Lux's Farewell

Chapter 70 [0068] The so-called background is amazing

Chapter 70 [0068] The so-called background is amazing
Make Lux your personal patron?
Jess blinked, staring blankly at the smiling little girl in front of him, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"Someone is already funding me now. The Gilaman family is stable and generous." After a long pause, he stammered and said again: "Thank you very much for your appreciation, Miss Lacus—but if you can't pass With the approval of the parliament, I have no way to set up a private laboratory in Piltover, even if I have a sponsor..."

"Since it doesn't work in Piltover, why not try Zaun?" Lux once again threw a bombshell, "Compared to Piltover, which is still passable, Zaun is more in need. A place of magical power."

"How is this possible?!" Jess subconsciously said, "Miss Lacus, it's okay if you don't want to help, but you don't have to use Zaun to amuse me—what kind of guys are those guys in the dark alley? I am ignorant, do not speak the law, do not respect knowledge, if it is not for the brat from Zaun, my laboratory will not be blown up!"

Speaking of Zaun, Jess became excited, perhaps because he had just drunk a little wine, his face was flushed, and he did not hide his contempt for Zaun.

"Those guys in the garbage dump are just a bunch of bedbugs destined to wallow in the mud pit, if Miss Lux thinks my ideas are whimsical, you can speak up without using those Zaunites to mock me! "

Jace's words made Lux sigh helplessly.

She had just seen the attitude of the people of Zaun towards the people of Piltover yesterday, and today she saw the attitude of the people of Piltover towards the people of Zaun.

When Jess said "bring magic to everyone with Hex technology", Lux even thought that he would be the same kind of person as herself, but after mentioning the Zaun people, she had to admit, It seemed that from Jace's point of view, Piltover was a human being.

However, Lux, who realized this, was not depressed.

In the past two days of traveling in Piltover and Zaun, she has seen enough magic realism, and Jess's prejudice against the people of Zaun is not a big problem—recalling what Kalya said, Lak Ruth planned to have a good talk with Jess.

Unfortunately, at this moment, the visiting time is over.

"Mr. Jess." When the guard took the initiative to remind the time issue, Lux could only leave a word hastily, "If your understanding of Zaun has changed, or there is really nothing you can do, welcome to Zuun Ann call me—well, just go to Fulgan's Tavern, and I'll leave my contact there."

After finishing speaking, Lacus left the cell in a hurry under the urging of the prison guard.

Then, it wasn't until Lux left the prison and saw Ino again outside that she suddenly realized that she seemed to have forgotten the main purpose of this trip.

Without Kalya by her side, Lux was obviously not used to it, so much so that she forgot the most crucial part.

"That is to say, you listened to Jess talk about his ideals for a long time, but you didn't ask him about the Enlightenment Crystal?" After Lacus recounted the experience in the cell, Kalya said helplessly, "You I don’t even know where his Enlightenment Crystal came from, and is it still in stock?”

"There's no other way." Leaving curled his lips a little helplessly, "The visiting time is limited, so I don't have time to ask."

"...You, you!" Kalya snorted, "In this case, we have to pay a little attention to Jess's trial, but listening to what you said, Jess might not be able to fight for it."

"Try to let him go to Zaun with us?"

"Almost." Kalya thought for a moment, "But now is not the time to think about these things, everything will have to wait for the verdict from Jess."


Lux was not successful with the prison visit.

But because of her unsuccessful visit to the prison, Finn, who was far away in Zaun, was devastated for a while.

After Lux left Zaun, a skilled stalker hid in the shadow of the building and watched her enter the Blue Smoke Manor from afar.

This guy is familiar with the terrain, and has kept a fairly long distance from Lux, so that neither Lux nor Ino noticed these two guys who were flying over the walls.

And Karya, who shared the perspective with Lux, naturally didn't realize that there was someone following them.

Because Lanxun Manor belongs to a "high-end residential area", the stalker did not go further, but reported the news to Finn.

After getting the news, Finn couldn't help frowning.

"Lanxun Manor? Every family has a resort there, this news is useless! Didn't you see which building they entered?"

"Don't think about it, I can't see it." The hired Mr. Shadow snorted, "I can only tell you about Lanxun Manor, if you want me to get closer... you will have to pay more!"

Although Finn is extremely dissatisfied with this behavior of sitting on the ground and raising prices, he is very aware of the quality of his subordinates. It is okay to let them fight, but it is a bit unprofessional to let them follow-professional things have to be left to professional people. Do.

So, no matter how dissatisfied he was, Finn finally threw a bag of gold coins to the other party.

"I want some useful information to find out which holiday manor she lives in!" Finn snorted coldly, "You are the most reliable guys under Silko!"

"There are many reliable people under Silko." The other party took Jin Hex carelessly, "Don't use him to overwhelm me, he is my leader, but it has nothing to do with you!"

Although he said it was okay, but after getting the money, Mr. Shadow stepped up his strength very reliably—the next morning, when Lux walked out of the gate of Lanxun Manor, he fell far again. up.

This guy has already made a plan. No matter where Lux goes, he just needs to follow him from a distance. Know their addresses.

There's nothing wrong with the plan itself.

But he never expected that Lux's target today... is the prison in Piltover!
Seeing Lux and Ino enter the Piltover Prison together after registration, Mister Shadow was paralyzed.

How do you keep track of this?
You know, Piltover's Stillwater Prison is not in the city, but on an isolated island. The ships going to this isolated island are individually numbered and parked on special docks!
Not to mention going to the prison and staring at it, even if you stay near the pier, there are prison security guards patrolling all over the place!

Mr. Shadow, a person who has been wandering between black and white all year round, knows very well that in Piltover, the law enforcement officers are just a group of high-level security guards. security personnel.

The former is easy to understand. Those chaebols are all very life-saving, and the guards are naturally not mediocre.

As for the latter... Piltover's zodiac basement, high-level prisons, key laboratories and other places are forbidden areas!
Stalking on the perimeter of the prison?
What a joke.

Seeing that Lux boarded the boat to Stillwater Prison, Mr. Shadow resolutely gave up the mission, and then found Finn neatly.

Finn, who was full of expectations, just got a piece of news that made him look confused.

"That guy went to the Stillwater Prison in Picheng, and he couldn't keep an eye on him—the money you added is considered the cost of finding out this news."

 Carya's Small Classroom Mr. Shadow:

  Mr. Shadow is Finn's fellow villager, also from Ionia, and currently hangs out with Silko.

  No one knows why he left Ionia—though one can tell from the frequency of his visits to Dark Lane that he may have been exiled for some ignoble reason.

  As for this statement, he neither admitted nor denied it.

(End of this chapter)

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