Lux's Farewell

Chapter 68 [0066] The cattle and horses of Zaan

Chapter 68 [0066] The cattle and horses of Zaan
When Finn pushed open the door of his office and wanted to show Lux around, he prepared a lot of words to improve the relationship between the two parties.

When it comes to complimenting the people of Piltover, Finn is quite expert.

However, after pushing open the door, the scene that appeared in front of him made all the words he had prepared choked in his throat.

In the hallway, all of his thugs were frozen in place.

The spreading ice crystals covered their whole bodies, turning their skin red from the cold—these unlucky ones seemed to want to struggle, but unfortunately, they had no other place to move except for their eyeballs.

"They're trying to find out your identity from me." Ino explained to Lacus expressionlessly, with a tone so calm that it made one's heart chill, "It's too noisy, I'll ask them to calm down."

Seeing thugs who looked like ice sculptures, and listening to Ino's unemotional and straightforward narration, Finn seemed to be poured with ice water, and his whole body calmed down instantly—he didn't entangle himself in this issue, but brought He looked at Lux pleadingly.

Following Lux's nod, Ino finally canceled his spell, and a group of thugs leaned against the wall one after another as if they had been pardoned, shaking like a sieve—I don't know if they were frozen or scared.

Finn also swallowed all the polite words and temptations, and just took Lux to visit his alchemy factory and introduced their production line.

Lacus stared blankly at the roaring machines and numb workers, while listening to Finn's endless bragging about how low his prices were, but she thought of the ten days she had been investigating in Piltover, and saw The proud Piltovers who arrived.

After the visit, Finn once again emphasized that he had the lowest price, and Finn sent Lacus out of the factory in a polite and respectful manner.

The younger brother greets them when they come, and the elder brother sees them off when they leave.

Even at the end, Finn didn't dare ask for a word of promise.

After returning to the factory, Finn sat back on his chair. With trembling hands, he tried to ignite his beloved lighter, but failed to ignite it several times, and finally managed to ignite it with both hands.

"Boss, do you want to send someone to follow?"

"Pie, why not send?" Lit up the cigarette, Finn took a deep breath, and then he seemed to come back to life, "Don't use your own people, find Mr. Shadow - what a numb, Picheng guy Has there ever been such a powerful mage?"

"This, I haven't heard the wind."

"Then pay more attention." Finn took another puff of the cigarette, and slammed the remaining half into the ashtray, "A young girl who is also coming here to show off her power? Wait until I get the parliament to enter." Coupon, sooner or later I'll show you!"


Lux naturally didn't know Finn's words.

At this moment she was on her way to the lift platform.

"Kalya, how do you know that guy is an Ionian?"

"Because of his tattoos." Kalya explained, "Have you seen his neck? The large patterns, hooked jade, and cloud patterns are all typical characteristics of Ionia—and they are very organized, aren't they? Scrambled."

"That's weird." Lux frowned strangely when she heard this, "I clearly felt that he didn't want to mention his identity as an Ionian, so why did he have so many Ionian tattoos?"

"Probably not in Zaun." Kalya thought for a moment, then replied, "Ionians also like tattoos, especially those who desire to express their individuality and leave their original environment. He ran to Tattoos are more normal for the Ionians of Zaun."

"That's it..." Lux nodded upon hearing this, "He's not the same as Sona at all!"

"Of course it's different." Kalya sighed, "To be honest, I really want you to hang him on the street lamp right now... A worker who has worked in my factory for three years has more experience than Picheng. Younger people are more experienced—it’s a shame to die for such a thing to be said with pride.”

"It's not human at all!" Hearing what Kalya said, Ino, who has always been silent, rarely said, "In my hometown, even when it is busy farming, big animals can still rest. Look at his factory here, the workers!"

"This is one of the reasons why I chose to come to Zaun." Kalya snorted, "This city is about to break through the bottom line of human civilization, and there is no way to let go here, and all changes are progress! "

"Yeah..." When it came to this topic, Lux was also a little sad, "Those workers are not slaves, but in my opinion, they are not too different from slaves, maybe in the duel field of the Noxus , the living conditions of gladiators are much better than theirs..."


After taking the last escalator back to Piltover and walking back to the hotel where she was staying, Lux unexpectedly received a message at the front desk.

"What? Jess looking for me?" After confirming the news at the front desk waiter, Lux blinked unexpectedly, "Are you sure it's Jace?"

"That's right, Miss Laxana." The waiter at the front desk confirmed with a smile and nodded, "It was a message from a law enforcement officer who called himself Marcos. He left this note when you were not there."

"This is really unbelievable." Lux took the note and reconfirmed the above content, "Invite me to visit the prison... I don't even know him!"

"Then please put away the note and confirm it with me." The waiter at the front desk took out a notebook, "It doesn't matter whether you go or not, but we need to confirm that you have received the message."

"No problem." Lux nodded, "I see."

Just like that, Lacus signed her name, and then went back to the room with Ino - without taking a shower, she immediately looked at Karya.

"What's going on here? Isn't the collusion between officials and bandits a misunderstanding? Why did Jess want me to visit the prison?"

"This... I don't know." Kalya was also obviously confused, "Could it be that he wants you to change the testimony so that the matter doesn't seem so serious?"

"No, it's not." Lux looked at the note in her hand over and over again, and finally shook her head, "Here, the note said that Ino should come with her. I think this may have something to do with magic."

"It's related to magic—if possible, I think you should go there." Kalya thought for a moment, "Although according to Vander, those children of Zaun stole a lot of Enlightenment Crystals, but Jay Si may not be out of stock, if possible, you should go meet him and see if you can get some Enlightenment Crystals from him."

 Karya's Little Classroom Zaun Population:
  There are many people in Zaun, but few people know that Zaun's foreign population is quite impressive.

  Countless people came to Piltover with longings, but they couldn't gain a foothold in this city of evolution, and finally had to live in Zaun; A bonded worker who is not a slave, but is not much different from a slave.

(End of this chapter)

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