Lux's Farewell

669 [0661] Facing the future

669 [0661] Facing the future
It is no exaggeration to say that the hex rune interface allows Karya to see a brand new future.

A distant, but also very likely future.

To be honest, Karya's magic industrialization is already very advanced for Runeterra today, separating magic power and magic power control-this plan was made on the basis of the Shurima Empire's use of the power of ascension.

For most Shurima, the power of ascension is the magical power of people without magical talent. The application of the power of ascension by the Shurima Empire has proved that it is feasible to control the power of ascension and the power of ascension separately Yes, that's why Kalya came up with the idea of ​​magical industrialization, and while innovating energy, it also further increased productivity.

However, there are only a small number of Ascenders, and their ascension power is the same as the Ascension Power used by the Shurima Empire, which comes from the sun disc; but there are many people who naturally awaken their magical talents, and the industrialization of magic will soon The trend of separation of magic power and magic power control will have a considerable impact on their status, making these people's competitiveness gradually weaker.

If this process is too fast, it is easy to cause social unrest.

In addition, the industrialization of magic must be carried out together with the upgrade of rune magic energy. When this idea was proposed, the application of the power of ascension by the Shurima Empire had reached its limit, and the solar disc could not build a second one, nor could it squeeze Produce more energy, so this part of the plan is ultimately just a plan.

In contrast, the Hex Rune interface has already realized the process of turning magic power into "pure energy" to a certain extent, and then transformed magic applications into Hex technology applications.

This means that people without magical talent can also use magic in the form of Hex technology applications.

Even if this process will bring a lot of loss, and the effect that the application of Hex technology can produce is much worse than magic, it is still a feasible way to the future.

After learning about the various functions of the Hex rune interface in detail, Kalya finally realized that his own thinking seemed to have fallen into a misunderstanding.

This misunderstanding is that Kalya's research on magic theory is too deep, so that she is subconsciously unwilling to give up and start anew.

In Carya's magic industrialization plan, as long as there is a stable and extensive source of magic power and means of controlling magic power transformation, anyone who has specially studied can use magic by relying on magic theory.

However, the difficulty lies in that it is actually difficult for people without magical talent and unable to perceive magic power to learn magic theory. It also feels like a big head.

Except for a very small number of strange things that have an interest beyond ordinary people, most mages will have headaches when faced with thick magic theories.

If it's like this for a mage, how about an ordinary person?
Therefore, in Zaun, all rune magic control experiments, when it comes to people without magic talent, need to be observed and taken care of by Ino.

In contrast, although the application range of Hex Technology is relatively narrow and the application effect is relatively limited, it has the advantage of being intuitive and can be better directly accepted by people.

This is a better place to start.

In other words, Hex Technology is the "magic theory" that is more suitable for ordinary people. The magic theory mastered by Kalya is a wordless book for people without magical talent, and must be translated into something like Hex Technology. Only when there are words in the heavenly scriptures can it be accepted by people!

After figuring this out, Kalya finally understood.

If you want to promote magic and make magic more widely used in more fields, then the most important thing is to transform the magic theory Hex that you have mastered into technology!
Only in this way can magic completely fade away from mystery, become universal, and be accepted and used by the general public!
Thinking of this, Kalya rarely felt agitated, but after calming down, he had to admit that it seemed that he was a little excited.

Hex technology is indeed a magic application field that is very suitable for ordinary people to use, but as Jess said in the interview, the current application form of hex technology is still very limited-this kind is born out of mechanical, hydraulic and The subject of explosions, and its use of magical energy is still quite superficial, and there is not even enough content for a chapter in the book Basic Magic Theory.

In other words, if a spellcaster can only achieve the effect and efficiency of Hex technology when using magic power, then he can be regarded as a magic apprentice at the top level.

Still a very partial magic apprentice.

And if you want to make this transformation more universal, even if efficiency is not considered, Jess and Victor may have a long way to go.

So, maybe they need a little help.


