Although we hadn't seen each other for 20 years, Kassadin still caught her firmly after Kai'Sa threw himself into the air like when he was a child.

Although Ezreal has a subtle psychological shadow on Ino, the little yellow hair who knows what Kaisa means to Kassadin bravely stretches out his hand and pulls away the enthusiastic Ino.

Sufficient space was left for the father and daughter who reunited after a long absence.

Ino, who was interrupted by the nature of gossip, was a little upset, but she wasn't such a bad person after all, she just smacked her lips in disappointment, and then started chatting casually with Xiao Huangmao.

"I heard that your travel notes are selling well?" Yinuo took out a copy of the travel notes from somewhere, "It's all been published into a series... No. 13 volumes, it seems that you have really traveled to many places."

"Mr. Kassadin helped a lot." Ezreal explained with a little embarrassment, "He is very good at proofreading."

"Has the manuscript fee been spent on your outfit?" Ino casually put the book down, and his eyes fell on Ezreal's belt, "Is this revolver cheap?"

"Special offer from the academy." Ezreal didn't hide anything, "Theoretically, it is free for excellent explorers to use for practical tests."


"The testing places are chosen among the alumni who donated more than two thousand gold hexes." Ezreal spread his hands, showing a helpless expression, "If it wasn't for this thing, I should have more joint laboratories shares."

"easy to use?"

"It's not bad, it works great with power armor." Ezreal nodded, "Where's Mr. Carya?"

"He still has something to do." Yinuo shrugged, "It will probably take a while before he comes back."

"And the story I need?"

"Don't worry, he has nothing else, there are plenty of stories." Hearing this, Yinuo couldn't help showing a smile on his face, "Since you are authorized to use it, there is no problem."

"But it still feels a bit strange." Ezreal scratched his head, "This may be the first time I haven't written my own story."

"You can go around too." Ino tilted his head, and took the initiative to suggest, "Ask Kalya clearly, you and Kassadin can also go around and take a rest."

Ezreal nodded subconsciously, and then sighed somewhat helplessly.

Kassadin found his daughter, but Ezreal didn't find even a little bit of news about his parents. They seemed to have evaporated from the world, leaving no trace of them.

Maybe Ezreal and Kassadin could comfort each other in the past, but now it’s all right, Kassadin is no longer the father who lost his only child, only Xiao Huang Mao is still an orphan...

This taste is really sad to think about.

Then, just as Ezreal was silently sad, Kalya returned.

"You don't look well?" Seeing the silent little yellow hair in the living room, and Ino who was sitting flipping a book, Kalya took the initiative to ask, "Still worried about travel notes?"

"No, Eno said that you are very good at telling stories." Ezreal came back to his senses and subconsciously shook his head, "The new book should not be a big problem."

Karya nodded when she heard the words, and obviously understood what the little yellow hair meant, so she didn't continue talking, but pushed open the door actively.

In the room, the conversation between Kassadin and Kassa had stopped, and the father and daughter just looked at each other silently, as if they didn't know what to say.

"I'm very happy to see that your father and daughter have a good relationship." Kalya pulled a chair very naturally and sat next to him, "Now, the touching reunion link will be paused for a while, and then it's time to deal with business .”

And the business that Kalya said undoubtedly refers to the void.

"I know very little about the void." Kassadin finally let go of his daughter's hand. "Although I have cleaned up many void creatures, I still don't know enough about them."

"It's normal." Carya nodded, "Those who really understand the void, I'm afraid they have fallen into the void long ago—I just want to know your experience, such as where and what form of void you saw Creatures, how many there are."

"About this aspect, I can assure you that I know everything I can say." Hearing what Kalya said, Kassadin immediately made a promise, "Actually, Ezreal and I entered the desert thirteen times. , I have encountered different void creatures almost every time..."

Kassadin's story is long.

Even though Kalya's comprehension ability is very good, and sometimes he can draw inferences from one instance, it took Kassadin more than five days to finish talking about his encounter with Ezreal.

