Lux's Farewell

665 [0657] Linkage

If someone wants to classify void creatures, he will find that the types of void creatures can only be described as a mess.

Even now that void creatures have gradually adapted to Runeterra and their forms have stabilized, various group mutations and evolutions still occur frequently, and the appearance of many void creatures changes almost every three days.

However, among these extremely unstable void creatures, one is very special. In the past few hundred years, they have always maintained a stable form and life structure, and even completely integrated into Runeterra to a certain extent. biosphere, and this kind of void creature is a void burrower living in Kehalise.

Void Dungeon Beasts, as the name suggests, are a group of void creatures who are good at digging underground. In appearance, they are similar to quadrupeds, but in terms of habits, they are very similar to beetles that live underground.

As we all know, most of the void creatures have inherited the insatiable hunger of the void. They have always been eager to devour and evolve. The Void Dungeon Beast who came to accumulate the first evolutionary wealth can be said to be a different kind.

However, such a group of out-and-out aliens successfully escaped the catastrophe when other void creatures were wiped out by the Shurima people on a large scale and gradually became extinct, and opened up a Out of a piece of their own kingdom.

They have dug for generations, built complex underground passages at a depth of more than a thousand feet, and survived for generations-and these underground passages have also made the underground ecosystem in the Khalisai area extremely complicated. All kinds of arthropods and reptiles adapted to the surface environment came to the ground to multiply, and then became the food of the void burrowers on a large scale. The two sides formed a very subtle relationship similar to breeding.

Void escaping beasts dig underground space for animals to reproduce, and the bred animals provide food for the void escaping beasts.

It seems that because they ate too many ants with a social ecology, I don't know when it started, the Void Dungeon gradually produced a similar social structure. Not only did they differentiate into males and females, but some powerful females also Naturally became the leader of the ethnic group, and will lead the team to open up the living space on the ground.

Among these powerful females, Rek'Sai is the most famous one.

All those who need to cross the Kehalise Desert will hear the legend about the Queen of Dungeon Beasts before entering this desert of death. It is said that Rexai will swim in the gravel on the upper surface of the earth and perceive this hunting ground If anyone dares to walk or talk and laugh casually, Rexai will follow the sound, and use his sharp claws like iron hooks and incisors like shovels to tear apart his prey, and then Devour it all.

Only the most experienced, those who can master the quiet walk, can cross this hunting ground of death unscathed.

But now, what Bilves has to do is to call these Void Dungeon Beasts to dig through the shelter where these stupid people hide the world runes.

Stupid mortals, they don't know where their self-confidence comes from, they always think that they can control everything, just like many people in the city of Belvis who were sacrificed—there are even descendants of the legendary Empress Wu and the regent, But after devouring them, Pilves only felt a nauseating nausea.

Other than their pretty good appearance from a human point of view, those "royal bloodlines" didn't benefit her at all. No wonder they would just be like stupid sheep until the whole of Bilves sank into the ground. Generally wailing non-stop.

This is human beings.


The underground river in the underground laboratory was quickly blocked.

Although the Void Fish was no longer able to send messages back, Bilves could clearly realize that those people were speeding up and wanted to seal the laboratory as soon as possible.

Therefore, Bilves set out in person, heading northeast to Kehalise, to look for Rexai who was good at digging.

This stupid beast will be his best tool.


"Persuading" Rexai took a lot of effort from Bilves.

Although he already possessed a certain degree of sociality, the foreign Belvis was obviously not on the social structure of Rek'Sai. Even if both of them were void creatures, they also lost the ability to communicate with each other long ago.

Therefore, Bilves could only resort to a little violence.

Relying on the stronger power of the void, Belvis successfully suppressed Rexai, although in the end he failed to "conquer the false emperor", incorporated himself into the social structure of the Dungeon Beast, and became the Queen of the Dungeon Beast In the end, he managed to take away a group of Dungeon Beasts for his own use.

Relying on these burrowing beasts, Bilves successfully dug a passage along the direction of the dark river, and successfully reached the underground laboratory where the world runes were hidden.

The passage of the laboratory has been blocked, and the ceiling that was originally opened has now been completely filled, and even the two rooms are filled with stones.

Those people seemed to be very confident about their hiding methods. Bilves went around twice, but he didn't find any traces left by these people. In the huge laboratory, there were only some furniture materials that had been dismantled to make a fire. There was a group of unexpected guests.

The various displays in the laboratory looked familiar to Bilves, and there were quite a few similar architectural styles in the city of Bilves that she devoured.

However, Bilves didn't know any of those plants that were obviously planted intentionally.

Maybe, after I devoured the world runes, I should also devour the remains of these plants?

In human terms, they should be called... dessert?
Therefore, Bilves' eyes quickly fell on the unclear space in the central area of ​​the building.

Is this the seal those people are talking about?
Bilves carefully looked at the seal, and mobilized the memories of the residents of Bilves City, trying to find a way to break the seal.

However, it is a pity that most of the residents of Belvis City are mediocre, and the personnel in the city's laboratories are also rich and poor. After watching for a long time, Belvis did not get even a little gain—she even sealed nature is unclear.

In this case, it seems completely impossible to break the seal and devour the body of the world rune directly.

But it doesn't matter, as a void creature who proclaims himself the queen, Bilves has extreme confidence in his digestion ability, since the seal cannot be broken, then he can devour the seal together!

Wanting to devour a sealed world rune is not an easy task for Bilves.

If you want to swallow and digest this kind of thing, you can't open your mouth and swallow it like you would swallow a mortal. The lightest thing is indigestion.

