Lux's Farewell

672 [0664] Father and daughter

672 [0664] Father and daughter

These two guys, Jess and Victor, are really born to be research material.

Although they do not have magical talent and cannot directly observe the results of magic experiments, after having Zeli as an "observer", they quickly designed a lot of simple magic experiments to carry out the basic magic theory provided by Carya. A very subtle verification was done.

From the point of view of magic experiments, the experiment designed by the two is quite cumbersome, and there are even many complicated steps that should not exist, but at the same time, they also minimized the influence of Ze Li, a magician participating in the experiment, on the experiment ——During the whole experiment, there are only two things Zeli has to do, one is to charge the experiment, and the other is to observe the results of the experiment.

Such a complicated magic experiment, coupled with the chaotic nature of the magic power itself, caused a lot of fluctuations in the experimental results of the two, but when exporting the experimental results and calculating the magic power, no matter how much the data changes in the seven experiments, , but the results are always within the confidence interval.

In other words, the verification experiment was a success!
Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, after verifying the last set of data, Jess still cheered excitedly, and the silent Victor also applauded lightly. Not only did a door open in front of them, And behind this door, it has been confirmed that there is a road to the sky!

It is no exaggeration to say that applying the idea of ​​HexTech to magic is even greater than HexTech itself—even if the achievements of HexTech are destroyed, this technology itself is a magic weapon. The support is also great enough.

"Mr. Karya." After the celebration, Jess looked at Karya who was still very calm, even unwilling to take off his mask, "I sincerely invite you to join the joint laboratory—"

Unfortunately, before Jess finished talking about his conditions, Kalya waved his hand first.

"I'm not staying here."

"This?" Jess opened his eyes in disbelief, "You should know, what a great cause this is—"

"I know very well." Kalya interrupted him for the second time, "But unfortunately, I still have a lot of things to do, and it seems that you haven't started yet... I really don't have time to wait for you to start from scratch .”

Jess frowned, as if he didn't quite understand what Kalya meant.

"Zuan Mages will fully support your research." Kalya continued, "If you need a confirmatory experiment, you don't need me."

"But what if it's not just a confirmatory experiment?"

"I believe you are fine." Kalya's mask showed an exaggerated smile, "I will leave this book to you, and I will come back to you when you can understand the magic turbulence."

Jace was dubious—he hadn't seen where the turbulence was so far.

"Mr. Kalya, are you leaving again?" When Jess and Victor were speechless, Zeli was a little anxious, "I just returned to Vazuan, why are you leaving?"

"Because there are more important things to do!" The smiling face on the mask shrank to a smile, and Kalya shook her head slightly, "I was just passing by, and I saw some surprises by accident."

After leaving the book behind, Kalya finally chose to say goodbye and leave, returning to Zaun with Zeli along the way.

Along the way, Zeli's expression seemed a little subtle, and she seemed to have something to say several times.

"If you have something to say, say it."

"So..." Zeli couldn't help lowering her voice, "Miss Lacus, is that Laxana?"

"Have you heard?" Kalya did not deny it, "Where did you hear that?"

"Many people say that." Zeli spread her hands, "They said Miss Lacus is from Demacia, and she came to Vazuan for the benefit of Demacia..."

"There is such a saying." Kalya nodded slightly, "Ike also mentioned it to me before."

"But they don't understand what Miss Lacus means to Vazun!" Zeli said angrily, "They just judge by their origin..."

"It's enough for the Vazuan to know." Kalya continued with a smile. "Besides, such rumors are never a bad thing."

"They are trying to obliterate Miss Lux's achievements!" Zeli was still very dissatisfied, "Without Miss Lux, there would be no Zaun and no Vazuan!"

"If Lux's goal is to be remembered and praised by others, then why should she return to Demacia?" Kalya asked with a smile, "Vazuan has become what it is today, and that is enough!"


"Okay, there's nothing to worry about." Kalya stopped Zeli's words, "Don't feel it's unfair, Lacus has already got what she wants."


Karya comforted Zeli who was still angry, just like an old father comforting an angry child.

In Za'an, there was a daughter who was in a hurry, comforting her bewildered old father.

This father and daughter... are exactly Kassadin and Kai'Sa.

It was quite a coincidence, because Karya went to Icacia and borrowed the Eternal Flame from Kieran, so he inquired about Kassadin by the way.

Many years ago, due to an accident, Kassadin and Ezreal miraculously triggered the time maze set by Zilean and passed through the time curtain that sheltered the ruins of Icacia.

The two didn't stay in Icacia for too long, and left Icacia after promising Kieran not to leak Icacia's information.

During this process, the two kept saying that it was an accident that they came to Icacia—but Kieran recognized Horok's relic, so after meeting Kalya, he took the initiative to mention this to him.

So, Karya asked about Kassadin and Ezreal by the way, and learned that they were still hunting void creatures consciously.

It's hard to imagine that the little yellow-haired boy who pulled his neck and shouted "Kalya is a sand sculpture" has become a truly great explorer now.

He and Kassadin teamed up to hunt void creatures, and then wrote and published the experience on the road as a travel note, with Xiao Huangmao as the lead writer and Kassadin as the editor, and then used the manuscript fee to upgrade equipment and continue the next expedition and hunt...

The father who lost his only child and the orphan Xiao Huangmao formed a Void Hunter. They hunted Void creatures and collected information about Void in a yearly cycle, hoping to find their relatives.

This time I came to Vazuan, on the one hand, to place the world runes, and on the other hand, Karya also wanted to meet these two people.

The change in the void has now reached the point where it needs urgent attention. Although Carya has overshadowed the arrogant Bilves, the existence of Bilves itself is already a dangerous signal.

