Lux's Farewell

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Although I don't know why Ike took the initiative to invite himself, but in Jess's view, this is probably related to a certain authorization - the alchemy industry style in Zaan District is different from the Hex Technology direction, but there are a lot of communication, In this case, sometimes Vazuan will need some very special and separate technical authorization.

Ike has always been the person in charge of communicating with Jess, so Jess didn't think too much about Ike's invitation.

However, to his great surprise, this time, Ike did not come for technical authorization.

When he saw Ike, there was actually a third person at the scene!

"Is someone in Zaan willing to sponsor my joint laboratory?" After shaking hands with Ike, Jess' eyes fell on the masked stranger, "If that's the case, then you Helped me a lot."

"If it's sponsorship, then...maybe?" Ike skillfully touched Jess's shoulder, and then voluntarily gave up his position, "This is Mr. Carya, he is a master of magic theory , if I come this time, I am mainly willing to provide some help in magic theory."

Jess blinked, not understanding what Ike meant for a moment.

"Miss Zeli has done a good job in magic experiments." He lowered his voice, "We don't need to change another experiment assistant..."

"No, not an experimental assistant." Just when Jess was puzzled, Kalya took the initiative to say, "I read your interview with the Piltover Daily and briefly studied the hex rune interface, so I know very well. What kind of bottlenecks have you encountered in your current research?"

Jess's expression was a bit subtle, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the brazen Karya with some hesitation.

"If I'm not wrong, if you want to research the Hex magic interface you mentioned in the interview, the biggest problem at present should be the unobservability of magic power." Carya continued, "Hex The X Rune interface is equipped with a lot of visualization plug-ins to observe the hex energy transformed by the power of the runes, but these plug-ins are all rear-mounted without exception.”


Jess didn't speak, but there was a little more approval on his face.

"And at the position in front of the interface, there is no even the simplest steady-state observation." Kalya continued in a tone that seemed to see through everything, "Considering that you and Victor are both top Hex scientists, It should not be possible to make such a poor technological mistake, so the only possibility to explain this is that you actually do not have effective observation methods for magic and magic power."

"Well said, Mr. Karya." Jess's attitude changed from indifference to friendliness visibly, "keen observation, clear judgment, you have the potential to become a scientific researcher—so, you can talk to me in detail Tell me about the observation of magic, maybe we can go have a cup of coffee together?"

"Let's go." Kalya's mask suddenly showed a smiling face, which made Jess's eyes widen. "However, I prefer tea to coffee."


In Vazuan's cafe, Karya had a not-so-in-depth, but enlightening enough exchange with Jess on the means of magic expression, based on the principle of magic control.

Before the casting is completed, the magic power is difficult to be directly observed, but if the principle of magic control is applied, the method of splitting the magic power is adopted to turn the magic into multiple spells, then the complete magic power flow can be separated and cast separately in advance. Then use the magic that is easy to observe to measure, so as to achieve the result of judging the magic power.

This method of shunting to solve problems is very in line with Hextech's conventional methods, but none of the mages Jess knows can master the general shunting magic circuit proficiently, and it is not very good for subsequent early casting method, so it cannot be applied.

And Karya's initiative to help made up for the gap between Jess and Victor in this field.

"Mr. Kalya, I sincerely invite you to join the joint laboratory." After Kalya gave a systematic magic control solution, Jess very actively invited, "As a reward, I personally Willing to spend 20% of the follow-up patent rights..."

This is a very sincere figure-although it is only 20%, it is a pure technology stock on the premise that Carya did not provide any actual investment.

Considering the existing investment in the giant joint laboratory, this figure is already very sincere.

However, facing Jess's initiative, Kalya just smiled and shook his head.

"I'm not very interested in money." He leaned back slightly, and then he leaned back on the chair, "Compared with that, I hope to talk more about magic with you and Victor The topic of the technicalization of theoretical hexagrams."

"Hextechnization of magic theory?" This long series of proper nouns made Jess a little confused, "You mean, use the theory of hextechnique to analyze magic?"

"Almost." Carya corrected, "But it's not an analysis, but a popularization."

Jess subconsciously wanted to deny this possibility—because the theory of Hex technology itself was not popular at all.

"You must think that the theory of Hex technology has nothing to do with the popular, right?" Karya said again as if he had seen through his mind, "But in fact, believe me, compared to the complicated theory of magic control, Hex technology The theory is already very popular."

Jace's expression was subtle, because he didn't understand magic at all.

"Look at this." Kalya stretched out his hand, and a tome like Cihai appeared in his palm. "This is the most compact version of the basic theory of magic."

With that said, Karya threw the book to Jess who was in a hurry.

After Jess took the book, he couldn't wait to start reading from the title page.

Then, he was stunned by the contents.

From the way of writing, this should be a basic textbook. At the beginning of each chapter and each unit, it starts with very simple magic, which is very obvious even to Jess.

However, with clear narration and illustrations, at the end of each chapter and each unit, the final conclusion is often a magic principle that is "complex to read and understand in the literal sense".

Jess does not have the ability to verify the authenticity of these magic principles, but at least from the perspective of the derivation process, the reliability of these principles even exceeds most of the theorems commonly used in HexTech today.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if the content in it is true, then compared with this "Basic Theory of Magic", the textbook of Piltover Institute of Technology and Progress is pure rubbish.

Hmm... It can even be said more directly that this book itself represents the profound foundation of magical civilization.

After simply flipping through three chapters, Jess has fully understood what Kalya meant by "the theory of Hex technology is already very popular".

