Lux's Farewell

682 [0673] Two Difficult Choices

682 [0673] Dilemma

Even if Xiongdu paid attention to the changes in Fossbarrow, it was doomed to be slow to respond.

Moreover, at a time when His Majesty Jarvan IV was planning a grand enthronement ceremony, no one would pay much attention even if they found something.

On the contrary, the nobles in the northern border who were not well-informed were the first to realize that something was wrong—not because they knew Fossbarrow, but because the population under their command, especially the working population in their prime, was growing at an astonishing rate. , massive outflow to Forsbarrow.

You must know that the population in the northern border has never been dense. Even in the past ten years, with the rise of Fossbarrow trade, people's living standards have improved and their willingness to have children has increased visibly, but the poor population Under the base number, the number of civilians in the north is still pitifully small compared to the south.

After Fossbarrow unreservedly let go of the absorption of the population, a large number of laborers chose to go to Fossbarrow to work and earn money. Compared with planing food in the soil, no matter how you look at it, they go to Fossbarrow to buy strength Make more money.

Only in a few areas, because most of the civilians under the rule are self-cultivating farmers, and the civilians are farming for themselves (such as Mitril City), there is not much outflow of population.

The tenant farmers no longer leased the farmland, and the pasture and vegetable plots in the past were all abandoned. Under such circumstances, even if the nobles didn't care about the life and death of the common people, they had to cheer up.

Recently, the price of food has been rising year by year, and the common people are hens that lay golden eggs. If they all run away, who will the gentlemen find to work?

If the peasants changed their livelihoods, the nobles from all over the place might not be able to resist adopting some special measures, but considering that they all went to Fossbarrow, many nobles thought it would be best to go with Laxana after smacking their lips. Your Excellency, let's talk first.

Fossbarrow, as you know, has been in great need of people.

Everyone can understand Her Excellency Laxana's large-scale absorption of population.

But now that people are being absorbed like a whale, a large area of ​​the land in your home will be abandoned!

In Fossbarrow's trade, the proportion of grain is quite large. If there is no grain, it will be bad for everyone!

How about we discuss it and establish a rule, for example, the second child of each family can go to Forsbarrow, but at least one male must be left to work?

In the past ten years, Lux has always played the role of a good neighbor in the northern border, so the nobles in the northern border have become very accustomed to negotiating with Lux to solve problems-Miss Noble Model can always successfully reach multi-party supplies, and they naturally Also happy to save worry and effort.

However, this time, when the northern aristocrats came to Forsbarrow together and entered Xinfu City, a few nimble-minded guys finally murmured in their hearts.

Although I haven't seen the full power of the shipyard at the shipyard, but now Xinfu City is crowded with people but organized, which makes people a little concerned.

I always feel that the current Forsbarrow is a bit different from last year, but I can't tell why it is different...

These doubtful people kept their expressions on their faces, and just applied for an audience with Earl Laxana as usual.

At the banquet, the nobles talked about endless topics in an arty way, and at the same time hinted at the food problem in the northern border.

However, Her Majesty Laxanna, who is always slick and slick in every aspect, seemed to be stupid today, turning a deaf ear to the subtext of the nobles in the northern border, and even took the initiative to express her concern about the lack of food.

Facts have proved that a person who always makes people feel like a spring breeze on weekdays is also very good at when he wants to make people feel like a thorn in his throat.

Lux didn't even show any faux pas, so a few impatient guys took the initiative to bring up the topic regardless of their demeanor.

The first person to speak was Guswo, the lord of Balmor in the north.

Balmore is located in the east of Mitrílín City. Although it is far from Fossbarrow, with the relay station of Mitrín City, it has a deep economic connection with Fossbarrow. Even their biggest grain buyer is Forsbarrow.

This young man who inherited the territory the year before last tried to carry out a pioneering movement in Balmoral last year. As a result, just after the new year, a lot of civilians under his family ran away—the furious Guswo wanted to resort to violence. However, after learning that the civilians had all gone to Fossbarrow, he had to be patient and come to meet the real speaker of the northern border, the super God of Wealth.

