Lux's Farewell

678 [0669] Empire cake

678 [0669] Empire's mille-feuille
With regard to the proclaiming of Jarvan IV as emperor and Demacia's promotion to the empire, the nobles in the entire Demacia clearly showed a trend of "hot in the south and cold in the north".

Of course, this objective description is somewhat inconsistent with the mentality of most Demacian nobles. Perhaps we should put it another way: a small number of nobles with fiefdoms in the northern border do not seem to care much about this matter!

You must know that once the Demacian Kingdom becomes the Demacia Empire, the fiefs that were formerly nobles (especially the great nobles) are likely to be promoted to duchies or even kingdoms. For the nobles, there is nothing like this. It's even more exciting.

Although the fiefdoms of the Demacian nobles have a lot of autonomy, it is nothing more than "regional autonomy".

Regional autonomy has a great scope of discretion, and can fill the power gap of the kingdom of Demacia, but it cannot conflict with it.

But if the regional autonomy is upgraded to the power of the kingdom, even if it is the power of a lame kingdom that does not need national defense and is not economically independent, it will not be the same as it is now!

The succession of power within the kingdom is completely free, the diplomacy between the kingdoms is partially free, and the legislative power of the kingdom is completely free...

Even if the fief is upgraded to a kingdom within a short period of time visible to the naked eye, Jarvan IV will not delegate power, and will even impose layers of shackles through the Illuminati or the army, but in the long run, the nobles have obtained the jurisprudence of autonomy.

Legal principles may be useless when the royal family is strong, but it is like an inconspicuous ant's nest on a dam, and it can only take effect when the flood surges.

Once the future royal family - oh, it should be called the royal family - is no longer as strong as it is now, then the kingdoms everywhere will truly usher in independence!
Therefore, even though a large number of "extra clauses" were added to Jarvan IV's request to proclaim himself emperor, the nobles and lords were very happy and agreed with them wholeheartedly.

Improve the political status of the Illuminati?

No problem, my territory has become a kingdom, and the Illuminati is the proper state religion. Every generation of heirs must be crowned by the Illuminati!

Hand over some financial power?
No problem, everyone welcomes Xiongdu to send envoys to directly supervise our tax situation, the kind that welcomes sincerely and applauds.

The status quo must be maintained in other aspects, and it is only a name?

No problem, what we want now is just a name, and now there will be no one who wants to go against the will of His Majesty Jarvan IV, who is wise and mighty, right?
The nobles are actually very clear in their hearts.

After Jarvan IV became king, a series of measures, whether it was taking over military power or reforming the tax system, the core was centralization, and the local power of the nobles in their fiefdoms was brought back to the royal family.

For this kind of centralization, no noble will be happy to see it succeed. Everyone is silent now because they have no strength to resist.

With the further advancement of this kind of centralization, the autonomy in their hands was taken away bit by bit, and the lords saw in their hearts those lords from all over Noxus who became the real leaders of the regime after the disintegration of Noxus. Will there be any fluctuations?
Demacia and Noxus were originally two new countries that were born on the corpse of the empire like twins after the collapse of the Noxian Empire. The Nokhi people who are the disaster, the main body of the Demacians are the Nokhi people who migrated west to escape the war.

Now that Noxus has performed a big show in front of everyone, disintegrating in place and setting off fireworks, what about Demacia?

Everyone is very happy when they humiliate the messenger.

But if you think about it from another angle, are they willing to be humiliated and then completely independent like the forces represented by these messengers?

The answer to this question is more intriguing.

Now that there is no room for resistance, why not just be more submissive and gain a legal advantage for yourself?

What, you said that in this way, even if everyone becomes kings and grand dukes, they can only be regarded as son kings and son grand dukes?

What happened to the king and the grand duke? !

Even if it is a king or a grand duke, how many people can't ask for it!

For the minds of the nobles, Jarvan IV could see clearly.

But he still chose to ascend the throne as emperor.

