Lux's Farewell

675 [0667] The 4th year of the Forsbarrow calendar

At last, after a long journey home, before the first snow fell, Kalya returned to Forsbarrow.

The progress in Shurima is going smoothly. With the sales volume of the Ezreal series of travel notes, I believe it will not be long before the secrets of the Golden Wheel Stone and Ning Wudao will be known to everyone.

Karya emphasized the importance of golden wheel stone to the sun disc. Those who have fantasies about the sun disc will surely not give up this opportunity of "possibly recasting the sun disc".

After all, it was never a lack of gold that kept Shurima from raising sun discs in the past.

By then, the days of the Demacia royal family lying down and making money may be over.

Now, Lacus is already studying the political and economic situation in southern Demacia. After years of development, the intelligence team has gradually begun to spread. With the support of Lacus, the intelligence team’s recording officer will Follow the caravans, follow the actions of the industry associations, and truthfully record their knowledge and survey data. After summarizing and analyzing these data, they will become a reference for Forsbarrow's policies and plans.

For Lux, the return of Kalya and Ino was a great relief.

Ino himself is the head of the intelligence team, and Karya is the one who is best at data analysis. The two of them went to Shurima together. This year's intelligence data is all piled up on Lacus, which makes Lacus have to Working overtime crazily and even setting up a dedicated data processing team barely completed part of the analysis tasks.

The professionals came back, and Lux ​​was finally able to put aside the issue of data for the time being, and prepare her own speech for the winter speech.

"So, do you really have to write the speech yourself?" Seeing Lacus write the speech herself, Kalya said with a delicate expression, "It's not a good habit to do everything yourself."

"After all, there are some things that directly contact the people that need to be done by yourself." Lux responded very naturally, "Otherwise, wouldn't it be completely separated?"

Kalya opened her mouth, but finally didn't say a word, but couldn't help but shook her head with a smile.

Instead, I was taught a lesson by Lacus.

During this trip to Shurima, Kalya has also been conducting self-reflection, reflecting on her past mistakes, and the key point is that in the late empire, she was indeed gradually divorced from the public because of excessive idealism. .

Going all out to build a secret laboratory and directly iteratively cultivate the rune tree did greatly speed up the cultivation of the rune tree, but at the same time it also kept Kalya completely away from the Shurima.

Shurima's resource trap made Kalya very anxious, and the failure of the large tunnel project made him lean towards elitism, trying to directly achieve corner overtaking with radical adventurism.

But thinking about it later, the cultivation of rune trees and the industrialization of magic should not be carried out in this way, and Karya's plan does not conform to the actual situation of the Shurima Empire.

What Kalya saw was that Shurima had fallen into the resource trap of the sun disc, and what Kalya saw was the stagnation of the expansion of the empire and the appearance of internal conflicts. As an immortal, he subconsciously chose a method that could completely solve the problem.

But for the vast majority of Shurima people, they are not immortal, and their life span is only a hundred years. What they hope for is to spend their life happily. They are the beneficiaries of the sun disc, so what? Will you be willing to follow Karya to start over and develop a new energy source from scratch?
If you think about it carefully, Kalya can actually use softer means to solve the problem, instead of leaving the power center willfully and devoting all the power in his hands to the cultivation of the rune tree.

Even if Kalya was indeed at the forefront of development, walking in the direction of a broader future, but he did not pay attention to the road under his feet, did not unite with his fellow travelers, and lost the spirit of seeking truth from facts...

Kalya actually understood all these principles.

Unfortunately, no matter how clear he is, he still makes mistakes.

What's worse, because of Karya's identity, almost no one can correct his mistakes.

Setaka supports him, the Ascended trusts him, and even those who have different political views respect him.

At that time, if Kalya temporarily put down the work in hand, went to various places in Shurima, and lived in different families as a desert traveler, maybe the situation would be different?
Unfortunately, history has no ifs.

From the perspective of latecomers, even though the Shurima Empire has collapsed, it is still an insurmountable pinnacle of Runeterra civilization.

It's just that, as the founder of the empire, when Kalya finally untied the knot in his heart and was willing to look back on the past, he often had some different feelings.

