Lux's Farewell

Chapter 681 [0672] 1 Fussbarrow

681 [0672] The integrated Fossbarrow

Ever since she came to Fossbarrow—it can even be said that since the time she liberated the Archon, Lux has been consciously suppressing Fossbarrow's Wude.

With Karya here, Lax is very aware of the impact of excessive martial arts. In this stage of building high walls, slowing down to become king, and working hard to cultivate internal strength, Lax must ensure that Fossbarrow will not appear to "destroy everything" resort to force" thinking.

For archons, magic should be used for construction. Lux liberated them from the magic prison, and then taught them the basic theory of magic while leading them to build, in order to prevent them from directly consciously Know how destructive an organized caster is.

Although with Lux around, the Archon shouldn't lose control, but Fossbarrow's focus is on development. At this time, if everyone realizes that they have abundant martial arts, whether the Archon can focus on development and construction, that's a question. Not easy to say.

As early as ten years ago, when Fossbarrow's industry began to complete, the northern border actually had the ability to activate the armament machine, but under the guidance and suppression of Lux's efforts, the Fossbarrow people's Attention is still on development.

Because from the perspective of development, Fossbarrow is successful, and people always have a path dependence on success.

Thanks to the clerk, Fossbarrow did not encounter any obvious stagnation during the entire 14-year development period, and even the large-scale absorption of immigrants did not cause much disturbance under the efforts of the clerk.

Now, Fossbarrow has finally cultivated his internal strength, and the new generation of students has also reached the age of youth.

If Xiongdu is fighting steadily, and Jarvan IV brings the power of Noxus' collapse to reform internally, Lux will continue to work hard with him to develop; but now that Jarvan IV is not clear-headed, Lux will naturally not give up on this. Chance.

In this way, in this year's spring speech, she officially flipped the switch of Fossbarrow's war machine.

The so-called integrated Fossbarrow, on the surface, "the entire Fossbarrow is performing its duties in the same industry", but for Fossbarrow, which already has a considerable level of infrastructure construction, the The "same industry" is the military industry.

What's interesting is that Noxus, which just collapsed next door, has always implemented a policy of all for the military.

However, the military industry of Forsbarrow and the military expansionism of Noxus are not the same thing.

The simplest point is that Fossbarrow's military industry priority is essentially "converting industries that can be used for military purposes to military purposes." If the policy ends, most of the industries can be transferred back.

To put it bluntly, the idea of ​​Noxus' military expansion largely stems from the fact that after the Rune Wars, the natural environment in the Noxus region has gradually deteriorated. There is no future for relying on business, so the only way is to continue to expand. Only by relying on the dividends of war to unite everyone, once the expansion is frustrated, it will fall apart as it is now.

In Fossbarrow, although the status of the soldiers is also very high, the northern border walker, the clerk, and the royal court have their own duties. Joining the army is not the only way to be promoted; the purpose of war is not to plunder, Because Fossbarrow did well without the war.

No matter from which point of view, there is an essential difference between the two.

But it is undeniable that, on the surface, it seems that Fosbarrow, who has put his focus on the military industry and started to explode his troops, will indeed give people a very strong sense of sight.

Xiongdu may not be aware of the problem in a short period of time, but the northern regions, which have been gradually tied politically and economically to Fossbarrow, may not be long before there will be strong unease.


With the development of the integrated Fossbarrow strategy, all walks of life in Fossbarrow, Sun Fook City, and Sun Fook Kong soon received invitations from the clerks to invite registered practitioners from all walks of life , come to participate in the integration of Forsbarrow mobilization meeting.

There are special clerks in charge of almost all industries, from shipbuilding, Elniuk breeding, and civil engineering, to transportation, special planting, and bard associations.

In the ten years since the Fossbarrow Industry Association became history, the clerk has become the actual leader of the industry. Although the industry association is still there, it has completely become a non-governmental organization with internal adjustment, whether it is organizational ability or The ability to mobilize is not as good as before.

