Lux's Farewell

667 Questions and answers

The seemingly inconspicuous mine rat has also witnessed the rise and fall of Zaan's manufacturing industry for decades.

When Zaun was still the lower town of Piltover, a place of material supply and market dumping, Zaun's mining industry flourished, and rats also entered the deep underground mines along with human footsteps, and lived here. settled down.

During the prosperous period of the mining industry, the population of these rats also expanded rapidly. Under the irregular mining mode, randomly discarded garbage and the corpses of small-scale mining accidents became the food of these rats, and their numbers doubled.

Then, with Zaun's changing world, the mice's days are finally over.

Mining standards in Zaun gradually became more standardized. The amount of domestic waste miners have dropped sharply, and even if there is a small-scale landslide, they will actively rescue them. The rats lost part of their food and fresh flesh.

Moreover, with the development of the rune tree planting industry, Zaun is consciously getting rid of its dependence on the mining industry. Therefore, as the scale of the mining industry shrinks further, there are fewer and fewer household garbage piles that the rats like to rummage through. It even gradually disappeared.

Under such circumstances, the rats who had lived a happy life finally had to start to find another way out.

Catch insects, dig up plant roots, find edible fungi...

The super house mouse, once plump and sleek, now looks like a skinny vole.

Karya's eyes fell on the squeaky mice.

Perhaps, these noisy and annoying mice can also help guide themselves.

Stamping his feet heavily, Kalya looked at the direction in which the mouse was fleeing, and then followed with strides.

In this way, he came to the place where the miners used to pile up garbage.

If there are no rats, it is not easy to find a place without people in the complex mine pit where the world rune can be settled.

"You mean to seal the world rune here?" Ryze picked up the miner's lamp and carefully looked at the surrounding environment. "Although it looks a bit disgusting, it seems that no one really wants to come here."

"Fortunately, your evaluation of this place is just 'a bit disgusting'." Kalya was very satisfied with Ryze's reaction, "If the mine is still being mined, you will definitely find this place particularly disgusting."


Although Ryze is well-informed, he has never seen what the garbage dumping area of ​​the mine looks like, but he just doesn't have any curiosity about it.

"Thalia." Carya turned her head and looked at the student holding her nose. "There should be rocks with stable geology nearby. Find them and create a stable compartment."

Thalia showed a bitter face, but according to Kalya's request, she gathered together the stones used to support the structure in the garbage area, and pieced together a seemingly safe space.

Inside the space, Ryze took down the scroll behind him, and was about to create a seal for the world rune.

"Wait a minute, wait a moment." Seeing that Ryze seemed about to seal the world rune in one go, Kalya had to remind him, "We haven't prepared the rune tree yet."

"The tide of magic power here is very stable, which is enough." The sigil on Ryze's body lit up, "and it's far enough from the ground that no one will notice."

"To be on the safe side, it's better to plant some rune trees around." Kalya's mask showed a big smile, "Vazuan is the base of the non-light rune tree planting, I will handle the seeds of the rune tree..."

"Are you sure this won't cause trouble?" Ryze looked at Kalya with some uncertainty, "If the rune tree grows wildly because of this, wouldn't it be bad?"

"If the seal is intact, there is no reason for the rune tree to grow wildly." Kalya shook his head lightly, "Besides, since the rune tree grows wildly, it is also good news, at least it means that the power of the world's runes can be transformed into a safe rune wood."


Kalya really wasn't bragging.

With the help of Ino, a batch of rune tree seeds was quickly completed.

Back in the mine, without the need for technical guidance from Vazuan, Kalya quickly managed the planting of these rune trees—due to the limited space in the tunnel, the seeds of this batch of rune trees are mainly sand radish, which can be grown in dark conditions. down-growing species.

And when Kara had planted the rune tree, the initial seal on Ryze was also done.

Then, according to the previously agreed plan, the three people imposed a triple seal on the world rune to prevent anyone from using this dangerous power rashly.

In the end, Thalia carefully closed the stone wall, causing a small-scale collapse, completely blocking the mine passage, completely burying the world runes, and completely disappearing in the mine.

After doing all this, Ryze couldn't wait to start the zigzagging path, led everyone back to the hotel quickly, and got into the bathroom of his room immediately.

Others also chose to take a bath one after another—although the domestic waste dump in the mine has been abandoned for a long time, the smell there is still a bit unpleasant.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, Azir, who didn't need to take a bath, took the initiative to find Karya.

"Kalya...Mr." To this day, Azir still feels awkward every time he calls Kalya, "From now on, you will stay in Shurima, right?"

Although Azir's body is now the same type of yellow sand as Kalya's, the expectation on his face is extremely clear and sincere.

Even if Kalya stays in Shurima, it means that he has a real ancestor on top of his head.

"Shurima needs you." Azir continued, "This country has been divided for too long, and only a united Shurima can truly have great power."

"Shurima is not so easy to unify." Kalya looked at Azir, but did not directly answer the question raised by the other party, "But it is always good to have this kind of heart, after so long, do you have any plans? "

"Based on Southern Shurima, from the south to the north." Azir has obviously considered it carefully during this period, "Many infrastructures in Shurima have been abandoned, and the food that was once self-sufficient is now extremely Lack, the status of South Shurima has once again been highlighted..."

"Sounds familiar."

"I did take into account some old events when the empire was established." Azir admitted generously, "Based on the food in southern Shurima, first take down the southern line of the giant god, and then gradually expand its influence northward. The goal is to reach the Shurima River valley."