Maybe... this is just getting old.


The No. 14 year of Fossbury's calendar, this is another year that I am afraid will be featured in future history books.

In this year, in addition to many important historical events such as the fact that many restoration organizations in the Shurima Empire have launched practical actions, and the Hex magic interface has entered the formal research and development stage, there is also a significant and far-reaching impact on Runeterra. big event.

At the end of the year, when Lux was still scratching his head for the winter speech, the Noxus Empire, which had been sluggish for the past few years, fell into a complete split.

That's right, Noxus... disintegrated.

During the Battle of Tobyssia, Swain stepped on the accelerator when the empire was going downhill. Under the planning of various forces, he became a victim, and Nok was also sacrificed with him. The most capable elite of the Sass Empire.

For a militaristic empire, there is nothing worse than losing almost all of its elite military power.

More than ten main battle groups were almost wiped out, and the Trifari Legion was sacrificed together with Swain. Coupled with the defection of the black rose, the people who could fight in the empire have been almost wiped out.

Even after Demacia released most of the prisoners during the negotiations, Noxus still lost its advantage in force.

What's more terrible is that because Swain, the great commander, was betrayed by many parties, there is no more unity in Noxus.

The betrayal of the Black Rose detonated the chain of suspicion within the empire, and the nobles related to the Black Rose were regarded as untrustworthy. As Swain's successor, Darius wanted to use tough methods to cleanse these people, but Incompetent.

The contradictions are irreconcilable, but everyone can't fight the civil war. In this case, Noxus separatism began to prevail, and the local leaders who were once suppressed by Swain's iron fist finally began to move around, vigorously fighting for local autonomy. .

For these bastards trying to split the empire, Darius initially chose to punch hard.

But the problem is, with the foundation of the empire, no matter how superb Darius's boxing skills are, he can't shake a few punches -- without Swain and his group of strategists, and Dreyer who is still at odds with the old nobles Erth has little ability to govern locally.

Therefore, the harder Darius punched, the more the local separatists punched, until the Axe Legion under Darius's command gradually couldn't afford the military salary...

Finally, when Fort Drever in the northern border of Noxus chose to stand on its own, but the Northern Legion under Darius' command was unwilling to go out, this huge empire finally entered the stage of actual division.

In just half a month, Drever Castle in the Ironthorn Mountains, Turkugul in the Black Forest, Locklund and Kursala in the southern foothills of the Valzhu Mountains, Triwell in the southern foothills of the Shining Silver Mountains, Groft, Kilgolf, and Besilico, Findor, Iron Water City, and Falgar in the southeast of the magnificent barrier all stood on their own and announced their separation from the Noxus Empire.

The common feature of these areas is that they are geographically isolated from the Noxus Plain and Dalmo Plain, which are the core of the Noxus Empire. Although their own strength is limited, if Noxus wants to send troops to "counter the rebellion", it will cost a lot unbearable.

Darius, who was once very tough, finally did not send troops this time, but actually recognized the independence of these regions in silence.

In other words, for the current Noxus Empire - oh, it is no longer an empire - Noxus, the independence of these places is actually not necessarily a bad thing.

After removing these corners, the essence of Noxus is still there, and the Noxian Plain and Dalmo Plain are still in hand.

And without these places, the cost of Noxus' rule has also been greatly reduced. They don't need to maintain the Northern Legion to deal with the plunder of the Freljord barbarians, and they don't need to form a navy to ensure transportation and eliminate pirates (although there is almost no success However), there is no need to spend a lot of money to maintain many winding mountain roads connecting various regions, as well as the troublesome Knox Stola.

For Noxus, he got rid of the burden that required huge financial expenses; for these regions, they got rid of the shackles of troubles on their heads.

Since there is no ability, then go their own way.

Then, Darius, who had spare strength, gathered the army, and finally raised his butcher knife to the nobles of the Immortal Fortress.

On the one hand, the Black Forest Federation, the Kingdom of Ironthorns, the Second Silver Republic, the Kingdom of Rocklund, and the Overwatch Alliance were established one after another. On the other hand, the old nobles of Noxus, who lost the support of the Black Rose, were beheaded by Darius. Rolling, in No. 14 of the Fossbarrow calendar, the Noxus Empire gave Runeterra a little Noxus shock in the form of disintegration.