This transfer of power was superficially due to the requirements of Forsbarrow's law, but in essence, it was mainly because the clerk not only represented the will of the Forsbarrow government, but also represented advanced productivity.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that without the technical and financial support provided by Fossbarrow through the clerks, many industries would not be possible at all.

Moreover, since Fossbarrow has the magic essence of the entire Demacia, many magic groups are constantly producing new technologies. If there is really a self-righteous guy who doesn't cooperate with the clerk, then it doesn't even need Fossbarrow Byro directly throws his iron fist, and he will soon be bankrupt for various reasons.

Take the shipbuilding industry as an example.

Although the shipbuilding industry was led by clerks and developed by gathering a small number of boatmen in the northern part of Demacia and old sea dogs hired with high salaries from Bilgewater, three years ago, there was a shipyard that produced a difference. Thoughts——The main shareholder of the shipyard is unwilling to give up the good business environment of Forsbarrow on the one hand, and on the other hand, he is unwilling to fulfill the obligations of operating in Forsbarrow, and is perfunctory about the free maintenance work of his own in Xinfugang extreme.

After the usual two warnings, the clerk took the usual sanction process very unceremoniously.

As a result, the timber raw materials began to be out of stock on a large scale, and then the shipyard next door came up with new technologies, and the boatman community began to protest. After a combination of punches, the shareholders of the shipyard were completely locked up and had to sell in embarrassment. All the shares are completely bankrupt.

Unlike other free-developing economies, Fossbarrow's overall concept is closer to the former Shurima Empire. The government represented by clerks, although not directly involved in production in most industries (there are also a few industries that are clerks, imperial law (such as construction, humus production for hazelnut plantation, education of some subjects, management of herbal medicine, etc.), but no one will ignore the clerk's invitation.

Although this will make businessmen, especially foreign investors, feel uncomfortable, considering Fossbarrow's excellent business environment, no matter how uncomfortable they are, they will try their best to make themselves into the shape of Fossbarrow, take the initiative To fit Forsbarrow.

As long as he can make a lot of money in Fossbarrow, all the problems are not Fossbarrow's problems, but his own problems!
It is also for this reason that when the integrated Forsbarrow strategy was elaborated, although everyone was a little surprised, they quickly entered their roles.

Switching to military production was never a big deal.

As long as you can make money, there is essentially no difference between forging forks and forging arrows; as long as the price is acceptable, food control is completely acceptable.

Practitioners in many industries even rejoiced after learning the significance of the integrated Forsbarrow strategy.

Here again the shipbuilding industry can be used as an example.

Under the integrated Fossbarrow strategy, the three large shipyards in Fossbarrow will start to build large-scale construction of warships for Fossbarrow at full speed.

Under this policy, they can unimpededly use the long-dried timber stored in Forsbarrow. Many of these timbers were even cut down by the court when the canal was built. They are all high-quality materials. No need to worry about material issues.

As for the shipbuilders, they don't need to worry at all. Besides their own technical backbone, the clerks promise that new immigrants will arrive soon, helping to complete the simple and clumsy guys who can get started after a short training-those foreign immigrants Although there is no good craft of shipbuilding, it is still possible to do jobs such as cleaning wood, moving wood, tending materials, and helping to expand the dock.

When the raw materials and workers were not a problem, the clerk also came up with a rough but comprehensive collaboration plan.

For example, in order to quickly manufacture sails, the textile industry will suspend accepting civilian orders and open up a new production line to manufacture sails. This requires the two industries to coordinate and manufacture together, and the clerk will provide them with an environment for cooperation and communication.

In addition to the sails, there will be similar cooperation for the cables, anchors, paints, nails, and projectile weapons of warships. Textile industry, paint industry, forging industry, animal husbandry and many other industries.

Throughout the meeting, the clerk did not mention the subsidy from beginning to end, and even the order price given seemed a little clear.

But the owners of the shipyard were all gearing up for excitement.


That thing is not important for the time being, as long as there is no problem with their capital chain, they are willing to do it if they don't make money!

