Lux's Farewell

666 Carya and Icacia [0658]

Kieran can live until now, naturally because he has mastered the power of time to a certain extent.

This is an area that Kalya can't step into and understand. It is no exaggeration to say that those who can really understand time magic are out-and-out monsters.

Kieran is such a monster.

However, Kalya was reluctant to say more about Zilean, as if he had consciously skipped the topic of the Eternal Flame.

The Eternal Flame was "borrowed" by Kalya from Icathia.

However, before Nasus took the initiative to ask, the existence and characteristics of the Eternal Flame, except for Shivana who took him there, was unknown to others-it was about Icacia, and Karya was not good Tell Nasus, Azir, and Xerath directly.

All they knew was that Kalya asked Ino to stare at Thalia and continue to block the entrance of the laboratory, and then disappeared with Shivana for a while. When they came back, Kalya brought back a special flame , and asked to seal this thing up, pretending to be a world rune.

Because of the previous contact with Jax, Karya already knew about Icacia's current situation, so the process of obtaining the eternal flame was very smooth, even a bit lacklustre, but Karya still consciously avoided the origin of this flame. The Cassia region is an unbearable pain for all Shurima people.

If it weren't for the Icathian War, the Shurima Empire should still be thriving at this time, right?
Based on such cognition, Shurima people often have a natural dislike for Icacia.

However, in Karya's eyes, Icathia has been a part of Shurima from the very beginning, and the essence of the Icathian war is also a local rebellion, not colonial independence.

This is the "Anshi Rebellion" of the Shurima Empire.

From a historical point of view, the root cause of the Icathian War was the uneven development caused by the lack of resources of the empire, as well as the physical limit of the empire's rule due to political abuses.

The direct reason is that the Icathians are treated differently in politics to a certain extent, even their mage kings have not been able to qualify for the Ascension.

As for the discovery and use of the power of the void, it is the fuse of this war.

The Icathian Autonomous Council raised the orthodox banner of the Shurima Empire. This incident may seem a bit funny to many people, but it is not completely false recognition.

After being activated by Lux, Kalya often fell into meditation in her spare time, thinking about the gains and losses of the empire.

And the more he thought about it, the clearer some things became—when he tried to observe everything in the Icacia War without personal emotional factors, he had to admit helplessly that he underestimated the tension in Icacia's situation, and also Subconsciously ignoring the huge developmental differences between Shurima and Icacia at the time.

What Karya thought at the time was "Let Icacia bear it first, and when I have mastered a new power that can replace the sun disc, Icacia will be no different from other places in Shurima."

From this perspective, Karya spent a lot of effort to appease the Icacias, including wooing the mages headed by Kieran, reducing and exempting Icacia's taxes to a certain extent, advocating maritime transportation, and so on.

But it is a pity that what most Icathians see is the huge difference in living standards between them and the Shurima, and the lower and lower ceiling above their heads when the resources of the sun disc are tight.

No one knows when Carya's new energy will appear. For those who have not crossed the extraordinary limit, they can only grasp the present moment.

While borrowing the fire, Karya and Kieran chatted a few words by the way.

As he guessed, when the power of the void entered the field of vision of the Icacias, it was "a power that can replace the sun disc."


When Kalya got rid of Belvis and finally explained the origin of the Eternal Flame, the expressions of Nasus and the others were somewhat awkward.

Karya can see through some things, but they may not be able to accept them emotionally. Even though the Eternal Flame seems to have fulfilled its mission well and solved the void creature that seemed difficult to deal with, but thinking that this is Eka The method used by the West Asians to control the power of the void and rebel against Shurima still feels awkward in their hearts.

So, after a moment of embarrassing silence, everyone avoided the topic and picked up the mess in silence.

Things have come to this point, the Nugla laboratory is no longer reliable, this world rune now needs a more secure hiding place.

And considering the underground appearance of Shurima, I am afraid that ordinary places are not good for storing this dangerous and crucial world rune.

So, Nasus offered to go back to the original site of Shurima City and put the world rune there.

"Many buildings and defensive facilities in Shurima City have not completely failed." As a witness to the collapse of the empire, Nasus is actually reluctant to mention these most of the time, "just because of the fall of the sun disc, and The structural collapse of the entire city, which is now sunk beneath the yellow sand..."

"So, you're saying that the world runes can be placed in the ruins of Shurima City?" Ryze looked at Nasus, his tone was not very friendly, "With all due respect, I don't think this can guarantee that there will be no abuse danger."

As he said that, he also glanced at Xerath, who was in the state of the arcane spirit body, expressing the target he was worried about.

"It's not time for me to return to Shurima City." Sensing Ryze's gaze, Xerath snorted, "Besides, I'm not a coward who knows nothing about power. "

Xerath's words were also full of guns and sticks, and he consistently kept ridiculing Ryze - he has always looked down on Ryze's refusal to eat because of choking, and he thinks that he knows more about world runes than this one who only knows how to use them. There were many more guys who were sealed and stored. Seeing that the other party was expressing themselves again, they immediately counterattacked.

Seeing that there seemed to be another quarrel, Karya could only stop the quarrel.

"Stop, stop——Shurima City is not a good choice, even if the defense facilities have not completely failed, it is not easy to activate them again, and according to Kai'Sa's description, the number of void creatures underground has become more and more Too much, just to be on the safe side, I suggest sending this world rune to Vazuan."

When Karya mentioned this place, everyone was stunned.

Kai'Sa heard about Zaun, but that was when she was a child.

Shivana and Ino looked at each other, their expressions somewhat subtle.

Nasus narrowed his eyes slightly, remembering what he had seen and heard when he wandered in Vazuan.