Jace didn't know if he needed help.

But what can be confirmed is that he is indeed in a difficult situation.

The successful application of the Hex Rune interface has brought him great prestige and economic benefits. Under the management of Mel and the unanimous support of Piltover District and Zaun District, the joint laboratory between him and Victor was established In terms of material conditions, Vazuan has achieved the ultimate.

This giant joint laboratory is located in the southeast of the Xingang District of Vazuan City, covering an area of ​​more than [-] slopes. There are eight laboratories including a large explosion-proof laboratory, a large Hex transmission laboratory, and a large mechanical processing laboratory. large laboratory.

In order to provide the laboratory with specialized experimental materials, the joint laboratory also has a small rune stone processing factory and a small hex crystal processing factory, as well as a lot of living facilities and a dormitory building.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the total cost of this large joint laboratory has exceeded 1000 million gold hexadecimals - this is because Zaan District provided a low-cost construction team and building materials, and Piltover District provided discounted experimental instruments in the case of.

In order to build this giant joint laboratory, Jess and Victor signed a transfer agreement, not only took out the patent rights of the Hex rune interface, but also failed to retain all the rights and interests of the artificial Hex crystal technology.

No matter which of these two patents are taken out, they are among the top ten precious patents in Vazuan. The bank borrowed enough funds to build this giant joint laboratory.

After the completion of the laboratory, in order to be able to devote himself to research, Jess even gave up his seat in the Piltover District Council and almost completely disappeared from public view.

Only during the graduation season of the Academy of Science and Progress every year, Jess would accept an exclusive interview and advertise to recruit experimental assistants by the way.

It is no exaggeration to say that Jess has truly devoted all his energy to the follow-up development of Hextech.

As for Victor...

He and his wife have lived in the campus almost after the completion of the laboratory, and have not even been interviewed.

However, fate sometimes likes to play some jokes.

Unlike the steady progress and ultimate success of the Hex Rune Interface, the research on the Hex Magic Interface has been very difficult from the very beginning.

When Jess and Victor were full of confidence and wanted to follow the idea of ​​the Hex rune interface, start research on the Hex magic interface, and apply the control methods of Hex technology to more magic fields, they found that A very bad thing happened.

They don't understand how magic works - or rather, they don't understand how magic works.

At the very beginning, Jess and Victor didn't regard it as too much difficulty, but adopted the method of magic experiments, trying to analyze the principles of magic through the magic items purchased at high prices.

Unfortunately, although this idea is good, the problem is that they hardly have any means to observe magic. Under the circumstances of unknowable phenomena and uncertain data, the more Jess and Victor try to analyze the principles of magic, the more confused they become.

When studying the hex rune interface, they can judge the experimental results through the observation of the hex energy side, but now everything is reversed!
The idea of ​​using magic items to push back is invalid.

In desperation, Jess and Victor found Ike and tried to ask the Zaun Mages to help with the research.

For Jess's request, Ike readily agreed, and quickly sent several highly professional mages from the Zaun Mages to participate in the experiments of Jess and Victor.

Then, Jess and Victor discovered desperately that it seems that every mage has different magic power and spellcasting methods.

They even faintly had a subtle feeling, it seems that Hex technology is not parallel to magic as they thought, but "Hex belongs to a separate magic field".

If so, it would be too disappointing.

In this case, Victor gave a different option.

"Perhaps, we should make a bolder attempt." Although Victor, who has completed Hex's body transformation, stayed up all night for six consecutive nights, he is still in good spirits. "Seeking common ground while reserving differences, starting with the most direct burst of magic power .”

"Directly carry out explosion research?" Without too many words, Jess understood what his old partner meant, "This is too risky, and the explosion of magic power is even more difficult to observe."

"If you can't observe it directly, then observe it indirectly." Victor seems to have planned this long ago, "Directly record the results of different explosions, and reproduce them in the explosion laboratory through the explosion of gunpowder or Hex crystal. "

"Using the principle of equivalence?" Jess pondered, "As long as the same effect is achieved, it is considered the same explosion?"