With this order, they can not only expand their production capacity, but also deepen their cooperation with other industries and even Fossbarrow itself. In a sense, this is an investment in Fossbarrow!

In the entire Runeterra, is there anything more suitable for investment than Fossbarrow?

Of course, not all industries have the intention of expanding production capacity and increasing investment like the shipbuilding industry.

For example, the textile industry, which was completely developed by Forsbarrow himself, quickly exploded with great enthusiasm for independence after receiving the task.

For this industry that is more "rooted and young", Her Excellency Laxana's words are an unquestionable order. The participants in the industry are all beneficiaries of the development of Fossbarrow, so they hardly need any mobilization. Actively participated in the transformation of production.

This is a genuine all-in-one Fossbarrow. After the button of the military industry is pressed, Fossbarrow will hit the ground running in the same direction with an unprecedented attitude!
Under Lux's planning and the coordination of the clerk, all industries in Fossbarrow began to change directions.

On the basis of meeting Fossbarrow's own needs, it is all inclined towards the military industry.

The grain export trade was almost completely stopped, and Fossbarrow took a large amount of ice gold coins and began to frantically sweep and hoard. Large granaries were built up at a speed visible to the naked eye, then filled, and then the next one.

At the same time, the restriction on the inflow of Fossbarrow's population was completely lifted. With the rise of the wave of immigrants from the northern border, the number of porters who could do it as long as they were physically strong expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye. Like ants, they transported all kinds of food and materials into the warehouse, and even quickly formed a vicious involution. The price of human transportation was almost comparable to that of large livestock.

Under this kind of extreme involution, the living standards of the porters plummeted. When conflicts gradually arose, industries that required a large number of people, such as shipbuilding, construction, and forging, announced the recruitment of workers at the same time, and made preparations. , they have vacated enough space for these rookies.

After comparing the remuneration and the guarantee of the clerk, the porter who had carried the bag for a few days began to change careers quickly.

What, you ask why does it sound like the clerk's bond seems to be important?
The reason is also very simple. When these people first arrived, the clerks with experience in accepting immigrants recommended that they be placed in various communities.

Moreover, even during the training of these people, these communities will provide them with a basic guarantee that can support their lives.

Vegetable rations, daily necessities, rent-free housing...

These basic guarantees also come from the coordination under the integrated Fossbarrow strategy. At the beginning, some past inventories were cleared, and then the economic cycle of expanding production after the arrival of immigrants-after all, the guarantee of logistics materials, the guarantee of living materials and stability , itself is also an important part of this strategy.

Under the guidance of the integrated Fossbarrow strategy, some industries have begun to absorb foreign talents and expand production scale; Directly increase production by using funds to provide funds and stability needs for the strategy.

The empty Xinfucheng urban area was filled by immigrants at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The scope of Xin Fook Port is also expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the expanded part is either a dock or a residential area.

The traffic of ships on the canal became more and more frequent.

Large freight vehicles are congested on the road.

For the first time, public carts have extra profits.

Food prices have risen sharply across the northern border.

The construction of some public facilities was temporarily suspended.



The entire Forsbarrow seems to have been pressed the accelerator button, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is changing with each passing day.

Six months later, when the first artillery warship transformed from a large merchant ship completed the hoisting of the main gun and the engraving of the defensive magic circuit, and was officially launched, the restless northern nobles finally took the initiative to find Lacus. .

At the same time, in Xiongdu, thousands of miles away to the south, the date of Jarvan IV's proclaiming emperor ceremony was finally set.

 Karya's Little Classroom Fossbarrow Organization:

  Although objectively speaking, Fossbarrow has not realized the industrialization of magic, and many industries are in the stage of handicraft workshops, but this does not prevent the entire Fossbarrow from having an astonishing degree of organization that goes beyond its economic base.

  Even looking at the entire Runeterra, there are probably only a few areas such as Vazuan that can compete with the current Fossby Robb.

(End of this chapter)

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