In this "Basic Theory of Magic", in order to express rigorously, almost every link of every theory has been verified by magic experiments. To understand these theories, readers may also need to be proficient in magic experiments.

Moreover, like the Hex technology experiment, the magic experiment also has a similar experimental principle - control, equivalence, repeatability, independent variables... These common methods of Hex technology also appear in this book. book.

Jess's perception of magic was completely subverted by this book.

He even wanted to get into a large energy laboratory now, and verify the authenticity of what was written in the book first!

"This book is the magic textbook of the Shurima Empire." Seeing Jess' impatient look, Kalya smiled again, "Now, you should understand what I mean, right?"

"This is really..." Jess put down the book, and tried his best to keep his eyes away from the words that were so boring to ordinary people, "It's unbelievable."

Karya continued to smile.

"Mr. Karya, I think I need to think about it." Putting down the book, Jess finally took a deep breath, "I was a little too shocked today... Sorry, I'm afraid I need to take a break now, carefully Think about it."

"Lightweight." Kalya made a convenient gesture, "If you need, you can take this book with you."

"I—" Jess seemed to want to refuse, but finally he gritted his teeth and picked it up, "If it goes well, see you tomorrow."


When Jess got home, Mel and Jell had been waiting a long time.

"Is there anything special about Ike's side?" Seeing Jess' eyes flushed, Mel asked carefully, "Could it be that Zaan District is about to withdraw its capital?"

"No, it has nothing to do with that." Jess shook his head with a wry smile, "Ike introduced me to a powerful mage."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Mel was a little puzzled, "Isn't it just needed in the laboratory?"

"But he showed me too much." Jess took out the "Basic Theory of Magic", "I feel like my knowledge of magic has been completely refreshed... Sorry, my dear, I'm out of my mind now." It's a mess, I've almost lost the ability to think, let me be quiet for a while, okay?"

Mel really wanted to say, "We should go to the Piltover Daily for an exclusive interview and prepare to publish an autobiography", but seeing Jess's distraught look, she could only nod helplessly in the end, and watched Jess return to her home. room, and then turned to comforting his expectant son.

"Really, such a big man, how can he still act like a child." After making a new promise to Jieer and reluctantly letting the little guy accept that his father has more important things, Mel finally heaved a sigh of relief, " However, powerful mages and magic come I have never heard of it?"

After returning to the room, Jess reminded himself again and again to be calm and not to think about the magic theories he had just read.

However, after resting for a few minutes with his eyes closed, he still opened the book and continued reading.

When Mel, who was worried about him, entered the study room, Jess' eyes were already red with excitement, and his whole body was immersed in an indescribable frenzy.

"Honey, are you okay?" Looking at Jess's appearance, Mel finally realized the seriousness of the problem, "It's been eight hours, you are not Victor, if you continue like this, your body will collapse It fell!"

"I'm fine now." Jess shook his head, "It's better than ever, my dear, I seem to be back when I first came into contact with Hextech when I was a child, do you understand—"

"It doesn't matter whether I understand or not." Looking at Jess's appearance, Mel snatched the book from him without any hesitation, "Now, go take a shower right away, and go to bed early!"

Jess blinked.

"The bath water is ready." Mel sighed helplessly, "Your favorite blue smoked grass bath bag-go and soak for a while."

"Oh." Jess stood up a little numbly, as if he hadn't escaped from the state of reading just now, "What about you?"

Mel gave Jess a subtle look.

Jess continued to ask, and there seemed to be some subtle expectation in his tone, "Do you want to be together?"


Although he had already taken a bath, Mel did not refuse.

Then—she found helplessly that things seemed to be quite different from what she thought.

Even if he was soaking in the large two-person bathtub side by side with himself, Jess still seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit, and enthusiastically talked about his gains and cognitions.

Objectively speaking, Mel likes Jess' concentration and talent very much, but Jess, please also check the occasion, right?
Did I come to hear you explain the principles of magic?

And don't you have no talent for magic? Why are you still talking about the principles of magic?

Just when Mel couldn't help interrupting Jess' singing and urging him to go to bed early, the excited Jess didn't stop talking for a moment, and talked about a very delicate topic.

"Honey, do you know, I've already started thinking about whether to accept Hex's body modification!"

"I used to think that time was generous enough for me, or that geniuses always have plenty of time, but today I suddenly realized that I might need more time..."

"If possible, I really hope to undergo Hex body modification surgery, so that I can stop myself at this time forever—"

"Don't even think about it." Mel's face finally turned cold, "I'm not interested in the cold Hex crystal core."

Jess gaped, like a bucket of cold water.

At this moment, he finally woke up from his frenzy - he was so carried away before that he mentioned Hex's body transformation in front of Mel.

Mel has always opposed Jess's body transformation of Hex, and she hopes to grow old together with Jess.

In other words, Mel is full of disgust for all "eternal".

Seeing Jess's silence, Mel finally could only take a deep breath, then took the initiative to step out of the bathtub, and threw a thick towel to Jess with his backhand.

"Stop soaking, wipe it clean and follow me into the house!"

Kalya's Little Classroom Hates Eternal Mel:

Mel hates "eternity" very much, because "eternity" is the pursuit of Noxus Black Rose - the Myrdalda family from which she was born fell into complete division and civil strife after the Battle of Tobysia, and some of them left with Black Rose The member murdered her mother, which made Mel feel disgusted with everything about Black Rose.

Even if her name was no longer Mel Midarda, but Mel Tallis.

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