Although Karya also learned a lot of news from Kai'Sa, you really can't expect Kai'Sa to summarize, summarize and explain her own experience. There is a big problem with human communication.

Therefore, after arriving in Vazuan, Karya quickly contacted Ezreal.

Fortunately, Xiao Huangmao was racking his brains for the publication of the new book at this time. After receiving Karya's invitation, he happily went to the appointment.

Xiao Huangmao originally wanted to collect wool from Karya, and get a little travel experience to enrich his new book-although the void hunting last year was fruitful, but the travel along the way was somewhat lackluster, which directly led to Xiao Huangmao's new book. dystocia.

Facing the little yellow hair's request, Karya said very understandingly that he has a shocking secret that he can tell the little yellow hair, and let him write it in his travel notes. In exchange, the little yellow hair needs to share his collected Information about the void.

Of course it can.

So, the next day, Xiao Huang Mao took Kassadin to find Carya.

However, Ezreal and Kassadin failed to see Kalya because Kalya went to meet Jess that day.

But at the hotel where Karya stayed, Karya gave them a huge surprise—yes, this surprise was Kai’Sa.


Let's rewind the timeline a little bit.

Going back to three days ago, Karya spent a long time and finally used the eternal flame to completely peel off Kai'Sa's void armor.

Unlike before using the world rules of the small world to invalidate the void, this time the stripping is very complete, and the void armor that has been stripped off still has a lot of activity, and can even be active to a certain extent, trying to climb Karya Body.

(Then ate a mouthful of sand.)
During this process, Kai'Sa has been protesting sternly, but Karya is still merciless.

"The threat of the void is indeed imminent, but it is not your turn to fight the void."

"I understand it better than anyone else. Only when I get in touch with it can I understand what kind of existence it is!" Kaisha also emphasized, "It will grow and evolve. Maybe you are powerful, but you are only powerful. Not enough to fight the void!"

"I know a lot more than you do," Kalya interrupted. "When it comes to living with the void, believe me, no one has more experience than the Darkin."

What Karya said was absolutely true, but unfortunately, Kai'Sa didn't know what a darkin was.

Therefore, in Kai'Sa's eyes, Kalya is a "very powerful, but also very arrogant" guy.

Even though Karya has proved to her that she understands and values ​​the Void, she still stubbornly believes that the best way to collect information about the Void is to coexist with the Void.

This kind of stubbornness once supported her survival in the void, and it is destined to be unconvincing just by Karya's few words. Very unexpected question.

"Leaving here now, you can move freely in the form of a human. So, do you want to meet your relatives?"

"Family?" For Kaisha, this word was really unfamiliar, so that after hearing this sentence, she was stunned for a while, "I...I have no relatives."

"Is your father's name Kassadin?" Kalya asked more directly, "The former ace guide of Shurima, if so, do you want to meet him?"

Hearing the name Kassadin, Kaisa felt as if she had suffered a petrification spell.

Memories that had long since died revived at this moment, and those memories that supported her through the most difficult moments and then were dusty because they reminded her of those moments reappeared in her mind. Kai'Sa nearly lost control and fell to the gravel in pain.

"It seems that you are not ready." Carya sighed softly, "So, you don't want to see him anymore?"

"No." Just like when she was knocked down and got up countless times in the void, after getting rid of the initial pain, Kai'Sa stood up with difficulty, "I want to see him."

In this way, Karya thoughtfully arranged a reunion for Kaisha.

While waiting for Kassadin, Kassa has been trying to sort out her thoughts and try to prepare some questions, but when she met Kassadin, all these questions became silent stare.

Kaisa stared at Kassadin, trying to match his appearance with the father who had been completely weathered and disfigured in his memory.

He is no longer chic, no longer holds his chest up, no longer looks imposing.

His temples were like snow, he was silent, and his body was bent. After hearing that Karya was not there, he pulled out the dagger at his waist and wiped it carefully.

As if feeling Kai'Sa's gaze, he suddenly raised his head, looking at the source of the gaze like the most terrifying hunter.

Then, after seeing Kai'Sa, in this oppressive gaze, confusion finally appeared for the first time.

At this moment, Kassadin suddenly doubted his memory.

The young girl in front of me seemed to have never seen it before, but why did everything about her seem familiar to me?
Where does this familiarity come from?
He wanted to ask, but instinctively felt that it was not good to speak, so he simply retracted the dagger and sat upright. After the little yellow hair finally stopped chattering, he looked at Yinuo who was in charge of the reception.

"This is Miss Kaisha." Ino knew the identities of the two parties well, and she, who had perfectly inherited Kaya's gossip talent, looked calm, but her heart was already full of expectations, "Or, Kaisha."

After hearing the name Kesha, Ezreal's eyes widened.

Beside him, Kassadin felt as if struck by lightning.

"Kesha..." He rubbed his hands together, and opened his arms almost subconsciously, "Kesha?"

And following this action, in Kai'Sa's eyes, the man in front of her finally coincided with the image in her memory.

So, just like when she was a child, she took a step and threw herself into the air.

Kai'Sa, who had lost her Void Armor, couldn't activate her hunter instinct again and couldn't complete the leap.

However, the next moment, she still fell firmly into a familiar but unfamiliar embrace.

 Karya's Little Classroom Hunter's Instinct:

  Kai'Sa's method of using the void armor to jump around the prey to launch a surprise attack is hard to say that it has nothing to do with the action of throwing herself into the sky when she saw her father when she was a child.

  PS. It is expected to update five extra chapters in May, but I am afraid that not all of them are prequels-because the prequels are almost finished.

(End of this chapter)

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