During this period, Carya didn't show the slightest impatience, but just recorded everything silently, and asked Kassadin to mark the current location on the map from time to time.

As the top guide in Shurima, Kassadin is very good at judging directions and drawing maps. With his help, the "Void Creature Distribution Map" in Kalya's hands has been greatly supplemented.

Overall, it seems that the Void Dungeon is not a special case. All the void creatures that Kassadin has seen are either actively or passively adapting to the local environment.

Whether it is a void worm that swims on the surface like a snake, or a burrowing beast that excavates earth and rocks and secretes mucus to build tunnels, or a void glutton that moves around the hernia, almost all the void creatures recorded by Kassadin, There is an extremely obvious convergence with the local dominant species.

It's hard to tell whether this convergence is due to environmental influences, or because void creatures in their apex predator stance tend to prey on more local dominant species.

Although Kassadin is very professional as a guide, he does not research biomorphology after all. The information he can provide can only be a relatively objective description, and the specific analysis depends on Kassadin himself. Having traveled to too many places in the past ten years, I am afraid that in the next period of time, Karya will need to spend some time from time to time to study this distribution map of void creatures.

After receiving Kassadin's information in its entirety, Kalya also reciprocated by giving Xiao Huangmao a very interesting piece of information as the material for his next travelogue.

The subject of this information is not Void, but a group of Demacians.

That's right, Kalya told Little Huang Mao all the information about the Golden Wheel Stone and the news about Ning Wu Dao. He even helped Xiao Huang Mao mark the specific entrance and exit of Ning Wu Dao on the map very intimately. If the little yellow fur is published as it is, then all of Vazzuan will know what the Demacians found in Shurima.

As for the profits of Shurima trade, Kalya did not mention it, or the profit itself was never the focus——Kalya believed that even if there were merchants who wanted to compete with Demacia, they would definitely not be able to compete, so he It wasn't those businessmen who were targeting at the beginning.

Karya hoped to attract the attention of those old friends who watched Vazuan.

The golden wheel stone's ability to transmit information can be used as a short-distance walkie-talkie in the hands of ordinary people. The value of the stone is enough to make them do some irrational things.

In this case, presumably the royal family's trade will soon usher in a wave of troubles that are not easy to deal with.

Considering that the Northern Territory has been trying to order more golden wheel stones, and has paid a special deposit, if the royal guards can't easily handle these troubles, according to the contract, the royal family may lose a lot of money.

In addition, the loss of goods will be a big burden for the royal family. In addition, the governor of the port of Uzeris is not a peaceful person. If someone puts pressure on him, he may not give Demar West Asians are just...

Predictably, with the publication of Xiao Huangmao's travelogue, the Shurima trade of the Demacian royal family will soon have troubles, and they may not be easy to solve.

Once this golden trade route is lost, Jarvan IV will find that the inflation brought about by the rapid economic development of Demacia will soon cause a series of bad consequences.

At that time, the northern border, which is independent of Demacia's main business environment, will become the most special place.

And according to the consistent thinking and methods of the Demacians, I am afraid that Jarvan IV will have to do something to the northern border.

Karya's life in Vazuan gradually became more regular and calmer.

Communicate with Kassadin, tell stories to the little yellow hair, go to the joint laboratory to guide experiments...

For this trip to Shurima, this time has come to the final stage.

When the first draft of the little yellow hair book was completed and Jace and Victor gradually became familiar with the magic experiments, Kalya was finally ready to leave Vazuan.

Time to return to Forsbarrow.


Just as Lux had left Vazuan, Kalya had left silently.

Officials have been collected, and although it is not time to count the number of items, Carya believes that at this moment, on the chessboard of Demacia, the winner has already been decided.

In Demacia, which is invincible and invaded abroad, the internal conflicts that have been aroused before will soon become more prominent with the economic downturn. In the process, the nobles who are rulers are still excitedly stepping on Press the gas pedal.

When the conflict between the North and the South is detonated, Lacus will also face her own real test.

