Lux's Farewell

664 [0656] Changes in the void

664 [0656] Changes in the void

This isn't Kai'Sa's first visit to the lab.

Since the water pipe was torn during the earthquake, an underground river that could only be passed by a single person was gradually formed, and most void creatures do not like water, so since the discovery of the Nugra laboratory, in times of danger or leisure, Kai'Sa occasionally came here along the waterway, resting quietly in the empty laboratory.

In the ground, rest is a very precious thing. For Kai'Sa who is alone (plus a layer of void creature skin?), it is undoubtedly very important to have a rest point that is not disturbed by other void creatures.

But now, when Kai'Sa came to the shelter in an emergency and wanted to take refuge, a group of strangers appeared here, and one of them, with a blue-skinned bald head, moved very quickly with a set of spells, and was caught off guard. Under this, Kai'Sa was imprisoned instantly.

In desperation, she could only open part of the void skin to reveal her face.

"I'm not a monster." Her voice was helpless and tired. "I'm just someone who came to rest."

Unfortunately, just like many times before, it seems that this explanation can't convince these strangers that the spell that imprisoned Kai'Sa has not been cancelled, and even on the contrary, Kai'Sa feels that her breathing has become difficult, that The blue-skinned big bald head looked very serious, as if he didn't believe his defense at all, and looked as if he wanted to kill himself.

The air in the chest cavity seemed to be sucked out in an instant, and Kaisha's next words were blocked in her throat like this.

Also, who would want to believe in a monster?
At this moment, a masked person came out from the corridor not far away, striding forward to Kai'Sa.

"Wait a minute." His voice was gentle and calm. "Let me talk to her first—I'm better at this."

Then, under Kai'Sa's surprised gaze, the bald head nodded, and obediently released the confinement spell.

"Hello, little girl." When Kaisha finally couldn't help but gasped
At that moment, the person wearing the mask turned his head to look at her, and the mouth of the mask miraculously tilted up slightly, "Is that layer on your body a void creature?"

"Yes." The long silence made Kai'Sa's speech a little jerky, and she could only subconsciously use the simplest words, "But, I am human."

"It can be seen." To Kai'Sa's surprise, the other party actually looked very understanding, nodded in a serious manner, and turned to care about Kai'Sa's state, "The feeling of co-existing with void creatures should not be too bad. Is it good?"

Of course it didn't feel good.

Although this layer of void skin looks thin and convenient, only Kai'Sa knows that under this layer of skin, there are endless restraints on herself. Gradually replace their own skin.

Beneath the unrestrained appearance was endless, almost numb pain.

However, when the words came to her lips, Kaisha just said "it's okay" softly.

Unfortunately, this did not fool the smiling masked man.

His mask vividly showed a delicate expression of "You silly boy is too careless to fool people", and then he stretched out his hand actively, as if wanting to touch Kai'Sa's shoulder.

Kaisha dodged subconsciously, but when she was imprisoned, she could only watch the other party stretch out her hand, and tapped her shoulder lightly with a short stick.

The next moment, Kaisha felt dizzy - by the time she realized it, she had already appeared in an endless desert.

The breeze came slowly, mixed with fine gravel and blowing on Kaisha's body, the little girl couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

This sense of touch...

Lowering her head, Kai'Sa saw her own skin.

"Well, it seems that my craftsmanship has not yet fallen." Just as Kai'Sa was sluggishly looking at her naked body, the masked man's voice sounded again, "Okay, little girl, put on the robe— — it might be a little uncomfortable, but that's all I have left."

Kai'Sa, who came back to her senses, blushed, and then Guangspeed picked up the robe on the ground and put it on herself.

The material of the robe was very rough, and it was uncomfortable to wear close to the body, but for Kai'Sa who was always wrapped in the void skin, this robe was already very good.

"You are indeed a human." After Kai'Sa put on the robe, the masked man who had been facing away from her before finally turned around, "Then, tell me how you co-exist with this... this void creature Is it?"

Looking at the void skin in the opponent's hand that seemed to have completely lost its life, Kai'Sa was a little dazed.

"Is it dead?"

"Dead? No, no, not yet, it's just temporarily sealed by me."

"But it left me..."

"This involves the law of the plane. I believe you are not interested in knowing the complicated knowledge." The other party just shook his head slightly, and then put the topic on Kai'Sa again, "So, can you tell me about your experience? ?"


"By the way, my name is Karya." The masked man looked at Kai'Sa with a smile, "I don't know if you've heard of this name before."


Facts have proved that Karya, who always thought she was quite famous, overestimated her popularity this time.

Since Kai'Sa was still a child when she entered the hernia and co-existed with the Void Skin, she really hadn't heard of Karya's name—so, when Karya reported herself as her family, Kai'Sa just shook her head in confusion.

However, she did not refuse to tell Karya about her past.

For Kai'Sa, being able to chat with people is quite a rare thing.

Moreover, Kai'Sa has nothing to say about her past.

In this way, in Kaisha's mouth, Karya heard another angle version of Kassadin's story.

really interesting.

However, after confirming Kai'Sa's identity, Karya did not immediately talk to her about her father, but continued to inquire about her experience in the underground in detail.

After finally meeting someone who has been in contact with the void for a long time, Kalya cannot miss this precious opportunity.

As for all of Karya's problems, Kai'Sa knows everything, and she has nothing to say. She was worried about the continued expansion of the Void's forces, and she also hated the sect that sacrificed to the Void and helped the Void to expand, but in the eyes of others, she was a Monsters that are more monsters than the Void Cult, few people listen to their words at all, so it is impossible to dissuade them, so they have to rely on their own and the power of the Void Skin to deal with the Void Creatures in the intricate underground.