To be on the safe side, Bilves needs to transform the nearby space into a sea of ​​lavender, and devour this sealed world rune together with the void coral, so as to minimize his discomfort when devouring.

And transforming the real space of Runeterra into a sea of ​​lavender is not an easy task.

Even if it was just a room the size of a room, Bilves spent close to seven days.

Then, when she finally successfully completed the transformation, a snake-like devouring finally officially began.

In order to better reduce discomfort and facilitate swallowing and digestion, the void fish, void rays, and void corals transformed by Bilves are first sucked in by its opened giant mouthparts.

After feeling that he had almost "filled his belly", Bilves finally set his target on the sealed world rune.

An invisible suction force was generated from the cavity of her abdomen, sucking the world runes suspended in mid-air and wrapped in layers of seals.

The blue light representing the arcane on the seal was lit up, and it seemed to be resisting this suction.

But it is a pity that under the unremitting efforts of Bilves, the arcane radiance gradually dimmed after three hours. When the last ray of radiance was extinguished, although the structure of the seal remained intact, it was finally unstoppable. Avoiding being sucked by Bilves.

This was exactly what Bilves wanted to see.

Very well, although these people prepared well for the seal, they obviously didn't spend too much time fixing it.

Next, as long as you eat it and digest it slowly, you will analyze and master the power of the world's runes, and truly master the core power of this world!

I am the real Empress of the Void!
Soon, the world rune and the seal were completely swallowed by Bilves.

Just as the "future Empress of the Void" set her sights on the remains of the rune trees, and was about to enjoy the dessert after the meal, a burst of space rippled in the small laboratory.

"You can't eat those." A very pleasant voice sounded, "Those are not fodder to feed the void."

Ok? !

Bilves turned his head, and was shocked to find that, between the pile of "furniture wreckage that caught fire", a blue teleportation circle was slowly dissipating. Mortals go and come back.

Is it...

Belvis, who realized something was wrong, suddenly felt sick.

For void creatures, the feeling of "disgusting" is undoubtedly fatal.

"Don't spit!" Carya, who left the zigzagging magic circle, pretended to shake her head, "I spent a lot of effort to get that sealed eternal flame!"

Bilves didn't know what the Eternal Flame was, but within its body, this disgusting feeling became more and more clear. At this moment, she even felt that she was being reversely digested from the inside out—how could it be?

How can there be power to resist the devouring of the void?
Belvis wanted to say something, she retracted her mouthparts, and conjured up a wonderful face, but before this face was fully formed, her body began to swell rapidly.


As Karya snapped his fingers flatly, a terrifying spatial distortion began to spread centered on Belvis' abdomen.

The next moment, Bilves' body finally completely exploded.

A burst of strange white flames engulfed its body, and then, like a hanging painting, it easily burned up the lavender sea that she spent seven days finally creating.

When the flames were completely extinguished, the laboratory that had been modified by the power of the void miraculously returned to its original appearance!
"What kind of flame is this?" Nasus, who witnessed the whole scene, was dumbfounded. "It seems to be able to dispel the void!"

"Eternal Flame." Kalya spread his hands, "It is undeniable that it can indeed restrain the power of the void very well."

"Then if there is such a flame, wouldn't the Darkborn—"

"It can be a very painful death." Kalya calmly gave the answer, "I tried it, but it can't dispel the erosion of the void's power of ascension, it can only burn everything completely."

Nasus blinked, then shook his head resignedly.

When he saw this scene, he almost thought that Karya had found a way to return the Darkborn to the glory of the Ascended, but it turned out that this thing could only make the Darkborn meet the end in endless pain...

If the darkin want real death, they might as well give them a good time with chalikar!
Thinking of this, Nasus could only sigh helplessly: "So, you went to Icacia?"

"That's right." Kalya nodded, "Nasus, you should learn to keep your dog's head calm - such a simple thing, you can figure it out once you think about it, but you always lose your mind because of excitement , you have to wait for me to pierce your stupid fantasy before you are willing to use your brain."

Nasus wanted to emphasize again that his Ascensioner's posture was that of a jackal, not a dog's head, but after opening his mouth, he finally remained silent.

"Is this why the Icathians think they can control the power of the void?" After Nasus fell silent, Azir, who maintained a gravel form like Kalya, finally spoke up, "I feel the surging vitality... ..."

"Yes, surging vitality." Kalya nodded, "The flame that burns life can be blazing. If this power is not well controlled, it is no different from the power of the void."

"Icacias have never been very good at controlling power." Nasus couldn't help snorting, "Mr. Kalya, you actually gave the prince's feathers to those bastards."

"Kiran is an exception." Kalya shook his head lightly, "That brainless bastard is not dead yet."

Nasus frowned—he remembered Zilean.

That is the most amazing and brilliant person in Icacia.

Even though he was not able to become an Ascendant due to political factors in the Shurima Empire, in the field of magical talent, even Ne'zuk, who had reached the pinnacle of elemental magic and later presided over the construction of the Monolith Fortress, had to admit that Kieran The level of "not below oneself".

He is not dead yet?

It has been thousands of years, how did he obtain immortality?

Karya's Small Classroom Eternal Flame:
The Icathians dared to use the power of the void to wage war on the Shurima Empire, and a very important reason was that they discovered the Eternal Flame, an incandescent flame that could obviously contain the power of the void.

However, because the Icathians obviously lacked understanding of the void, when the void really came, they realized that their attempt to control the void with eternal flames was as ridiculous as trying to extinguish a forest fire with a glass of water.

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