Still chose to let Demacia be promoted to an empire.

This is not only because of the turbulent throbbing in his heart, but also because Jarvan IV firmly believes that only by becoming the emperor and acting like an emperor can he truly carry out his will!

With the development of the Shurima trade, Jarvan IV has learned a lot of information about the royal family of Shurima. In fact, some of this information is true or false. But they opened the door to a new world for Jarvan IV.

Keep one word and one word, say one thing, the will of the body is the will of the country...

These are things that Demacia has never had before.

Even Oren, who led the ancestors of Demacia to establish Demacia, has never been regarded as the totem of Demacia.

For Jarvan IV who defeated Noxus, if he wants to make himself greater, the best way is to become the emperor, let his will become the will of Demacia, and let the glory of Demacia become completely Own glory!

As for the little Jiujiu in the hearts of the nobles...

If the name does not come true, then it is doomed to be just a name!

Jarvan IV could see very clearly that the nobles only cared about their own one-third of an acre of land. This was what they cared about most, and it was also their biggest weakness.

As long as you grasp this weakness, you can throw bones like training a dog, and make them move according to your will.

Moreover, the dog chain has long been firmly held in my hand. Don't forget, even if it was a time of internal and external troubles ten years ago, even if the nobles raised their troops to rebel and the Noxus army came at the same time, I would bring them with me. The Noxians packed up together.

Now that I have completely locked the nobles' space for action through the two chains of the Illuminati and the army, and a leather whip traded in Shurima, what else is there to be afraid of?
It's time for true greatness!

Jarvan IV didn't know that, among the group of four closest to him, only Galen, the idiot, couldn't see clearly what was going on in his mind.

Barrett, who is old and mature, has a clear heart, but he is happy to see the results-the Bouvier family is one of the very few families whose focus is not on the fiefdom at all. In a sense, Barrett Bouvier is better than other families. Nobles are more dependent on the royal family, so he is naturally happy to see Jarvan IV go further.

Although Taric has doubts, as the main person in charge of Shurima trade, he also has a good understanding of the "Shurima model". Although he can't tell whether the Shurima model is right or not, he at least He could understand Jarvan IV's wishes, so he was more willing to look forward and see Jarvan IV's choice after he centralized power.

Tariq believed in Jarvan IV. Although His Majesty's actions were somewhat risky and somewhat unexpected, he was still willing to follow His Majesty's will.

As for Lan Fu...

It is no exaggeration to say that Jarvan IV's ability to have such an idea is inseparable from LeBlanc.

Maybe the seed that was about to move was not planted by LeBlanc himself, but it took root in the heart of Jarvan IV, largely because of the cooperation between LeBlanc and Vladimir.

As the master behind the Noxus Empire, LeBlanc has personally witnessed countless powerful Noxus emperors from wise and mighty to independent husbands and thieves in a physical sense.

In other words, it was under the temptation and influence of LeBlanc that Noxus would continue the bloody means of power transmission.

Many short stories about Shurima on Jarvan IV's desk are special versions selected by LeBlanc.

As Jarvan IV's de facto secretary, LeBlanc wove Jarvan IV an information cocoon that belonged exclusively to him—she would never lie or provide forged documents and books, but she would, according to her own purpose, Select the documents and books that will appear on Jarvan IV's desk.

During the Noxus period, LeBlanc's method of seducing the Grand Commander was often to use the temptation of immortality, but Jarvan IV, as a climber, was not immortal, but his lifespan could not be regarded as ordinary people.

The failure of the previous love triangle drama also proved that the effect of influencing Jarvan IV on personal emotions is not good.

Fortunately, Jarvan IV was not perfect after all. After learning from the pain, LeBlanc finally found Jarvan IV's flaw.

His desire for power - no, to be precise, the desire to control - seemed to be getting stronger.

This is a terrible desire that can corrupt people's hearts, just like the greed for immortality.