As the "old enemy" of Noxus, the royal family of Demacia issued an announcement immediately, appreciating the "independence" of the above forces, and actively launched diplomatic actions with them.

Although with Demacia's current situation, diplomacy may only stop at the point of dispatching envoys to each other, but this is enough to explain Demacia's attitude.

Since then, the rivalry between the two powers in the Valoran continent has come to an end, and Demacia has ushered in the victory of this battle for supremacy.


As a huge military empire, the impact of the disintegration of the Noxus Empire does not stop there.

As the invaded, Ionia finally successfully recovered the long-occupied Veli after the disintegration of the Noxus Empire.

But it is a pity that Ionia, which took back Weili, did not develop and awaken further, but the atmosphere quickly became conservative.

You see, outsiders who do unrighteous deeds will kill themselves. Our Ionian tradition is no problem.

There is no need for that. The customs of each province are different, and the habits of each race are very different. If we unite together, we must accommodate each other. It would be better to return to the way it was before the arrival of the Noxians. Woolen cloth!

The Ionians, who didn't need to resist foreign humiliation, quickly turned to lie flat, and began to ignore Preshidian's decree.

Irelia, who tried her best to unite Ionia and truly make Ionia a whole, found sadly that her decree could no longer leave Presidium, and she had worked so hard to , The coalition government that was finally formed was completely destroyed at this moment.

The local elders and monks took back the local autonomy, and except for a few places that became barren due to the alchemy gas bombs of Noxus, it seemed that Ionia had returned to the way it was before the war.

Under such a situation, Irelia found painfully that only the Navoli Brotherhood, Shadow Stream and other organizations, which she regarded as heretics and radicals in the past, still had the goal and ideal of Ionia unity.

Then, when she tried to unite these organizations, what greeted her was the spurning of the Navoli Brotherhood and the disdain of Yingliu.

"Go to those bald heads with your naive and stupid idea!"

"Hahaha, it's really funny, are the elders ignoring you?"

"Didn't you say that they are really for Ionia?"

"We honor Irelia who fought for the First Lands."

"It's not a down-and-out leader without a brain. For the sake of fighting for Ionia, get out!"



Irelia finally realized how naive her past political methods were and how naive her political ideals were. She thought that relying on her personal reputation would eventually make Ionia a whole and be accepted by everyone. But they never expected that with the disintegration of the Noxus Empire, Ionia, without foreign enemies, would be scattered into biscuit crumbs all over the place.

I did not seize military power, but believed the words of the elders, and agreed with the view that "it is safer for the local government to control the local army".

My own wishful thinking of "for the land of birth", in the final analysis, is just that Ionia needs a military leader who can face Noxus.

No, not even a military leader.

At best, he can be regarded as the leader of the martial arts alliance.

The "Ionian unity" maintained by myself, even at the expense of my former comrades-in-arms, is nothing more than face-saving!

After returning to Preshidian, Irelia sat under the willow, silently watching the willow, which was regarded as a sacred tree by the Ionians, and its head turned white all night.

The next day, the exhausted Irelia finally refused Karma's retention and left Preshidian alone.

With her departure, following the disintegration of the Noxus Empire, Ionia also fell into a substantial division.

Karya's Small Classroom: Unity and Division of Ionia:
Although the invasion of the Noxus allowed Ionia to actually see the world for the first time, after the victory in the war, Irelia, who was promoted as the leader, and Karma, who was the spiritual leader, failed to advance Integration of Ionia.

Irelia and Karma have no real lineage and power of their own, and can only rely on the influence of local elders and monks from various monasteries. With the Noxus Empire still existing and Ionia still needing to be unified , some of their decrees are still valid, but with the collapse of the Noxus Empire, Karma's status is still very honorable, but Irelia has almost lost all of its value.

It's a sad story, I have to say.

PS. I will update the episode in the middle of the night, I can’t finish writing today and I won’t sleep, so angry!

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