Carya, who led all this, was very calm.

As a person who always likes to make plans, Carya thinks that he has prepared everything—from home to abroad, for him and the Demacia royal family, and even Germany. All the old rulers of Marcia paved the way to the dustbin of history.

From the current point of view, Jarvan IV is running wildly on this road.

Sitting in the hanging basket, Kalya looked at the dimly lit Vazuan, and suddenly showed a satisfied smile.

After all, in addition to the expected content, he also gained some unexpected surprises during this trip to Vazuan. While meeting old people, he also had a glimpse of the road to the future.

"Ino." Kalya, who was in a good mood, took out a notebook, "Read less of Ezreal's novels and read more of his notebooks."


Ino, who was reading Ezreal's No. 11 travel notes by the light of the miner's lamp above his head, forcibly resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

She didn't know if it was a hallucination, but she always felt that after this trip to Shurima, the teacher seemed to be a lot more relaxed and lively. She had a little bit of reserved taste before, but now she has completely released it.

"Also, you also need to supplement your knowledge of magic theory."

"Dear teacher Kalya." Ino reluctantly extinguished the miner's lamp, leaned against the edge of the hanging basket, and put on a look about to go to sleep, "I'm not Lacus, I'm really not good enough for magic theory." good at."

"That can't be done." In the night, Kalya shook his head very seriously, "Knowledge is the future, you are too lazy now."

"Everyone has strengths." As some characteristics became more and more similar to Karya, Ino naturally found an excuse to refute, "And my strengths are obviously not in theoretical research—and, you said Yes, the magical talent of the ice blood is very special."

"However, with the publication of Ezreal's next book, many hermits who are not usually seen may appear." Carya said in a tone that I was thinking about you, "You are my Personal students, you can't even compare to those who don't know how many generations of inheritors?"

"Huh?" Ino blinked, and finally showed a puzzled expression on his face, "Isn't Ezreal's book not yet published? How do you know who will show up?"

"Believe me, the Ixtar people can't help it." A smile appeared on the corner of Kalya's mouth, "In the era of the Shurima Empire, those people were the most voluptuous, and Nezuk was the master of it—— Lian A Weaving has the descendant of Thalia, I believe that in the depths of the Kumanggu jungle, the descendants of Nezuk will not be content with being unknown."

"The name Nazuk is so impressive to me." Hearing Kaya mention Nazuk, Ino's eyes lit up, "Can you tell me about him?"

"Okay." Kalya was very talkative, "I remember you should have seen his record of the mock test?"

Ino nodded.

"This starts when the empire conquered Ixtar..."

Regarding the stories about Nezuk, the super academic, Kalya can tell the stories very fluently with almost no need to recall them. During Ne'Zuk's ascension ceremony and ascension form, he shut up very badly.

The feeling of hearing half of the story is the most uncomfortable.

However, when Ino began to urge Kalya to continue speaking, Kalya said, "You need to study the theory of magic control well before I can continue talking, otherwise you just hold back."

Ino was dumbfounded.

Her curiosity has been fully mobilized by Kalya, and now Kalya actually uses this as a threat to ask herself to study?

It's outrageous, I can't even read Ezreal's novels anymore, can I still learn it?

However, idleness is idleness anyway, and at Kalya's insistence, Ino finally said, "Then tell me."

Then, Kalya used a very special method to tell Ino the advanced content of magic control theory from the perspective of Nezuk in the small world.

Ino, who was forced to "teach with fun", didn't realize at all that his extra class seemed to be a temporary idea after Karya returned from Vazuan.

In other words, after the trip to Vazuan, Karya's mentality, which ended perfectly, has undergone a subtle change.

Carya's Small Classroom·Change:
Although a thousand-year-old antique, Kalya has never been a conservative person; even if she likes to make plans, Kalya will never refuse to improvise.

PS. Happy May Day holiday, readers!I haven't finished writing the extra episode today, and I will start updating the extra episode tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

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