Lux's Farewell

680 [0671] Little Bobby on the road

680 [0671] Little Bobby on the road
The yordles have always been very persistent, and they have a posture of not turning back without bumping into the south wall.

No, it's no longer enough not to turn back without hitting the south wall, yordles sometimes even hit the south wall without turning back.

Interestingly, judging from the results of some dark magic experiments that are not easy to disclose, the life of the yordles itself is related to their extraordinary persistence-from this perspective, perhaps the yordles The relationship with demons is closer than their relationship with humans.

It's just that the demon's emotions are more extreme, and the yordle's persistence is controllable and positive.

As Poppy's mentor, Oren is very aware of the little yordle girl's mind, and subconsciously maintains her purity, so when Poppy asked him, "Why did you become the king, but Demacia was not as united as before?" Afterwards, Oren could only smile wryly.

Humans have always been easier to change than pure yordles.

Maybe it's better, maybe it's depraved.

Even though Oren, as the king, has always been consistent with his requirements, this does not mean that all Demacians can support each other and unite as if they were on the road after escaping the vortex of war.

Perhaps in the face of the problem of survival, people will always shoulder the responsibility, make selfless dedication, and are not even afraid of sacrifice.

But when the situation is peaceful, comrades-in-arms who were once close relatives may also turn against each other in order to fight for power and profit.

Very few people are truly selfless.

Even Oren himself, didn't he choose to become king and pass the supreme throne to his son?

And a large part of the reason why many Demacian ancestors no longer maintain unity is also to strive for a better start for their children?
What is wrong with being a parent and what is there to blame for wanting a better life for your children?

Oren is not a yordle, and the yordle is destined not to influence Poppy, so when faced with Poppy's question, all he can do is smile helplessly, that's all.

However, even though Oren had his own selfishness, his vision was much farther than ordinary people after all. At the last moment of his life, he chose to leave his very symbolic warhammer to Bobby.

On the one hand, this warhammer carries his expectations for Bobby, he expects Bobby to become the unrivaled hero that he can't even do.

On the other hand, this war hammer may also be an insurance for Demacia—Bobby will always pursue those who are united and lawful. If one day, Bobby takes this hammer and finds a new "Oren", maybe for the sake of this warhammer, Demacia will have a completely different ending from the former Noxie Empire, right?
It has to be said that Oren knew Poppy well.

After getting this war hammer, Bobby has indeed been looking for a hero who can use this war hammer.

Moreover, because the nobles in Xiongdu quickly lost their motivation to open up, and they were no longer united and orderly, Bobby also left Xiongdu without saying a word.

Bobby's departure, in a sense, can be regarded as a difference.

Passively getting rid of the pressure of his father's halo, Sentu embarked on a path of his own second generation. Through reforms that are more suitable for Demacia, Demacia has completely established itself as a country, and at the end of his life moment, choose self-sacrifice.

And Bobby followed in the footsteps of the pioneers, heading south and north, this little yordle carrying a warhammer would always appear when people were united in the face of difficulties, and then asked where there was something that could be used. The unrivaled hero of this warhammer.

Although no one has ever been able to make this war hammer show the great power that Oren said, the appearance of Bobby himself has actually been the greatest help to these united and brave pioneers.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Demacia's territory can expand to the present situation after the end of the rune war, and many places are inseparable from Bobby.

Bobby, who was looking for a hero, became a hero. She walked all over the most difficult pioneering borders. She looked forward to a new Oren with great enthusiasm, but it is a pity that almost all "Oren" in After becoming "Oren", they all lost the unity that Poppy expected.

During the period, some people also recognized Oren's warhammer, hoping to trick it from this little yordle to realize their ambitions, but because they couldn't realize the great power that Oren said, Bobby will never hand over this warhammer.

If anyone wanted to use force, Poppy would actually teach them to physically re-human.

In this way, in the nearly a hundred years after Oren's death, Bobby has been walking on the road, looking for that unrivaled hero.

