Lux's Farewell

671 Collision of magic theory and hex technology

671 Collision of magic theory and hex technology

Waking up early the next day, Jace was tired and excited.

He didn't sleep very well yesterday—not only because of Mel, but also because Kalya's book opened the door to a new world for him, and he still couldn't fall asleep even in the second half of the night.

As a result, Jess read at night with the lamp on in the living room, squinting for a while almost at dawn.

When the alarm clock rang for the third time, Jess finally got up from the recliner, simply wiped his face with cold water, poured a bag of coffee powder into his mouth and swallowed it with water, and then planned to go out.

"Eat something." Mel didn't know when he appeared behind him, "Your body has been getting worse recently."

Jess opened his mouth, subconsciously wanting to refute, but when Mel raised his eyebrows, he finally could only hook the corners of his mouth reluctantly and nodded slightly.

You are right.

After hastily eating two donuts, Jess finally left the house as if he was pardoned, and rushed to the joint laboratory.

Unsurprisingly, Victor was already at work.

"Your condition looks terrible." Victor, who was writing the experiment plan, heard the sound of the door opening, looked up, and then couldn't help shaking his head slightly, "Not only are your eye circles dark, but your heart rate is also very fast. Normal - Skye!"

"Huh? Call me?"

"The recuperation plan you made for me before." Victor showed a somewhat stiff smile to his wife, "Jess may also need a copy..."

"I'm fine." Although Jess also knew that he was not in a good state, his mouth was still firm, "Don't use your sick experience to speculate on my strong body—I saw a special person yesterday. people."

"Any other bigots are willing to invest in the joint laboratory?" Victor looked at Jess's high-spirited look, and couldn't help but tease, "And still don't know how to point fingers?"

"No, he didn't talk about investment." Jess shook his head, "And he pointed out my experimental plan as soon as he came up."

"Oh." Victor nodded when he heard the words, and then finally turned his attention back to his experimental plan, "Forget it, I'm not interested in how you sparred people..."

"No, I think what he said makes a lot of sense." Jess shook his head again, then took out a tome and put it in front of Victor, "He also gave me a book, I hope I can Read it and then give a reply."

"Huh?" Victor raised his head, his transformed left eye shone with a subtle light, "Basic Theory of Magic, did you see a mage?"

"A mage who looks at magic like a Hex scientist looks at Hex technology." Jess said a long paragraph as if he was using a tongue twister. "Until now, I still have a sense of unreality."


"Temporarily put down the work in hand, and read this book with me." Jess followed the bookmark and opened the book, "See if there are any fallacies in the book - I read two chapters and found nothing logical question."

"A logical question?"

"I'm not a mage." Jess spread his hands, "I don't have the conditions to verify whether it is true or not, but at least logically, I haven't found any flaws."


Jess and Victor put down their work and read books all morning.

Read Chapter 5.

Although the two couldn't understand it, they were greatly shocked—and, even with a critical attitude, there was nothing wrong with the logic of the book's explanations. According to the unanimous judgment of the two, if there was fraud, then It can only be a falsification of the magic experiment data in the book.

However, even if the experimental data is falsified, it is no longer important to them.

Just as Jace and Viktor's choice to use hextech to control magic opened a door to a whole new world for Kalya, so Kalya's "Fundamentals of Magic" opened a new world for Jace and Viktor. The door to a whole new world.

Magic may not be chaotic.

In other words... the chaos of magic is controllable from certain angles.

Although according to Karya's magic theory, magic power is like a turbulent flow, which can only be controlled and restricted through the magic power circuit, and mobilized from the micro to the macro through infinite subdivision, but compared with the " Magic", this is already a fairly scientific summary.

When Kalya first came into contact with magic, he once thought that this thing was completely unscientific, because under the conditions at that time, magic was completely unrepeatable, and any magic under human control could only achieve "roughly similar" ".

Knowing that after reaching the peak, on Mount Targon, those arrogant giant gods gave Kalya a rare enlightenment, reminding him of some things in his previous life.

If calculus is an important mathematical tool for the study of classical mechanics, then the study of turbulence is a compulsory subject for the basic theory of magic.

However, unlike the previous life where physicists were helpless, in Runeterra, although turbulence is not easy to observe, if you use a little "more magical" means, you can still conduct finite element research-but the starting point of the research is real. It is so high that the breakthrough from zero to one is almost impossible.

After realizing this, Kalya fully understood why Shurima has many superhumans, but they have hardly formed any reliable magic theory, and awakening magic itself is often regarded as a danger...

Why does Karya think that magic theory is a bible for ordinary people?

Because for people without magic power, if they want to understand the most basic magic power, they must study turbulence.

Only those who are truly born with magical powers can conduct magic research in a more scientific way, knowing what it is but not knowing why.

Then, after they reach a certain level, they want to have a deeper understanding of magic, and they also come back to learn about turbulence.

It's just that their study of turbulence theory is more vivid and crushed in many courses.

As for the names of these courses...

The more representative ones are "Introduction to Advanced Elements", "Magic Control Theory", and "The Essence of Energy and Some Conjectures of Ether".

From this point of view, the Thousand Gods Legion in Shurima was really a bit like a top university in Shurima—its members were either real academic masters or top sports students.

Neither Jace nor Victor are ordinary people.

But wanting them to understand turbulence theory and read this "Basis of Magic Theory" in just one day is undoubtedly wishful thinking.

Fortunately, their way of thinking is quite similar to the guiding logic of this book, which enables them to logically falsify the content of this book from a non-data perspective.

The result was that the falsification failed, and in the eyes of the two, the book was flawless.

It wasn't until Skye reminded them that it was time for lunch that Jess and Victor barely took their eyes off the heavy book.

