Lux's Farewell

Chapter 69 [0067] The dream in the cell

Chapter 69 [0067] The dream in the cell
Considering that Dodgers may have a gem of enlightenment in his hand, Lux finally decided to meet him in prison.

The next day, according to the location on the note, Lacus and Ino arrived at the prison in Piltover and successfully submitted their application for a visit.

The guards in the prison seemed to have approved Jess' application for visiting the prison, so after learning that the target of Lacus' visit was Jess, they quickly passed her identity verification and let her enter the prison not long after.

However, because of the prison, Lacus couldn't carry the saber, so she left Kalya and the broken sword to Ino, alone, and accompanied by the law enforcement officer, she met Jess.

The conditions in Piltover Prison were much better than Lux expected—or, in other words, the conditions of the single room where Jess lived were a bit too good. When the prison guards opened the door of the cell, Jess was sitting in a small room. In front of the table, sipping fine wine in small sips.

"Hello, respect...Miss Lacus." Jess stood up excitedly when he saw Lacus coming, "I'm glad that you can come here to visit me, this unlucky ghost—wait, where is Miss Ino ?”

"She's waiting for me outside, and the prison doesn't allow two people to visit the prison at the same time." Lacus couldn't help raising his eyebrows at Jess's attitude, "Then, Mr. Jess, may I ask why you asked the law enforcement officer to invite me to come?" How about meeting you in prison?"

"This is a slightly complicated story." Jess blinked, and quickly entered a rather excited state, "It's mainly about magic, I heard from the law enforcement officers, it's Miss Eno's Ice magic protected my lab from being buried alive."


Lux didn't respond, just nodded, then continued to look at Jace.

"It's like this. In fact, although the main reason I'm here is to conduct dangerous experiments illegally, but believe me, my experiments are not really dangerous. If the intruders did not tamper with my experimental materials, I would never There may be such an explosion." Jess tried hard to defend himself, "And the experiment I conducted is related to magic. To be precise, I hope to use Hex technology to control Hex gems, so that To achieve the goal of free control of magic."

"Then what?" Lux blinked her eyes, as if she didn't understand, "Mr. Jess, this has nothing to do with me or Eno. It seems that you should talk to the law enforcement officer about this kind of thing—or talk to you Talk to that council of yours and prove to them that your experiment is all right."

"That's exactly what I'm going to do." Jess showed a confident smile, "I already have some clues, I believe I will succeed, and the council will definitely support my research, and it is precisely because of my I have strong confidence in this, so I hope to get help from you and Miss Ino."

"...I don't quite understand this." Lux put on a puzzled look, "Mr. Jess, with all due respect, I'm just a traveler from a foreign country, and I don't know much about Hextech in Piltover. I don’t understand—so I really don’t understand how I can help you.”

"A lot, a lot!" Jess opened his hands, as if he was holding an invisible huge sphere, "In the current theory of ordinary people, Hex technology and magic are completely different, but I have already vaguely I saw the bridge that communicated with them, but because I don't know enough about magic, I can only work unilaterally in HexTech this time."

"It's an interesting metaphor." Lux nodded, seeming to understand what Jace meant, "So, you also need someone to help you build this bridge on the magic side?"

"That's right!" Jess withdrew his hands, and patted the back of his left hand into the core of his right hand, "That's it, in the words of the recently popular love novels, this should be called... two-way running! "

"Mr. Jess' idea sounds reasonable." Lux couldn't help frowning due to the poor metaphor, and she looked helplessly at the beaming Jess in front of her, "But the question is, why now? You could have waited to convince Parliament, waited until you were free, and then talked to me."

Lux's sharpness made Jace's eloquence stuck in his throat.

Looking at the calm Lacus, he blinked in embarrassment, then picked up the wine glass on the table, and took a sip to hide his embarrassment and helplessness.

"About this question..." Jess, who put down his wine glass, finally sighed helplessly, "Actually, neither the tutors of the academy nor my parents are willing to support my research, they think I am whimsical. "

"So, you want me to say something nice for you when you are being judged by the parliament?" Lux smiled, "Is that so?"

"This is just part of it!" Jess said firmly, "Believe me, Miss Lacus—I'm not just trying to get rid of the crime. If I want, I can completely push all problems to accidents, and then Tell the council that I will not conduct such an experiment again, and then I can easily get rid of the small punishment of the council..."

"But you insist that your method works." Lux nodded, "You think your Hex technology will definitely be able to transform magic, right?"

"That's right." Jess's eyes shone with longing, "You should know how great and fascinating magic is. It can turn decay into magic, and the impossible into possibility, and Hex Technology will Will bring magic to everyone!"

For a moment, Lux was almost moved by him.

As a mage, Lux knows very well how powerful magic is, and if possible, she is also happy to let everyone use magic.

In other words, let everyone enjoy the convenience brought by magic, which is what Lacus hoped for.

But at this moment, facing the excited Jess, she narrowed her eyes slightly, and after thinking for a moment, she tentatively gave a suggestion of her own.

"Mr. Jess." Lux tried her best to consider the words, "I agree with your ideal, and I also believe that magic should be controllable and benefit everyone—but the problem is that the ideal must be based on reality. If the council thinks your experiment is dangerous, I don't think my help can change that perception."


"You just said that it's easy to get rid of punishment if you want, right?" Facing Jess who fell silent, Lacus added, "The key to the problem now is that you are not willing to give up your research. , but this study would not be supported."

"That's right, you're right." Jess finally lost his voice, "This is exactly where I need your help. Help me convince the council."

"Compared to convincing the council, I actually have another better choice." Lacus did not follow Jess's words, "I can be your personal sponsor."

 Karya's Small Classroom·Jianzheng:

  Harmonious discussion, the speeches in paragraph comments, chapter comments and book reviews should not be realistic, thank you for your cooperation.

(End of this chapter)

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