Someone seems to want to know what's going on in the Void right now, and while Kai'Sa doesn't know what the name "Kalya" means, she's more than happy to share her experience.

If possible, it would be best for the other party to pass these messages on to more people, so that more people would be aware of the threat of the Void.

In this way, while talking, Kai'Sa talked about what's wrong with the void creatures recently.

It was also when she said that "the void creatures no longer fight on their own, but some kind of organization seems to have appeared", Kalya finally frowned.


Void creatures are not naturally disordered.

Although the laws of the void world are very different from those of Runeterra, and the Void beings who have arrived at Runeterra and have a materialized appearance are often naturally chaotic, but in some cases, void creatures will be organized.

Coincidentally, Karya has seen this situation before.

During the Icathian Wars, the creatures of the void were organized, and what organized them in unison was a giant eyeball known as the Watcher.

At that time, the most critical factor in the final tragic victory of the Shurima Empire was that the Ascended Legion opened up the passage to the Void Rift regardless of casualties, and finally allowed Horok to enter it, and completed the fatal blow to the Overseer.

Horok, who returned victorious, brought back Chalikar and sent back the news that Monolith Fortress could attack in an all-round way. If there was no assassination by Horok, even with the big killer of Monolith Fortress, he would like to close the gap in the void in the future. I'm afraid it's not easy either.

Now, according to Kai'Sa, it seems that among the void creatures, an organizer has appeared again.

Could it be another monitor?
Just when Karya frowned and thought, in the dark river that Kaisha dived in, the river seemed to be boiling.

Carya, who noticed the change, told Kai'Sa to be careful, and then returned to the main plane.

Then, he saw a large number of void creatures emerging from the water in groups, and then jumped out of the water like swimming fish.

After discovering this scene, Ryze unleashed a series of surges of arcane power without hesitation, as if to blow these guys up in mid-air.

At this moment, Karya stopped him.

"Wait, let them come over." Kalya touched his chin, "Use a little rune power to see if we can fish out their masters."

Ryze didn't stop, and he didn't use the power of runes as Kalya asked.

"This kind of creature is very dangerous!" Ryze sternly refused while blasting all the void creatures mercilessly, "They will devour and evolve, and if they come into contact with the power of world runes, then Suffered!"

"I just want to meet their organizers." Seeing that all the twisted void fish were blown up, Kalya could only shake his head helplessly in the end, "Catch the thief first and catch the king."

"This is definitely not possible." Ryze shook his head, as if feeling helpless at Kalya's whimsical thinking, "There are void creatures here, then we—"

"As long as the river is blocked." Kalya interrupted Ruiz's words without a trace, "They won't come from the ground, will they?"

Although there was nothing wrong with Karya's tone, on his mask, a line of Freljord drifted slowly like a bullet screen. Seeing this line of bullet screen, Ryze swallowed the words on his lips, and then nodded.

"Don't worry, we can specially prepare a closed barrier. This is the best place to save the world's runes. If it is not safe here, there will be no safe place in Shurima."

Ryze and Karya sang together, asked and answered, while other people around had different expressions.

Ino and Shyvana, who knew the Freljord, seemed to be trying to hold back their laughter.

Nasus, Thalia, Xerath, and Azir, who didn't know the Freljord, could only remain silent full of doubts.

Obviously, they didn't know what kind of plan Kalya and Ryze had completed quietly.


In the underground waterway, several void fish that hadn't jumped out of the water quietly returned, bringing this conversation to their owners.

It is an endless sea of ​​lavender hidden in the depths of the earth.

Different from the traditional ground hernia, this piece of lavender void coral is not empty, but as weird as the void world. The reality of Runeterra has been distorted by the law of the void, and it has become an unimaginable appearance for ordinary people. In the Purple Sea, all the laws of reality have been transformed into a new look by the void, not a void full of hunger.

A giant void creature suspended in this lavender sea like a ray received the report. She stopped waving the manta ray-like fins, and turned to "stand upright" herself in a form that was closer to humans. stand up.

On its "head", the ferocious mouthparts closed inwards, and then strangely turned into an incomparably beautiful face. Even if this face is carefully looked at, it still has a bit of Karya and Setaka. mean.

The void fishes ran towards their queen like swallows returning to their nests, and the void queen was not polite, she directly opened the huge mouth of her abdomen and devoured these loyal subordinates—during this process, the information was quickly Pass it on, without missing a single iota.

After receiving this information, a humanized joy appeared on the face of the Empress of the Void.

World runes?

Among the information she collected was that thing.

That is the greatest and purest power in this world. It can move mountains and fill seas, even collapse continents and reverse seas. If you can get this power, your progress in devouring and assimilating this world will undoubtedly be greatly accelerated!

As for those mortals who mentioned "blocking the river" and "wouldn't come from the ground"...

This kind of self-righteous behavior, according to them, should be called a "joke", right?

And it's still a "cold joke"?
The pretty face cracked into four petals, and then turned into the hideous mouthparts of the void creature again, and the void queen began to float upwards in suspension.

Now, she needs to contact her loyal subordinates.

These void fish and void rays, which are more accustomed to swimming in the lavender sea, are indeed not good at digging.

But it doesn't matter, in the big family of Void, there are always people who are good at digging.

The Empress of the Void remembered that in Keharissa, those ignorant mortals once honored a stupid beast as Queen.

What is the name of that false emperor?

It seems to be... Rek'Sai?

 Carya's Little Classroom: The Crash of Belvis City:

  The collapse and fall of Bilves City directly led to the birth of Void Queen Bilves, and the collapse of Bilves City is inseparable from the Rune Wars - most people think that Bilves It was a magical experiment destroyed by world runes, but was actually sacrificed entirely to the void by their city lord.

(End of this chapter)

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