"What do you think?" After taking the sandwich from Skye, Jess took a big bite and said vaguely, "This book, and the author of this book."

"It's remarkable." Victor took the bottle from Skye slowly, squeezed the green paste into his mouth without changing his face, and swallowed it quickly without chewing, "compared to his theory , our work is like a clumsy toy.”

"It's not clumsy, it's just a little rudimentary." Jess shook his head, and then corrected with pride, "Although it's still very rudimentary, the thinking is great."

"I have seen the material of this book." Victor ate very fast. "It is very similar to the paper used in some ancient books, and it is very different from the materials commonly used in Vazuan today."

"So, you think this might be something that a lucky explorer found from the ruins?" Jess finished eating the sandwich and picked up a cookie, "Although I have to admit, Prince Lingyu is the most important thing for Vazuan. A valuable market has been opened up, but I don't believe in the great empire that only exists in books and descriptions—if the empire is really so powerful, why is Shurima like a plate of biscuit crumbs now? "

"What's the name of that mage?"

"He claims to be Kalya." Jess shrugged. "It sounds like a Shurima, only they would choose to name themselves with [Tribulation]."

"Kalya, this name seems familiar." Victor was a little confused, "Skye, do you know this name?"

"The Prince Regent of the Shurima Empire?" Skye, who came over to clean up the dishes, blinked, "You two really need to leave the lab some time, you are completely out of touch with this world now..."

"It seems that this mage friend is really narcissistic." Victor nodded, with a clear expression on his face, "No wonder Jess and him get along so well."

"...I never thought I was narcissistic." Jess bent his index finger with some dissatisfaction, and tapped the table in front of Victor, "Besides, that narcissistic person probably won't appreciate another narcissistic person, unless You think you're narcissistic yourself—so, I'm not narcissistic."

"Logically speaking, the above conditions cannot lead to the conclusion that you are not narcissistic." Victor said calmly, "If you have to say it, you can only draw the conclusion that maybe he claimed to be Karya not because of narcissism."

"Victor, your sneer is not funny." Jess couldn't help curling his lips, "Besides, the Prince Regent of the Shurima Empire appeared in front of us, which is far more outrageous than me not being narcissistic."


Victor and Jess spent the afternoon, but still failed to find out the logical errors in the book, so they decided to meet this "narcissistic Mr. Karya" together.

It happened to be dinner time, so the two parties finally agreed to meet at a private restaurant in Vazuan. When Victor and Jess packed up briefly and arrived at the restaurant, Karya seemed to have been preparing for a long time.

"Mr. Kalya, this is Victor." Jess, who was called a proud man by the Piltover media, maintained enough respect for Kalya. After a brief introduction to Victor, he quickly got to the point, "I am very happy to be with you. You have dinner, and thank you for the book—though I'm afraid I have a lot to prove about what it says."

"As far as I can, I know everything." Kalya just nodded slightly, "However, in order to avoid one-sided remarks, maybe you can find another mage you trust."

"A mage I can trust..." Jess looked a little embarrassed when he heard this, "Actually, most of my contacts with mages were through Mr. Ike's introduction and help, so I should go to Miss Zeli ?”

"It's okay." Carya finally shook her head lightly after hearing this, "However, I need to remind you that she cannot be regarded as a neutral third party."

"Mr. Karya knew her?"


Even so, Jess still invited Zeli, and the dinner of three became a dinner of four.

Then, when Zeli came to the scene and met Karya, she could hardly believe her eyes.

"Ka... Karya?"

"It's me." Karya nodded, "Yes, your magic control is very good, and there is not even a little static electricity around you."

"Teacher Kalya, why are you here?" Zeli's tone was full of surprise, "You clearly—"

"Why can't I be here?" Carya waved her hand and interrupted Zeli, "Sit down, have you had dinner yet?"

Zeli shook her head subconsciously.

"Then order some dishes you like." Kalya handed over the menu, "Don't worry, there is plenty of time."

At this moment, how could Zeli have the leisure to eat?
Although her eyes fell on the menu, her brain was working at full capacity.

Why did Teacher Kalya appear in front of me alive in the illusion of testing?
Teacher Kalya has come to Vazuan, what about Miss Lux and Miss Ino?

Why didn't I receive any news before?
Zeli, who randomly ordered two dishes, was in a mess in her head, and it took a long time before she remembered her purpose for coming here.

"Mr. Jess said that you need my help to verify some magic?"

"Specifically, it is the theory of magic." Jess nodded slightly, "about the theory of magic that Mr. Kalya and I talked about."

"Mr. Kalya's magic theory is fine." Although she didn't know what the experiment was, Zeli said directly, "I can be sure of this."

"Jess and Victor are not mages." Carya heard this and interrupted Zeli's words. "I hope to explain the theory of magic in a way they can understand."

"How is this possible?" Zeli shook her head on the spot, outspoken. "They can't perceive magic power, so it's impossible for them to understand magic theory."

"If you don't try it, how can you know it's not working?" Kalya's mask showed a big smile, "Just try it, and there won't be any problems."

Just try it.

That night, in the joint laboratory, the four of them stayed up all night.

 Karya's Little Classroom Karya Meaning:

  A selfish Shurima collator coined a word called Kalya, which means rough, tormented.

  In the Shurima Empire, this term was mostly used as a proper noun. Later, with the collapse of the empire and the gradual blurring of history, the term gradually returned to its "original meaning".

  PS. It seems that there are double monthly tickets at the end of the month?If you are interested in the extra episode, vote for it. As of now, four chapters of the extra episode will be updated at the beginning of next month.

  PSS. Although I have studied fluid mechanics, I still don't understand turbulence theory at all, so please don't be serious here.

(End of this chapter)

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