Ryze was expressionless.

At the same time, Azir and Xerath had doubts about "the remote village of Vazuana is still there".

"Vazuan has a large-scale plantation of rune trees." Looking around, Kalya had a panoramic view of everyone's expressions and reactions, "Besides, it is the place where I gave the first prince's feathers, and it is absolutely credible and reliable."

"But you can't guarantee that mortals won't use this dangerous power rashly!" Ryze took the initiative to say, "Maybe you can trust Vazuan, but no mortal can resist the temptation of the world's rune power. "

"Then just don't let the mortals know." Kalya spread his hands, "When did I say to tell the Vazuan that we are going to place a world rune here?"

As he spoke, Karya described his plan in detail.

The plan is actually quite simple.

Just like the Nugra Lab, there is also a laboratory underground in Vazuan, and this laboratory has now been taken over by Vazuan and has become a rune tree cultivation center.

In this case, it is naturally impossible to directly place the world runes in the laboratory.

But don't forget that the Zaun District of Vazuan, because of the success of the rune tree planting, has an industry that has now completely declined.

"We can place the world runes in the mines of Zaun." Kalya took out a map of Zaun from nowhere, "Because of unrestrained mining, many mines in Zaun have been completely exhausted. And because of the impact of the rune tree industry, the scale of Zaun's mining industry is also shrinking, so those mines with exhausted resources are natural hiding places."

Facing the map, Kalya began to describe the structure of the Zaun mines.

Main roads, corridors, excavation roads, ventilation channels, waterways...

Looking at the dense signs on the map, even the most cautious Ryze had to admit that if Kalya's words were true, then these mines were indeed natural hiding places.

Unlike Nugra Labs, there have never been void creatures near Vazuan—or in most parts of Northern Shurima, there are no traces of void creatures. Put the world rune there, and you don’t have to worry about it. Here also came a void creature trying to swallow it.

Moreover, in the eyes of Ino, who has been in the mine, this is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone.

In addition to the fact that Zaun's mine is a natural three-dimensional maze, if a world rune is hidden in the mine, it is indeed impossible to find it, and it is not far from Vazuan's rune tree cultivation base.

Putting the world runes here, the promotion and planting of the rune tree can largely prevent the leakage of the breath of the world runes, and even if some of the magic power of the world runes escapes, these dissipated magic powers can become nutrients for the growth of the rune tree , so as not to be seen by others.

Although neither Xerath nor Azir was in favor of putting this world rune that may be related to the revival of Shurima in Vazuan, the witty Ryze simply chose to lift the roof and directly proposed that the world rune could be placed on the In Demacia.

This allowed Ryze to finally "convince" Xerath and Azir.

So, the group of people finally set off again and began to turn northward to Vazuan.

Poor Shivana, the gondola under her has become a little heavier along the way.


The journey from Nugra to Vazuan was lackluster, basically flying straight until Shyvana got tired, took a rest, and continued flying.

When Shyvana finally arrived in Vazuan after spending almost eight days, her body and spirit were already at the limit.

Staying in Vazuan's hotel, Shivana almost fell into a state of lying dead, and fell into a deep sleep as soon as she touched the bed.

But the others are different from Shyvana, they just need to sit in the hanging basket and wait along the way, so everyone is in a good state of mind, so after they arrived in Vazuan, they had a brief discussion, and then unanimously decided to go first. Go check out the mines in Vazuan.

Just take a look.

Led by Kalya, the group quickly came to Vazuan's mining area—after climbing over the fence marked "Geological hazards, no entry", they finally arrived in front of this artificial labyrinth.

The countless sloping down mines are like countless silent mouths, silently telling everything that happened here. Perhaps hundreds of years ago, this place was once in full swing.

A mine was chosen, and Karya and others entered it.

After lighting up the miner's lamp, what appeared in front of them was darkness and depth.

The not-so-spacious mine tunnel slopes downwards, and it seems that there will never be an end at a glance.

Inside the mine tunnel, on both sides are the inner walls of the mine tunnel that never look different. The only thing that can be used as a marker is some wooden supports that don't seem to be very reliable.

These crooked supports against a wooden plank were once the only guarantee for miners in Zaun - considering the geological structure here, I am afraid that its guarantee is quite limited.

After walking about a thousand feet, the direction of the mine suddenly turned downward. After passing a slow platform, a vertical mine shaft appeared in front of everyone.

"It reminds me of a hernia." Gazing at the mine, Nasus couldn't help shaking his head, "It's the same dark and quiet, but it was dug out by people."

"Ino, create a piece of ice floe." Kalya didn't do this, but waved his hand at Ino, "Let's go down, the most complicated part of the mining area is below."

Ino nodded, clasped his hands together, a thick layer of ice gradually formed under everyone's feet, and then carried everyone down slowly down the mine shaft until they entered the deepest part of the mine.

"There used to be a hinge lift here, right?" Kalya raised his head after getting down on the ground again, "Use hinges and pulleys to transport the ore mined underground."

"It should be." Ino nodded, "In some abandoned mines, the elevators haven't completely decayed, they're just abandoned, and this mine seems to have been empty for too long..."

While speaking, there was an almost indiscernible hissing sound in the darkness. Karya turned the direction of the miner's lamp and quickly found the source of the sound.

A group of mining rats.

Different from the same kind living in the human living area, these mining area mice can only be described as skinny and skinny. Judging from their appearance, it seems that their life is far worse than that of the same kind in the desert.

Karya's Little Classroom Zaun's Abandoned Mine:

After the rune tree planting began, Zaun's mining industry has been in decline, and has been almost completely abandoned by now.

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