Then, as the territory of Demacia was gradually fixed, the time for Bobby to inspect the heroes finally became shorter and shorter, and the time spent on the road became longer and longer-although Demacia is still the most united country in Runeterra, But compared with the former ancestors, the current Demacia has gradually disappeared from Bobby's eyes.

But even so, Bobby still did not give up, she was still searching, looking for the hero's footsteps.

Considering that the ancestors of Demacia actually came from various countries, she even thought that maybe the hero was not in Demacia yet.

So, Poppy even left Demacia for a while, went through the portal of Bandle City to Freljord, to Ionia, to Bilgewater, to Shurima...

In the Freljord, she witnessed the rise of the Avarosa tribe, but the temperament of the Freljord has never met her expectations.

In Ionia, she would have given Irelia a try after the Battle of Presidium, but Ionia's unity quickly disappeared after the war.

In Bilgewater, she had lived through Soul Eater Nights several times, and each time she felt that kind of unity, but as the sky brightened the next day, this unity would disappear strangely.

In Shurima, she even tried climbing Mount Targon with a hammer on her shoulder, but it seemed that the yordles were not compatible with this thing, and she had no choice but to give up in the end.

In Ixtar...

In Icacia...

In Kamavia...

Thanks to the Bandle City Portal and his long life, Bobby's footsteps have long been limited to a corner of Demacia.

Unfortunately, very few people can display the kind of unity and order that Poppy expects.

Maybe at a certain moment, Bobby did feel the throbbing in his heart.

Unfortunately, it often doesn't take long for those once united to disintegrate again.

No group of people can reach the level of the ancestors of Demacia, and the warhammer in Bobby's hand has not been sent out for a long time.

Now, Bobby, who returned from Kamavia disappointed, finally set foot on the land of Demacia again.

Here, she heard the name of a model of nobility.

So, without the slightest hesitation, she took Oren's hammer and walked on the road to Forsbarrow.

"Maybe, she is the unrivaled hero?"


For Bobby's arrival, Lux naturally had no knowledge of it.

In Lux's eyes at this time, the Demacia Empire has reached its peak and decline.

Originally, Lux thought that proclaiming the emperor was already a move that was so stinky that it couldn't get any more stinky.

But unexpectedly, the preparations for the subsequent proclaiming ceremony made her realize that Jarvan IV was indeed not very good at governing the country.

Or rather, not as good as it looks.

The system of Demacian aristocracy and Jarvan IV's martial prowess concealed his lack of governance skills.

For a feudal aristocratic country, a king who can fight and gather power can be regarded as a wise king-but Jarvan IV is obviously not satisfied with this. He hopes that Demacia will go further, and he also hopes that he will go further further.

But the problem is that Demacia is objectively not ready, and Jarvan IV does not have this ability.

A person who can be a good king of a feudal aristocratic country, without the ability to reform the political system, ignores the specific situation of the country, but because of ambition and changes in the international situation, he hastily chose to spread the stall first...

Lux really couldn't imagine any chance of success for Jarvan IV.

In the past ten years, Jarvan IV relied on the Illuminati to gather local power, and relied on the soldiers who transformed from the private army of the nobles to the army directly under the royal family during the Battle of Tobysia.

This was a good beginning, thanks to the personal charm of Jarvan IV, these people were loyal to him, and indeed regained a lot of power from the hands of the nobles at the beginning.

But the problem is that although the follow-up Jarvan IV developed financial resources and consistently suppressed the nobles, he did not fundamentally change the noble system in Demacia, even after this wave of human resources was exhausted. , the flow of talent has become more rigid.

Although the Illuminati competed with the nobles locally, it didn't take long for them to become the new nobles.

And since these new nobles had no fiefdoms and only partial local powers, they very naturally began to pave the way for their descendants.

As a result, Demacia's soldiers have rapidly "second-generation" in this decade.

You know, in Demacia, serving as a soldier is the most serious promotion channel, so after these new nobles control this road, civilians who could go to other places to join the army, now have no possibility of progress at all.

