Lux's Farewell

679 New Journey [0670]

No matter how sad Lacus felt, Jarvan IV's proclaiming emperor ceremony began intensive preparations.

And this ceremony seems to be destined to be extremely grand from the very beginning—in order to grasp the power of the dragon, many nobles have used their housekeeping skills and began to give advice to Jarvan IV in terms of etiquette, as if Like a peacock with its tail open, it tries its best to show its own value.

The "Encyclopedia of Etiquette", which can be regarded as a shadow of childhood by Lux, is about to be smashed by the masters of the noble council at this time. They want to define every detail of this grand ceremony very meticulously and seriously. Demonstrates his sense of existence all the time.

This is indeed one of the fields that the traditional nobles are best at. During the period, there were sporadic opinions from the Art Support Association, but they were quickly sprayed by the veteran nobles holding the "Encyclopedia of Etiquette".

It seemed that in terms of etiquette, even Jarvan IV did not have much say.

However, just because Jarvan IV didn't speak, it didn't mean that no one spoke.

As a force to balance the power of the nobles, in the preparations for the ceremony of proclaiming the emperor, the Illuminati quickly made a set of combined punches after some preparations.

When it comes to studying classics and retrospecting etiquette, among the Illuminati, no matter whether it is the new sect who changed jobs because of military exploits or the old sect who mixed various etiquettes, they are not as good as the nobles who are usually out of work and specialize in studying this.

However, we can't compete head-on, we can turn the table!
When the nobles were still tirelessly tracing all the details of the proclaiming ceremony, trying to make everything about Jarvan IV on par with Oren, the Illuminati suddenly spoke.

Why should our ceremony of proclaiming the emperor be consistent with the old tradition before?

Demacia was a kingdom before, even if it was as great as His Majesty Oren, it was only a king.

But now, His Majesty Jarvan IV is going to become the emperor, and Demacia is going to be an empire, how can you use the etiquette of the past to plan the present ceremony?
This is so outdated!

Relying on this bottom line, the Illuminati quickly won the approval of Jarvan IV. The so-called blank paper is easy to paint. Although Jarvan IV also respects the traditional etiquette of Demacia, if it can be further improved from the hands of the nobles If he wants to regain some right to speak, he will naturally do anything.

Moreover, I have to admit that the "new beginning" proposed by the Illuminati is indeed in line with Jarvan IV's views. His goal at this time is no longer to match his predecessors, but to surpass the past!
As a result, the half-prepared plan in the past was quickly overturned. Although the nobles were very upset, they finally had to hold their noses and discuss with the Illuminati.

The Illumination Society was created in one blow, and it simply insisted on the "new" point, combined with the influx of luxury goods brought about by the Shurima trade in recent years, no matter how extravagant it is.

The nobles were naturally not happy.

Because Jarvan IV was not responsible for this ceremony independently, and the nobles who had also been promoted also needed to spend real money to support it. The more they spent, the more they had to pay!
Who is happy?

So, almost without Jarvan IV doing anything, the nobleman and the Illuminati once again tore each other passionately, as if they were pulling each other's hair.

But regardless of the outcome of the hair pulling, it is foreseeable that the cost of this grand ceremony will be quite astonishing.

As the news of Demacia's promotion to the empire and Jarvan IV's enthronement as emperor gradually spread and spread to the people, the Demacia people, who had not had a good life recently, finally felt a little excited.

Although in the past few years, the rise in prices and the closure of the way to rise have caused a lot of grievances among the people, the situation in Demacia is still stable.

After all, the land of Demacia is fertile, even the lord will not starve to death.

Moreover, the Noxians are all finished, His Majesty will soon become emperor, Demacia will definitely get better and better, maybe it won't be long before the expensive prices come down, and the way to join the army will be opened Woolen cloth?
As a result, not only the aristocratic parliament was thriving, but the private economy also briefly experienced prosperity as if it had been injected with a shot in the arm.

In this rare, economic prosperity like a flashback, Fossbarrow's No. 15 years have come quietly.

In this year's spring speech, Lacus proposed building an "integrated Fossbarrow" for the second time in ten years.

This content made many people who hoped to find some useful information from Spring's speech confused.

When the integrated Fossbarrow was proposed last time, during the Battle of Tobyssia, Fossbarrow, as part of Demacia, took the initiative to temporarily convert a lot of civilian production into military production, but with the follow-up Tobysia With the end of the West Asia campaign, these productions were quickly turned back.

Isn't the Noxians finished now?
Why is it suddenly starting to integrate again?
As for the vast number of clerks in Fossbarrow, after the integration of Fossbarrow's proposal, many people couldn't help but fight a cold war. Also strengthened theoretical study.

Among the content of theoretical study, a very important point in the follow-up reflection on the last conversion from civilian to military and then to civilian is that "during this process, many corrupt elements took advantage of the opportunity to use power for profit."

Now is it time to emphasize integration again?
This is a drill?

Or... is there really something big going to happen?

Although I couldn't help but speculate in my heart, the clerks finally remained silent in a very tacit understanding.

In the No. 15 years of Fossbury's calendar, an unspeakable force began to brew in this seemingly invincible country.

And in this situation where flowers are blooming and fire is cooking oil, a yordle carrying a hammer finally came to the northern border.


Poppy is a yordle like no other.

Even among the yordles who are paranoid by nature and full of obsession in certain aspects, Poppy is a very special one.

Other yordles are inherently fickle and full of whimsy about life and the world.

But Poppy is different. She seems to have a kind of orderliness and persistence that other yordles don't have.

Moreover, this kind of orderliness and persistence did not come from her experience, but was born with her.

