of "Several Conjectures in Subspace", "Introduction to Space Stability" and "Magic Cybernetics" is the same person." Seeing that his methods were seen through, Kalya no longer concealed it, "Moreover, this author has written many interesting novels."

"I don't have the habit of reading novels." Xerath snorted, then controlled the spell, and began to squeeze Kalya, "Come on, honorable Lord Kalya, donate your blood for Shurima! "

"Since you all agree with my identity, why do you still stand in front of me in such a majestic manner?" Carya's tone was a little bit compassionate, "It's a pity that you didn't find a brand new path, and in the old Everything here is open source to me if there is a path to follow."

As he said that, Kalya waved his arm for the third time, and the arcane barrier created by Xerath suddenly disappeared as if he had escaped into another world.

The difference from the previous two times was that Kalya, who was ready, opened his right hand for the first time after waving to dissipate the offensive.

In the palm of his right hand, golden fine sand flowed out like the Milky Way, filling half of the different space into a sea of ​​sand in a few breaths!

Xerath, who saw this scene, finally understood why his previous attacks would dissipate inexplicably.

"So you also have a subspace!"

"Correct answer, but no reward." Carya smiled and nodded, "Now, let me test you, space nesting theory, how are you studying?"

Even though he has become an arcane life, Xerath still couldn't help shivering after seeing Kalya's smile - when Kalya said "test you", an indescribable feeling , The oppressive feeling like a mountain made Xerath almost unable to hold himself.

The yellow sand is still pouring down.

The broken rune tree on the ground was completely covered up, and the subspace, which seemed extremely empty, was now filled with yellow sand, making people see the border clearly.

Facing Karya's unscrupulous behavior of pouring sand after he seized part of the subspace control, Xerath naturally couldn't turn a blind eye.

From Kalya's state, it can be seen that this guy is definitely good at using sand. If he fills the subspace with yellow sand, even if Xerath has world runes as his heart, I'm afraid he can only be crushed Round it!
Therefore, Xerath also tried his best to change the attributes of this space, trying to regain control and prevent Karya from filling the sand.

The battle seemed to be reaching a stalemate.

However, even Xerath himself did not expect it at all, and the process of regaining control went very smoothly.

It didn't take long for Kalya's behavior of pouring sand to be contained. Kalya's magic power was nothing to mention in front of Xerath, and it would shatter when touched.

In this case, even if Xerath knew that Kalya was not easy to mess with, he still couldn't help but want to laugh up to the sky.

Yes, you are the founder of Shurima space magic, and you can temporarily steal authority while I control the rules of the subspace, but without the support of tyrannical magic power, why do you fight me?

"Your Majesty Karya, your era has passed!" The yellow sand in the subspace began to dissipate, and countless arcane symbols lit up around Xerath, turning into countless chains shining with azure blue light, entangled in Karya , "Now, you'd better get caught and help the real emperor to be reborn!"

Old man, you are a remnant of the old era, so stop trying to be brave now!
However, although it seemed that the situation was over, Kalya still had a meaningful smile on his face. He just looked at Xerath so quietly, as if he was a teacher asking questions in class, waiting for the students to answer their own questions. Question, there is always some expectation.

The chains with the seal rushed towards Karya quickly, and then, just as they were about to rest on Karya's body and all the magic power of the seal Karya caught him, a grain of sand fell on the chain.

It was just such a small contact, but the chain quickly collapsed like a paper horse meeting fire.

At the same time as it collapsed, a pitch-black crack appeared where the chain once existed.

"It seems that your spatial nesting theory is not very good." Kalya finally shook his head, with a hint of disappointment in his tone, "Dual space, is this your limit?"

At this moment, Xerath finally realized that something was wrong.

Control of the warp is still in his hands.

But the stability of the entire subspace is being greatly reduced, and it seems that the collapse may accelerate at any time!
And the reason for all of this is that grain of sand in Kalya just now—or, in other words, because of another subspace that Kalya just casually created!

be cheated!
In a hurry to regain control of the space from Karya just now, Xerath forcibly closed the external connection function of the subspace, so as to prevent Karya from pouring out all the sand in his own small world.

Carya, who seemed to have lost control quickly, retained the deadly space nesting authority after giving up a large number of permissions, and took advantage of the fact that the subspace’s external connection authority was closed and the space was not inflated and redundant, in the subspace A nested attack has started within!