"Your Excellency Laxana." Guswo chose to cut to the chase, "I heard that Fossbarrow has been recruiting all kinds of workers without restriction since this spring. May I ask, is this true?"

"Of course it is true." Lacus nodded gracefully, "From this year, Fossbarrow has started to implement an integrated strategy, hoping that the entire Fossbarrow and all walks of life can strive for one goal. , unite and work together like the ancestors.”

For this official language, Lacus can already know the way without Kalya’s help. With this opening of her mouth, Fossbarrow’s integration strategy has become a strategy of “learning from the ancestors of Demacia”. Nominally blameless.

It's a pity that Guswo is not interested in learning from the ancestors at all, and he doesn't want to have a debate with the noble model on the spirit of Demacia and the spirit of the ancestors. After he nodded slightly, he chose to follow the trend.

"I respect Fossbarrow's integration strategy, and even more respect for Your Excellency Laxana's imitation of the sages." He organized his words carefully, "However, people have to eat, and those who work in the farmland now They all came to Fossbarrow to work, and imitating the sages requires a full meal!"

"This is exactly the significance of my implementation of the integrated Fossbarrow strategy." Lux continued to occupy the moral high ground, "The year before last, I took the initiative to ask you to accept the help of the Archons to increase food production, but You all declined."

Hearing this, no matter how dull the northern nobles were, they couldn't help frowning.

In the No.13 year of Fossbyro's calendar, Lux did mention that "if necessary, I can send an absolutely reliable magician to help increase the yield of crops" - at that time, Shurima was in full swing in Xiongdu , Fossbarrow was spending a lot of money to buy golden wheel stones, and at the same time wanted to increase the purchase price of grain internally. For a while, it seemed a bit reluctant to use the grain in the northern border to maintain the Fossbarrow seedlings.

In this case, Lux simply said, "Why don't we expand our food production capacity, and I will help you with the Archons"!
Although in the northern border, there have always been rumors that the guardians have contributed a lot to the cultivation of Hongsu and Hazelnut, but the nobles still expressed their gratitude to Lacus for her suggestion.

You can control the Archon, we can't control it!
Moreover, there is an organization of the Silencers over there, and it is not easy for the demon seekers to cause trouble, but we have nothing to do with the Silencers. If the Archon comes to us, the royal family may also extend their hand.

Lux just said it, and the nobles just refused it, neither of them seemed to care about it.

But who would have thought that Lacus would reveal this matter at this time, and the meaning behind the words was "Since you don't have enough people to produce food, then just ask the Archons to help and improve the efficiency of food production." ".

Hearing this sentence, Guswo frowned on the spot.

What the hell, is this the same thing?
How to grow food in the territory under our rule, do we still need Fossbarrow's guidance?
Regarding Lux's sophistry, Guswo's emotions were a little out of control.

However, not all the northern nobles are as young as Guthwart. When they heard this, many people couldn't help wondering if Lux had other meanings.

Could it be that Her Excellency Laxana is targeting those southerners?
This can’t be blamed on the nobles in the northern border who have big brains. It is true that since the start of the royal family’s Shurima trade, the relationship between the northern border and the south of Demacia has a hint of competition. Or, although the northern region has a more mature business environment, in terms of cost, it is still somewhat inferior to the south after all.

Searching and searching the northern border, how many catties of food is that?
How do you compare with the plains of Demacia and the plains of Tobythia?
In order to maintain the Fossbarrow trade, Lux relied on not only the cheap food from Demacia, but also the locally developed specialties.

Compared with Fossbarrow, the royal family who has mastered Ning Wu Dao is simply exchanging sand for money.

In this case, there is a natural competition between the north and the south, and Lacus is the speaker of the north and often speaks out for the north. When she suddenly goes out of her way and says something strange, people will always endure it. Can't help but think more.

Sure enough, Lux then said something more interesting.

"Civilians always go where the money is more profitable. If Fossbarrow has more gold coins, they are willing to come to Fossbarrow."

"Now I heard that food prices in the south are also rising. No one has a few acres of land to plant. Instead of coming to Forsbarrow, you might as well think about how to attract some people from the south."