"That's right, using equivalent equivalence to observe, although there are errors in doing so, it can still be observed." Victor nodded, "The only problem is that in this case, we need to work more on the experimental design, and we also need to consider The cost issue..."

"Cost is not a problem." Jess waved his hand, "The joint laboratory has been built, and it's just some consumables for explosion experiments. It's not a big problem."

"That's good." Victor nodded, and continued to talk about his thinking, "The principle of equivalence needs to establish a new order-of-magnitude mechanism. Before carrying out the explosion experiment, we may need to conduct a step-by-step explosion experiment to determine the observed value. standard."

"This part of the experiment needs to be carried out with a Hex crystal explosion." Jess narrowed his eyes, "Only the Hex crystal explosion experiment can give clear enough results."

"That's right!" Victor continued to nod, "In addition, we also need to maintain the consistency of magic power in experiments using the principle of consistency, and we need to ask the wizards of Zaun to help observe..."




After finding a new way of thinking, Jess and Victor chatted until the sun went down, and then it came to an end.

Victor was finally captured by Skye and went back to rest, and Jess also left his office after simply tidying up the manuscripts.

Then, when he told Mel about his follow-up plan, Mel, who has always been very supportive of him, showed embarrassment for the first time.

"Although I don't know the details of the experiment very well, as far as I know, using explosions to conduct consistency experiments may consume a lot of rune stones, right?"

"The quantity consumption will be more, but fortunately, there is no need for redundant processing, so it should save a fortune in processing?" Jess put his arms around his wife optimistically, "Why, is there any difficulty in funding the laboratory? "

"There's nothing wrong with the funding of the lab." Mel looked at Jess like a child who couldn't grow up, "But if you've listened to me carefully, you should remember that in order to keep the lab running, we of loans are disbursed on a monthly basis with compounded interest to increase total returns."

Jess blinked.

"In other words, this sudden increase in expenses in the short term may require additional income to make up for it."

"What do you think of the design of my hammer?" Jess blinked. "The design drawing should be worth some money, right?"

"Well, if it's a cultural relic." Mel was expressionless, "Actually, if you didn't say in the interview that 'this may be the last research in your lifetime-not that you plan to retire after completion, but that you Not sure, if I can complete this research, I should be able to attract some investment for you."

"I think my description is fairly objective..."

"Well, very objective, but the problem is that everyone knows that you have always been full of confidence." Seeing Jess' innocent appearance, Mel's tone finally became irritable, "You are not a child anymore, Jess, you Now that you are Jieer's father, you should be more stable and think more before expressing your opinions, instead of saying everything as soon as your head is hot!"

"...Okay, okay." Under such circumstances, Jess, who knew he was wrong, could only raise his hands above his head, "Don't get excited, my dear, it's just a matter of some experimental consumables. The Piltover Daily has been Wish I could do an autobiography, I just had to dictate, the kind they wrote—”

"You never told me before." Mel's eyes seemed even more dangerous, "You won't make any promises, will you?"

"Of course not." Jess shook his head resolutely, "Actually, if it wasn't for the lack of money in the lab, I wouldn't be willing to hand over the writing of my autobiography to others..."

Mel glared at him fiercely, and finally couldn't help rubbing the space between his brows.

"The Piltover Daily is pretty reliable." After a long time, Mel finally said, "So, maybe you can take Jieer to the newspaper office, as he sometimes wants to hear his father tell stories. "

Jess opened his mouth, almost subconsciously wanting to say "Jel is too young to understand", but looking at Mel's sharp eyes, he could only nod seriously in the end.

"Also, Mr. Ike found me yesterday in Zaun." Mel continued, "You should probably talk to him before going to the Pilt City Journal."

 Karya's Little Classroom Magic and Control:
  In essence, hex technology is a means of controlling special energy—compared with magic, this means of control is more direct and intuitive.

(End of this chapter)

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