In normal times, this kind of space nesting will not cause any trouble to the subspace. Karya's magic power is limited, and the secondary subspace created in a short period of time is not destructive. As long as the subspace is slightly redundant and expanded, Both can absorb the vibration brought by the secondary subspace.

However, in order to compete with Karya for control, Xerath took the initiative to close the redundant expansion of the space, so that the subspace lost the ability to adapt to the redundant expansion!
By the time Xerath discovered the problem, it was too late.

The gravel-like secondary subspace in Karya's hands is like subspace bombs one after another, which can completely destroy the subspace carefully purchased by Xerath in minutes!

Faced with such a situation, although Xerath hated and was angry, there was nothing he could do about it—the secondary subspace had already been completed, and now that the subspace's external connection authority was opened, redundant expansion was useless.

"I think Azir should be inside this subspace, right?" As Xerath stopped his movements, Kalya showed a victorious smile, "If I continue to nest attacks and the subspace collapses, he will eventually The remnants of it can only disappear in the dimensional rift."


Xerath was silent.

"Hand over control of the subspace." Kalya issued an ultimatum, "Now, let me go and see Azir."

Xerath wanted to refuse, but under such circumstances, he had no room to refuse.

The only good news for Xerath is that Kalya doesn't look set to destroy Azir.

If you want to erase the last traces of Azir, you just need to continue to let the subspace collapse—as Karya said, as long as this subspace collapses, the last remnants of Azir are destined to disappear in the cracks of space Among them, there is no way to find them anymore.

"What on earth are you going to do?" Xerath's voice was dry and hoarse, "Obviously I'm trying to revive Shurima..."

"So you think that I also want to revive Shurima?" Kalya looked at Xerath like a silly child, "If you read more biographies, you should have heard a sentence."


"Not because of Shurima, but because of Shurima, greatness is named Shurima."

Xerath was dumbfounded.

(Hearing this sentence, Ino, who had been watching the battle before, suddenly realized that this might be the reason Kalya didn't bring Nasus in.)
"Perhaps for you, the glory of the empire is a lifelong dream." Kalya came to Xerath's side, ignoring the fact that the other party's arcane body has no substance, still stretched out his arms, and patted the other party's shoulder lightly , "But as far as I'm concerned, it's just that all the greatness I can achieve is named Shurima."

Xerath was dumbfounded.

"You know, I'm really envious of seeing you now." Kalya continued, "During the empire era, I spent thousands of years trying to find ways to use plants to absorb the magic power of the world itself." , hoping to replace the sun disc, and pull the empire out of the quagmire of internal contention."

"And now, you have mastered the power that I once dreamed of, but you use this power to restore the long-sinking corpse of that ancient empire."

"During the empire era, the brilliance of the sun disc made everyone ignore the shadow under the glory. The sun disc blocked the way forward, which eventually led to the collapse of the empire."

"And now, the key to the new era is in your hands, but you still want to go back to the past, isn't it ridiculous?"

"You said you wanted to revive Shurima, so let me ask you, what is Shurima?"

Kalya watched Xerath calmly, waiting for his response.

Xerath wanted to say "All glory to Shurima," but couldn't open his mouth when the words came to his lips.

"A group of tribes abandoned in the sea of ​​death, relying on mutual support to survive, this is Shurima."

"After growing up, I didn't think about shrinking into a corner, but walked out of the sea of ​​death and drank the banks of the Shurima River. This is Shurima."

"Don't learn from other tribes to plunder people as slaves, don't depend on powerful tribes, follow your own path, unite as one, overcome hardships and succeed, this is Shurima."

Speaking of this, Kalya finally paused for a moment, a nostalgic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It's not that all glory goes to Shurima." He looked at Xerath seriously, as if a history teacher was correcting a student's misunderstanding, "It's Shurima who chose to always move forward, walking all the way. Come, naturally covered with radiant glory by time."

Carya's Small Classroom·Space Showdown:
In the frontal battle, Xerath can fight a hundred Karya conservatively, but unfortunately, because Karya successfully analyzed Xerath's space control method in the subspace, the battle between the two sides was drawn to technical level of struggle.

And at this level, Karya is the true ancestor.

PS. The episode will be updated tomorrow.

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