Taking advantage of this, LeBlanc began to work hard to guide Jarvan IV, allowing him to see more "a man should be like this".

Jarvan IV saw the glory and greatness of Emperor Shurima in the historical records.

But he didn't see that in the corners of history, the main reason for the downfall of many down-and-out Noxus emperors was eroded by this desire.

People who think they can control everything are the easiest to be guided. In their eyes, any uncontrollable place will be as conspicuous as a black spot on a white paper. They will do their best without even a little provocation. Do your best to remove and whiten this unsightly black spot!
In LeBlanc's view, the North is such a black spot.

As long as Jarvan IV's desire for power further expands, he will soon lose sight of Fossbarrow's maverick.

The previous provocation was that LeBlanc underestimated Fossbarrow's obedience and Jarvan IV's rationality.

But now, Jarvan IV is gradually losing his rationality.

And the North... sooner or later they will lose their obedience.

On the surface, Miss Lanfu is still working diligently for His Majesty Jarvan IV together with her husband, Zwei.

But in fact, LeBlanc is ready to give the Northern Territory a big surprise at the right time, pushing Jarvan IV to smash everything that is unique in the Northern Territory for his own perfection!

LeBlanc's little tricks could hide from Barrett, Tariq, and Jarvan IV, but after all, she couldn't hide the twilight when the evening came.

It was LeBlanc who catalyzed Jarvan IV's growing desire for control.

But what really planted this seed was the bright twilight that Jarvan IV inadvertently glimpsed when he climbed Mount Targon.

In other words, after repeatedly deflated in front of mortals, the giant god finally learned to temporarily let go of internal conflicts.

Unlike the irascible War God, the arrogant Sun God, the self-closing Moon God, and the Guardian God who doesn't know what he is doing, the Twilight God is a very "human" God, and one of the few who can bend over A titan who truly understands mortals.

This feature makes it somewhat out of place among the giant gods, as if a wolf appeared among a group of huskies.

As early as when Jarvan IV climbed the peak, the Twilight Titan had already noticed the prince of Demacia. It was it who prevented the Guardian Titan from becoming angry, and it was also the one who silently protected Jarvan IV to climb successfully.

The dazzling sun and the elegant moon are too dazzling and eye-catching.

Only the twilight between yin and yang is the power that represents all transformation and finality.

For Jarvan IV, Twilight even voluntarily gave up her protoss, letting her get lost in the astral world, and it had only one purpose in doing so.

It had its eyes on Jarvan IV.

In fact, as early as 3000 years ago, Twilight had been eyeing Karya.

From Twilight's point of view, Karya, who lost everything after the Battle of Icacia, should have lost all hope.

But what it never thought of was that even in the face of the desperate situation of losing his lover and the collapse of the country, Kalya just chose to do his best to be a paper painter and then sealed himself, which was not the same as what he had done before , choose to climb Targon to ask for help from Targon.

It seems that in Kalya's eyes, he would rather trust those short-sighted mediocre people than turn to the giant god for help again.

However, even if Kalia failed, Twilight still believed that their identities were a more important factor than the physical fitness of the protoss.

In other words, if you want to bring out the full capabilities of Protoss, being able to fight is very important, but not the most important.

It was for this reason that he gave up Zoe, who he had cultivated with great difficulty and had fully adapted to the star world, and let Twilight fall on Jarvan IV.

In Jarvan IV's heart, it was the ethereal Twilight who made a move that quietly planted a seed of self-importance and pride.

And now, the seed has taken root and germinated.

For Twilight, LeBlanc's appearance was a wonderful accident, and through Jarvan IV, it watched with pleasure as the undead, eager for true immortality, jumped up and down, adding to his plan with his own dry ingredients.

What a lovely person!

 Carya's Little Classroom · Twilight:

  Although the twilight giant is weak and the protoss has almost no combat effectiveness, it is the most dangerous giant in Karya's eyes.

  In a sense, this can be regarded as "another me in the world".

(End of this chapter)

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