"The idea is good, but who is the problem?" Kalya continued to ask with a smile, "You should know that the mages under Xerath are not reliable—or in other words, Xerath did not train them for revival Shurima, but simply to resurrect you."

"But it's not all fruitless." Azir was very open about this, "Xerath also has his own plan..."

"Planning to cultivate a group of mages in this way as the basis of force?" Kalya's mask showed a half-smile expression, "Or, he is planning to study the use of world runes, see See if you can use the fragments of those world runes without anyone noticing?"

Azir finally widened his eyes.

It is not difficult to guess that Xerath can train a mage group, but how did Kalya know that Xerath still has world rune fragments in his hand?

"I wasn't completely sure at first." Seeing Azir's reaction, Kalya nodded happily, "But now I can finally confirm it completely—don't worry, I'm different from Ryze. The power has always been non-exclusive.”

"But you still—"

"But Xerath is too impatient." Kalya waved his hand, "If the world rune is fragmented, I can suppress it by relying on the characteristics of the subspace, and there shouldn't be any major problems, but a complete world rune Wen, that's still too dangerous, and you don't want to watch your best friend turn into Bakai, do you?"


Azir nodded silently.

"The attitude towards Shurima, I have actually made it very clear to Xerath before." Kalya continued, "For me, the Shurima Empire has never been an honor, and the revival of Shurima has never been a glory." It will be the mission I am looking forward to.”

"Xeras told me about this." Azir was clearly prepared, "But you can't just sit back and watch Shurima continue to split and society and economy will regress dramatically, right?"

"Of course I won't." Kalya shook his head, "It's just that the situation in Shurima is still too complicated, even if it's me, I can't rashly intervene in it."

"As long as you stay, with me, Xerath, Nasus, and Weaver Mother's descendants, we can completely rebuild Shurima!" Azir said firmly, "I can even accept Icacia's plan personally. join in……"

"But have you ever thought about whether other Shurima people would accept the new Shurima?" Kalya asked calmly, "If they accept, how should we treat them? Start a unification war?"

"...War may be doomed to be unavoidable." Regarding this issue, Azir had already considered it clearly, "Before rebuilding the mansion of Shurima, we must clean up the ruins."

"What about your descendants?" Kalya continued to ask, "I heard that you have left many descendants in Shurima. In the royal family, you are blessed with many children."


Although Azir had thought about the question of the royal blood, he was still tongue-tied for a while when this question was asked by Kalya in this form.

It would be somewhat embarrassing for anyone to be asked such a question by their ancestors.

"Blood can't prove everything." In the end, Azir gave the answer with some helplessness, "There are some things that should be cleaned up, and still need to be cleaned up."

"It's good to have this idea." Carya nodded, "The times are different. After experiencing life and death, you should understand who is reliable and who is not. Sometimes it is easier to start from scratch. .”

Azir thought about it.

"Let's talk about your business idea first." Kalya took out a map out of nowhere, and began to point, "If you use Southern Shurima as your base, then Antahir is the center. I have been to these places, and there is almost no order at all, how do you think to mobilize the power of these places?"

"Take three steps." Azir said firmly, "The first step is to free the slaves and expand production and markets."

"Be specific."

"Besides Antahir, South Shurima still has the custom of using slaves on a large scale. Since we have decided to clean up the ruins, this step must be fundamentally abolished." Azir said seriously, "Fortunately, Ze It is said that there are no slaves in the mage tower of Lars. The relationship between him and those mages is closer to a transaction, a transaction of knowledge in exchange for effectiveness. On this basis, perhaps we can also have a free and peaceful battle with slaves. Fighting deals."

"What about expanding production and markets?"

"The freed slaves can bring a lot of market." Azir continued to talk eloquently, "With a little education, they can easily expand production. South Shurima doesn't need so many people to engage in agriculture. Here is an open place. The land needs only a few people to complete the cultivation, and more people can devote themselves to other jobs."

"for example?"

"Mining, metallurgy, and textiles." Azir had already prepared his own South Shurima Industry 1.0 plan, "There is no shortage of minerals in the southern vein of Mount Targon, and the cultivation of oil silk is quite mature. It is also a natural deep-water harbor in South Shurima, as long as we make good use of the freed slaves, our products are destined to have extremely high competitiveness."

"The idea is very good, but there is a small problem." Kalya nodded, then shook his head again, "Who do you rely on to carry out this plan?"

"In the early stage, you can rely on the mages of Antahir."

"I heard that the mages in Antasil are from the families of the patriarchs in various settlements in South Shurima." Kalya expressed delicately, "Do you think these people will be willing to carry out your plan without compromise, rather than relying on This opportunity to benefit your clan?"

"I have also considered this issue." Azir looked confident, "We can continue to use the current framework in the early stage, first cultivate a group of special, slave-born mages, and then gradually clarify the main intention , so as to arouse competition between the two sides, and where there is competition, there will be compromise. In the South Shurima region, after all, Xerath holds the biggest fist..."

"But your plan is ultimately to dig the roots of the Shurima clan." Kalya shook his head lightly. "What if the confrontation is fierce and those tribes turn to special beliefs?"

"South Shurima is not keen on believing in giant gods." Azir's expression was subtle, "The clan will not easily merge with giant gods."

"I'm not talking about the belief of giant gods." Kalya shook his head again, "I'm talking about the void."

This time, Azir was finally dumbfounded.

Carya's Small Classroom·Changes of the Times:

Xerath is a rather perceptive person, but no matter how perceptive some changes are, they are almost undetectable without real contact.

For example... the increase in the number of people who believe in the void.

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