This feature makes Poppy often feel uncomfortable when getting along with other yordles-on the contrary, those short-lived, tall humans seem to be more appetizing to Poppy.

When this idea came up, Poppy had never seen a human being.

She just read in the book that human beings can form a great country with tens of billions of people. Considering that only three yordles need to be together, Bobby thinks that human beings should be the keeper of his vision. sequence appearance.

So, at the end of the Rune Wars, when most of the yordles were in Bandle City, waiting for the end of the conflict in Rune Land, Poppy, who was not yet an adult, secretly left this safe plane and entered the Rune Land. land.

After entering Runeterra, Poppy was quickly beaten by the real world.

Human beings don't seem to be as orderly as they imagined. They are fighting each other for something called power that Bobby can't understand, and they even fight to the death.

Even when it comes to Poppy, a small, harmless yordle, humans aren't kind.

When yordles don't want to show up, ordinary people can't see these furry cuties.

And many spellcasters who can observe the existence of yordles, without exception, want to catch her as a cherished experimental material.

When faced with danger, the human response is often to return to a safe haven.

But the stubborn yordles will not easily give up what they believe in. In Bobby's view, there are so many people in this world, there must be someone who looks like what he expects!

So, little Bobby started a wandering.

In the process of wandering, Bobby found that those who seemed to be heading west were closer to his expectations.

Those along the foothills, along the river, all the way west, though many looked ragged and tired, staggered on, as if seeking some kind of better life.

Moreover, unlike those guys in the east who are always malicious towards themselves, these people will help each other and support each other. This is a form that Bobby has never seen. Although it does not seem to be lawful, it also makes her very like.

After realizing this, Bobby decided to continue heading west, to have a look to the west, there might be someone he had been looking forward to!
After walking for an unknown amount of time, Bobby finally saw a different team.

Different from other travelers, this is a group of people with a clear purpose-every morning, they all get up on time with the sound of the sentinel's horn, and every night, they all have dinner together around the campfire.

Although their movements were not neat, they were at least swift enough and surprisingly efficient.

They work in harmony like cogs, forming a force so powerful that no single individual can ever match.

This is what Bobby expects, the power of order.

Bobby decided to observe the camp secretly, trying to find the source of this order.

Soon, her eyes fell on the owner of a gleaming armor.

This is their commander, and his name is Oren, a man whose words and deeds seem to touch the souls of others.

If someone is discouraged, he will take the initiative to remind them of the purpose of this journey and cheer them up with ideals;
If someone is exhausted, he will personally organize the other party to rest in an orderly manner, and then set off energetically.

This reminded Poppy of some yordle spells, but he didn't rely on magic, and he didn't know magic, but he achieved the same effect very miraculously.

Bobby, who was completely attracted by Oren, couldn't help but approached the camp quietly.

The more she observed, the harder it was for her to look away.

Poppy watched Oren lead his soldiers in training very carefully - Oren was not very strong, but he could swing a huge warhammer with ease.

Every day, Oren walks in the team with vigor and will stand up when needed.

Every night, Oren carefully enriched his plans, preparing to settle in a safe place in the west.

Bobby didn't really know Oren that well.

She didn't know where Oren was going, where he came from, how he assembled such a meticulous group of travelers, let alone whether the brigade could accept a yordle.

However, a fate-like connection made Bobby finally make the most important decision in her life: she decided to show herself in front of a human being for the first time.

Bobby's appearance frankly surprised Oren.

The little yordle who appeared from the spiritual realm was very cute. After a brief exchange, the two sides quickly became close friends.

In other words, Oren became Bobby's mentor, and she followed his ideals and moved further towards the lawful order she expected.

And during this long journey, the size of this team is getting bigger and bigger. Besides Bobby, a little yordle, there are also Shurima in the team, and even With the mage.

For most of the people in the team, this is a journey to escape the war and go to a new life.

But for Bobby, this is a profound practice all the way.

Although she came to pursue order.

But along the way, she also gained and witnessed a lot.

Tolerance, kindness, solidarity, and... sacrifice.

In the end, Bobby and these people came to this new settlement.

Under the protection of the rune tree, these people finally established a brand new kingdom - Demacia.

As a leader along the way, Oren, who led everyone forward, became a much-loved figure in this country, and finally, with the support of everyone, he was crowned king.

Although not everyone has seen Oren wielding his own warhammer, it has become a sacred symbol of the emerging nation—someone even rumored that the giant hammer possessed the power to shake the world and shake the world. .

Bobby waited with great anticipation for the country to become what she dreamed of, but what made her a little at a loss was that when Oren became king, the country seemed less united and orderly than before.

Puzzled, Poppy asked Oren his question without any hesitation.

Facing Bobby's question, Oren, who is a king, can only show bitterness and shake his head slightly.

This problem has troubled Poppy for a long time, until Oren died - he finally gave the weapon to Poppy, and at the same time entrusted her with his hope for the country's long-term peace and prosperity.

Only then did Oren tell Poppy the "story" of the hammer.

He told Bobby that this holy hammer was born for "the peerless hero of Demacia", and only this person has the ability to protect the unity and unity of Demacia.

Watching her friend die, Bobby secretly swore to him that she would find the hero and hand over the hammer to him.

Later, during the pioneering period of Demacia, Poppy walked in the intersection of civilization and barbarism. This yordle wielding a sledgehammer continued to walk among those united people, looking for the great hero in Oren's mouth. .

until now.

Carya's Little Classroom Poppy's Story:

Because of the intrusion of a certain sand sculpture, Bobby's story has had many interesting changes.

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