Lux's Farewell

Chapter 71 [0069] Silco

Chapter 71 [0069] Silco

Finn wanted his money back—he had paid an astonishingly large amount of money to find out where Lux was coming from.

But it's a pity that the other party didn't have the consciousness of "refund if things are not done", or according to Mr. Shadow's own words, it is called "the information that she has entered Piltover Prison is worth so much".

"Worth a fart!" Finn immediately complained, "Maybe she just went in to check on the prison-don't fool me with such meaningless news!"

Following Finn's words, the thugs around him showed their weapons.

Because last time I suffered a big loss in the hands of Ino, Finn spent a lot of money to buy a few sets of rune steel armor from the black market. Although it is an old style eliminated by the Demacians, it has nothing to do with Lux's high-quality goods. However, it can still keep him and his thugs from being helpless when facing the mage.

Facing the thugs who were staring at him like a tiger, Mr. Shadow finally put away his mean smile.

"In our business, you have to keep your eyes open, you need to know who can provoke and who can't - I don't care if that little girl is visiting the prison, I only know that she is in the prison in Piltover, and I can't follow , Listen to Finn, this is just a private job, earn some golden hex work, I can't risk it for your private job."

"Then spit out the money."

"It's late - I'm not a bitch in a dark alley, I can spit out everything easily... Don't get excited, because your golden hex gave me a good night, I will give you a suggestion How about it?"

"Suggestion?" Finn narrowed his eyes, "Let me hear what kind of advice Mr. Shadow can give."

"Don't eat alone, Finn." Mr. Shadow seemed to be a real shadow, fitting perfectly on his seat, "The title of Alchemy Baron sounds bluffing, but everyone knows, what exactly are you relying on?" Come to today!"

"Hirko asked you to say that?" Finn gritted his teeth, "When you take on private work, you still think of your master, what a loyal and good dog!"

"It's boring, Finn." Mr. Shadow curled his lips, "You should know what I mean, I didn't ask you why you asked me to follow that little girl, but it doesn't mean I don't know anything, or that In a word, don’t eat alone—Silk is not a dead-brained van der, think more for yourself.”

After saying this, Mr. Shadow, like a pool of flowing shadows, quietly slipped down from the chair, and arrived at the door in the blink of an eye.

The thugs all looked at Finn, waiting for his order.

After thinking for a moment, Finn grabbed his lighter and shook his head silently.

"Let him go!" Finn lit a cigarette, "I hope he dies in those women's bellies tomorrow!"

"Accept your good words, each other!" Mr. Ying laughed loudly, "I also wish you a lot of money!"


Reluctantly, Finn finds Silko.

It seems that this matter is not something that he alone can undertake - Lux's background is too big, and she seems to be holding an amazing project. From the current point of view, Finn alone does not seem to be able to Take it down completely.

Now that he decided to cooperate, Finn simply stated everything openly - anyway, his factory has the most powerful production capacity in Zaun, and he can take a bite of this big cake without eating alone. From this perspective , he can be considered confident.

With this in mind, Finn briefly told Silko what happened, of course, from his own point of view.

"So, you want to know the specific background of which little girl?"

Silko is a thin one-eyed dragon, one of his eyes was destroyed when he followed Vandel to the Sun Gate, and was later replaced by a pure black prosthetic eye.

During the process of Finn's narration, this one eye stared at him motionlessly, which made him sweat involuntarily-but in fact, Silko's office was cold, and Finn had been in the whole process. He fiddled with the lighter anxiously, but failed to ignite it several times, and did not sweat a single drop on his back.

Now, after Finn finished speaking, Silko finally withdrew his gaze. Relieved, Finn finally lit the lighter, lit a cigarette for himself, and took a deep breath.

"The more you know, the more you can get - I can have a large number of people to support!"

"It doesn't take much gold hex to raise your cattle and horses." Silko sneered, "So, don't play sloppy with me here, how did you get the news about her?"

"She's from Vander." Finn didn't play tricks on the issue, "and broke up with Vander—understandably, that Vander guy, always so stubborn."

"Fandre is indeed an idiot." Silko nodded, and before Finn could heave a sigh of relief, he quickly added the next sentence, "And now you are trying to pick up something that an idiot doesn't want, and you want to pull it off." with me?"

"What do you mean, Silko?" Hearing this, Finn frowned, "Are you not interested in this? Well, let me borrow some reliable people, not Mr. Shadow's kind of consumptive ghost with kidney deficiency... ..."

"You didn't even know the identities of those two little girls, so you made up a big show." Finally, Silko couldn't bear it any longer, and smiled mockingly at Finn, "Why, do you think it's The lady and maid of a member of the parliamentary family want to come to Zaun to find a good and cheap partner for the family business?"

"Isn't it?" Although Finn's heart sank, his face remained calm, "Why, do you know their details?"

"A little bit." Shirko moved his shoulders, and then happily leaned back in his large chair, "They are not the young ladies of Piltover—those two people came here ten days ago Picheng's... boat, should be the route from West Shurima."

"How is this possible?" Finn stood up suddenly, "They know my details—and they even mentioned the parts of the composite tidal power construction machinery!"

"Hahaha, it's so stupid." Hearing Finn's convincing words, Silko seemed to have heard the funniest joke, "The compound tidal power engineering machine you mentioned is simply the Academy of Evolution Day Science and Progress As for the fact that they know your details...Vandel knows it too!"

Hearing Silko's words, Finn's entire face darkened.

It very much hopes that this is fake, but that Silko is suppressing himself, and it is Silko who wants to cut out bigger tricks from the cake.

But unfortunately, judging from the current situation, all this may be true.

The next moment, Silko stood up in a gentlemanly manner, and handed a hot towel to Finn.

Then, squinting his one eye, he watched Finn wipe the sweat off his face like a clown taking off his make-up.

 Carya's small classroom Zaun's human resources:
  Despite the harsh living conditions, Zaun seems to have an inexhaustible supply of human resources in the eyes of Mrs. Seeing the same Zaun in the same factory doesn't mean the factory is too slow

(End of this chapter)

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