Since Demacia is relatively rich in products, the unorganized civilians will not pose any threat to Demacia if they are not starved to death.

And when the conflicting interests of the old and new aristocrats were completely inconsistent, they could not unite to pose a threat to the royal power, and the aristocratic council itself became quarrelsome.

Under such circumstances, Jarvan IV's rule can be said to be as stable as Mount Tai, and even Lux has prepared a long-lasting confrontation. Wait until the next generation in the North, or even the next generation, grows up, and magic is fully productive before launching a new attack on Xiongdu. Preparations for dimensionality reduction strikes.

But he never expected that at this time, Jarvan IV, as if he had lost his mind and went crazy, gave up his stable rule and insisted on proclaiming himself emperor.

Lux, who hoped that Kalya's trip to Shurima would bring some trouble to the royal family, welcomed the gift from heaven.

Lux, who was hit on the head by the pie, hesitated for a long time.

She really thought about it for a long time, but she couldn't figure out what the confidence of King Jarvan IV was.

This is the so-called "plans can't keep up with changes".

After confirming through the intelligence team's data investigation that Jarvan IV was indeed committing suicide, Lux finally temporarily put aside her preparations for a protracted battle, and planned to take this opportunity to teach Jarvan IV a lesson so that he could understand clearly. What is advanced, what is rolling, and what is management.

Based on this judgment, after discussion, the Big Three in the North agreed that it was time to act.

Therefore, in the spring speech, Lux raised the goal of "integrated Fossbarrow" for the second time without any concealment.

Although it is not a declaration of war, its purpose has long been obvious.

It's a pity that even if Lux has made the matter so clear, for Xiongdu, this is an out-and-out "secret language".

In other words, in the entire Demacia, except for the Fossbarrows, no one can realize what kind of energy is contained in magic when it is used for production; What does the unremitting investment in education, infrastructure construction, and administrative restructuring over the years mean?

To put it bluntly, Fossbarrow and Xiongdu have gradually widened the generational gap not only in terms of productivity, but also in terms of political system.

It is difficult for people who have not experienced this kind of dimensionality reduction to understand what this generation difference means.

And if it wasn't for the experience in Zaun, Lux wouldn't believe it. Sometimes, the worldview cognition brought about by the way of thinking really makes people unable to understand the facts and principles that are originally in front of them.

Just like now, even though Lacus has made it clear that she wants to shift her focus to the military, as long as she turns a corner and says that Fossbarrow is integrated, Xiongdu will not understand what it means.

When facing the northern border, the deep-rooted arrogance still blinded Jarvan IV and the nobles of Xiongdu. They never really opened their eyes to see the northern border, never really understood the northern border, never really understood the northern border logic of action.

Look at Fossbarrow with your own way, face the upcoming changes with your own way, and guide the future with your own way.


The so-called God will not accept, but will be blamed instead, time does not wait, since the enemy has made the mistake of adventurism, then Lux will naturally seize the opportunity to punch hard!

When Jarvan IV spent huge sums of money preparing for the ceremony of proclaiming himself emperor, he invited envoys from various kingdoms and duchies of Valoran to watch the ceremony.

Fossbarrow in the north for the first time let go of the use of human resources.

Under the established organizational structure, a large amount of labor was absorbed into Fossbarrow's production with astonishing efficiency.

In the past, Fossbarrow has never been so open-handed in production. On the one hand, it is because of the need to keep a low profile, and on the other hand, it is also because of the limited consumption capacity of Demacians, and the production capacity is surplus in many fields.

But now, with the proposal of Fossbarrow's integration strategy, a brand new track that can accommodate almost all excess capacity is officially unveiled.

The name of the track is... Armament.

 Carya's Small Classroom Bandle City's Portal:

  The entrances to Bandle City will appear "randomly" in various places in Runeterra, so yordles can pass through these portals and go to various places in Runeterra very conveniently.

(End of this chapter)

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