Lux's Farewell

Chapter 72 [0070] Staying in Zaan

Chapter 72 [0070] Staying in Zaan
In Silko's eyes, Finn is a clown, a clown to the letter.

This clown thinks he is a smart guy, and thinks that by hugging Piltover's thigh, he can become a master and even join Piltover, but he obviously doesn't know that what Piltover needs is an obedient dog, not a dog with a dog. Ambitious people.

The way Finn crawled toward Piltover at every opportunity seemed like a wriggling maggot to Silko's eyes.

They are unreliable and untrustworthy. What they want to make them bow their heads is not to cut flesh from the people of Zaan, but to let Zaan have equal power!

In Silko's view, the previous attack on the Sun Gate was not a mistake, the mistake was that they failed to rush down the Sun Gate!

There are many people in Zaun.

However, the people of Zaun had no weapons or equipment, relying only on their flesh and blood, they couldn't resist the bullets of the Pichengers.

The failure of the Sun Gate has made Silko realize the crux of the problem, and the peace between the two cities and the law enforcement officer's fear of Zaun have given him a new understanding of the relationship between the two cities.

Perhaps, Zaun does not necessarily need a complete victory.

As long as there is no way for Picheng to win easily, they will sit down and talk honestly.

With this in mind, Silko gave up his reputation as the leader of the alchemy baron, and spent most of his wealth on sponsoring alchemy technology.

Although most of the people with the best brains in Zaun chose to go to Piltover, Silko still relied on the rest to develop his own unique alchemy technology in Zaun.

However, the instability of alchemy technology was still a huge problem—at this time, magic entered Silko's vision.

Silko is different from Finn.

Even in Fulgan's Tavern, he had his own clues, so he was not ignorant of Lux's identity—plus the bombing in Piltover at that time was really impossible to cover up, and even caused a burst of panic. He quickly figured out the general course of the matter, and even deduced the departure place of Lacus through the time of entering the port.

Even... Silko went to the scene himself and saw the traces left by Ino's spell at that time—although the ice edge had already melted completely with the fading of the magic power, the traces left by the spell still made Hill Branch is heartbroken.

If you can master such power yourself!
Then, when Silko was silently thinking about whether he could find a way to get in touch with Lacus and Ino, and see if he could lure the two little girls who knew nothing about the world to Zaun, his subordinate Mr. Shadow revealed Finn thing.

Now, as Finn exploded the conversation between him and Lacus angrily, a vague plan became clearer and clearer in Silko's head.

Although this is a bit risky, when he thinks of Yinuo's amazing strength, he can't help but feel his heart beat faster.

Maybe...letting that little girl named Lacus die at the hands of the Piltover is a good choice?


Lux didn't know that many people in Zaun had already started to make their own ideas.

While Xirko was consummating her plan, she was packing things with Ino and was about to check out and leave.

After discussing with Kalya, they decided to temporarily stay at Fulgan's Tavern—although it was comfortable to live in Blue Smoked Manor, it was still too far away from Zaun.

The next target of the investigation is Zaun.

From Lanxun Manor to Zaan, the two of them had to walk a long way, and then take the elevator—to go to Zaan, more than half of the time was spent on the road.

So, living in Zaun is obviously a better idea.

Considering the chaotic state of Zaun, they finally decided to settle down in Fulgan's Tavern first.

After all... They went around Zaun before, and it turned out that Fulgan's Tavern seemed the most likely place to live.

Those areas in Lower Zaun, even with a filter, the smell is unbearable!

As for the dark alley area of ​​Upper Zaun, although there are many places that look more comfortable than Fulgan's Tavern, those places where the feasting and feasting are obviously not suitable for two little girls to stay.

In this way, after packing up, the two of them brought their luggage to Fulgen's Tavern neatly.

This uninvited behavior made Vander somewhat at a loss.

"What are you going to do?" The bear-like man looked helplessly at the two little girls with suitcases, "I've already answered all your questions, why are you going to my tavern now?"

"Because of this." Lacus took out a piece of paper, "Your own advertisement, here can provide a place to stay."

At this moment, Van der regretted the rental advertisement he voluntarily released two days ago in order to hide the traces of the four children.

"...Is it uncomfortable to live in Lanxun Manor?" Fandre hesitated, "Why did you run to my tavern?!"

"Because we want to understand Zaun!" Lux said frankly, "Only by entering Zaun can we understand Zaun."

"Then what? Enrich your travel notes and decorate your life?" Van der sighed helplessly, "You can go to the dark alley, there are storytellers there, and a glass of wine can let him chatter about a story with you. afternoon……"

"Legends can't change this city." Lux shook her head, "but a real understanding of Zaun can."

"Understand Zaun, change Zaun?" Fandre was stunned for a moment, then sighed helplessly, "Little girl, if you don't want to say it, you don't have to say it, you don't need to make excuses."

"This is the truth!" Lux emphasized, "What I want to know is the most authentic Zaun, its birth, its past, its relationship with Piltover, the work and life of the people here, and then create a new way of life for Zaun." Zaun seeks a new way out—”

"You don't need to find the future of Zaun!" Fandre obviously couldn't agree with Lux's thoughts, "Zuan is the Zaun of Zaun people, and we have a good life!"

"That's right, but judging from the current actual situation, I'm afraid it's not the case. I went to Finn's factory yesterday. Although there are all Zaun people working there, it's not for Zaun." Lux Shrugged, then spread his hands innocently, "Mr. Vander, don't be nervous, I really don't have any malicious intentions... Besides, it's not that I don't want to pay."

Lies are not terrible, the truth is the sharp knife that hurts people.

Hearing Lacus talk about the Alchemy Baron and their factory, the shameless Fandre couldn't say anything for a moment.

After all...he knew very well that Baron Alchemist was the dog of the people of Piltover, but many people in Zaun still needed the work offered by Baron Alchemist.

For a moment, Vander even really thought about the question of "is she really here to change Zaun", but it is obvious that he can't trust this foreigner at all now.

However, in the end he still lost a key to Lux.

"There is no hot water here. If you want to take a bath, you will have to pay extra. Also, I suggest you not to wander around or eat after twelve o'clock in the evening. Zaun is more dangerous than you think!" Fandre picked it up casually. My own pipe, "If you don't understand anything, you can ask me... just treat it as making friends."

"Thank you." Lux took the key and showed a big smile, "I will be careful!"

 Carya's Small Classroom · Alchemy Technology:

  Alchemy technology, as Zaun's "advantageous technology", fits very well with Zaun's style. Poor Zaun, who lacks doctors and has a short average life expectancy, takes a large dose of anything that "may be effective" when he is in trouble. It is a helpless choice for many Zaun people.

(End of this chapter)

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