Lux's Farewell

Chapter 676

Climbing the peak is still very tiring, and so far, Setaka has not yet ushered in his own net loss.

So, after a few moments of tenderness, Karya and Setaka began to save and climb side by side.

While Kalya was struggling to climb the steep cliff (the kind that needs to be hung on Setaka to rest from time to time), he was also carefully experiencing the changes in himself.

how to say.

In addition to the natural senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste, he seemed to have a brand-new, currently somewhat vague, brand-new sense.

If I have to use a metaphor... For the first time, Carya has a direct feeling of the "pressure" that exists all the time after time travel.

Is this magic?

Perhaps, this is the factor that made it impossible for me to conduct a confirmatory experiment before?

Carya, who had all the thoughts in her heart, did not directly use this power hastily, but restrained her mind and climbed with all her strength.

Let's wait for Setaka's net loss first!

And this wait is one day.

Kalya, who has undergone a net loss, is about to collapse, but Setaka over there looks fine and energetic, showing no signs of weakness.

In other words, not only was she not weak, she was even quite excited!
If it were someone else, they might mistakenly think that this excitement came from sports, but Kalya knew enough about Setaka, so when he reached a platform, he stopped Setaka directly.

"What's wrong?" Setaka didn't realize what was wrong, "Are you tired, we need to take a rest?"

"You are very wrong now." Carya narrowed his eyes slightly, "Is this entering a state of net eclipse?"

"My physical strength is very good." Setaka shook his head lightly, "There is no problem, you see I don't even break a sweat."

"So it's not normal." Kalya signaled Setaka to relax, and then gave her a simple physical examination, "Although it's really cold, it's not even a drop of sweat. Now let's quickly ask and answer--Tribal How many people are there now?"

"...6492?" As if his brain was down, Setaka was stunned for a while before he gradually realized, "Or 6592?"

"It's 6492, that's right, but your reaction is very wrong." Kalya licked his lips, his expression became serious, "Among the many manifestations of net eclipse, slow response is also included."

"But I really feel that everything is fine." Setaka still didn't understand, "I just didn't realize it just now."

"Okay." Kalya was noncommittal, and then asked the second question, "Now, do you feel the wind?"

"I feel it." Setaka nodded slightly, "It's a bit cold, but not too big."

Something is wrong, something is very wrong—Kalya can be sure that there is no wind around at this time, only the fluctuation of magic power, and Setaka's perception is confused!

"So, do you still remember the Elder Rakor we met before going up the mountain?" Although he was anxious, Kalya remained calm on the surface, and just continued to ask calmly, "The prayer he said: With reverence—”

"With reverence in mind, looking up at the stars, insignificant and mundane, looking for traces of gods..."

As if she had blurted out countless times, only Kalya started, and Setaka recited this series of prayers that were somewhat awkward for her very fluently.

This time, Karya didn't need to continue talking, and Setaka himself realized that something was wrong.

She has never recited this stuff before, and Karya is always in charge of communicating with Rakkor people, so she has no reason to be impressed by these things!

There is definitely a problem here!

"Calm down and let go of your brain." Kalya opened his hands and brushed Setaka's eyes. "Come on, follow my rhythm and keep breathing."


"Breathing in—breathing out—"

"Breathing in—breathing out—"

Karya's original intention was to calm down Setaka and stop being so excited.

However, with Karya's guidance, although Setaka calmed down, this calmness soon turned into weakness and confusion.

"It's so messy." Sweat dripped from Setaka's forehead, "Someone is talking to me."

"Only me talking to you, dear." Kalya opened his arms and embraced Setaka. "Only me."

"There is wind." Setaka's will seemed to be a little blurred, "The sound of the very loud, I can't hear it clearly."

How can there be any wind!

There are only fluctuations of magic power here!
Setaka's five senses are gradually declining and gradually confused!

Unlike Kalya, who is a "weak chicken who loses consciousness as soon as he enters a state of net eclipse", Setaka's state of net eclipse is obviously very, very wrong!
No wonder those Rakkol people who came back from the peak were so fanatical that they firmly believed in the teachings that were riddled with holes...

No, you have to wake up Setaka!
Realizing that something was wrong, Kalya began to call out to Setaka, asking her to open her eyes and look at herself.