"The people under me are quite familiar with this kind of thing, and I will help if necessary."

Good guy, this is no longer a hint, it is simply an indication.

Want to have enough labor to maintain farming?
Pull people from the south!

I heard that the lives of civilians in the south are getting tighter and tighter. If I can pull people from your territory to Fossbarrow, you won't pull people from the south?
For Lux's statement, everyone was naturally unwilling at first.

Just kidding, there is a price to be paid for pulling people - if you don't give a lower rent, how many people are willing to leave their homes?

We are not Lord Laksanna, a God of Wealth like you, who can throw coins to pull people's heads unscrupulously. If we pull people to the south, should we lower the rent?
Lower the rent, that is, we pay out of our own pockets!
Moreover, how rich are the nobles in the south!

You look at their style after Shurima trade started, compare rent with them, aren't we looking for a dead end?

However, since Lacus was willing to speak, she was naturally prepared.

Soon, each of these northern nobles had an extra travel book in their hands. Lacus didn't say much, but hoped that everyone "read it more" and said "the travel book is very interesting".

The banquet is over soon.

Back at the place where they stayed, the nobles of the northern border who didn't know why opened the travel notes one after another.

Then, they were surprised to find that the southern scenery recorded in the travel notes seemed to be quite different from what they had imagined!
According to the travel notes, the current tenants in the south have reached the point of seven citizens and three people. Although the price of Demacia’s grain has been rising steadily over the years, in the travel notes, the south of Demacia is exhausted. .

Of course, not all the nobles understood the content - some people didn't realize what the book represented at all, but thought it was a crappy work, and the language and words didn't even have a basic sense of beauty.

There is one thing to say, there is indeed no sense of beauty.

Because this is basically the information of the intelligence team. After a series of connections, it was barely pieced together. This plate of dumplings was made entirely for this jealousy.

Lux did this to buy time for Fossbarrow's integration on the one hand, and on the other hand, to expand Fossbarrow's influence, take advantage of the opportunity to observe the quality of the northern nobles, and see who is still reforming There is room for those who are hopeless.

Those lords who realized the significance of the content recorded in the travel notes and were willing to take the idea of ​​​​the south in order to attract the people may have a future.

And those guys who didn't understand what Lacus meant at all, and even planned to fight against Forsbarrow, would soon become the first batch of unlucky ones.

As the speaker of the Northern Territory, Lux also needs to find a suitable target to practice with.

And the northern border walker and mage sequence also need actual combat experience now!
However, what Lacus never expected was that she was only feigning a shot now, but Mr. Nidu, the lord of Temuera, chose to visit late at night that night, and Lacus was stunned when he opened his mouth.

"Your Majesty Laxana." The patriarch, who sold his textile industry by providing food for Fossbarrow, opened his mouth with shocking words, "If His Majesty Jarvan IV proclaims himself emperor, then His Majesty Laxana must also Must be king of Forsbarrow, right?"

Such a direct compliment made Lacus a little puzzled for a moment, and she couldn't understand why Nidu said that.

"That doesn't depend on me, it depends on His Majesty." Lux finally shook her head lightly, "Where to become a kingdom, where to become a principality, and where to continue to be a territory, this is all a matter for His Majesty to decide."

"But in my opinion, Fossbarrow is much better than Xiong." The other party didn't look like a noble at all, and he spoke more bluntly than a commoner, "In the northern border, who doesn't know Her Majesty Laxana?"


If she hadn't been very clear about Nidu's own virtues, knowing that everything about him was completely bound to Fossbarrow, Lacus would almost have thought that this guy was here to trick her.

However, Nidu's next sentence made Lacus believe that this idiot was indeed here to trick her.

"Since Your Majesty can be called emperor, then Laksana, you can definitely be called king!"

 Carya's Little Classroom Temuera's Nidu:

  The Nidu family of Temula was mentioned last time in Chapter 597. In order to seize power within the family, the patriarch sold Temula’s textile industry in exchange for food orders from Fossbarrow.

(End of this chapter)

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