However, Setaka just kept mumbling words like "I can't hear you" and "It's so windy", and the arms around Karya seemed to be unaware of Karya's existence, and began to draw involuntarily. .

Obviously, there is something wrong with Setaka's five senses, and it seems that only the newly awakened magic power perception is still clear!

And in this process, Setaka's consciousness has become less and less clear. If she is allowed to fall asleep like this, when she wakes up again, she may not be the Setaka she knew—a way must be found Let her wake up!

In this case, Kalya could only be forced to try his first spellcasting.

The result was unquestionable failure.

Karya doesn't know how to cast spells, and the talent awakened after the net eclipse can only make him vaguely feel the flow of magic power, but it doesn't allow him to easily use this power.

How to do?
How to do?
Karya has never felt so clearly his own weakness and powerlessness. With limited manpower, can he just wait for Setaka to wake up?
No, it can't be like this, there is another way!
Although Kalya herself doesn't know how to cast spells, but...there is still wind!

Yes, the wind—no, it should be said to be a natural flow of magic power!

Gritting his teeth, Kalya directly hugged Setaka, straightened her head, and made her ears face her heart, and then relied on her vague perception of magic power to start chasing the flow of magic power.

Setaka can only feel the "wind" of the magic power flow, so let her blow more!




With his hands tightly locked together, on this not-so-spacious platform, Kalya took a step forward, running wildly in the direction of the flow of magic power, pursuing the direction of the "wind".

This invisible "wind" seems to be one wall after another, making Kalya almost suffocate, making Kalya's heartbeat more and more violent, making Kalya's legs heavier and heavier, and making Kalya's feet more and more heavy. The more numb.

But Kalya didn't stop at all, and was still running.

Until the "wind" made Setaka in his arms breathless, and finally opened his eyes blankly as if awakened from a nightmare.

The next moment, Kalya, who was already running on instinct, finally felt a lightness in her arms.

In a dazed effort, Setaka leaped out of his arms lightly.

Kalya stopped short of breath, he felt his heart beating like a drum, and felt that he could hardly straighten his back, but even though his hands were firmly on his knees, he still raised his head and looked at Setaka motionlessly.

Until Setaka grabbed him and leaned against the stone wall with him.

"Honey, I seem to have a dream." Setaka pursed her lips, "I dreamed of a wider world."

"And then?" Kalya stretched out her purple fingers and clasped them tightly, "What else did you dream about?"

"I also dreamed that I was running towards the stars, and I dreamed that I was running towards eternity." Setaka seemed to be a little bit overwhelmed, and finally showed a smile on his face, "Before I touched the stars, I It felt like a gust of wind was blowing around me.”

Karya seemed to be relieved, and there was a smile on his face.

"Then, I looked in the direction of the wind." Setaka continued, "Over there, a guy in a robe fell from the sky with a gust of wind."

Karya's eyes widened.

"His heart was beating so fast, he was terrified when he heard it." Carya was at a loss, Setakashi continued, "I can't let him fall, so I caught up with him .”


Kalya opened her mouth, but suddenly she didn't know what to say.

Setaka raised his head, looking straight at Karya with both eyes, there was no bright starry sky reflected in his amber eyes, only Karya with a slightly stiff expression in front of him.

"Fortunately, I caught up with him."

Karya blinked.

As if seeing something funny, Setaka finally laughed.

Amidst Setaka's laughter, Kalya finally couldn't help but shook his head slightly, and then smiled.

Amidst the laughter, the wind finally blew around the platform.

Two guys who clasped their fingers and laughed like a fool stretched out their other hand at the same time.

The golden gravel silently appeared in the palms of the two, and was blown down by the mountain wind, landing on the pure white snow.

Like dots of stars in the sky.

Carya's Little Classroom · Lucky One:

Weak chickens have the benefits of weak chickens. Normal people will face the brainwashing problem of giant gods when they climb to the peak. Generally, they need to use strong will and adaptability to the energy of the heavens to fight hard, but Karya, a weak chicken, fainted directly. Immune to brainwashing.

PS. I didn’t have a good rest yesterday, so today is just another chapter, it’s time to rest.

PSS. Every time I write the story of Karya and Setaka, I feel a little uncomfortable after writing it...

PSSS. The wrong format was sent, and it was sent as the text, Gan!

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